Just Say The Word

By Brianna_Alexis

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Mackenzie Davis is quiet and shy. She doesn't concern herself with typical teenage girl things, like boys, sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Sequel Update
Bonus Chapter: Liam's POV Chapter 1

Chapter 23

472 16 5
By Brianna_Alexis

I don't know who made the pic of Victoria and Logan but it looks real so thank you. (Wouldn't it be funny if it actually was real? Lol) Pic's of Mackenzie and Lance

Chapter 23

When I finally exited the football field, I only had one thing- or rather person in mind: Lance. He just freaking took the blame for something he didn't do! He could get into serious trouble. She said the police were getting involved. There was no amount of words that could describe the guilt that was welling up inside me. Lance, my Lance could get arrested because of a stupid decision I made. I shouldn't have let Macey and Riley drag me out. I shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have participated. I shouldn't have abandoned Lance.

The crowd of people around the school seemed relatively larger. Mrs. Whitz had a loud speaker and was trying her hardest to communicate over the talking of all of the students. "Please! Everyone, be quiet! Remain calm! Things are being sorted out as we speak!"

I merged into the crowd, not really wanting to be bothered with Liam or any of his friends. Having my luck though, the very first person I mistakingly bumped into was Liam.

He smiled at me. "I told you you wouldn't get into trouble," he stated proudly.

I tried not to glare at him. "I only got out of it because Lance took the blame."

Liam's face hardened at Lance's name. "Always has to be theatrical, doesn't he?" I heard him mutter rhetorically to himself.

"Alright everyone! Since it's friday, we're giving you a break. We're not going to shuttle you out to some other school. You can go home early. Enjoy your weekend!"

No sooner the words left her mouth, I was ready to boost right out of there but at the moment, I had a few boyfriend problems.

"Kenz, come back to my place. My mom really misses you," he added with a smile as he grabbed my hand.

I pulled my hand away from his grasp. "I can't. I have other things to do," I replied cooly.

Confusion took over his features. "What's wrong Kenz?"

I tried to move around him, but he just kept blocking my way. I sighed. "Nothing."


"I just don't want to be bothered by you or your friends, okay?!" I shouted at him, emmitting some curiosity from the people closest to us.

His eyes flashed hurt. "My friends? I thought they were our friends, Kenz?"

I couldn't help lashing out. "I don't have any friends! You and your gang of plastics made sure of that! My best friend hates me," I whimpered.

Liam pulled me into his arms. "I don't hate you," he whispered into my ear.

I gently pushed him away and went for my car, never turning back to see Liam's hurt expression. I didn't need to worry about Melody. Kelsey's parents would gladly give her a ride home. For some reason they loved the little brat.

I had one destination in mind as I cruised: Lance's place. It was stupid of me to go directly after Ms. Zolkoviak took him away and expect him to be home, I know, but when I got there, I couldn't help the disappointment that came when I realized he wasn't there yet.

Sighing, I turned on the radio to Kiss FM and let it play softly as I checked my phone. I had three mesages, two missed calls, and one voicemail. Wearily, I opened the first message.

From: KaceSuperSwaggedOut AwesomePants

I shook my head. That was the last time I would let someone program their own name into my phone.

The message read: Where 4 art thou sweet Mackie?? We're all @ tha beach w. well...evry1 from skool. Cum join us??

Fat chance. I didn't even bother replying to him, just went on to the next message which was from Liam.

Look, I'm srry 4 watever I did. Plz dont be mad at me. Imy already, Kenz.

Glaring at the screen, I read the last message. It was from an unknown number.

Nerd, ur off the hook. So what that Lance kid took the blame? He chose to nd its not ur fault. Stop ignoring us nd come to the beach. Your bf looks like a sad puppy. Nd Clark says he wants you to come too. He needs someone who's slightly more educated than us to conversate with. I wont take offense to that comment becuz well...I'm awesome.

Hmm...Tempting, Riley but no.

The two missed calls were from Liam and Melody. I pressed one on my galaxy and listened to my one voicemail. It was Melody.

"Hey," she growled. "i don't know if you remember me or not, but I'm your sister and you left me stranded at school! What kind of sick joke is that?"

There was shuffling in her background and I soon heard Kelsey's voice. "In a way, this is good. Just come home with me! We can have a sleepover!" They both screeched into my ear before Melody spoke again.

"You're so lucky, snotbrain." And then the line went dead.

Well that was interesting if nothing else.

I think I sat in the car listening to music for about twenty more minutes until I fell asleep. I know I fell asleep because I woke up to a loud tapping at my window. My first thought was Oh no! Some phsyco killer is at my window and he's gonna break in, rape me, murder me, chop my body into a billion little pieces, and then slowly scatter me all over the ocean! My next thought was: Or maybe he'll kidnap me, rape me, chop my body up into little pieces, and then eat me...raw. So my imagination was a little overactive. Sue me.

"Mack, open up the door and come inside!"

My eyes finally darted up to a very unruffled looking Lance. He looked genuinely upset that I was here. But then again, at least he cared enough to wake me up and invite me inside so as not to leave me out there for some creeper to come rape, murder, and kill me. Stop it imagination!

I opened my car door and got out. Lance hadn't waited for me to get out so I slammed my door and entered after him. He flicked the lights on and I felt myself be momentarily blinded. "Bright light, bright light," I muttered, mimicking Magwai from Gremlins. I caught Lance's mouth turn up a little at this, but he quickly recovered his glare.

He took off his shirt and threw it on the floor near his disease-ridden couch. I shuddered just thinking about the parasites that probably inhabited that smelly thing. Soon his pants were coming off and I found that just too much to handle. I turned my back, covering my eyes.

"What's wrong, Mackenzie? Not enjoying the show?" His voice turned mocking. "Oh wait, I forgot! You prefer to see that douchebag Liam's body, right?" I didn't answer. The question was retorical anyway. "Pathetic."

I heard him walk out of the room before I turned back around. All I could think was what the hell am I doing? "Lance," I called out. He didn't answer. I hadn't expected him to. I walked the few short steps to Lance's room, opened the door, and stepped inside. "Lance," I called out again, annoyed.

He was laying across his bed in his boxers, hands behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. "Why are you here?" He didn't even turn to look at me.

I sighed but stayed put across the room from him. "I came to check on you." he scoffed as if to say 'bullshit' and I continued. "And to say thank  you," I added.

That dry smile stayed on his face. "Of course. You thanked me. Now leave," he added harshly.

I almost did. But this was Lance...my Lance. He wasn't capable of truly being cold on the inside. "It's not just that," I added. "You did something for me that none of the others would have. They would have let me take the blame. They would've abandoned me. But you, you didn't." As realization after realization hit me it was just as much of a shock to me as it was to him. "You helped me even after I abandoned you," And then the stupidity of his actions registered in my head. "You stupid moron," I added. "You could've gotten arrested! Why haven't you been arrested?!"

Lance's face seemed to soften a bit as he smirked a little. "I'm suspended from school for the moment with the possibility of being expelled- They're looking it over probably as we speak. And the cops don't really want to arrest me without absolute evidence that I vandalized the school. They're still skeptical." As he said those last lines, his face hardened. His eyes looked kind of frightened.

I quickly closed the distance between us and sat on the edge of his bed. "Lancy, what's wrong?"

At first I thought he wouldn't answer me but slowly his resolve faded away. "Have you ever had a secret you couldn't tell anyone?"

"Hey," I smiled. "Don't go all Jacob Black on me."

Recognition flashed in his eyes but he didn't smile at my Twilight reference. "Mack, this is serious."

I tried not to beam at the fact that he called me Mack again. "Okay," I nodded.

He sighed and sat up to be face to face with me. "There are some things I haven't told you about my past."

I shook my head. "What are you-"

"Shhh." He grabbed my hand and began tracing patterns onto it, staring down at our hands. "You remember that gun?"

My body tensed up. I couldn't help it.

"I know you don't like it," he tried soothing me. "You don't know why I moved out of my mom's house."

Where was this going? I stared at him but he kept his eyes on my hand. "Lance, you're scaring me."

"I'm scaring myself," he muttered. "My mom had a boyfriend."

"Your stepdad," I muttered trying to piece things together.

He nodded before continuing. "He used to...hit her." My face must've been horrorstricken. It sure felt that way. "And sometimes when I tried to defend her he would hit me too."

"How old were you?"

He bit his bottom lip. "I was 14 when it started..16 when it ended."


His grip on my hand got a little tighter as he massaged the patterns in. "One night he beat her..bad. The next day I went out, found some guys on the street, bought a gun from one of them. I didn't plan on using it..just scaring him. But he..he attacked her again a week later. He held a knife up to her throat. When I tried to fight him off he beat me pretty bad too. The gun was my last resort. I went to it, pulled it out and shot him twice in the stomach."

I don't know how I was feeling. Maybe I was numb. I remained quiet until he finished his story.

"I was so scared," he cried out. "My mom. She didn't blame me. Said she was scared too. She told me to go get the car and when I did, she dragged him to the car. We took his body to the middle of nowhere and buried his ass ten feet deep." He stopped for a moment to compose himself. "After that my mom told me that I should pack up my stuff and leave..it'd be better that way. So I did. I lived in an apartment my mom signed for for a while and then I finally decided I wanted to move here. So here I am." He finally brought his eyes up to meet mine. "Mack? Please say something."

My mouth opened and closed but I was speechless.

He sighed, bringing my hand up to my mouth and kissing it. "The police made me nervous. I dont think they know anything though," he added, lips still brushing up against my palm every few seconds. His brown eyes met mine again. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm not thinking anything," I whispered. And it was true. I had kind of shut my brain down and stopped any emotions from getting through.

He sighed heavily and pulled me into his arms. He held me tightly in his arms and it was rather comfortable, I have to admit. "Do you hate me?"

I sighed into his shoulder and tightened our embrace. "I would never hate you, Lance."

I could feel him smile as he held me. "I love you, Mack," he whispered.

I smiled. "I love you too." It was true. Even after hearing that my best friend had murdered his stepdad, I couldn't find it in me to not love him.

He all but growled at me as he pulled away from me. "No, Mack. That's not what I meant. I'm in love with you, Mack."

"No." He was confused. He had to be. "You're just confused. I'm sure you-"

He clapped his hand over my outh. effectively shutting me up to mumbles.  "No. I'm in love with you Mack. I've been in love with you since that summer at camp." His eyes stared deeply into mine. "Don't you remember, Mack? You said you loved me too." He seemed desperate for me to remember this little piece of imformation. Suddenly something clicked.

"If you love something, set it free. if it comes back, it was meant to be."

He smiled, clearly happy at my memory. "You remember? We told eachother that on the last day of camp. We said we'd always find our way back together." He blushed. "You were my first kiss and my first love."

It all came rushing back to me. I must've blocked out all the lovey dovey parts of that summer.

We were sitting in my cabin, the counselors were out, obviously. There was a strict no boys policy in mine and a strict no girls policy in his. He was laughing about something I had said so hard that the oreo he was chewing started coming out of his nose, causing him to panic and start to choke.

I hit his back. "Shut up, doofus! You're gonna get us caught!"

"Okay, okay." He made a visible effort to quiet down but was still silently laughing.

I couldn't help but smile at his silliness. It was really too bad that we would be leaving tomorrow.

"Mack?" When I looked up his face had sobered up some. "I'm really gonna miss you."

I sighed before scooting closer to him and leaning my head on his shoulder. "I'll miss you too, Lance."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I wish we didn't have to leave," he sighed.

"Me too."


I pulled away from him to look him in his eyes. "Yeah?"

He leaned in until our lips were centimeters apart. "Can I kiss you?"

I nodded weakly and he closed the distance. It was my second kiss..well if you count the one with Derek DeMarkes in the first grade. This kiss was much different than Derek's. For one, we both meant for it to happen. For two, this kiss was magical. Even though his lips tasted like popcorn and oreos, I couldn't help but to think how perfect this was.

He pulled away almost as soon as it happened. "I love you, Mack," he whispered.

I smiled up at him. "I love you too."

His eyes suddenly turned sad. "I guess if you love something, set it free."

I looked down. "And if it comes back it was meant to be," I finished. I had learned the line from one of my mom's soap operas she had watched.

Lance smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "So this isn't goodbye. It's more like see you later, right?" His eyes were hopeful.

"Right," I agreed.

My eyes widened at the sudden memory. "I remember."

Lance's expression was guarded. "And?"

"I knew my feelings for you were more than just friendly, but I guess I blocked it out. It was...easier to just forget, i guess," I confessed.

"Mack?" He had moved considerably closer to me.

I looked up into his eyes. "Yeah?"

"Can I kiss you?"

I nodded weakly and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. The kiss started out slow and soft but quickly turned hot and passionate. I had never had a kiss like that before, not even with Liam.


It took a lot of willpower to push Lance away from me, but I did. "Lance, stop," I whispered.

He was immediately apologetic. He pulled away looking ruffled, cheeks flushed, hair disshelved. "I'm sorry. What did I do wrong?"

I just shook my head as I got off the bed and headed to the door. What the hell was I doing? I had a boyfriend for crying out loud! "You didn't do anything wrong, I did."

He followed me into the living room. "Mack, we can't leave it this way. I feel bad. Please don't let my feelings; this damage our friendship. I cant not have you in my life, Mack. Not anymore."

I turned to face him. He really was adorable when he was trying so hard to control his emotions to salvage mine. Why couldn't we have had this revelation months ago? Lance really would be the perfect boyfriend.

I think right then and there was when I decided what I would do next. I deserved one night of feeling like things were perfect. I deserved it. What the hell?

I crossed the room in two long strides and rammed my lips to his. He reacted immediately, picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist and carrying me into his bedroom. We collapsed onto the bed and soon enough clothes were coming off.

Lance stared me in my eyes. "I hope you know how long I've waited for this...how long I've waited for you."

All I could do was smile up at him.

The rest of that night was history. I lost my virginity to my best friend. What a crazy turn of events, huh?

Author's Note: So... What'd ya think? Totally unexpected, right? That last part could've been better but I refuse to write a sex scene. It was implied, alright? Lol

I have so many questions but I'll narrow them down.

Did you guess right as to why Lance had the gun? How will Mackenzie feel in the morning? Are she and Lance a permanent thing? How will Liam act when he finds out? Will he find out? Will Mackenzie tell him?

Alright, I'm done.



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