Honey; Draco Malfoy

By justlikeyourstories

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โ๐‡๐จ๐ง๐ž๐ฒ; ๐€ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž ๐ง๐š๐ฆ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐š ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž ๐ ๐ข๐ซ๐ฅโž โ๐“๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฆ... More

Sweet Like Honey
The 14th Floor
No Sugar
Love In A Photograph
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Underdesk Work
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A Bone To Pick
20 Questions
Elderflower Wine
Cloudy Minds
I Dont Like Repeating Myself
Drunk At 6:30?
Delicate Kisses
My Boss Is A Massive Asshole
Penetrative Permission๏ฟผ
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Over As Fast As It Begun
Im Totally Fine
And There Were Three
Pasta Fixes Everything
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The More You Know
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Elephant In A Crystal Shop
My Star In The Sky

Memory Lane

2.1K 74 8
By justlikeyourstories

Omg y'all I'm so sorry I forgot to post this yesterday 😭

Honey Ilona

"Hey, Honey" Bree smiled as she leant her hand on my desk and handed me a cup of fresh coffee.

"Hey" I smiled, taking a sip of the hot liquid that tasted so sweet, just how I like it.

"How was your night?" She smirked eyeing me up and down. I frowned in confusion and looked over my myself for a second. Is there something on my face?

"Uh..." I blinked slowly "Good"

"Just good?" She grinned, looking between me and Draco's closed office door.

"Is there something on my face or...?"

"Your necks littered with hickey's" she said as she pointed to where my hair draped behind my shoulder, revealing the side of my neck.

"What?" My eyes widened as I brought a hand up to my neck. I hadn't even noticed that he put them there nor did I see them in the mirror this morning before I left.

"Merlin, it looks like he attacked you—how did you not know that? Couldn't you feel it?" She frowned and leant down to look closer.

"Stop" I blushed, taking my hand away and pushing my hair forward to hide the side of my neck covered in purple marks.

"That's assault" she joked with a teasing smile.

"Subject change!" I smiled and opened the draw before me "There's are the new floor plans Mr Malfoy wanted you to go over before they start working"

"Ugh" Bree rolled her eyes and placed her coffee on my desk before taking the folder from me "I thought these had already been processed"

"Those were the old ones" I said "Draco didn't like the black floors"

"Picky bitch" Bree sighed "Alright, I'll have these back before the end of the day"

"Thanks" I smiled and went to confine back with my work.

"Are you excited for that new intern to start today?" Bree said as she tucked the folder underneath her arm and picked her coffee back up.

"Oh!" I gasped and stood up "I almost forgot! She'd probably be downstairs right now so clueless and not knowing where to go"

Bree chuckled "I'll see you at lunch" she said before turning around and walking away.

I sighed and turned around to knock on Draco's door. Just like always, it was a quick second before he answered and I pushed open the door.

"Honey" he smiled as he looked up and met my eye.

"Morning" I said cheerfully "And before you ask, no I'm not staying. Just wanted to let you know that I'm heading down stairs to meet Martha and was wondering if you'd want to speak to her when she's up here?"

He laughed "Understandable and once she's settled, bring her in and I'll welcome her"

"If you treat her anyway you did me when I first started, the last thing she'll feel is welcomed" I chuckled "Anyways, I'll see you later"

"Counting down the minutes" he responded before I spun on my heel and left the room.

I pressed the button to the elevator and immediately it opened to reveal an empty space. I walked in, pressing the floor button and leaning my back against the wall as it started to descend.

It was quick considering no one else had pressed a button to have it stop so I was on the first floor in the span of a couple of seconds.

The door opened slowly and as soon as there was a big enough space, I inched my way through and walked across the bottom floor.

"Morning, Hector" I smiled at the big security guard as I walked past. He gave me a small nod and smile before my back turned towards him.

Walking up to the front desk, I looked around for anyone that seemed out of place. I didn't know what this girl looked like but I figured it wouldn't be hard to spot her.

I huffed and looked around, not seeing anyone that looked out of the ordinary until the doors burst open and in ran and small girl with a bag flung over her shoulder. She looked rushed and red in the face, pulling down her red skirt with each step she took.

She had her raven black hair pushed back behind her ears and her brown eyes searched frantically over the lady at the desk.

She didn't seem to notice me as she trudged right up to the front desk beside me.

"Hi!" She breathed, clearly out of breath "It's my first day and I really hope I'm not late. I can't remember who I was supposed to meet but—"

"Hi!" I interjected, giving the girl a kind smile as she slowly spun around to meet me "Don't worry, you're just on time"

"Oh, thank merlin!" She sighed in relief "I'm Martha Green"

"Honey Ilona" I held my hand out for her to shake. She took it happily and I tried to ignore the way her sweaty palm felt on mine.

She's just nervous, nothing I wasn't like on my first day.

"Honey? I love that! It's really cute" she smiled.

"Thank you" I nodded at her "Now, let's get you settled in, shall we?"

"Awesome" she said.

"Follow me" I said before I turned around and started to walk away. She did a quick jog to catch up before a steady walk beside me.

We walked across the floor and up to Hector who gave her a stern glare behind his heavy shades just like he had me. Martha gulped and looked up at him as though she'd done something wrong and felt the need to apologise.

"Don't worry about Hector" I brushed off "He's really kind once you get to know him"

She nodded in uneasily.

"Right" I huffed as I reached behind the desk before us and pulled out her badge "This is your employee badge. It has your name and ID number. Make sure you have it with you at all times just to avoid any unnecessary drama and all that nonsense"

She nodded and took it from me, clipping it to the collar of her white shirt.

I smiled and continued past Hector to the elevator.

"Your work is based on the 14th floor with me. Your job is to handle all of Mr Malfoy's work calls, organise his paperwork and answer any business enquires" I explained as we stepped into the elevator, letting the doors close behind us.

"Mr Malfoy" she said "What's he like? I mean, he scared me half to death in the interview. I wasn't even sure if I'd gotten the job until I got a call from you the next day"

"He's professional" I started "He likes to be called 'Mr Malfoy' and nothing else. He gets all frigid and pissed when anyone else calls him by his first name , trust me on that"

"Wait—anyone else?" Before I could answer her question, the elevator doors opened to reveal the 14th floor and Sebastian waiting patiently.

"Honey" he smiled as he saw me.

"Morning, Seb" I smiled back at him as we walked from the elevator, Martha trailing behind me.

"Who's this?" Sebastian asked as he gave a polite smile towards her.

"This is Martha Green. She's taking Vivian's position" I said.

"Ah" he nodded "Welcome, Martha"

"Thank you" Martha blushed as she looked down to the floor.

Just as I did when I first met him.

He nodded and walked past us into the elevator. I didn't pay any mind and continued to walk up to our desks.

"Ok" I breathed "This is your desk here, right next to mine. Feel free to decorate it with any personal belongings but make sure to keep it nice and tidy at all times, Mr Malfoy doesn't like uncleanliness"

She nodded and I could physically see her mind ticking and storing the information away.

She walked towards the desk and dropped her bag down to the floor before looking up at me again.

"Mr Malfoy wishes to speak with you so when you're ready, let me know and I'll take you in so you're not alone" I smiled before turning around and sitting down at my desk "Oh! I almost forgot, towards lunch, I'll show you around the break room and all the facilities you can and can't use"

"Ok" she smiled and sat down at her chair before picking her bag back up and rummaging through it.

I chuckled and looked away until the phone started to ring. I sighed and picked it up.

"Hello, You've reached Malfoy CO. My names Honey, how can I help you today?" I answered. The woman on the other end started to talk and I ended up being roped into a conversation about how we work.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Martha prop photo frames against the desk and pull out a note pad with a pen to place on the desk as well.

It made me smile how she was settling in so easily and quietly.

"Okay, thank you for calling" I said "Enjoy your day" And as the other end hang up, I placed the phone back down and looked over at Martha "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good" she sighed "But I'm yet to meet the boss so I guess me mood will be pending on how this goes"

"You ready?" I asked as I stood up. She nodded and joined me before I knocked on Draco's door. He answered quickly so I was able to open the door and walk in with Martha behind me.

He kept quiet, looking down at his work on the desk as we walked up to him and stopped right before the chairs.

"Mr Malfoy" I said and that's when he looked up at me.

"Honey" he answered "What can I do for you?"

"I've brought Martha in like you've requested" I said, pointing to the black headed girl behind me.

He nodded and stood up, looking at her.

"Morning, Mr Malfoy" she said quietly, struggling to make eye contact.

"Miss Green" Draco nodded "I hope Honey's making you feel welcome?"

"Of course" she gave a small smile "She's been very helpful"

"That's good" he nodded "And I trust she's walked you though your day to day schedule?"

"She has" Martha nodded "I just want to thank you for the opportunity"

"Don't thank me" He shook his head and looked at me "Honey made the decision to hire you"

Martha looked at me surprised and I just gave her a comforting smile.

"Anyways, I must get back to work but I hope you settle in quickly" Draco said before he sat down "Honey, can I speak with you please?"


"I'm sure Miss Green can find the way to her desk being just outside the door" Draco said as he looked down at his desk.

I nodded and let Martha leave.

Now it was just Draco and I.


This is crazy late and I'm sorry but life's so busy at the moment!

Word count 1852.

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