Xiaolumi S4: Edge of Dawn

By Otaku_AriaSnow

81K 1.9K 1.7K

"Oh Viatrix, how brilliant and radiant you shine, a holy light in the dark so sublime. But what can I do, whe... More

Prologue: Daughter of Time
Lumen de Alatus
More Innocent Days
Deity of Dendro
Caged Bird
Where A Tiger Fell
Ningguang's Wish
Xiao's Final Contract
Healing Adeptus Incense
Temple of Pervases
Old Tales
Unexpected Encounters
Sentient Domain of Chaos
Stare Into The Abyss
The Abyss Stares Back
This Is Not Your Fate
Can't Live Without You
The Name's Yelan, "Agent" Yelan
Wanna Make A Bet?
Tears of Joy
Follow The Rules Or Be Fools
The One Who Hurt Her
The Maple & The Bird
Invitation To Sandy Shores
Memories Turn Into Daydreams
Song of The World
Power of A Dreamer
Blood of Valhalla
Chain of Fenrir: Shatter!
Ratatosk's Whispers
Fate's Familiar
The Withering
The Desert Tiger
Zhongli's Old Friend
The Dendro Shackle(Lemon Warning)
World Forget Me
Deja Vu
Live Without Regrets
The Yaksha King
Ratatoskr's Lil Mind Games
You Will Never Take Her!!
Hatred & Despair
Don't You Fret, My Dear
Jackal In The Field of Reeds
The Missing Keepers
Stars of Deshret
"Take My Hand, Deshret."
Festival Feast of Spirits
A Squirrel of A Plan
A/N: Twins Final Introductions[400 Follows TY!!]
The Single Truth
A Game of Hawk And Snake
Balladeer's Sin of Pride
The Eyes of Deshret
We Are The Voice of Nature
PeraαΈ₯ IΕ‘tar
Lord of The Skies
Ratatoskr's Wisdom
I Am Lord Of The Lost
Do Heavenly Birds Purr?
The Winds of Time Cometh Callin'
Chronos Eclipse Disaster
The War of Familiars
Oh Beautiful, Dangerous Mocking Sun
O Welkin Moon, Your Siren Calleth
The Holy Ambrosia
Clair De Lune
A/N: Thank You; Q&A; Info
A/N: About Bonus Chapters Going Forward

Dunyarzad The Runaway

1K 27 29
By Otaku_AriaSnow

[A/N: Xiaolumi arrive in Sumeru City but nobody seems interested nor hold any answers regarding Kusanali. But Lumine can't shake the feeling something may be wrong with this city as they turn to Katheryne after some failed leads. Meanwhile Xiao may have finally found a safe haven for them to stay as he begins his own investigation. Hope enjoy the song above for Xiaolumi <3]


It had felt sort of melancholy that afternoon as they went to Tighnari to say their farewells. Only to stumble onto a scene of the upset beastkin declining and shooing a sage and his escorts away. The sage's eyes subtly turned wide at spotting Xiao and Lumine walking by that narrowed to suspicion and caution. Lumine is more than happy to give Tighnari a sigil to grant him permission to access their abode inside the teapot. Then as they arrived at the crossroads they met Collei eagerly awaiting them. The greenette was surprised to also receive a sigil to let her visit them in their abode any time she wished before they parted ways. Luine felt a bit sad having to leave their new friends but she knew this wouldn't be goodbye, just farewell for a time. After all, Sumeru would be her home for the next six months and she was more than eager to see the land that had been her best friend and husband's cradle and playground. There was something that made her curious though as they took their time along the dusty dirt road.

"Xiao, you and Tighnari grew close rather fast. How come?"Lumine wondered.

"Hmm...Do you remember his words before we left?"Xiao remembered, his wing ruffling subconsciously as he crossed his arms.

"Something about his people serving the first dendro archon and entrusting us with Sumeru's fate."Lumine mused with a slight hum and a light skip for a few steps. Swerving around on her heel so she was walking backwards as she smiled at Xiao.

"My tribe were her direct guards for the forest when not wandering Teyvet cleansing and purging the malicious, monsters, and demons. But like sand in an hourglass we always came back. One such return we were surprised our archon had taken in Tighnari's entire tribe. Gone were there sand colored fur in favor of green."he quickly explained.

"So, in short they also served her like your kind and the Aranara?"Xiao nodded at Paimon's question. By now the city walls and gate were beginning to come into sight. But Xiao slowed and gently took Lumine's hand, anxiety being what she felt.

"Something wrong?"Lumine asked gently, squeezing his hand.

"I will not be accompanying you through the gate, Lumine."Xiao stated before dispatching a snarling tiger that had its eye on Lumine. Already the blonde was attracting beasts and monsters. And they were this close to the city and on the route of the caravans no less. The girls let out a startled squeak as the creature was sent flying off the cliff to the water below. Lumine with Xiao going over to make sure the tiger was ok. The creature was injured but as it made it to shore it bared its fangs, roaring before bounding away in a fearful posture of Xiao's hostile glare. "Are you alright?" Lumine nodded slightly in shock still. How many times had this happen? Was this why Xiao was away so often at night right now? It seemed the most logical. But Lumine felt like it could be more as she breathed, "Why can't you come? Is it due to the crowds and your karma?"

Xiao sighed in relief as he escorted Lumine closer to the gate, only stopping half way across the bridge. "Partly, yes. But I will return later once I finish investigating the final site at the Wall of Samiel. Within the city's walls you'll be safe and can start the search while I do mine."he informed smoothly. His features softened as he caressed her cheek so fondly as her rich honey amber eyes, so soulful and full of life widened in realization before an affectionate smile became his confirmation, a silent understanding. Xiao moved to leave but hesitated for a moment as he looked over his shoulder between his wings. Then to Lumine's surprise he came back and brought her close into a short but tender kiss. One she happily returned before he slowly pulled away as she whispered, "Come home to me soon, Alatus. Come back safe, to us."

"Always, my guiding star."he whispered as he unfurled his wings and took to the skies. Not long after vanishing into a dark mist.

"Are you done being lovey dovey love birds yet? Paimon wants to get inside the city already!"huffed the fairy.

"Yeah, yeah lil' impatient Piemon."giggled Lumine as they continued to the city gate. Many people, both local and not. "Hey! Paimon is not food!"came Paimon's protest, Lumine could only smile and laugh as she followed the crowds. Palm trees and lush tropical plants graced the pristine white stone walls of the city gates as well what seemed to be tiles of limestone or something similar and soft green hued shingles of the dome arches.

"Sumeru City~! We finally made it!"cheered Paimon.

"Yep. Though we would have been here faster if somebody didn't insist on chasing after Professor Haypasia."Paimon instantly puffed out her cheeks at Lumine's reminded.

"Paimon's sorry, ok? How was Paimon supposed to know she'd be doing some weird mediating stuff?"huffed the silver haired fairy. However she stopped when she noticed the weird leaf shaped devices over people's ears that appeared as they entered the gates. "Nevermind, did you see those things that appeared as they entered the city?"

"Yeah, some kind of odd hologram thingy."confirmed Lumine. Her attention was soon drawn at the site of two men approaching. One of darker tone clothes that seemed more fit for the desert with earthy brown hair and dark green satin sash, scarf, and headband with a sword at his belt. Judging by the man's hands and the way he held himself this man was no pencil pusher, having seen his fair share of a fight. The other man was more pale robed in greens and blues with a sash of yellow. His brown hair was more smooth and well kept and it was him that waved in greeting as he called, "One moment please, young ladies. It appears this is your first time in Sumeru City."

"It is. I came here with my partner but he's handling some...work so he'll meet me here later."confirmed the blonde with a stoic expression. She couldn't place it, but something didn't feel right.

"Yeah it's our first time like she said, but how'd you know that?"wondered Paimon.

"I knew because there is no information about you in the Akasha System to speak of."the scholar informed. "Oh where are my manners, I'm Panah."

"Lumine and this is Paimon. Nice to meet you Panah."greeted Lumine politely before frowning. "This won't stop us from entering the city will it?"

"No need to worry Lumine, this won't stop you from entering the city. In fact, the Akademiya now provides each traveling visitor to Sumeru City with a device. Perhaps you two have heard of the Akasha System before? It is our beloved Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's lasting legacy. "Panah assured and inquired.

"I have heard of it from the forest rangers that gave us directions."Lumine stated, picking her words carefully. Panah went on to explain the device's functions and uses as he handed each of them the terminals that Tighnari had shown them beforehand. After saying the words to activate it caused a flash of light to zoom across her line of sight which felt so bizarre. Instantly getting information on both men before her. 

Actually this device made her feel more at unease as the men left and they entered the city. Asking the Akasha about both dendro archons, resulting in very different reactions. "Why can't I shake this feeling? I-It's like my privacy is being invaded and I'm being watched by a creep?"she thought nervously. Maybe she was just shaken from the attack earlier outside? Regardless she needed to find more clues about this Lesser lord Kusanali but also a doctor. But she wondered, what was Xiao doing right now?

The sight of the lone protrude and thorny sharp stone walls that divided the desert from the lush jungle never failed to impress. His massive hawk-like shadow cast to the ground below no doubt made the humans and beasts panic as he circled lazily on an updraft from the hot desert winds cast up by the Wall of Samiel. Down below his sharp golden gaze spotted the caravan trade town. With a soft trill and clack of his sharp hawk-like beak he turned his head in the direction towards the northwest of the wall.

"So they are still here. Good."he thought, picking up the pace. The sun casting his feathers of gold in brilliant rainbow hues that no doubt would leave some humans scared and others in awe. The humans of desert descent...he had no doubt they knew what he was on sight of his real form that commanded the skies with such beauty and grace. As he got closer Xiao permitted himself to shift back to his human shape. "The Ruins of Dahri, are you sure about this?"he breathed softly. A soft, almost a nudge as a mischievous giggle suddenly rang in his mind.

"I am sure. All your kind's old nursery grounds are gone. But this one is the closest to me, the cradle of language and knowledge it was once called. Amusing that they call it Dahri, now."came the mysterious voice whispering in his mind.

"And she will be safe here."It was more an observation than a fact as he began his investigation. He could see ruin machine everywhere and some fungi but also signs of Aranara activity. But it was no wonder there was Aranara present as the large tree, it...it was glowing with veins of dendro energy.

"Clear out the machines and use the art I modified of the dendro and geo archons, little king. The Aranara will help you, and remember...."the voice began to fade as did the energy sphere. Xiao sighed as he began to summon his polearm. "I'm aware. No more risking my life when things look bleak. Now...let's get this first half started." He started sharply before diving into a sharp stoop. Glowing bursts and streaks of anemo filling all of Dahri Ruins that day. This was the third time that mysterious voice had spoken to him, but he was still not sure who it was until now.

That voice was Kairos.

When he had given into despair as he fell in the abyssal chaos in the Chasm, that voice had told him his fate lied with Lumine. The second time? Last night as Sumeru slept as he yet again felt despair at all his tribal grounds being destroyed. It had been then an image of Dahri Ruins had flashed across his vision. Then not long after leaving Lumine's side. But this time had been the most she had ever talked to him. She acted a lot like Lumine, only more mischievous like Barbatos. But she had sounded frail and weak to him, like she was ill or in great deal of pain. However he had made a promise and he intended to keep it as he dashed across the ruins dispatching the last of the ruin robots before draining the well with the brave little Aranara warrior's help. The duo swift to dispatch even the monsters and the withering inside before bolting outside in the impressive forest of towering trees of Apam Woods. 

Bidding the little aranara farewell he hurried back to the ruins in a blink of an eye. The next part would be painful and no doubt Lumine would freak out once he returned. But it required some of his blood to create the five seals as he took the sharp end of his spear head and cut his arm, wincing from the pain. For precautions the inner seal would be written into the bark of the young irminsul tree's roots as he muttered the ancient old Teyvetian tongue. It hurt, the wound hurt a lot even with how fast his body could heal but this had to get done.


The frustration Lumine felt was paramount to Dvalin whipping up one of his giant tornadoes. Nobody seemed to care about this young archon and for reasons unknown it infuriated her. She had tried asking the scholar Tighnari had sent to but he came up empty handed, they had tried the guild's network and nothing but were sent to the Ermites' Corps of 30 where they were introduced to Elder Asfand the consultant. Lumine had taken a liking to the aging man that had been nothing but kind to her and even pointed her towards the city's clinic not far away. However something made Lumine end up not trusting the doctor there, leaving in a hurry.

"Lumine, why did you leave? He seemed like a nice doctor and the students there seemed alright to Paimon."the fairy wondered.

Lumine slowed her strides slightly out of breath as she stopped at a tree to catch her second wind. Suddenly feeling a bit unwell as she rested her forehead against her arm on the tree trunk. Her other hand covered her mouth as she resisted the urge to get sick. Why, though? Why did she not feel like she could trust that scholar at the clinic? It was strange but she slowly realized why. "Because he's not Tighnari and Collei. He's not Baizhu or Miko or Barbara or Kokomi...He's not any of the healers I trust."she thought in realization. They weren't people she trusted and usually her intuition was very sharp.

"I don't trust them. I can't explain why but I can't, I just can't Paimon."sighed Lumine.

"Alright, we can keep looking."Paimon sighed as they kept going on the move again once Lumine's stomach had settled. Both girls were frustrated, hungry and Paimon could see Lumine's exhaustion as the afternoon sun overhead was beginning to give way to the beautiful golden pastel hues of dusk. "It seems Asfand was correct about the majority of people's attitudes here..."sighed Paimon.

"It's rather annoying. They aren't letting themselves think for themselves like the other nations we've been to. It feels, well..."Lumine trailed off as they walked through the square. Monstandt had the most imaginative and free souls she'd ever met, Liyue the most steadfast and honest, and Inazuma the most ambitious and honorable she had ever met. But it was Liyue that had a special place in her heart, maybe because she met her husband and so many others she called family. One thing she had noticed in Liyue, they valued promises and family dearly. Sumeru for the moment...it felt wrong, like something was very wrong. A deception hidden in a sea of beauty — an illusion.

"Bizarre?"piped up Paimon.

"Yeah."nodded Lumine. "They're always relying heavily on this Akasha system for everything, I'm not sure how to feel about it."

"You and Paimon both."sighed Paimon as they passed the alchemy shop. Mocking the people they had questioned in her usual mannerism as she crossed her arms in annoyance. But this was one of those times Lumine had to agree that she was annoyed beyond frustration. "Xiao wanted to meet Kusanali to learn how his old archon died and give his blessings on the late archon's behalf. I want answers only she can give but this is way harder than the last three archons..."Lumine thought. A long drawn out sigh escaped her as she realized she hadn't eaten anything today. If only they could meet somebody that could give them a lead.

"We've been asking around all day since we arrived in the city and Sumeru, but the more we try the more hopeless it seems."Sighed Paimon.

"Don't say that Paimon. Where's there's a whim there's a way."assured Lumine.

"Paimon knows, but isn't there at least one person in this entire nation that knows about Lesser Lord Kusanali!?"sighed Paimon, crossing her arms as she slowed to a halt. Unbeknownst to the girls a young woman in her late teens to mid twenties of high standing had overheard the conversation. Fine jewelry with lazurites and a long flowing satin and silk dress of dark hues of blues, whites, and lilacs. The young woman looked over her shoulder, her brown hair done up in a neat low hanging bun and a tiara of circlet of gold on her head. "Oh, are you both interested in Lesser lord Kusanali?"came her frail voice that had an excited tinge to it. Alerting the girls as they were approached by the stranger that smiled in greeting.

"Huh? Who're you?"blinked paimon in surprise.

"Paimon, don't be rude."scolded Lumine lightly. "I'm sorry for my friend, ma'am. Good evening."

"Good evening, I'm the one who should apologize for overhearing you talking just now. From the sounds of it you both are outlanders who just recently arrived in our city and nation."stated the stranger warmly and politely. "You've been asking around for information about Lesser Lord Kusanali all day, haven't you?"

"Yep. But I don't believe I caught your name ma'am."confirmed Lumined with interest.

"Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself just now to you. I'm Dunyarzad, one of Lesser Lord Kusanali's faithful followers."smiled Dunyarzad in greeting.

"I'm Lumine, and this is my friend Paimon."introduced Lumine. "But are you really one of her followers?" Dunyarzad happily nodded.

"Then you must know a way to meet her!?"Paimon said with wide eyed hopeful glee.

"I'm afraid I can't help there but, your conversation earlier did remind me of an old legend I know about the Dendro Archon."Dunyarzad shrugged her shoulders, shaking her head briefly in disappointment. But her words intrigued Lumine greatly.

"An old legend? Can you tell us the legend?"the burnette nodded at the blonde's quizzical expression.

"Sure. It happened like this..."Dunyarzad began. Their new acquaintance quickly relayed the old story of the sage that had received a prophecy of a great calamity that would befall him. So he had gone out to search for the dendro archon in his desperation and fear, wanting guidance he needed to escape his misfortune. The long journey he took and almost coming close to despair and at his lowest the dendro archon finally came to him after he had dealt with the disaster. Revealing she had been with him every step of the way.

"That's quite the amazing story, Dunyarzad."grinned Lumine in delight of the tale.

"Yes, thanks so much for the story. Paimon feels all kinds of warm and fuzzies inside after that."grinned Paimon in delight.

"You sure it's not the tea you had before we left the village this morning?"teased Lumine in good humor.

"Hey!"protested Paimon.

To their surprise their new friend was giggling at their back and forth antics as she piped in. "In a way you could say this story is also one of the dendro archon's avatars."

Lumine turned instantly alert as she felt something or rather two somethings approaching, making her glance behind herself towards the alchemy shop as Paimon spoke with Dunyarzad. "Ermites?"she thought with a stoic frown. They didn't seem to be part of the Corp of 30 either by how they behaved. Actually they seemed to be searching for somebody or something. Judging by Dunyarzad's now panicking expression and the way she dashed off Lumine guessed she was the target. She was hiding behind some of the stalls rather well but her sharp eyes could see her aura. The two mercenaries then approached them.

"Something the matter gentlemen?"Lumine asked calmly, putting a hand to her hip. "I'm rather busy."

Hey, have you two seen a brown haired girl wearing a purple top and a long blue dress aroun' here? We're searching for her."asked one of the two men.

"Did she have bandages around her wrists?"questioned Paimon.

"Yes, that's her. Did you by chance see where she went?"asked the man hopefully.

"Yes, she went down that way and went north in a hurry."stated Lumine pointing out the direction of the street and which way.

"Quickly, after her!!"The two men then hurried sprinting away as the street lamps began to light up.

Lumine waited a little bit before they were long gone but it wouldn't be too long before they figured out she just led them on a wild goose chase. With a grin of mischief Lumine hurried over to where their new friend was hiding just as tiny Hermes came out to happily float beside the burnette. Lumine lightly tapped her shoulder, making her jump slightly. "It's ok, I sent them in the opposite direction so why don't we go somewhere safe where we can talk and you can hide?"Lumine suggested as Hermes happily nuzzled Dunyarzad, making the girl smile.

"You really did that for me? Oh thank you! This little one with you is so cute by the way, Lumine."giggled Dunyarzad as the seelie happily bobbed up and down as if jumping for joy.

"That's Hermes, my tiny lil' helper I call him. But we can't stay here; they'll realize quickly what I did."Lumine pointed out.

"Uh oh...looks like you're right and they're coming this way."gulped Dunyarzad nervously, Lumine coating Hermes to go back inside its vessel for now as the girls made a mad dash for the tavern. It did not take long to reach the humble tavern at all as hey rapidly got inside and closed the doors shut behind themselves. The tavern itself was actually comfortable and had a warmth to it with its earthy tones and stained glass windows. The first thing to greet Lumine's senses was the smell of the Sumerian spices and the roasting kebabs spinning on the rotisserie stake device. The Sound of sizzling food as the cook worked away and the strong bitter aroma of roasted coffee beans. Sphere chandeliers hanging from the roofs as candles flickered as people enjoyed their liquor and meals.

"We should be safe here. They shouldn't be able to find us here–!?"Dunyarzad turned alert at a dash of black and gold. A but equally as fast a furious snarl as a streak of black and green mist appeared to tackle and pin the attacker to the floor. A sharp metal fingers desperately trying to hold back the assailant. Wings of brilliant vermillion gold curled back as golden eyes, wild and feral stared into equally feral eyes of blue with golden cat-like pupils. The woman's eyes wide in realization at what she was staring at and the young beautiful being likewise but he did not relent.


"Dehya stand down!!"

To Be Continued...


A/N: Seems there is some mix up I should address. Xiao was busy all day creating the safe haven at Dahri Ruins for Lumine and the unborn twins. However upon return he had seen Dehya attacking while he was outside the tavern. This caused his primal instincts to protect his pregnant mate go into overdrive.

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