His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Fe...

By WritingRosette

162K 6K 8.5K

Cross published on AO3. Set before the movie, since the book was created before the trailer was released. S... More

Midnight Gaming
A 'Little' Something
Pep Talk
How Do You Know My Name!?
Confession And Gift Giving
Welcome To The Hidden City!
Let's Go Together
With Friends And Relatives
A Few Heartaches
No More Silence Please
A Mishap
Arguments And Apologies
New Faces
Hangout Time
Game On
New Enemy
Troubles Back Home
Start Up
Some Other Voice
Two Sided Story
Turtle Fam Bonding™

Better Reunions

5.1K 185 376
By WritingRosette


I turned around to see the one and only.........

"Professor Draxum!" I ran towards him to give him a hug. He is Aunt Mama's biggest rival, but he was still very dearly close to me. He was the person who guided me through my magic studies. He picks me and spins me around. "Oh, Y/N. Good to see you. What are you doing here in the market?" He places me down, and I dust my clothes off. "I was just checking for artifacts, the ones that might help me with my magic?" He shook his head at my answer. He placed a hand on my shoulder to spin me around to the other direction. "This is not the place you should be alone, there are many mischievous yokai that would lead you astray. Follow me, you can stay at my lab as I call your parents." We started walking out the market, and I was not really pleased. I'm not a kid anymore, I can take care of myself. I tried to keep my pouting face the entire time I was with him, but he wasn't irritated nor amused. Professor is always so hard to read. 

We reached his laboratory later, it was far different than the last time I saw it. Like it was rebuilt and renewed. Even his equipment seemed to have changed, everything was looking dusty too. The more I look around, the less menacing the place looks. It was like everything had been baby proofed, was that intentional? 

"Hey, Prof? What happened to your lab?" He settled down a few bags, probably from the market. He turned to look at me. "It's been too long since we last met, what was it? Two or three years? Things happened, and I don't exactly live here anymore. It's still my lab either way, but I have moved to a living quarters." He had a face of disgust that switched into acceptance really quickly. He also told me that his mutation projects had come to a close. I remember he told me about it when I was younger, I was kinda the inspiration. I had a magic outburst when I was little, and that was when my mom looked for the professor. He spent his time with me in order to do research on me. He said that I was like this because of my synergy. He had already attempted to make an army with the same synergy I had, so he had to find newer human subject. It couldn't be me, because my human DNA will easily get overpowered by the yokai DNA. He left my family after my outbursts calmed themselves. I haven't really seen him all that much, but I've written to him multiple times. His letters stopped coming when I was in highschool, so I just thought he forgot about me. 

He sat me down at the kitchen table as he left to look for his phone. He can hear his conversation with my parents and they do not sound that happy, that was my fault. But I wasn't hurt in any way, so I don't think it's that bad. My anxiety slowly rises as I start to hear my dad's voice grow louder through the phone. Draxum gave me the 'you're dead' look and he was right. I'm dead. There is no way I'm gonna survive dad's lectures. My brain is gonna rot itself to hell. My facial expressions tell Mr. Draxum exactly what he needs to know about my emotions, I'm really readable according to his book. But nonetheless, I still wanted to explore a bit more. Seeing Professor Draxum reminded me of Big Mama, my aunt from my mother's side. I've only talked to her once, and at the time she wanted me to be the heir to her hotel since she doesn't exactly have a young blood relative till I came by. She was insistent on teaching my bargaining and economic skills even before I was even a teen. Kinda memorized some by heart, like to never set a deal fully. So that you can manipulate it to your desire if it doesn't end well, which is kinda mean but it works. I've actually tested it a lot at middle school for some reason, I was the Queen of the Cubbies, ruler of everything and everyone. Which was such a weird thing for me to even consider having at my age now. But I kinda do miss her, how has she been doing? It's been awhile since her last text. And it was never really her texting, always one of her goons. But when she does give me her time, she has always been so generous. Like mom. 

"Young one." His voice was stern, I looked up to the professor. He had the phone in his hand, but the call wasn't over. He lowered his hand to present to me his phone, and I took it. I hesitated for a while, but managed to find the courage to answer it. I could hear heavy breathing from the other side and I knew dad was furious. "Hello?" I was expecting to be shouted at, getting scolded for what I did and all that stuff. But he didn't say anything for a moment. 

"Honey, why did you go outside?"

"Umm, I was interested in the city. I just wanted to- I'm sorry about leaving abruptly, I thought that-"

"Were you conscious of your actions?"


"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh thank goodness, just be careful okay?"

"Mr. Draxum has something for you."

He ended the call, what was that? Dad wasn't mad at me? I thought he would be, I mean I kinda ran away from them! I was at least expecting a lecture of some sort, telling me I'm wrong, but he said nothing. I was utterly bamboozled, confusing circling me like vultures. I looked towards Professor Draxum and he had a small box handed out to me. I grabbed it and opened it with one arm, to reveal a charm necklace. It had some sort of inscription on it, but I couldn't decipher it. The amulet was diamond shaped, more to a rhombus I suppose. It was colored with terracotta brown, and silver edgings. The chain itself was made of a silver alloy, shaping hearts. It was a really fancy necklace. 

"This charm will allow you to understand the language of us yokais. There are always variations in words and different definitions in languages, so this will be of use to you." Wait, hold on. Why is he giving me a charm so I can talk to people? 

"It will also protect you from dark magic, dispelling and curses that were laid on you." Curses? Dark Magic? What was he talking about? Someone's trying to put hexes on me?!

"It also informs your parents of your location, that way they can assist you in your deepest troubles." Wait, what?! 

"I'm sorry, what?! My parents?! Did they tell you to do this?!" Confused, I started asking questions. I had to know just why dad wasn't mad at me, why the professor gave me the charm, why they are doing this all out of character! I look the professor straight dead in the eye, he knows something I don't and that's obvious. His expression doesn't change whatsoever, he opens his mouth to speak. 

"You aren't here on a trip, you're moving here." My eyes seized in size. What? Moving? "What do you mean by that?" His face still had the same look, frozen with nothing. "Your parents want you to improve your magic, and so they decided that you would be better here than up there. They have contacted me far before this day, they were preparing everything. If you had friends, then you'd never see them again. I'm sorry in advance." Sorry in advance? What was that supposed to mean?! I had something up there and they're not even gonna let me take it with me?! Why didn't they tell me before they brought me here, we had an entire house there! We had everything, why did we......... 

"I know you're angry, but they told me you only had one friend. You aren't losing much here." I had a crush, do they know about that? I'm pretty sure dad knows, does he not like Donnie? Why wouldn't he let me say my goodbyes? At least to April. She's always been there for me and now.........I can't return the favor. Why did this.........happen to me?  I thought that I was......was I not good enough? Why else would they drag me down here? They want me to be better, they want me to be stronger, why can't they just let it happen naturally? I can't just go yet........

"Young one, I-" "Shut up. I don't need to hear." I don't feel okay anymore. I pulled my legs to my chest and laid my head on top. I know I look childish, but that wouldn't matter at the moment. Tears slowly seeped through my lids as my back jolted with hiccups. I'm crying again, why am I so sensitive? I can feel the professor's aura, he's confused. I am too, but for a different reason. He's confused because he thought I wanted this, but he gave me my space. I heard him move something, and it turns out he found himself a chair. He sat next to me and rubbed my back. It's not much but it was helping. I don't have much uptop, but those little things mean a lot to me. 

*sniff* "I'm okay." I really should look at this on the bright side. Crying won't solve anything. Hey, didn't Donnie say he's been here before? Maybe I can tell him about it. Then maybe he can tell April about it. Can she visit the Hidden City? I hope she can, that's where I'll be living for the rest of my life. Hey, maybe I'll meet some of my old relatives. We can bond and maybe I'll have more friends here? There's no way to change dad's mind once he makes it. Maybe when I'm really old enough, I can leave on my own back then. Yea, that's what I'll do. I'll deal with this for now, and when I'm ready, I'll go back uptop. Yea. Yea……….

"Would you like me to take you home or do you want your parents to pick you up?" The silence was broken as he spoke. I looked up to him, thinking. "I'm gonna stay with you. If you don't mind." "Of course."

I stayed with Professor Draxum for a few hours, I don't really feel like going back for a while. I mean, they moved without telling me, of course I'm gonna be emotionally distraught. They could've told me at least. Why didn't they tell me? There's no harm in letting your daughter know you're moving. What are they hiding from me? Am I not trustworthy enough? I've always been a good person, I obeyed almost every rule. What happened to my family? Is there something wrong with our family? I thought........

"Is something on your mind, Y/N?" He gave me a bowl of soup, looked very weird but hey that's probably just my human side talking. It's probably normal in yokai life. Just need to see it as it is. I'm gonna be living this way. "Don't worry about the uptop, it's havoc there anyways." "It's not about the havoc, professor. I have things there I don't wanna lose." I wasn't lying when I said I have something dear, but it sounds most likely unbelievable judging by how I act. I've never been able to keep things for long, guess it is still that way. I swallowed a spoonful of the soup, tasted odd but edible. I taste metal in it, what the heck are in these soups?  "Well......why don't we train? It's been a while and I see you've already gotten your mother's spellbook." I double checked my duffle bag to see that he's right. I bought it with me. I also found a random artifact in it. I gave it to the professor and asked if it was his. He shook his head. The professor then took it to his examination table, I followed right behind him. He started using a spell on it, presumably to dispel the thingy. Umm, it looks techy? I doubt it though. I looked at the professor to see that he had a face of disgust. "It is not mine, but I know who it belongs to." Just then, he threw his vine capsules on the ground and sprouted vines out towards his ceiling. The ground was shaking, but I managed to catch myself on the table. "What are you doing here, son?" Son? Baron had a kid? I don't remember him having a lover. But that was kinda 3 years ago, did he manage to find someone then? Who's his-

"Ah hah, hey d-dAD! Ow, that hurts. Can you let me go please? You might squish my tech and I kinda need those." The vegetated mass brought him down slowly and dropped him on the floor, a loud thud following him. Donnie? What was he doing here? I thought he was uptop, and that he was still at home. "What brings you here, purple?" "Just, you know, checking after someone." He started chattering with the professor, slowly making distances as they're whispers got quieter. Why is everyone keeping secrets? 

"Ahem. I'm right here. Donnie what the hell are you doing here?" Although I was happy having him here, why the hell was he in the shadows? Like he was trying to spy on me. I could see that his face was sweating. He tried to mutter out words but they ended up being incoherent. Professor even nudged his side for me. That managed to snap him out. I kept my eyes on Donnie, he tried to look away. He is definitely hiding something. 

"Ok so, on the phone, you said you were exploring the Hidden City alone, so I thought-" "He tracked down your phone and proceeded to put a tracker in your bag." What? A tracker in my bag? Tracked down my phone?! What type of person does that?! My blood pressure is rising, Damn I'm mad. 


"Lo-look Y/N. I was just worried for your safety, so I thought that I should watch after you as you explore? Ok, that sounded better in my head. But I don't mean any harm at all." Curse you Baron, I could've handled it on my own. But you decided to butt in and ruin EVERYTHING. Never can you just mind your own business! Now Y/N is mad at me. 

I watched her features while slowly backing away. Her eyebrows were twitching, as she scrunched up her nose. She took small slow steps towards me, goddammit she's really mad. Why did it have to end this way? I tried to back down rhythmically to her steps, but her steps got larger with every beat. "You placed a tracker on me?" Ok, she's really mad. Her voice lowered an octave and her facial expression got blanker. I backed myself into a wall, and there is no place else to run. I closed my eyes and braced myself for an attack but.......

"Oh thank goodness you're here, I thought I wasn't gonna see you again." I was brought into an embrace. She wasn't mad at me, she was relieved to see me. The hug itself isn't comfortable, but at least it's with her. I wouldn't mind at all. I tried to hug her back, but it just feels really weird since she is shorter than me. It's kinda cute to be honest, cuddling with her. Not like I want to or anything, it's just a thought. "What's the matter?" She looked sad, very miserable. Did something happen? She was very excited when she called to explore. Dammit, I should've entered the laboratory earlier. I could've eavesdropped better. She shifted in my grip, not lifting her face whatsoever. I looked towards Draxum and he understood. "Her parents are making her move here, she doesn't sound happy about the idea." Y/N moved her face to face her side. "Yea, cuz then I won't be able to see you again. I don't wanna leave the topside." She shoved her face back, how adorable. But really not that useful, my plastron is sturdy so she doesn't really get to hide her face. "You know........ I wouldn't exactly be leaving you. I kinda live in the Hidden City." "Huh?" Her face looked at me, confusion written on her. Probably should've told her then. "I already moved to the Hidden City so you're not alone on this." She lets go of me, scratching her head. "Wait, what about April?" "She can come and go whenever she wants, so she could still see you here." Relief ran through her eyes, but I could feel some dark energy whispering from her. 

"Mind answering me why you called Professor Draxum dad?" Ah shit, forgot I said that. "Well um, he is my maker." 

"Y/N, Purple here was one of the mutation projects I had, along with his brothers. They were my first test on human DNA manipulation. Technically, I am their second father." Thankfully Draxum explained for me. She knows about Splinter so I don't need to say anything. "Professor~ You didn't tell me you swing both ways! I would've been so supportive!" Y/N started jumping around, delighted. Damn, never thought about it, they are gay. "Y/N, as your professor, I will not hesitate to use you as a test subject as punishment. Keep your thoughts to yourself." But Y/N wasn't affected by his threats. Instead, she kept leaping and joking about the topic. I looked towards Draxum to see that he was flustered and irritated. Y/N really has her ways with people, huh? I decided to spend some time with her to discuss her worries about moving. My motive was to try and convince her that it's okay. But I really think that she would be far safer uptop then down here. There's too much criminal activity here around the city, but I guess it's her parent's choice. Maybe they had a reason. 


Meeting her parents, huh? That's gonna be a moment to think about. I mean, I still haven't even asked her out. But her moving here might settle an opportunity. I know this place more than her, I could bring her somewhere nice and she'll be amazed! I can show off my good side and maybe we can be a thing? A thing. Such a weird thing to say. When was I ever thinking this way? I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't fall for anyone, but here I am now. You're such a liar, Donatello. Why can't you just show your true feelings? Stop hiding secrets, that's the reason you have conflict with your brothers. Keep in mind that she will act the same way your brothers did. 

Okay, breathe in, breathe out. 

The chances are never zero, always be prepared. I noticed that the time is really late already, and that Y/N's parents are probably looking for her. So I offered to escort her back to her home. Y/N opened her next to me and looked for her parents number to inform them. Why did she open her phone right next to me? I could see her password. Was that intentional or not? Anyways, she gave me the new address of her house. Turns out the hotel was just for a night so they could get their other belongings to the other house. I asked her about how she wanted to go home. Maybe flying or walking, and she seemed to want to walk today. I let her pack her stuff and he departed. Draxum could take care of himself for all I care, that snitch. 

Me and Y/N decided to go through the main street, it was not as crowded as it is when it's late. So it was like walking through a park. This could be my chance, I mean we've been chatting for three months more. Maybe even more, if I count the accidental meetups. Yea, we're close too I suppose. That is simply my opinion, I haven't asked for her side of the story so I can't really assume. The city is nice when there's no one running aro-

"Hey, is it okay if I hold your hand?" Huh? Hold my hand!? Hold. My. Hand?! Umm, what do I say?! I can't say no to her, she probably has a good reason, and not just because she likes me that way. Donnie, say something, say something!!b

"Um, sure." That's it? That's it?! You're not gonna ask why?! You just stopped! What the hell, Donatello?! You just said sure! 

I know, I know! What else was I supposed to say?! I don't understand why she asked so, you can't blame me! 

Um, I can. Because you are an idiot! 

I've never experienced feelings like this before, I'd like to see you do better than me! But, no, you can't. Cause I am you! 

"Donnie, how long till we reach there?" Y/N tugged my hand downward. It's so funny with her being shorter than me. But her figure was shorter than before, why is that? 

"Are you tired, Y/N?" She merely hummed and nodded as a response. She's walking slower too. *sigh* Take matters into your own hand, Donnie. So I decided to pick her up, with her on my back. Not bridal style, that'll be too weird. I activated the seat mode on my battle shell, which was made for April at first. I crouched down, so she could get up. It took her a while to respond with motion, but she did so later. She laid her arms on my shoulders and I continued walking. It was only when I noticed that we are out really late. The streets are quiet but it can be very dangerous. I walked just a little longer to make sure that she was asleep. And when she is, I decided to take a flight. It's a faster and more efficient way to travel. 

We reached her place in no time, it looked like her old house, but there were re-colors and re-designs. It looks like a yokai household, but it has a human interior. Maybe it was to avoid suspicion. I wouldn't understand. Should I knock or should I just go through the window? The same way I have always entered. Yup, the windows it is. I did my old little scheme, and managed to bring her back to her room. I layed her on the bed and tucked her in. I was intending to leave immediately but, something gorgeous caught my eye. I watched her sleeping figure, and everything seemed out of this world. 

The night sky complements her skin with luminosity. Her soft skin sparkling along with the mystic dust of the environment. The small details that I can catch of her face this very moment is astounding. How was I this lucky? She could very much receive someome far better than me. But I'm very grateful for our encounter. I could thank April for everything, but she still doesn't know that I've already met Y/N. I'm keeping yet another secret from my family. But, I'll keep it a little longer. They will know soon enough, no matter how much I tried. I'd like to cherish this moment right in front of me. 

Maybe, a little affection won't hurt, just a small thing. 

And so I thought it will be to give her a kiss on her forehead. Nothing to intimate, nothing to extensive. Just a light kiss. Now that I've done it, my heart is exploding in my chest. Oh, that shit hurts like hell. You know what, my brothers are probably looking for me, I should leave. She's already home safely, I'm off to go. 

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