His Voice | Rise! Donnie x Fe...

By WritingRosette

162K 6K 8.5K

Cross published on AO3. Set before the movie, since the book was created before the trailer was released. S... More

Midnight Gaming
A 'Little' Something
Pep Talk
How Do You Know My Name!?
Confession And Gift Giving
Better Reunions
Let's Go Together
With Friends And Relatives
A Few Heartaches
No More Silence Please
A Mishap
Arguments And Apologies
New Faces
Hangout Time
Game On
New Enemy
Troubles Back Home
Start Up
Some Other Voice
Two Sided Story
Turtle Fam Bonding™

Welcome To The Hidden City!

4.5K 162 144
By WritingRosette

"Oh really? That's great to know! Glad they loved it."

"No, you did most of the work. I just gave the ideas."

"Well, no problem. I'm happy to help."

"Ah, wait really? Holy moly........"

"Well I kinda-"

"Y/N! Get your things ready! The car's almost done!"  

"Ah, coming, dad!" I had to prepare my luggage. A few days ago, dad won a trip to the Hidden City! I've never been there before, I've only heard stories. But mom said it was filled with yokais! A lot of my relatives from my mother's side live there too, and I'm hyped to finally meet them. Mom told me that she had already sent them a lot of messages about me and that they were also thrilled to meet their first human relative by blood! 

"Ah, sorry Donnie. Call you another time? Cool, see you later." I tucked my phone in my pocket. And started buckling my suitcase. We're gonna be staying there for a week, so dad had already asked the school to excuse my absence. I'm excited to leave, but I kinda feel bad for ditching April. She would've loved the Hidden City, she loves magic! Wish I could show her some magic too, but I still need more practice. She'll be the first one to see it when it happens! I was planning on packing some extra things, but dad started honking from the car. I peeked out my window to see that mom and dad already got their stuff and were waiting for me. Mom had her brooch active, so I kinda almost forgot who she was. Hehe, imagine dad cheating on mom with herself. 

I forced the extras in my luggage and I bolted downstairs. It was a little heavy, so I tried to use my magic a little. Mom taught me basic levitation, so I can do chores more efficiently. It was kinda embarrassing to fail levitation lessons more often than an average yokai, but I've always been different. I actually managed to lift the luggage, and that made it faster and easier to get to the car. 

Dad took it from me and packed it at the back, and I proceeded to enter the center section in the car. And because it's kinda only me, I got a lot of space to myself. Dad started driving as mom gave him direction to the Hidden City tunnel. It looks like an ordinary alleyway, but with the right signal, it will transform itself into a gateway. I was told about it but never did I expect to be going through. It sent some weird tickles down my skin, and I got goosebumps now. But I was far more amazed at the beauty of the city itself. So much color and vivid magic everywhere! 

I can see creatures of all kinds living in harmony, kinda hoping the humans can be the same. All the buildings look fancy and different from each other, and it amazes me that this is right below New York. There were many things that caught my eye that I even sat up to the window. Dad was not happy with that and had to tell me to sit down. Mom mentioned magic that can shock glass, so I need to be careful with it. Glass shocking magic, huh? Sounds very out of place. But they know what's best. 

It took us a few hours to get to our destination, even dad had gotten sleepy and had to switch turns with mom. I trade spots with him, so that he can sleep better. The view was far more amazing in the front seat, mom even did my seatbelt for me so I don't stand up here as well. Everything was so vibrant and soothing to me, but I felt something lingering. It felt like eyes were watching me from every corner. Sent shivers down my spine, but I just shrugged it off. That's just paranoia from being in a new place, nothing more. It took us a few more hours to reach, because there was a lot of traffic. Mom parked the car and I exited my seat to wake dad up. 

We brought our stuff inside, and we got looks coming our way. The bellboy came to us immediately and greeted us. He mentioned how there were barely any human visitors so they were really excited. Mom de-transformed and introduced us. The bellboy became more excited, saying he has never seen a human-yokai family. He had his eyes on me, and started asking a lot of questions. Some I could answer ,some I couldn't. But he was never downed by it, he brought us to our room and took our ticket from dad. Reading it, his eyes beam. 

"Oh, then this is not the room for you three. I have a better one, follow me." We proceeded to move to the elevator, rising a few levels before we stopped. He greeted us in a large VIP room! What type of ticket did dad win?! We had our own swimming pool, a bar, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and unlimited access to the buffet?! Holy shit! This is luxury! 

My curious side started bringing me all around the room, checking every nook and cranny. It was wonderful! There was no limit for us for the entire week. We can do anything we want! Now that I think of it, I should've invited April. It will be an amazing time for her, we can even explore the city together! Oh! There is also someone I would like to talk to about this. I grabbed my luggage and rushed to a room of my choosing, I chose the smaller one. Fit for a single person, mom and dad probably picked a room together for reasons. 

Without even unpacking, I scouted for my phone. Upon finding it, immediately dialing a number. 

"You are conversing with Donatello. How may I help you?"

"Donnie! Donnie! Donnie! You won't believe where I am right now!"

"Ah, Y/N. What's the matter? I thought you were supposed to be on a trip."

"Oh! I'm in the Hidden City! My dad won a ticket and that's where we're gonna be staying for a week! Isn't that cool?"

"U-um. The Hidden City? Did I hear that correctly?"

"Yea, yea. Yes you did."

"That was not the place I was expecting for a trip."

"Well, um"

"Can you just stay there? Like in your room?"

"I kinda don't think you're safe? Just saying, I've had experiences there, and they were not pleasant. Maybe just stay in your room or something."

"What?? Oh come on, it looks amazing here! Hard to resist temptation, dude."

"I know, but just don't go alone? Who's there with you?"

"Mom and dad. No one else."

"It kinda won't be as exciting if mom or dad had to join me exploring. They'll start scolding me for everything I do."

"And they're right for doing so. You're a human in a monster's world. Not everything will be nice to you."

"Oh come on. Don't be a bummer. I can get you some mystic stuff for tinkering."

"No, Y/N, please. For your safety's sake, don't explore. There are lots of secrets in the Hidden City. I don't wanna risk you getting hurt."

"But I kinda wanna. Sorry, Donnie. But you can't convince me now. I gotta go! Got stuff to explore."

"Wait, no Y/N! It's dangerous, don't-"


Talk to the phone, Dee. I'm exploring whether you like it or not. I have some people I'd like to catch up with. 

I grabbed small necessities from my bag. It being defense charms and mom's spellbook. She handed it to me to practice when I can, and I think I can do just that. This place has a lot of magic in it, it should be easier to do tricks here rather than uptop. I looked for some money too, I used to collect the currency here whenever mom dropped them thinking they were pins. But now I have actual use for them. Maybe I can buy myself an artifact? Anyways, exploration time. 

I excused myself to my parents, but it seems like they're busy at the moment. So I took the chance and bolted for the elevator. I told the bellboy I was going out, he gave me a small necklace for my safety. I don't know what it does, but it looks really pretty so I wore it. He said that he'll inform my parents of my departure and I agreed. As soon as I went outside, the breeze hit me. It felt denser than the air at home, but far more fresher. Maybe that's just my yokai side talking. But I enjoyed it. 

I started walking around to find myself in a market, just what I was looking for! I started talking to the merchants, checking what they got. They all had weird eyes on me, expecting I was lost or something. But I simply explained to them my condition at the moment. I couldn't tell them I was part yokai and human because bad people are attracted to types like me. Or just me, maybe. I have never seen another human yokai kid before. But I could easily fake a story. One of them being, I was adopted by yokais, or the other being I'm using cloaking. And everything was going well until I heard someone call my name. 

I turned around to see the one and only.......... 

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