Just Another Romance Story

By MindfulWriter1666

3.3K 473 82

Outside of the apartment, I'm just an ordinary intern at a white collar job. Just a woman who gets work done... More

Meet The Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 11

56 8 0
By MindfulWriter1666

Yn's POV

"Alright Gi-gi, I'm gone." I announced as I walked out of my apartment.

When I walked down the hallway, I heard someone walking up behind me.

"Hey there neighbor." I heard a female voice say.

I turned around.

Oh, it's Ho-yeon!

"H-hey, Ho-yeon." I shyly greeted. "Did you have a good evening?"

"Yes, and I know you did." Ho-yeon teased with a smug smirk on her face.

The other night

Ho-yeon's POV

"Geez, they've been going at it for hours." Ho-yeon commented.

"I'll say, how can they have that much stamina?" Ha jun added in.

"Should we tell them that they're being too loud?" Ho-yeon asked.

"Nah, let them have their fun." Ha jun dismissed.

Yn's POV

My face turned red.

"I-I...that wasn't..." I began.

"However, I do wanna ask politely to keep the noise down because I was having a nap around that time." Ho-yeon requested.

Should I tell her that I was watching porn or...wait no! Don't tell her that! That's gonna make things more awkward!

"So where you off to this morning?" Ho-yeon asked.

"Oh, just on my way to work that's all." I replied.

"Ohh, where do you work?" Ho-yeon asked.

"Seoul-ful Writers, I'm a writer." I answered.

"And I know you're making a lot of money like that." Ho-yeon commented. "Writers do make a lot of money."

"Wait, aren't you a model?" I asked. "H-how much do you make if you don't mind me asking."

"About...50,000 won an hour." Ho-yeon replied.

Jesus! That's actually way more than what I make as a writer!

"That's a lot!" I exclaimed.

"Eh, it's chump change for me." Ho-yeon chuckled out. "Ha jun makes a bit more than me."

"But you're both doing well financially overall." I stated.

"That is true." Ho-yeon agreed. "Wait, I just thought of something! Isn't your boss up there some stoic asshole? What was his name? Lee..."

"It's Lee Dong Wook." I finished.

"Yes him!" Ho-yeon exclaimed. "I heard about him before, his dad was the owner of that building until he passed away."

"Yeah, I know." I spoke out.

"I heard that he was also married." Ho-yeon stated. 

Ack, why does she have to remind me that?

"Y-yeah, whoever the woman is, she's lucky." I muttered.

"I really don't know about that." Ho-yeon denied in a bit of an uneasy tone. "There was rumors saying that he abuses his wife but, I try not to fall for it because in the end, they're rumors that came from the media."

She does have a point. It could be from someone who has nothing to do in their lives.

"Hmm, I also got to ask; Why do you wear black all the time?" Ho-yeon asked.

"Well, this may sound silly but I like wearing gothic stuff." I explained. "I couldn't wear the outfits I want to wear at my job due to dress code so I just wear a black pantsuit or a black blouse and skirt."

"Okay, I thought it was something like that because the last time I saw you, you was also wearing black makeup." Ho-yeon commented. "I do admire the work you do on your beat and-"

"My beat?" I asked cutting her off.

"Your makeup face." Ho-yeon briefly explained. 

"O-oh." I replied back.

Ho-yeon noticed how nervous I am.

"Hey, I know I sorta scared you when I first met you." Ho-yeon began. "I'm sorry but, I don't bite."

"I'm sorry, I'm like this with everyone." I mumbled out.

"No need to be sorry, I mean, some people do see a timid person as weak or someone who doesn't speak out." Ho-yeon stated. "C'mon, stand up straight, put a pep in your step, strengthen your confidence."

"It's not that easy sister." Self-conscious sighed as they looked at their weak and feeble body.

"Yes, but not everyone is as confident as you." I pointed out.

Ho-yeon chuckled.

"Thanks kiddo but, I'm like this because in the end, there's just no pleasing everyone but yourself. So, why should you care about what others think or feel?" Ho-yeon preached.

She is right, you matter how considerate and nice you are, people are gonna find a way to judge you about it.

"Well, it was nice talking to you." Ho-yeon spoke as we walked out the door.

"You too." I answered back with a small smile.

"And remember what I said; Straight back, pep in the step, and boosted confidence!" Ho-yeon called out as she walked off.

"She sorta reminded me of Dong Wook when she said that." I thought to myself as I walked to the bus stop.

During the bus ride to the job, I began to think about what Ho-yeon said about Dong Wook. I didn't wanna be on the same boat as everyone on the media and assume that Dong Wook is an abusive husband. Plus, people probably just looked at someone else's side of the story but didn't even bother to hear his side of the story or have any evidence to prove their claim. 

But...what if he is a bad guy?

Dong Wook's POV

Dong Wook was out in the lobby area when I heard the elevator ding. Dong Wook turned around to see you walking in, feeling like you was ready to kick life in the ass.

"She's doing the power walk." Dong Wook thought to himself as he cracked a small smile at you.

When you made eye contact with him, you frowned a bit and continued to walk while avoiding eye contact with him.

Dong Wook frowned then sighed.

"Your presence probably disgusts her." Depression whispered in Dong Wook's ear.

Dong Wook went back into his office and looked at the package that he still hasn't brought home yet.

"I gotta get this home soon before more people know about this." Dong Wook thought to himself as he taped the box shut.

Yn's POV

I sat at my working station, flubbing my lips.

"Man, who was that mysterious man in my dreams?" I thought to myself.

It was like, I know who that man was but at the same time I couldn't tell who it was. But, whoever he was...he was already corrupting my innocent mind.

I decided to work on my own fanfic to take my mind off it.

Lady Grimm continued on her battle with Armaros until he had her pinned up against the solid concrete wall. It's fire like feeling stung Lady Grimm's back as she tries to break free from Armaros' grip.

"Unhand me at once!" Lady Grimm snarled at Armaros, who laughed condescendingly.

"So fierce and such lovely eyes you have." Armaros commented as he brushed Lady Grimm's hair out of the way to see her dark red eyes. Armaros then leaned in some and pressed his lips against Lady Grimm's lips.

"What sorcery is this?" Lady Grimm thought to herself. "Whatever it is...it feels tempting."

When Armaros pulled away, Lady Grimm pulled him back into another kiss but gave a more deeper one.

Wait! What the hell am I writing!? Am I writing smut in a fantasy fanfic!?

I quickly put the book away and began to fiddle with my thumbs.

"Hey girlie, you're a bit fidgety today." Joo-ryung commented as she walked up to me.

"I know." I sighed out.

Joo-ryung picked up my book and began to read it.

"Is this what you're freaking out about?" Joo-ryung asked. "It's just a steamy chapter."

"No...it's not that." I groaned out.

"What's wrong girl?" Joo-ryung asked.

I looked up at her.

"Promise me, you wouldn't judge me." I begged her.

"You know I won't." Joo-ryung assured me.

So I told her what happened and she just stood there with the biggest smile on her face.

"What? That's it? C'mon it's not that bad." Joo-ryung chuckled out. "Your friend was right about us women enjoying sexual shit as much as men do."

I blushed.

"Hmm, have you ever had an orgasm?" Joo-ryung asked.

I choked on my spit.

"N-no!" I exclaimed.

"Then you need to go purchase you a little something something for that." Joo-ryung whispered as she winked at me.

I hope she's not talking about what I think she's talking about.

"Are you talking about buying a...personal massager?" I whispered out.

Joo-ryung nodded her head.

"B-but I can't do that, do you know how many stares I would get if someone were to see me buying one in the store?" I questioned.

"You can purchase one online as well." Joo-ryung suggested. 

"Even if I were to do that, what are the chances of someone knowing what I ordered?" I asked.

"Well, for starters, it shouldn't be anyone's business to know what you have." Joo-ryung pointed out. "Second of all, they send them in discreet packages so nobody's gonna know unless they've ordered them before."

Joo-ryung then grabbed my phone and began to type something. I looked to see her going onto a...sex toy shop online. I snatched the phone away from her.

"No way!" I exclaimed. "I...rather just not."

"Okay, I'll respect your decision but, if you ever change your mind..." Joo-ryung whispered as she took a card out of her purse. "...Go to this shop because they have all sorts of fun time toys there."

I took the card out of her hand and read it.

Kinky Kim Ra-mi's Adult Shop

Come on by to find your favorite toy

My face turned red as Joo-ryung winked at me.

"Ta ta." Joo-ryung giggled out as she walked off.

Sung-tae walked up to me, which frightened me and I scurried to put the card away before he sees it.

"What was that about?" Sung-tae asked.

"N-nothing." I lied as I fiddled with some papers. "She just wanted to chat."

"Uhh, do you know what her favorite flowers are?" Sung-tae asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"No, why? Do you wanna by her some flowers?" I asked him.

Sung-tae nodded his head as he blushed.

"Okay, look I can help you on this but after this you're gonna have to find out on your own instead of having to go through me." I explained. "I don't think she would be too fond if you were to find out her likes and dislikes without her telling you."

"Okay, understandable." Sung-tae agreed.

"Her favorite flowers are lilacs." I answered as I took out a sticky note and a pen then began to write something down. "Here's the address to the flower shop, place an order to have them delivered to the job but if you wanna play secret admirer, ask them to make anonymous." I instructed.

"Okay, done and done." Sung-tae replied as he thanked me and walked off.

I smiled at his dedication to sweep off Joo-ryung's feet then sat back down at my desk. I sighed as I fiddled with some papers as sadness began to consume my mind.

"That's nice..." I thought to myself.

August 23rd, 2022

Oh man, sorry for the late update. I just moved into college just a few days ago and a lot is already happening.

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