Arknights: Living the Dream

By ytvisee

77.1K 2.6K 726

Every night I lay in bed, I like to imagine myself in another world. The world I most find myself in is Terra... More

Chapter 1: Terra
Chapter 2: Realization
Chapter 3: Adjustment
Chapter 4: Lungmen
Chapter 5: The Ends of The Earth
Chapter 6: Sora
Chapter 7: Preparation
Chapter 8: Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 9: Before Sauin
Chapter 10: Warehouse Brawl
Chapter 11: Warehouse Aftermath
Chapter 12: Happy Sauin
Chapter 13: A Decision
Chapter 14: Contract
Chapter 15: Prelude
Chapter 16: A Bad Dream
Chapter 17: Love
Chapter 18: Reunion, For the First Time
Chapter 19: Rhodes Island, For the First Time
Chapter 20: Guitar Bonding
Chapter 21: The First Two Missions
1 Year Anniversary
Chapter 22: Drums and a Drink
Chapter 23: New Faces & A Book About Music
Chapter 24: One More Member

Azrael Operator File

2.7K 80 27
By ytvisee

Basic Info

[Code Name] Azrael

[Gender] Male

[Combat Experience] 16 years

[Place of Birth] Iberia

[Date of Birth] January 30th

[Race] Aegir

[Height] 186 cm

[Infection Status] Medical tests have confirmed that no infection is present.

Physical Exam

[Physical Strength] Normal

[Mobility] Excellent

[Endurance] Normal

[Tactical Acumen] Outstanding

[Combat Skill] Outstanding

[Originium Arts Assimilation] Excellent


Azrael keeps open about his backstory, though he never goes into details. Through external operators acquainted with Azrael, we can deduce his time before Penguin Logistics was spent in the Victorian Royal Guard school. He was at the top of his class in combat and above average in academics. He is also noted to have done mercenary work, which is how he met Emperor. After he graduated from the academy he moved to Lungmen. He met back up with Emperor in Lungmen, and he had shown Azrael his company Penguin Logistics, to which Azrael joined. After a couple of years of working with the company, Azrael left in order to establish a stable income source, he joined back a year later unannounced.

Clinical Analysis

Tests reveal clear lines in Azrael's organs. No Originium particles have been found in Azrael's circulation, confirming him to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium-Assimilation] 0%

Operator Azrael showed no symptoms of Oripathy.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.12u/L

Azrael does not come into contact with many Originium-based items. Therefore he is spared from a case of Oripathy. He is allowed to roam free of medic's pestering as he is careful with maintaining his interaction with originium and has learned to use his arts without risking his un-infected status.

Azrael is a breath of fresh air. Every time he walks in for a checkup I can smile in my head knowing that I have an easy shift ahead of me. He's always on time without any problems, he walks in and walks out in under 15 minutes, a very easy patient.

- Medic Operator Warfarin

Archive File 1

Azrael is an enigma when it comes to combat. His arts are extremely powerful, and he has stated that he has been cultivating them since he was eight, giving him sixteen years of experience under his belt. His arts can be used in many ways, allowing Azrael to have a lot of freedom on the battlefield. From what Rhodes Island has seen, Azrael seems to prefer using his arts to create weapons and barriers with ice. He has also been shown to sabotage enemies by turning the floor they are on into ice, making inexperienced combatants much less effective. While Azrael's style of two blades and smart arts usage is best suited for open spaces, he has been shown to adapt very quickly to all situations, allowing him to stay dangerous no matter his position on the battlefield. Azrael has also shown very good chemistry with Penguin Logistics employees and operator Ch'en. This is most likely due to his past experiences with these operators, as Azrael has fought alongside them before. Azrael is also noted to carry a handgun on him, though it is rarely if ever used.

Archive File 2

Azrael is usually found hanging around the Penguin Logistics dorm or sitting randomly in spots across Rhodes Island. He keeps his headphones on and usually has a book in his hand, reading silently and listening to whatever music he finds fits the mood. Rarely, Azrael will be found in the Rhodes Island cafeteria, where he is usually eating basic food with either Ch'en, Bagpipe, or Sora. Azrael keeps silent most of the time. Many operators have told stories of walking out into the halls of Rhodes Island just to see Azrael leaning against the wall, reading a book quietly. He has also been shown to leave Rhodes Island and head over to Lungmen during off-days alongside other members of Penguin Logistics.

Archive File 3

Azrael's love for music is hard to understate. He is pretty much always listening to something through his headphones. Before an operation, Azrael isn't discussing battle plans, he's discussing what songs he should queue up for the next couple of hours. Azrael has also shown a high level of ability in playing guitar, something that most operators are aware of, but only few have ever seen. Rumors have spread that he has begun writing down his own music and is even planning to form a band. Operators Sora and Azrael are also said to have a tradition of playing music to each other, and while no one has ever seen it happen first-hand, it never fails to spark fellow operators' imagination.

Archive File 4

Azrael is known by many people in Rhodes Island and is believed to have connections across the entirety of Terra, but Azrael himself dismisses it as nothing but a rumor. Operators like to ignore Azrael though, given that he has been shown to go from talking to Bagpipe about her recent weapon modifications, to Ch'en about how Lungmen's infrastructure is ever-so changing, to Sora about the latest show she performed. Azrael describes himself as a very good talker who doesn't like talking, and most people who have ever interacted with him agree. Azrael really only talks to a handful of people, everyone else he will just either ignore or give very basic replies. Azrael isn't stated to have social awkwardness, most operators say that they would love to be friends with him if he asked, he just doesn't ask. Azrael seems content with his current relationships and allows his quiet nature to guide him through life at Rhodes Island.

Promotion Record

Azrael has never elaborated on why he developed his arts at such a young age. Rhodes Island elites have tried their best to get information out of him, but nothing close to an answer has ever surfaced. Questions have also been raised on how Azrael became so powerful, many people assumed it was due to his time at the Victorian Royal Guard Academy, but both operators Ch'en and Bagpipe say that he was already extremely powerful from the first combat class he took there. He did do mercenary work before the academy, though it's extremely unusual for young mercenaries like he would have been to be that powerful. This leaves operators with many questions about Azrael's past, and while Azrael provides a basic explanation, Rhodes Island has to ask external sources in order to get any actually important details. Only Emperor knows what Azrael did during his mercenary work, and while he refrains from sharing his knowledge, even he has stated that he doesn't know how Azrael became so powerful. The source of Azrael's strength will most likely never be known, and while it rubs a few operators the wrong way, Rhodes Island will dismiss efforts to try and pry into his background. Azrael's past will stay unknown to all other than him.

Azrael's Token

A 7'' record that is said to have Azrael's favorite song on it. No one has a record player capable of spinning a 7'' in Rhodes Island, so it has been kept untouched.

Audio Records

[Appointed as Assistant]

Hey, nice to meet you again. This stuff isn't really my thing, so just call me over whenever you need help and I'll see what I can do.

[Talk 1]

What should you do to get me to talk more? I guess either earn my trust or become a music nerd. I'm always open to a conversation regarding music.

[Talk 2]

I joined Penguin Logistics a while back when it was just a trio of Exia, Texas, and me. I had left for a little bit to get my footing financially, but I now find myself back with them. They're a crazy group, but I wouldn't trade them for anything.

[Talk 3]

Swire talks about me a lot? Well, given our first interaction I can see why. She was dead drunk and trying to flirt with me, after that she passed out on my lap and I had to pay for her bill. She still hasn't paid me back, so I haven't deleted the photos of her drunk face... do you want to see them?

[Talk After Promotion 1]

Thanks again. Now that I've been here for a decent amount of time, I must say that Rhodes Island is a pretty interesting place. So many people from so many different walks of life... It must be hard having to manage all of that, but from what I've seen, you've done a good job. Keep it up.

[Talk After Promotion 2]

I'm not really big on celebrations. And a promotion isn't really important enough to validate a gift, so you can put down whatever you have under your desk. Actually, save it for later, the gang is probably setting a party up for me even though I asked them not to. Give your gift to me there, my guess would be around 11, but I'd ask Exia just to make sure.

[Talk after Trust Increase 1]

I'm originally from Iberia, but I don't remember it a lot so I pretty much never bring it up. I ended up just bouncing around for a little bit until I got into the Victorian Royal Guard Academy somehow, from there I moved to Lungmen and got introduced to the gang. Now, I find myself here.

[Talk after Trust Increase 2]

You want me to play you a song? Sorry I'll have to decline, come to my favorite bar one night and maybe I'll be performing. I don't really just break out the guitar randomly every night, it's something meaningful to me, so playing for whoever asks just diminishes its importance.

[Talk after Trust Increase 3]

What's my relationship with Sora? Well... a very close one. We pretty much rely on each other for everything. I had saved her from a hostage situation before teaching her more and more about music. From there we've been extremely close, you've seen it first hand so I don't think I have to explain. Also please note, if you ever put Sora in a group with people she isn't comfortable with, we'll both be taking our month-long break with the possibility of an extension, thanks.


"Ignore the hole I've dug again."


I'm Azrael, nice to meet you. I can handle most things, so pay me accordingly and I'll do whatever... I'm going to go head over to where the gang is.

[Watching Battle Record]

Nothing new... At least it's entertaining.

[Promotion 1]

Thanks for this. I don't really care about the whole prestigious aspect of promotions, but they give me opportunities to get more money, and I'll always take more money.

[Promotion 2]

You're really promoting me again? Reminder, I'm only here for a couple of years, and I can take month-long breaks whenever I want to... You consider me an elite operator? Well thanks, though, I still think you're making a mistake... but I won't argue it anymore. You do you, it's been working out great so far.

[Added to Squad]

Is anyone I know here?

[Appointed as Squad Leader]

I know I'm not the most charismatic person in the world, but I promise to lead you to victory. Raise your weapon as we head into battle, no one will go home dissatisfied.


Shuffle or no shuffle? *sighs* I'll just listen to whatever album pops up first.

[Begin Operation]

Just turn the volume up and wait for it to be over...

[Selecting Operator 1]

What's your favorite album?

[Selecting Operator 2]

This song doesn't fit the battlefield.

[Deployment 1]

Good vantage point, you're pretty experienced.

[Deployment 2]

I wonder if the enemies can hear through my headphones?

[In Battle 1]

Slash, Slash, Slash.

[In Battle 2]

Easier than expected.

[In Battle 3]

Wrong playlist.

[In Battle 4]

Freeze, Slash, Freeze, Slash.

[4-star Result]

That was surprisingly brutal. Rhodes Island shows no mercy do they?

[3-star Result]

I wonder if they restocked that record by now. Should be able to get it after this paycheck.

[Sub 3-star Result]

I've thrown up some ice walls, it'll help up get out of the crosshairs.

[Operation Failure]

I'll clear out the escape! Every able body person should be helping the injured! Let's go!

[Assigned to Facility]

What do I have to do today?


Anything important?

[Trust Tap]

I'm getting a drink around 11, feel free to drop by.


*Waves without a word*

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