The Right Time (Lestappen)

By lauraiswriting

307K 9.3K 2.8K

Max Verstappen is faced with the difficult decision of whether to 'come out' publicly. To make matters worse... More

What will they think?
So Close
Barcelona Rumours
The morning after the night before
Time to Talk
The interview
Love Fully
We race as one
The List
Date Night
Tabloid Tales
A Gift
Thoughts of the future
Welcome to Miami
In S(pain)
Ten Things
First time
The Monaco Curse
Back to Baku
O Canada (part one)
O Canada (part two)
An Austrian Nightmare
The Room
Help Me (part one)
Help Me (part two)
Soothing Sounds
No mistake
Unleash the lion
Take my time
He wins in Monza
Holding hands
Red Flag
Death is permanent
Clearing the air
A picture is worth a thousand words (part one)
A picture is worth a thousand words (part two)
Back in Action
They can't ignore you now
Announcement (not a chapter)
Save the date
Save the date (part two)
Stag Night
I now pronounce you....
Wedding Night Connection
A Tiny Gift
Glitter and Glue
The fun starts now

So Special

6.2K 199 45
By lauraiswriting

Charles waited nervously for Max to answer the door. He tried to run through different scenarios in his head, tried to plan what to say, but when Max answered the door his mind just went blank. Max looked down and could see the watch on Charles' wrist and he smiled. He had spent so long looking through pictures to make sure the watch was just right, it made him feel happy to see Charles wearing it. He opened the door and let Charles in, neither of them saying a word.

Charles shifted nervously, his hand running through his hair, trying to search for the words, any words. The little confidence he may have had, had now seemingly left him. Max watched him curiously, he could sense that he wanted to say something important.

"The watch is - , Max it's - , I love it so much." Charles stumbled over his words a little.

"I'm glad you like it"

"In your note, you said you cared about me" It wasn't really a question, more of a statement. Charles had meant to ease into the conversation but he couldn't think straight, he needed to know how Max felt and if he left it any longer he would probably back out of asking.

"I do care about you, a lot"

Charles felt his cheeks blush a little, he went to speak but nothing came out. Why did this have to be so awkward? Why couldn't he get the words out properly?

"I thought you didn't want to see me? Did I do something wrong?" Max looked a little disappointed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, that's not what I want"

"Then what do you want?" Max asked.

Charles paused. He could lie, it might be easier. He didn't really want to be hurt but yet he knew that holding everything inside was hurting him so much more. For once he wanted to be honest about how he felt, to throw it out there, to hope that the universe would reward him somehow. Surely he was due some good luck at some point. He took a deep intake of breath as if these might be the last words he ever spoke and then he let the words fall from his mouth

"I want you Max."

That was it, the words were out there and Charles knew that there was no taking them back. He knew that he had changed their relationship forever. He waited, fearing the worst. Max couldn't speak, didn't know what to say, didn't know how to adequately describe everything that he was feeling. Maybe there were no words for what he was feeling, maybe they were beyond words. He didn't break eye contact as he slowly made his way towards Charles. The space between them closing with every step until they were so close that they could feel each other's breath. Max bit down on his lower lip, nervous, a little unsure. Charles' eyes wondered down to Max's lips, they were so full and inviting and Charles had often day dreamed about what they would feel like, how they would taste.

Charles let his hands reach out to hold Max at the hips and brought him in even closer. So close that his whole body tingled as he felt Max's frame up against his. Max felt a fluttering feeling in his stomach as he let his lips gently brush against Charles'. His fingers were now entwined in Charles' soft, silky hair as he brought their lips together.

It was like an adrenaline rush, different to any he had experienced before. So much so that he almost forgot to breath and his knees were weak. Charles was kissing him back. He heard himself moan at the feel of Charles soft lips parting as he deepened the kiss. Even just a few weeks ago Max would have laughed if someone had said he would be kissing Charles, but as their lips moved together he realised that he had never wanted anyone this much before.

Both of their hearts were now pounding as they let their hands wonder over each other's bodies. The feeling was almost addictive. Every inch of their bodies melted into each others as the kiss became more intense, more hungry, more needy.

Charles let his eyes open briefly. He needed to be sure that this was real, to know that this wasn't a dream or some product of his imagination. He had liked Max for so long he needed to be sure that Max was kissing him back, matching his heat and passion. For the first time in as long as he could remember Charles didn't feel nervous or ashamed, he didn't worry about what people would say or what they would think, it was as if nobody else existed, he felt happy, blissfully happy.

Both of their lips eventually parted, both men breathless and exhilarated. Yet they remained close. Resting their foreheads against each other, both their noses brushing slightly. When they moved apart they could each see the huge grin on each other's faces. They both started to laugh  at the feeling of relief and release of tension. It felt like being teenagers again. Charles leaned in again and planted sweet, delicate kisses on Max's lips as Max dragged him towards the bed and they tumbled down together.

"I can't believe we just did that" Max was laughing, he couldn't help it. It was almost strange how natural it had felt.

Charles just laughed back not knowing what to say, where to go from here. He turned to face Max and studied him closely. He was smiling, his eyes seemed excited, alive.

"What does this mean?" Charles asked.

"I don't know, what do you want it to mean?" Max tried to deflect the question, not wanting to go first.

"I don't want this to stop. I don't want to go back to just being friends" Charles answered honestly.

"Me neither"

"But Max I'm not ready to come out yet" Charles didn't want to spoil anything but he felt like he needed to let Max know.

"That's okay, we don't have to tell anyone"

Part of Max wanted to tell everyone, to see their reaction when he told them he was seeing Charles Leclerc  but he knew Charles wasn't ready. The thought of keeping it quiet, it being their own little secret, also seemed exciting. Besides he figured that it made sense to wait and see what happened. He wasn't sure how his team would react to him dating one of his closest rivals.

"Can I stay here tonight?" Charles asked as he leaned in for another kiss, this time letting his hand wonder up the inside of Max's t-shirt.

"I'd like that" Max answered as he let out a soft moan at the feel of Charles' light delicate touch on his bare skin, "but Charles"

Max stopped himself before finishing the sentence.

"You can be honest with me, if you don't want me to stay I won't be upset" Charles kissed him gently on the lips again.

"It's not that. I just, I've never been with a man before. I mean I've kissed another man, I've just never had sex with another man before" Max looked a little flustered and felt a little embarrassed but Charles just smiled. He lay back on the bed and brought Max in close to him so that the Dutchman's head was resting on his chest. He stroked his hands through his hair.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, it's a good thing" he explained.

"Why is that?" Max asked curiously.

"My first time was awful, it was rushed, it involved plenty of alcohol and no feelings at all, it was a mistake but you can wait until you are ready and when you are then I'll be here."

Max smiled.

"And Max" Charles added as he kissed his forehead, "When you are ready, I'm really going to make you feel so special"


I'm sorry that that was super cheesy but I just really needed them to have at least one drama free chapter haha!

Thank you so much for all the votes and comments. It really keeps me motivated to write to know people are reading so thank you to every who has read this far!! I know I've updated a lot this week, guess I was just in the mood for writing   <3

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