By linosmaniac

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"You're my safe place Hannie." "Aw Min- wait hol up did you just call me ..Hannie?" "Yeah, you like it?" "Nah... More



203 19 4
By linosmaniac


It was a normal regular day in the afternoon Jisung was in his living room and accompanied by his side is Minho. The two were on the couch, watching a movie with a bowl of popcorn taking over the space between them.

Jisung had his arms crossed, stealing occasional glances from Minho who has his eyes glued to the TV, eating the popcorn. Without saying a word the ravenette quickly grabs the remote and pauses the movie.

It results in Minho turning to him. "Hey why'd you do that."

"Minho I've had enough." Jisung started and the other can only stare, feeling lost and confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Enough with this act!" Jisung snaps, with his voice going high. He takes the popcorn bowl and sets it on the coffee table.

"I'm so confused." Minho says with a frown, and gets up. "Maybe I should just go. Hopefully my parents have calmed down by now-"

"No! Stay!" Jisung yells, and the other sits back down in pure panic. "I want you to stop pretending like there isn't something going on between us."

"Jisung can you calm down, you're freaking me out." Minho firmly demands looking at him like he's crazy.

"Come on, that one night you grabbed my arm and- and wouldn't let go."

"That happened?"

"Yes!" Jisung exclaims in a cry out. "Quit pretending! We had that long eye contact you even pulled me close to you and- we made our hands touch in chemistry class! And you initiated it first!" He lowers his voice so he wasn't yelling anymore. "You drop out these hints and then act like nothing happened, and I'm tired of it Minho it's driving me crazy. Please just tell me what they mean-" Minho leant in and shoves his lips on Jisung's to shut him up.

It leaves Jisung wide eyed that Minho was kissing him and then he kisses back without hesitating, closing his eyes now, and moving his lips along Minho's, keeping up with the rhythm. Their fingers on one hand interlock, and their tongues share small caresses.

After a couple seconds Minho pulls away, separating their lips, and Jisung opens his eyes to find the other gazing into them. "W-We just k-kissed." Jisung stuttered out, in disbelief with a grin, small heavy breaths leaving him.

"You wanna know." Minho speaks up. "What they mean huh. All those hints of mine."

"Yes, so much, please tell me Minho." Jisung pleads with beady eyes.

Minho stares for some time and reaches his hand up to trace his thumb across Jisung's bottom lip. Then he opens his mouth to speak however instead of words coming out it's a blaring alarm Jisung recognizes.


Jisung jolts and sits up frantically, his breaths coming out heavy and fast eyes wide open, fingers gripping tightly on the bed sheet. He then looks around his surroundings to find he's just in his bedroom and that was all just a dream.

He drops out a heavy low sigh mutters a low 'of course' and he reaches for his phone off the nightstand to turn off the alarm. He drops the phone beside him on the bed and runs his fingers through his dishelved dark fluffy fringe. He brings his knees up and his breaths start to falter down, as he rubs at his elbow.

That dream felt too real, how he's wanted to speak up and get the truth out of Minho. Jisung has felt immensely bothered. Minho still continues to act like nothing absolutely nothing has happened with them.

It's been a week and he's gotten nothing from him. He hadn't come over since last Sunday almost like he's avoiding him on purpose or perhaps his parents had stopped fighting. Minho does talk to him, only when the other guys are around, like in lunch or when they all hang out.

"Do you like me or not." Jisung says, questioned aimed towards Minho. Something he wants to ask him but yet is too terrified. Jisung has had enough of this. He really wants to call the handsome one out hear from his very own voice and words.

He sets his fingers on his lips just staring ahead at his wall, remembering how he and Minho kissed in the dream, it was passionate again felt so real. Then he grazes his thumb on his bottom lip like dream Minho did he sighs out really not surprised he had such dream.

Now he has an urge to tell Felix about it.



Binnie: So ..

Felly: what a great new way to say good morning

Binnie: we fr have a relationship in the group?

Jeongin: no


Jeongin: YEP! I did 😁

Jinnie: and also bin it's been a week since we made our relationship official

Seungmin: forgot the word trash before bin

Binnie: stop the Changbin slander

Jeongin: trash bin aha good one

Jinnie: How are you still not understanding Jeongin baby and I are a couple 🙄

Binnie: I thought by now y'all would admit it's fake.I'm just still finding it hard to believe, because first of all Jeongin

Jeongin: me

Binnie: would say he disliked relationships and all that lovey dovey shit and now all a sudden you guys are boyfriends and act in love? Y'all sus, I'm onto y'all

Jinnie: it's not acting cause we are.
shut up you're just jealous you don't got no-one

Binnie: I don't need a relationship tf, I'm perfectly fine with this friends with benefits thing I got going on with someone

Jinnie: OH shit with who

Jeongin: lemme guess, it's Mark

Seungmin: PFT


Seungmin: you saying that IS funny

Binnie: Felix babe kick him out the chat already

Felly: DO NOT call me that told you many times already


Jeongin: HI

Binnie: PULLED ANOTHER FUNNY BRINGING UP MARK. That dude wants me dead

Jeongin: relatable but with someone else

Binnie: oh Hongjoong right? Dude is plotting how he's gonna get rid of you

Jeongin: you're kidding right RIGHT!?

Binnie: am I?

Jinnie: aw dw baby I won't let anything happen to you , gonna protect you like the good boyfriend I am 💕

Minho: geez the spam

Binnie: beautiful right

Jisung: think Felix should kick me out instead


A loud gag erupts from Jeongin's throat because of Hyunjin's last text. Hyunjin looks up from the phone, then smacks his arm. "Can you not overreact."

Jeongin wipes imaginary barf off his lip, and sits more back against the tree the two are hanging out under infront of the school field roaming with other students, it's 30 mins left till first period. "It's just that you go so far with the flirting feels like you actually mean it."

"Remember gotta make our relationship believeable." Hyunjin states, with a sweet grin, and flicks Jeongin on the chin with his finger. "And come on you like it."

Jeongin flinches his hand off, with a grimaced expression. "I still don't see why we can't tell the guys." He shrugs his shoulder. "It's not like they'll start telling everyone and their mama that we're faking it."

"Hey you never know, and I especially don't trust Changbin. Y'know he's still friends with Hongjoong?"

"Wow word."

"He'd tell him we're not a real couple because as mentioned he loves the thrill of drama. Damn trash bin." Hyunjin grumbles rolling his eyes.

Jeongin nods his head, and fumbles with his blue locks looking away. "Ok so then how long we gonna keep this up? Till Hongjoong moves schools or what."

Hyunjin hums, facing up with a pondering look. "How about..till he gets into a new relationship."

Jeongin's brows narrowed, turning back to the ravenette. "You're kidding right..right?"

"Am I?" Hyunjin questions and meets Jeongin's big eyes "And hey you like it right, getting to have all my attention on you and only you."

Jeongin's lips parted slightly. "I-I, uhm-"

"I'm not hearing a no." Hyunjin chuckled then groaned. "I feel so stressed." He pouts going for Jeongin's hand grabbing it. "Make me feel better boyfriend."

The 'boyfriend' still throws Jeongin off and he blinks rapidly with his brow arched up high. "Oh uh and how do you want me to do that."

Then from the corner of his eye Hyunjin spots Hongjoong some feet away with two friends. He said something to them and then started to make his way towards Hyunjin and Jeongin. The ravenette shifts his gaze back to Jeongin and demands quickly.

"Kiss me."

"W-What." Jeongin stuttered getting flustered.

"Just a peck. Come on." Hyunjin replies in a hushed tone, moving his face close a wide staring Jeongin.

"You're crazy." Jeongin squeaks but stayed put on his spot on the grass.

"Thought we knew that already."

"But-" Jeongin gets cut off from speaking more as Hyunjin pushes his lips on his. Jeongin keeps his eyes wide open from surprise, as their lips stay touching with no movement.

Right as Hongjoong was stood next to them Hyunjin pulls away and a loud gasp emits from Jeongin. "Wow!" He starts to calm down, when he's aware of Hongjoong's presence. "Wow wow woow, you're a good kisser." The blue head says to Hyunjin.

"I know baby." Hyunjin replies with a lopsided grin then looks up at the ex acting like he didn't expect for him to come. "Oh hi Hongjoong."

"Hey, wow you guys really are a couple." Hongjoong points out, with no enthusiasm in his tone.

"Duh of course, you think we'd be faking it for this long? please why would we." Hyunjin replies and grabs Jeongin by the chin shaking his head a little. "We're obviously in love."

"Yeah can't you tell." Jeongin lets out to play along, and rests his head on Hyunjin's shoulder. "Hyunjin is mine to call."

"My baby right here." Hyunjin says, wrapping his arms around Jeongin's waist.

"Well you two do make a cute couple."

"Love to be hearing it from you." Hyunjin replies. "Lost count of how many we've been told."

"I'm glad for you guys. Jeongin you're a lucky guy keep continuing to take care of him alright." Hongjoong says forcing on a smile and then heads on out his way.

Jeongin lifts his head up off Hyunjin and says. "He looks at me like he's thinking of ways on how to kill me and where he's gonna hide my body...we should look through his google search history."

"That's you over reacting again." Hyunjin replies."But ah he's not as annoying anymore and has stopped spamming my dms so yes this is working. Let's keep it going. You're so good at playing along."

"Yeah playing along." Jeongin repeats with a loud tone. "As in no real feelings involved."

Hyunjin does in fact mean it though, his feelings are real. He was liking this fake boyfriends thing gets him to be much closer to Jeongin. The blue head he can't get enough of and just adores to the fucking max.

Hyunjin clicks his tongue and rests with his arms stretched behind and hands on the grass. "I know." He drops out a heavy sigh as something hits him in his mind. He does care for Jeongin alot and doesn't want him to feel like he's being forced to do this.

"Look Jeongin I don't want you to be uncomfortable or feel pressured into doing something you don't want." Hyunjin assures. "So if you wanna back out and end this already I'll understand."

"No it's okay, although yeah I don't like relationships, or the idea of being in one. But I feel like I owe it to you. You're one of my best friends if me being your ..boyfriend gets an obsessive ex away from you then so be it." Jeongin explains and waves a fist in the air.

"You care about me." Hyunjin utters, voice going soft.

"Obviously." Jeongin snickered. "Even if I don't say it."

Hyunjin smiles at the blue head, just what he needed to hear. Made him feel content, and relived really, that this fake relationship is fine to keep up. "Your lips are soft by the way."

"Cannot believe you were my first kiss."

"And I feel so honored babe."


Minho was in the boys lockerroom, he along with his soccer teammates were getting ready, lockers being opened, chits and chatters going around. "I'm still onto them." Changbin brings up, taking off his shirt.

And Minho knew which two the other is referring to. "Gosh you're still on this." He says annoyed, sitting on a bench.

"They're so mysterious. Like I've never even seen them kiss, or make out." Changbin retorts taking his jersey out of his locker.

"You wanna watch them make out?" Minho gasps dramatically with his eyes wide. "Wow had no idea you were into voyeurism, you sly dog." He gives the small ravenette a hard smack with the back of his palm, on his bare flat stomach.

Changbin lets out a aggressive groan mixed with a laugh, crouching down a little rubbing the spot Minho hit. "Shut up that's not true."

"Okie and honestly, not that deep." Minho continues with a shrug. "Even if they aren't actually dating. So what that's their business."

"Yeah but we're a group. All eight of us. We should be able to share our business with eachother."

"Oh so you wanna share something about yourself." Minho replies, arching up a brow.

"Uh , I'd rather not." Changbin says and coughs into his hand. "It's just Jeongin was our anti-romantic baby bread, how's he gonna change just like that." He puts on the jersey, and pats it down. "You don't think Hyunjin is paying him right."

"Sure let's go with that." Minho replies rolling his eyes and puts on his soccer cleats.

Changbin notices and points the shoes out admiring them. "Woahh those are new when did you get em"

"Do you not see my insta stories?"


Minho just laughs shaking his head and gets to tying the shoe laces. When all a sudden he over hears homophobic slurs and comments coming from Jung Wooyoung talking to three of his friends.

"They're fucking gross bros." Wooyoung says, fully attired in his soccer wear. "First we lost a soldier, Mark."

"Wait which Mark?" Seonghwa questions.

"Tuan you dumbass." Wooyoung answers. "And now we got a gay couple roaming the halls. Who needs them to make our school look bad? So embarrassing. I wanna throw up everytime I see them." He huffs crossing his arms. "Oh and don't get me started on Hyunjin. I wanna punch him and that pink lipgloss of his off." Wooyoung finishes and his friends start to laugh.

It's not at all the first Wooyoung has gone off like this and usually Minho would keep shut but now he's had enough, especially hearing it be about his friends. Plus the way Wooyoung speaks reminded him a little too much of-

"Hey shut up." Minho speaks up aloud and it falls silent in the lockerroom.

Wooyoung froze then looks towards Minho's direction along with many other boys. "What was that Lee."

"You heard me."

"No don't think I did, wanna repeat yourself?"

"Since you asked, I don't actually. Also leave them alone." Minho snaps and stands up from the bench. "Hyunjin and Jeongin."

Wooyoung laughs and draws near him. "Ah wow of course you'd back up your gay friends, sad." Wooyoung claps his hands. "Why don't you just admit you're also a gross fuck with them Lee. Tell me now so I know to stay away from you. Oh and to make sure coach has you removed, we wouldn't want a gay in here to get pleasure watching us change. That's sick."

"I just happen to not be a sad homophobic loser like you." Minho fires back. "What the fuck is wrong with that, you want us to be alike? Ah really?" He grinned with a scoff. "Also your logic makes no fucking sense. Being friends with gay people makes you gay? You that bored that you make pathetic shit up? Make it make sense." He pauses and tilts his head with wide eyes. "Jung."

A bunch of 'ooo's, snickers and mutters go around. No one has ever talked to Wooyoung like this. He points a finger at Minho with a harsh glare. "You fucked up, better watch yourself."

"Oh so scary, and yeah being the principal's son makes you the shit." Minho says sarcastically nodding his head.

That's when the heavy door to the lockerroom is heard being pushed open with the coach's booming voice. "All right boys let head on out to those warm up stretches!!"

And so the boys make their way out there onto the field, lockers being shut. Wooyoung gives Minho one last look before leaving with the rest.

"Woahh you told him! and I got to be a witness." Changbin praises Minho with gratitude. "But I'm alittle scared for you. He is the principal's son remember he got someone expelled. That's why no one goes against him."

"Someone had to do it." Minho shrugs. "Had enough of his shit."

Changbin smiles and hugs Minho's arm. "You're my hero."

Minho lets out a hum sort of laugh and pulls his arm away. "Let's go." And he walks out the lockerroom with Changbin by his side, who grabs his arm again.

"When I'm so proud to call Lee Minho my best friend."


The next chap will be way longer! I have it planned out already ugh I love writing for this book sm ♡

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