One Killing Maze

By youremyuwu

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[Sequel to One Killer Maze] Some time has passed since Y/n has escaped the maze. She has gone into hiding wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15.5
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 25.5
Chapter 26
Epilogue - Jeff the Killer
Epilogue - Masky
Epilogue - Hoodie
Epilogue - Liu/Sully
Epilogue - Eyeless Jack
Epilogue - Doctor Smiley
Epilogue - Truth

Chapter 7

776 46 41
By youremyuwu

Y/n inhaled sharply through her nose as she jogged deeper into the woods, the greenery around her becoming denser and denser by the second. Eyeless Jack and Skully had sent Y/n forward as their messenger as they two had to literally carry the massive creature towards their destination. Y/n was pointed in a direction by Skully and was told to run ahead of them to explain the situation.

Her pace slowed, the thundering sounds of her heart beating against her ears becoming the only thing she could hear. Y/n could no longer see the sky that once peered through the top of the trees; this part of the forest was that dense.

A sigh escaped her lips as she continued at a slow pace since Skully and Jack would have a harder time catching up with the beast in their arms. Even with the two of them combined, could they actually carry the Rake?

In the distance of the sky, Y/n could hear the rumbling of clouds and upon inhaling through her nose, she could smell the faint scent of rain. It hadn't begun to rain just yet, but there was a storm approaching. Her eyes narrowed as she quickened her search for what the cannibal had requested her to find...

And that actually didn't take long at all.

Through a very dense wall of bushes and other foilage, Y/n found a very tattered-looking cabin. The wooden cabin was in a circular clearing, the sky now somewhat visible, showing off a greyish hue. The clouds had drifted in quicker than she initially thought. Even though the clearing was spacious enough that it didn't touch any of the trees, it was hidden just barely so that no human could easily find their way here. Not if that human was lost, however.

Approaching the building, Y/n couldn't help but feel that something was off. It wasn't a bad feeling, but there was something sitting in the back of her head that was familiar. Could it be the scenery? Or the rain? Something about the house? She wasn't sure, but it would surely sit at the back of her mind for a while. Y/n tentatively approached the door and...knocked.

There was no answer and Y/n briefly thought about peeking through the dirtied window to her left, but she could've sworn she heard someone shuffling around on the other side of the door, so, she knocked again. Except, before her hand could even reach the wooden object, it was pulled open so quickly that Y/n had no room to react when a hand grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her forward, hard.

Y/n tumbled to the ground, her body hitting the wooden floor creating a loud thud that bounced throughout the cabin, her arms were sprawled out at her side. She was dazed but was still clearly aware of the weight pressing down on her torso. A man held a small knife directly to her throat.

"Who are you? What is your business here?" He hissed, his red eyes narrowing dangerously. Y/n blinked, noticing immediately that his sclera was pitch black, the irises red; similar to BEN's.

"Speak!" Y/n tilted her head up just a tad as the knife lowered dangerously close to her neck.

"M-my name is Y/n. I came here..because Ja-Eyeless Jack wanted me to give you a warning..." She had been eyeing the knife as she spoke but flicked her e/c orbs upwards to take a good look at the so-called 'doctor' Jack trusted. Asides from his odd eyes, his skin was pale and his black hair was disheveled and somewhat greasy. The man wore a collared, white shirt with a black tie and what seemed to be a white doctor's coat. What Y/n also found that was somewhat strange about him is that he had on blue surgical gloves.

After what seemed to be an eternity of lying on the floor, the black-haired man decided to stand and pocketed the weapon, but he narrowed his eyes down at Y/n, his lips pursing.

"Alright, give me the warning." He spoke rather bluntly, not offering a hand when Y/n slowly got to her feet.

"They're coming here with the Rake. It's been injured by...something, I don't know, it was pretty bad." She explained, the doctor crossing his arms.

"They're coming?" He repeated with a raised brow.

"Eyeless Jack and Skully."

The male dropped his hands down to his sides and huffed. He then began to walk down the one hall that led to three doors, one down the center, one to the left, and another to the right. The one on the left was open and he pushed the door open a tad bit more before entering.

After tearing her eyes away from the door, Y/n surveyed the room a bit better. A fuzzy, red, circular rug covered the center of the boxish room. Two red (but faded) couches sat around it, one against the wall where the covered window was and one to the left (her right) of it. There was little room for a kitchen, but Y/n noticed a small fridge in the corner of the room on faded, black and white tile with a coffee table sitting right next to it.

"Sit down already, would you?" A voice came from down the hall, but when Y/n looked, the man was nowhere to be seen. He was still inside the room he previously entered. She couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed and moved to take a seat on one of the couches. Upon finally settling down, she relaxed into the cushy material of the furniture and sighed.

After a few minutes passed, the man exited the room, closing the door harshly behind him with one hand. The building shuddered from the force, but nothing else happened. He held a large, white medical case in his right hand, the red sign on the box worn and faded, but she could clearly see darker substances splattered on other areas of the item.

"Stay here...and do not enter the door at the end of the hall," he hissed, his eyes narrowing. Y/n stared at him unflinchingly and nodded in reply. They held eye contact for a moment longer before he finally left the cabin, shutting the door the same way he did to the one down the hall.

The cabin was silent, all except for a distant clicking of a clock from somewhere in the house. The walls were probably thin since all the doors were closed, but Y/n didn't mind it. She felt rather comfortable being in a place that was...a little bit close to safe; safe as she could be, at least. Nobody except the killers knew where this place was, well, that was as much as she could deduct from this place.

The h/c-haired girl pried off her tennis shoes, the pads of her feet throbbing with much-needed rest. She had done nothing but run and stand for the past week with little rest (except the time in the cave). Y/n swung her legs over so her body was laying entirely across the comfortable couch and let out a second sigh. Surprisingly, she liked this smaller cabin as it wasn't so...obvious. It wasn't just a few miles away from the road like her previous temporary home was.

Y/n yawned, her eyelids drooping over her tired eyes as she fought to stay awake, but she couldn't keep them open. This couch was just way too comfortable...and the rumbling of the storm clouds in the distance was just too alluring.

Just a short nap... She thought to herself, drifting off into a relaxing slumber.


OKM_Discuss - @(OKMDiscuss) - 3h

     | Updates! Updates! Our teams are onto something...we'll get back to you soon!

     | 💬239 🔁138 🖤320

. . .

PoppyCrisp - @(Arimantik) - 3h

Replying to @(OKMDiscuss)

     | 👀👀👀👀

     | 💬31 🔁9 🖤144

. . .

WolfBlaze - @(InfernoPhionix) - 2h

Replying to @(OKMDiscuss)

     | What more do you guys want?? Let things GO. You are just like AOKMA...

     | 💬285 🔁63 🖤102

. . .

Amazara - @(MeZara) - 2h

Replying to @(InfernoPhionix)

     | As much as I hate it, you do have a point.. unknown motives, like...what are they going to do AFTER they've found out where they are?

     | 💬306 🔁78 🖤171

. . .

Arowna - @(Crozowna) - 2h

Replying to , @(MeZara)

     | don't assume so much! it's still in the beginning phases, we're not so close as to come up with that part yet. please give us time!

     | 💬89 🔁20 🖤54

. . .

AOKM|OKMP - @(AOKM) - 1h

Replying to @(OKMDiscuss)

     | Please respond to our DM.

     | 💬108 🔁46 🖤217

. . .

PoppyCrisp - @(Arimantik) - 1h

Replying to @(AOKM)

     | ayo? 😳

     | 💬14 🔁9 🖤38

. . .


[Contestant Informants]

[Yesterday at 11:53 PM]

Arowna: cutenaaaaa

RyzaNya: Why are you awake

Arowna: cause i can

Arowna: cuteenaaaaaaaaaa

RyzaNya: She's probably asleep. DMZ too.

Arowna: :(

[Today at 12:00 AM]

RyzaNya: What did you need Cutena for anyways?

RyzaNya: Oop. Probably fell asleep.

[Today at 9:05]

Cutena: hi!! sorry, i'm here! yea, i was asleep😭

Arowna: hiiii!!

Arowna: there were people responding to the main twitter acc being rude so i responded best i could, is that okay?

Cutena: ooh, i just looked. it's fine! next time, just wait until i get online so i can handle it 😊


I think I found some useful information :DMZ

But it is not so much about the contestants, unfortunately. I found this while randomly searching for things.. :DMZ

Cutena: oh?? 😮

Do you know about the Anti-One Killer Maze organization? It's growing larger with numbers lately... :DMZ

I was able to find some of their information online. They've been tracking the previous contestants, specifically victors, of One Killer Maze down. :DMZ

Arowna: who are the victors that are still alive?

RyzaNya: Armen O'Riley and Ann Leir

Y/n L/n as well. :DMZ

Cutena: did the information ever show where they were at or-

There were a few 'last known locations' on the chart. :DMZ

I'll send you a picture I took. :DMZ

They're also looking for relatives that are related to the victors or previous contestants and even the staff that used to work at OKM. :DMZ

Not sure why. :DMZ

RyzaNya: Interesting..

Cutena: great work! i'll save all of this in a doc. make sure to send that picture!

[Image attached] : DMZ

Arowna: whoa lmao were you in that dude's house?

Arowna: ehhh, actually, it's prob the lighting :P


AOKM|OKMP sent you a message.

[ Three days ago at 6:31 AM ]

AOKM|OKMP: Hello. The person behind your account (or personnel) must've not expected a message from us, yes? Well, we would like to discuss with you a trade of information as we seem to both have a common goal. Please get back to us if possible.

[ Today at 1:07 AM ]

Hi. Yes, I did not expect a message from your group, if not at all. Could you elaborate more on this exchange as I am not sure if you understand our outcome for this group we run? Talk soon. :OKM_Discuss

AOKM|OKMP: Alright. Noticing that your group has sprung from only a few members, we would like to offer our help as our association has tripled over the past two weeks. We require information, as do you, so it is a fair trade if you have information that we do not as the same goes for you. And, with both our goals in question...well, it's not like we should disclose our priorities so soon...yes?

I have taken a further look at your page and regret to say that I do not think this exchange will provide enough results; not on our end, but on yours. I apologize as your goal is much more...complicated than ours and far exceeds our limits. Good luck to you. :OKM_Discuss

[ Today at 9:38 ]

Hello again. I've spoken over your offer, this time with someone that is more experienced in this field, and have come to the fortunate agreement that we would like to accept your offer. Please get back to us soon. :OKM_Discuss


Y/n awoke to the loud sound of thunder crackling outside, lightning following soon after, crashing down on the terrain in the distance. Rain pelted against the faded window, she could hear as such even with the blinds blocking the glass. She sat up slowly, her back popping as she stretched forward, reaching out to her toes to wake her body up. Then Y/n crossed her legs and twisted her body towards the center of the room while still sitting on the couch.

Asides from the rain and thunder that rumbled outside, the house was quiet. Y/n could only hear the clicking of the clock within the brief moments of silence between the thunder and the rain. The three killers must've not gotten back yet; how long was she asleep? Her body felt well-rested, so it had to at least be more than twenty minutes.

Y/n turned her body towards the window that was placed right above the couch and got on her knees to peer through the gaps of the blinds. The pane of the glass radiated coolness that sent a brief chill down her spine. Outside, she could see the greenery and trees being pelted with the rainfall. There was no sign of the doctor, Skully, or EJ. After, the h/c-haired girl stretched her legs out from the crossed position and slipped off the couch, the furniture creaking slightly from the released weight. The doctor wouldn't mind if she did any exploring, right? Well, except the door at the end of the hall...she'd respect that much; but right now she didn't want to be confined to one room.

Y/n walked quietly down the hall, turning her head to take a quick glance at the mini-fridge that sat in the corner of the tiled section of the room. It was haphazardly plugged into the wall and she was quite surprised that this place actually had electricity. She wouldn't peek into his food storage though as to preserve the refrigerated substance.

Reaching the first door, the one on her right and the one that was open when she first arrived, she placed a slow hand on the cold metal of the doorknob and twisted. It opened rather easily, so she pushed the door aside. Quickly, Y/n lifted a hand to cover her nose and mouth; the smell in here was revolting. She was surprised that she hadn't smelled it earlier when the door was open.

In the middle of the room, there was a greyish table with four, black leather straps bolted onto it. A moveable metal tray sat next to it, holding a large number of tools, but Y/n could tell that a few of the tools were missing. Was this an operating room? Multiple questionable stains were soaked into the wooden floor. There were many other objects, tables, and other furniture, but Y/n couldn't stand being in this room any longer. Even if she was growing used to the heavy smell of blood, it didn't mean that her stomach could handle it just yet. The girl stepped out of the room and closed the door.

Even though she could breathe a heavy sigh of relief, that didn't force that horrible stench from her memory. Y/n turned to the door to her left, and opened it slowly, waiting for the same revolting smell to hit her. Nope. This time it was just a somewhat large storage room. Dust lingered in the air and onto many boxes and items that were stacked around the room (some on the verge of toppling over). It looked as if this room hadn't been used in a long while, or even opened. She closed it after surveying the room a while longer and stepped back with a sigh.

The room at the end of the hall made her frown. So far she hadn't seen a bedroom, so that's what the room was, right? Then, why did the doctor not want her to see it? Was there some sort of monstrosity behind the door? Another unbelievable sight? Imagining all the possibilities made her want to open the door even more now, but, before she could make a move to do so, a blunt force hit hard against the front door. For a moment Y/n thought it was thunder, but no lightning came after.

Hurrying closer to the front door, Y/n could hear voices muffled on the other side. She opened it slowly and peered through the small opening.

"-this bad! What the hell even happened?" The voice of the doctor reached her ears first, so she opened the door wider. Jack's back was to the door, so he must've been the one that hit it, "and don't you dare think that thing is going in my operating room."

The two of them still held the Rake who was now, surprisingly, unconscious. Eyeless Jack sighed and motioned his head to the right of him, "then put him down here."

Eyeless Jack and the unnamed doctor moved slowly to the front of the window on the outside and placed the beast down carefully so as to not wake it from its slumber. The two of them had noticeable blood on their hands, Jack more so than the other one. The other doctor peeled off his surgical gloves and...his hands were surprisingly normal for someone who had an odd combination of eyes. Y/n was expecting more on the clawed side.

Looking back over to the Rake, Y/n noticed that where it was once gushing blood, the wound had been surgically stitched shut, quite expertly too. Even with the wound stitched shut, Y/n could see where blood once used to flow from the beast's skin, some of it still fresh and staining the leathery skin of the creature. The rain would soon wash it away though.

Speaking of the rain, it was still coming down, but lighter than before.

"Damn..." The dark-haired doctor moved past Y/n who still stood in the doorway, his clothes drenched from the rain, black hair matted against his head and sticking to his face, "I'm going to get a change of clothes."

Eyeless Jack wandered in a bit after, his clothes in the same condition as the other doctor's, but Jack pushed his hood off of his head, his brown hair dry from the protection of his hoodie. Y/n closed the door after; the crisp, outside air gave her goosebumps.

"Doctor Smiley...he doesn't usually get visitors.." Eyeless Jack mumbled, walking over to one of the couches. Thankfully he chose the one Y/n didn't take a catnap on.

"Doctor...Smiley? That's his name?" He hadn't given her a name to call him by; the title was odd, but not the strangest. Jack nodded, slouching over. Y/n moved to sit down on the other couch as she was sure she wouldn't get time to later.

"Did he tell you about..." He trailed off. Y/n kept silent but tilted her head, waiting for him to finish his sentence. Jack lifted his head a bit to glance in her direction, waiting for her to respond. The both of them just stared at each other and Y/n felt even more uncomfortable under Jack's gaze due to the fact he was blind...but he also knew where she was.

"About...?" She questioned, breaking the silence. The girl could see the way Jack's shoulders tense that he had revealed something he probably shouldn't have and shook his head, "nothing. Nevermind."

Y/n stood, "Jack." Her voice was stern and she could feel whatever gaze he had on her leave her form, "no, it's not nothing. What didn't Doctor Smiley tell me about?"

The door.

That was one place Y/n hadn't seen yet, one place Doctor Smiley had told her not to go.

She took one look down the hall, then glanced back at Eyeless Jack who had not moved, then back down the hall. She could see that the door on the left was open, the room Smiley had entered and swallowed.

"Alright, then," Y/n muttered to herself before beginning to walk down the hall. She tried her best to quiet her footsteps, but it was either his heightened hearing or just unlucky timing that caused Doctor Smiley to exit the operating room. His eyes immediately fell upon Y/n who had paused in her steps. The both of them did not move.

"Move." Her voice was barely above a whisper and she couldn't meet the doctor's intense gaze. This man was about a foot taller than her.

"You're not going down there," Doctor Smiley told her with an unflinching tone. Y/n bristled, lifting her head to finally meet his gaze.


"Smiley." Jack's voice was closer than before, but Y/n didn't turn around, she only stared through the other doctor, "let her by."

Doctor Smiley's lips twitched and it took more than a few seconds for him to finally listen and moved aside, standing in the doorway of his operating room. Y/n rushed by, afraid that he'd retaliate a second after, but, thankfully, he did not.

The door at the end of the hall was just like any other door to his cabin, wooden with a metal doorknob. She held the knob tightly and twisted, the click of the mechanism allowing her entry. The room was a bit larger than the storage room but smaller than the operating room. It had a dresser and a bookshelf to the very left, pressing against the wall, and another door to the far right...but in the center of the room was a large, well-kept bed.

And in the bed, someone was sleeping.

And that someone, was Levi.

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