My Prince (BOOK 1)

By VicMalfoy19

34.4K 2K 279

They say it takes a great ruler to make a great kingdom. This saying is true when it comes to the Fire Kingdo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
From when we were Kids
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 26

478 31 5
By VicMalfoy19

This is not good. Not good at all!
I stare at her. I can't seem to look away.

Darren and Earl are behind her. Their sorting the food and the bottles of who knows what. I had thought they were only getting food and drinks and other supplies. I was even a little hopeful they were getting something to help the fire prince here... but I knew that was a low chance... and now I know that there are not one but TWO fucking royal people in this crap hide out!!
I bite my nails and hold my body close together as to make sure to not take up too much room.
The prince beside me keeps groaning and muttering an incomprehensible name.
It sounds like "Na-uh-na" or "Har-uh-ah". I can't tell who he's calling for... but I know he's in deep pain. And I feel bad for him, I really do.. but I'll be killed if I try to help him.

H-hell it seems I'll be killed either way if I don't get out of here!!!

I crane my neck back up at Lady Naruto. She truly is the stunning figure she was made out to be... but I can't comprehend why she's here. Why is she here?
Why does she have to be here?!?!

Her words keep playing like a mantra in my mind. I need to get out of here. My sister is having a hard pregnancy, she can't last without me. I need to survive. I need to go back to the Wind. I need to go to my family.

"Ben why don't you stop acting like a paranoid girl and make us supper."
I look up at Darren who's staring back at me. I calm with his eyes on me, but it doesn't last long when I see lady Narutos eyes are on me as well.
"I-I" I clear my throat.
Act cool Ben. You can't give any thing away.
"I'll go get some sticks to build up the fire before I do that."
I'll run away and never look back.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I stiffen at Earls tone.
I stand on my jelly legs and looked at him.
"Logs are over there." He points to the door where he got the steel brander. I gulp.
"Just little sticks." I try to persuade.
Earl looked at me annoyed. "There aren't just thick logs in there dumbass."
I wince at his tone. Glancing back at Darren who gives me a reassuring smile and chancing my luck at looking at lady Naruto.
I walk to the door and pull out a few sticks and one log. Putting them in the fire, Darren crouched to help me set up the pot for stew. It's really the only thing I know how to make.

"You okay?" His look is full of concern. Am I acting that weird?
"Yeah, I'm fine."
I glance back at lady Naruto and Darren doesn't miss a beat, looking back with me.
"I know how you must feel. It's one thing to kidnap douche fuck over there but buying an innocent girl. I even feel bad."
It's not just that Darren.
I nod. "I-I feel bad for both... I do get where your coming from, trust me Darren I do— if my sister killed herself cause of some guy I'd want vengeance too... but.. but I don't think it's worth risking our lives. I-I mean I'm sure the best of his knights are looking for him."
Darren shakes his head. "The opposite actually. Honestly I take pity on him for no one noticing he was kidnapped... but I still want to kill him. For my sister and my family."
I shudder at the thought of dying. That makes me look back at lady Naruto who's eyes are now trained on the prince. She must know him, being a royal herself and all. And I bet she's wishing she could get herself out of this situation.
Her advise to leave or be killed actually makes me think someone has noticed the prince has gone missing... but still, maybe it's her who's been noticed to have gone missing. I'm sure King Minato and the Queen have reunited with her by now. Seeing she's in the Fire and their in the Fire.

Darren squeezes my knee for reassurance.
"Nothing will happen to us Ben. I promise my family name on it."
I burn red and have to look away before I tell him everything. I feel so guilty. And I need to leave.
Darren's my friend, and I cherish him. I really do... but my sisters more important. What I do only reflects on my sister.

Soon enough I fill four bowls with the stew. Earl looks up at me weirdly.

"Who's the fourth bowl for?"
I glance back at Lady Naruto. "It's just to keep her alive."
Earl clicks his tongue and dumps the fourth bowl into his. I bite back my yell and furrow my eyebrows.
Darren takes my side. "Earl come on. If you bought her for so much money, we should at least feed her enough to keep her alive."
"The bitch will be fine without a few meals."
I look at Darren and he sighs. I sit down beside him but don't eat.

It's supper. That means it's getting dark outside. When we go to sleep what'll happen to us?
Oh fuck. Oh kami.
I close my eyes. I can only imagine what will happen if I sleep.

I had until night fall to get out of here... yet somehow I'm still here.

"Are you not going to eat?"
I look at Darren's close face. He looks worried. I shake my head.
"I..I'm not hungry."
He frowns. "You'll have to have some stomach."
My stomach drops.
"What? W-why?"
He nudges his head toward the three bottles on the table. "Those'll knock dear prince into a deep sleep."
My heart drops.
"Earl thinks tomorrow we should leave him for all of the Fire to see."
My body plummets.
"I thought we were only leaving him badly injured."
"He doesn't get to go back to his perky life after what he's done to us." Earl snarls. I flinch at his tone. How could he hold so much hatred for one man? How could either of them be okay with doing this to someone?
"We're only doing it tomorrow because Im going to have some fun with that whore. Either of you can tag along if you want."
I scrunch my nose the same way my stomach is turning. I show utter disgust. That's Lady Naruto you jackass.
I clench my spoon, only thinking of what I could do to such a disgusting man.
"We'll pass thanks." Darren answers for me.
Earl shrugs and takes the leftover stew from the pot. "Suit yourselves."
Filthy pig.


I rinse the pots, bowls and spoons in the stream near our shelter. I would've dropped everything by now, but Darren tagged along with me. Usually I'd be grateful... but now. All I want to do is book it for the hills and go back to my sister.
Kami I miss her and her dorky smile.

"What are you thinking about? You've seemed on edge since Earl and I got back."
I stiffened and shamelessly take a look at Darren.
"Just my sister. I'm nervous she'll give birth on her own... you know how rough her pregnancy's been."
Darren gives me a small smile. Anytime I mention my sister he gets quiet and his mood dampens.
"Ya know that girl we bought."
My shoulders flex. Shit has he noticed who she is?
"She's pretty huh."
I relax, and shrug. "I guess."
"Like she could be a royal."
I look at Darren and he's smirking. I fumble over my words and he laughs before shoving my shoulder.
"I'm only playing with you. I've seen how you look at her."
"L-look at her?"
"Yeah she's pretty. Doesn't have a bad body either."
I wrinkle my nose. That's Lady Naruto he's talking so vulgarly about.

Darren stands and groans, stretching his arms out. I hear his back crack a few times before I too stand up.

He looks at me.
"What do you think would happen if we just ran?"
"Ran? To where?"
"Home." I smile.
I'd love to escape with Darren. Never have to look back and Lady Naruto says she'll help me and my sister.
Darren looks at me strangely, than snorts. "Nice one."
"Nice joke." He smiles. I frown.
"It's not a joke Darren. I...I don't have a good feeling if we go back to the shelter."
He raises an eyebrow. "You think Earl will kill us?"
"No... not him.. specifically."
"Than who?" He folds his arms. I've gained his full curiosity.
"Just.. the knights.. I guess."
Darren's face softens. "Ben no knight is coming after us. Earl and I were in town earlier, not even the commoners know of the fuckers disappearance."
I bite my lip. Should I tell him. Maybe I shouldn't. But maybe I could save both of our lives.

Darren sighs and picks up the wet dishes. He nudges my arm with his.

"Come on. We better get back before Earl pisses his self."
I frowned, but follow Darren not far behind.

If I could choose between my sister or Darren. I'd choose my sister without a doubt.
But if Lady Naruto was lying seeing it's almost pitch black, than I don't want to leave Darren.

"Open the hatch for me."
I nod and can't help but to return Darren's smile. How could he want to do such awful things to one man... but look so ordinary all the same?

I crouch and grab the hidden knob. Opening it the light of the shelter bursts out like a wide fire...
But my ears are forever cursed by the screaming.

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