By jmhallewell

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Marcelle and Vittoria are on a path that challenges their union and choice to be in love. Will they cave into... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: For Love
Chapter Two: Locked Doors
Chapter Three: Incompetence
Chapter Four: Succumbing
Chapter Five: An Admission
Chapter Six: It's A Sin
Chapter Seven: Intention
Chapter Eight: Ex Wife
Chapter Nine: Aged Fine Wine
Chapter Ten: Untold Secrets Part 1
Chapter Eleven: Understanding
Chapter Twelve: An Older Friend
Chapter Thirteen: The Sister
Chapter Fourteen: The Siblings
Chapter Fifteen: The Bid
Chapter Sixteen: Si Signor
Chapter Seventeen: She Loves Me
Chapter Eighteen: He Loves Me Too!
Chapter Nineteen: Labelled
Chapter Twenty: Reactions
Chapter Twenty One: Silence
Chapter Twenty Two: Solved
Chapter Twenty Three: Precedence
Chapter Twenty Four: Untold Secrets Part 2
Chapter Twenty Five: In Marseilles Part 1
Chapter Twenty Six: In Marseilles Part 2
Chapter Twenty Seven: Rehab
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Parents
Chapter Twenty Nine: Welcome Home
Chapter Thirty: Home Is Best
Chapter Thirty One: The Hit
Chapter Thirty Two: Messages For You
Chapter Thirty Three: Transition
Chapter Thirty Four: Her Jealousy Part 1
Chapter Thirty Five: She's Back
Chapter Thirty Six: Little Diavolo
Chapter Thirty Eight: Ciao Chica
Chapter Thirty Nine: Her sisters
Chapter Forty: Her Jealousy Part 2
Chapter Forty One: A Good Day?
Chapter Forty Two: Unexpected
Chapter Forty Three: Red Part 1
Chapter Forty Four: Red Part 2
Chapter Forty Five: Love Me Forever
Chapter Forty Six: A Good Streak
Chapter Forty Seven: A Dream
Chapter Forty Eight: Wake Up Dear
Chapter Forty Nine: The Parking Lot Beef
Chapter Fifty: Too Many Hands
Chapter Fifty One: The Mothers
Chapter Fifty Two: Bickering Pair
Chapter Fifty Three: Love Me Forever Part 1
Chapter Fifty Four: Love Me Forever Part 2
Chapter Sixty: Love Me Forever Part 3

Chapter Thirty Seven: It's Personal

428 68 85
By jmhallewell

Reina's POV
The General used to say that in order to gain some things, a lot of sacrifices have to be made. I have sacrificed Marcelle, my children and anyone who was in my way in order to lay claim to something so familiar.


The whole idea of marrying the godfather was foreign to me. After I watched Marcelle's rage, I didn't want him as much as I did. But one thing led to another and several children later, I couldn't tell the difference between loving him and loving what he was. That's right. What he was. He passed on the power. Now he's just an ordinary boring man.

I didn't realize it until Renée asked me if it's him I want or the power. Honestly, when the families voted that I get stripped of the power I had, it felt like I lost an arm, my right arm. I can't live like this. An ordinary existence is boring. I find myself reminiscing about my adventures with Addie. I miss Marcelle asking for my opinion about things he had to decide on. I miss being feared. I don't like this. That is why I have made the necessary sacrifices to attain power. I'm playing the long game for now. But it must pay off.

"Are you going to talk mami?" Rafa asked me in his usual deep throaty voice.

"Tequila?" I offered him a glass.

"I don't drink."

"Ah! My bad." I gulped down both glasses. "What was your question again?"

"What are you doing with Diego Fernandez?"

"It would be inappropriate and uncomfortable for you to know the details." I smirked at him.

He looks annoyed.

"I never liked you. Then you grew on me. Now I am back to not liking you."

"Who told you I give a fuck about what people think of me? Ask anyone who knows me well. I don't live to please anyone."

"And it's that attitude that ended your marriage. That is attitude that has cost you your children and it is that attitude mami, that will get you killed."

"Thanks for your wise words. Use th door."

He scoffed. "This is the big leagues. There are no kitty gloves. We fight ugly and we fight dirty to the end."

"I think it is Marcelle you should be telling that. He pulled his punches  and he never likes to get his hands dirty. He wasted his power on diplomacy. He is the reason Juan was gone for a   long time."

"And Juan came back on his own. Even you didn't aid that return so don't stand there and claim any victory. Marcelle is my friend. Don't talk shit about him. Give up this poisonous dream and go back to your family. Ask for forgiveness-"

"For what?" I shouted at him. "What forgiveness? For having my own mind? For wanting something more? I will not apologize for that. I will not beg for his love because I don't want his love."

"Then what do you have against Vittoria?"


"There's a hit on her and I bet all my net worth that you are behind it."

I turned away. Any day now, when Diego finds it fit, that stupid little girl will be dead.


"So you are."

"I dint know what you're talking about Rafa."

"If you don't want him back then let him go! Let him be happy with another woman!"

"I would rather watch him suffer!" I screamed.

"It's wonderful that you no longer restrain yourself." He tucked his hands in the pockets of his pants. "But these games you're playing with Diego Fernandez will end badly. This is not the Mafia. This is the cartel." He stepped away. "Mamita, I told you."

I blinked repeatedly as Charle stepped into view.

"To think that I was on your team, fighting for you to get back with Marcelle. You don't love him anymore. Did you ever love him Rei? Renée was right about you!"

"And what was that wench right about?"

"That you are a cold hearted bitch. That you are too far gone for salvation and we should just let you burn in your fire."

"Of course she says all that. She has everything. She doesn't need to fight for anything."

"Reina stop what you're doing!"

"What I do is none of your business! Piss off!"

"That power hungry attitude almost got Laila killed!" She shoved me. "You ruined that family's life! You ruined her life! And you stand here saying it's none of our business?"

"Get out Charle. I think that both of you have overstayed your welcome.

I marched to the door and opened it.

Rafa walked out first. Charle lingered. "You know something Rei, maybe you'll get what you want. Maybe you will be powerful. But you will be alone. There will be no one to share that with. There are things that are far more-"

I slammed the door in her face.

I don't care about anything they have to say.

I know what I'm doing and they should all piss off. I don't need them! I don't need anyone!

Marcelle's POV
When Aidan Bellingerre invited me to the BC race track in London, I was hesitant to honor his invitation. The reason for my hesitance is because of this exact moment when he tells Reli, Ethan, Rocco, Miki and Matt that I'm not getting laid. Trust Aidan to put it all out there and to thrive on controversial subjects.

We have had a great day, driving Formula one race cars around the BC race track in London. It is a good change from the shit storm that has been the last couple of days. Sherry and El are going through some problems. We hope for the best.

"No guys stop laughing. He's just being a gentleman." Miki defended me but they are seriously laughing at me. I'm even laughing at myself at this point. With these guys there's no room for privacy or personal feelings. "Right Reli?"

I can always count on him to understand. He's a far better gentleman than I am. Ethan takes first place of course.

"No. It has absolutely nothing..." they all laughed even harder at my shock over his response. I thought he would back me up! " has nothing to do with you being a gentleman. Simply put, that little girl has you by the balls and you are letting her get away with it! Aidan, weigh in! No! Not you. He will think you're being brutal. Ethan, weigh in."

All eyes turned to Ethan.

"I think that is great that you're patient. I'm an advocate for waiting till marriage but I also know that you two have crossed some lines... our wives openly gossip about it... and with everything you're giving her, she should give into you already."

"My point exactly!" Aidan announced. "You took her from nothing to something. You spoil her rotten and by holding out-"

"It looks like she's using you." Matt chipped in. "I'm not saying she is but with all this information, I feel that way and it's starting to piss me off."

"She has principles." I defended Vee.

"Nah." Reli shook her head. "That's not it. If it was about principles, she wouldn't be sleeping with you in your bed. Something is holding her back. I think if she loves you, then the next step is a demonstration of that love. So what is happening?"

"Trust issues?" Miki out it out there.

"She doesn't trust Marcelle?" Matt asked. "He's a standup guy. Why wouldn't she?"

"Reina." Aidan made a face. "Has she really backed off or is she working behind the scenes?"

"I won't be surprised if she is." Ethan shook his head. "I think that by now, regardless of Reina's antics, Vee should trust you  enough to meet you halfway. You're not getting younger. She's on or she's not."

"Don't ask, tell her. Give her an ultimatum." Reli suggested. "But we won't push anymore. It's up to you. Please please please don't go back to Reina. If you do... we will beat the stupidity out of you."

"I think I learned my lessons." I assured them.

"We have the track for one more hour. Who is up for one more lap?" Aidan asked.

They all left except for Rocco and Rafa.

"Gentlemen?" I studied them. "What is it?"

"You go first ese. Mine is worse." Rafa told him.

"Nope. Mine is worse." Rocco countered him.

"Rocco, what is it? You go first."

He sighed. "Don't blow your top. He played us all. I'm talking about Juan."

"What about him?"

"Juan Carlos is in the wind Marcelle. He's gone."

My heart literally jumped into my throat. For a moment I felt like my airway is closed and my nose is not doing it's job. I got on my feet at once and backed away from the table.

"Ese, you're looking pale. Breathe." Rafa reminded me.

"W-what d-do you mean g-gone?" I questioned. "Where d-did he go? W-when?"

"He took off a few days ago when we found out that Diego Fernandez is after him."

I have heard of Diego Fernandez. He's one of those bosses who don't rock the boat. They are still but lethal.

"Why would Diego Fernandez put a hit on Juanito?" I asked.

"Because Juan abducted his son in Colombia."

"So... Sherry?"

"Will be fine. She can take care of herself. I'm more concerned about Juan." Rocco continued.

"But do the families know this?" I asked him.

"Gian Carlo is playing Juan's role. He's doing it well. I'm keeping his interaction with the families minimal. I thought it's important that we don't startle the families only a few weeks into his tenure as the godfather."

I looked heavenward. That boy is gone again.

"And you Rafa? How is your news worse?"

"It's linked to Diego Fernandez and Reina."

"Where does Rei come into this?" I asked.

He paused for a moment to allow the Formula one race cars to speed past us on the track below. "Your ex is fucking Diego Fernandez. It's not just that, I think they are scheming and it is to hurt Vittoria. To hurt you. Watch your back jefe. This shit is strongly personal."

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