Larry Stylinson -Imagines

By Whatsuphello1

681K 15.7K 10.6K

Self explanatory . Don't expect any sexual content in my works , any of them . Fluff only , with a side of an... More

Let's start off
Drunk Louis , Sober Harry
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis
Harry comes back from the army
I'll Wait For You
Kitten Hybrid Louis
Blind Louis
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis ~Part 2
Kitten Hybrid Louis ~Part 2
Blind Louis ~Part 2
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis ~part 3
Blind Louis ~Part 3
Kitten Hybrid Louis ~Part 3
Harry comes back from the army ~Part 2
Drunk Louis , Sober Harry ~Part 2
The Dancer And The Singer ~Part 2
Blind Louis ~Part 4
Jealous Harry
Just The Way You Are
Jealous Louis
Fanboy Louis
Marcel or Harry ?
His Baby
Love on Crutches
I'll Be Your Reason
Always There For You
Hybrid Louis : Pool Time
Blind Louis : Camping
AMAAF : Prankster
I'll Be Your Reason ~Part 2
A Misunderstanding
Lipstick Kisses Prank : AMAAF
Drunk Harry , Sober Louis
Opposites Are Opposites
Blind Harry
Wrongly Jealous
Just The Way You Are ~Part 2
Wrong Number
Vet Harry
Wrong Number -Part 2
Makeup Artist
Don't Mess With The Wrong Person
Body Painting
My Tutor
Wisdom Teeth (Harry)

The Dancer And The Singer

20.2K 465 670
By Whatsuphello1

So , in this one Harry is a very famous solo artist , he's pretty sure everyone knows he's gay even though he never admitted it , so he decides to come out by dancing in one of his video clips with a male dancer .

And this dancer happened to be a shy , little Louis .

⚠️ Warning - this one sucks

Enjoy x


"We found love right where we are

We found love right where we are .."

Harry finished the song , Julian gave him a thumbs up from the other side of the glass in the recording room , with Ed sitting right next to him , smiling widely .

Julian pressed the utton and talked into the microphone in front of him , "You did absolutely great , Harry , that was incredible . I'm gonna have to take three , maybe four days to prepare the song , so take the time to relax , yeah ?"

Harry smiled and nodded , taking the earphones off his head and hanging them on the microphone , going out of the room to Julian .

"Thanks , mate , give me a call when you're done ." Harry smiled , taking his coat and throwing it over his shoulders , going out of the room with Ed .

"The song is going to be so amazing ." Ed said , wrapping the scarf around his neck .

"I hope so ." Harry smiled , opening the studio door and going out to the screaming fans , both huryring into the car waiting for them .

"I'm glad I gave you this song , I knew you'd do it better than me ." Ed laughed , Harry chuckled and shook his head , "No one sings better than you , Sheeran ."


"Hey , Harry !"

"Hey , Julian , you okay ?"

"I'm doing great , just finished editing the song and it sounds amazing ! Come over and get us some coffee , will you ?"

"I sure will ."


Harry parked his car outside the coffee place , hurrying inside .

No one was there , it was completely empty , except for the boy behind the counter , who had his back to Harry , cleaning the coffe machine area .

Harry took a few seconds to check the boy in front of him ; a small figure , curves , feathery brown hair and a little tan skin .

Harry coughed a little to get the boy's attention , the boy jumped and dropped his cloth .

"Sorry ." Harry chuckled breathly , watching the boy leaning down to get the cloth .

"I'm sorry , sir . I didn't know you wer-" The boy straightened up and looked up at him , eyes wide . His mouth gaped a little and he immediately recovered , "Y-Yes , um , sorry . What c-can I get y-you ?"

Harry smiled , chuckling , "Two cups of take out coffee , please ."

The boy nodded , turning around and shakily making the coffee , because , dang , THE Harry Styles just talked to him .

A few minutes later the order was ready , the boy put the cups in front of Harry , telling him the cost . Harry pulled his wallet out and paid the boy , smiling at him .

"Thank you for the coffee .." Harry read his tag name , "Louis ."

"Welcome ." Louis smiled shyly , Harry gave him a quick wink and turned around , leaving the place without noticing Louis' deep red blush covered cheeks .


"A big , big wow ." Ed said , clapping his hands when the song was over .

"I honestly think it's gonna be the next hit at the top of the charts ." Julian smiled . "Absolutely , it's amazing ." Ed agreed .

"Thanks . Thank you Ed for writing the song and letting me sing it , and thank you Julian for helping me record it , I really appreciate you both ." Harry smiled .

"Ugh stop it , you big ole' sap ." Ed waved him off playfully , both him and Julian laughing .

"I already prepared Cds for you two of the audio , so have fun ." Julian handed them the CDs , smiling .


"Harold ! What brings you here ?" Jethro , Harry's manager smiled at him as he entered his office .

"Hey , Jeth . Julian finished the song ." Harry took off his coat and handed him the CD , sitting on the couch .

Jethro put the CD in and pressed play , Harry's voice filling the room . The door opened and got the both glasses of water , smiling at them . They thanked her and she left .

"It's really good ." Jethro said , smiling . Harry smiled aswell , taking a sip of his water .

When the song was over , Jethro started asking questions .

"So , have you got any ideas for a music video ?"

"Actually , maybe ."

"Tell me ."

"You .. You know about my sexuality , but everyone else doesn't . I think i'd dedicate the music video to coming out , and make another one to talk to the fans , explain stuff . What do you say ?"

"sounds good . How far will you go with the music clip ?"

"Don't know , depends ."

"Okay , so let me take care of the rest , i'll come to you with a few options , yeah ?"

"Alright , thanks ."



A few days later Jethro called Harry to his office , saying he has some ideas . On his way there he went to the coffee shop to get them both some coffee , and a little part of him wanted to see if Louis is there .

He walked in , noticing Louis sitting on a high chair with a book in his hands , and another blonde worker with him , on the other side of the counter , cleaning . Apart from an older couple sitting in the back , it was empty .

The blonde looked up and saw Harry walking in , immediately smiling .

"Hey sir , what can I get you ?" The blonde smiled .

Harry took a look at Louis , his nose still buried in the book .

"Two cups of take out coffee , please ." Harry smiled at the blonde .

He nodded and turned around , walking past Louis , "Your crush is here ."

"What ?" Louis looked up confused , his eyes meeting Harry's , cheeks heating up . "Niall , wh-what -"

The blonde , Niall , laughed and winked at him , making Harry's order .

Harry chuckled , he definitely heard what that Niall guy said .

"Nice seeing you again ." Harry smiled , admiring the blushing boy . "You too ." Louis squeaked , mentally slapping himself for being to embarrassing .

Niall handed him his order , Harry payed and smiled at Louis , going out of the shop .


"Harry , finally ." Jethro smiled , getting up from behind the desk to greet him .

Harry smiled , "Hey , here's your coffee ." He handed him the coffee , both sitting on the couch .

"So , I have three ideas for you . Tell me which one you think is the best ." Jethro held a paper . Harry nodded and sipped his coffee .

"First idea , you're in a concert , performing the song , and in the audience there's a boy you're dedicating the song to ."

"I don't think so . What else ?"

"Second idea , dancing with a male dancer , we'll have choreography and a professional dancer and all . I actually talked with the head of the dancing school in town , she said she has a male dancer for you ."

"Mm , maybe ."

"Third and last idea , going out on a date with someone , where for most of the video the camera will be the date , and in the end it'll turn out to be a boy ."

"Mm . sounds good , but I think the dancing is better ."

"So we take the dancing ?"

"Yeah ."

"Good , okay . I'll see if we can arrange a meeting for you and the dancer this week , we'll talk and see if the choreographer has something for us ."


Louis knocked on the principal's door , not knowing what to expect . She called him , telling him she has something important to ask him .

"Come in !"

Louis opened the door and smiled at her , "Hey miss Shepherd ."

"Hello , Louis . How are you feeling today ?" She smiled at him .

"Good , you ?" He sat on the chair in front of the desk , putting his bag aside .

"Actually , i'm excited ." She confessed . Louis gave her a questioning look .

"Well , you probably know Harry Styles , the young singer ." She started , and Louis felt his heart thumping at the mention of his name , "His manager called me a few days ago , asking if I have a male dancer for Harry's next music video . So I thought i'd ask you if you'd like to participant ."

Louis was shocked . "R-Really ?"

"Yes , you are an amazing dancer , you're perfect for it . Only if you want to , you don't have to ."

"Y-Yeah , Yeah , i'd love to participant ." Louis smiled .

"Good ! I'll call you later to meet up with Harry , his manager and the choreographer ."

"O-Okay ." Louis smiled and thanked her , taking his bag and leaving the room , immediately calling Niall .

"Niall ! I need help ." He said and walked into a changing room , throwing his bag on the bench .

"Woah , what happened ?"

"You will never believe this ! I-I'm freaking out !" Louis bit on his nails .

"C'mon , tell me already !"

"The school principal asked if I want to participant in a music video ."

"Lou ! That's amazing !"

"I know ! And the music video is Harry Styles' song . I-I'm meeting him later today ."

"Oh my fucking god ! Louis i'm so happy for you !"

"Niall , i'm gonna screw up , i'm gonna be so nervous i'll stutter and i'll be clumsy and -"

"Shut up already ! You'll do great !"

"Niall -"

"No , don't give me that crap ! You're Louis fucking Tomlinson and Harry is lucky to dance with you ."

Louis giggled , "Thanks Niall , I'd love to keep talking to you but I need to go . Talk to you later ."

"Kay , see ya ."


Harry and Jethro walked into The dancing school's principal's office .

"Hello Jane ." Jethro smiled at the woman .

"Hello miss Shepherd ." Harry smiled , shaking her hand .

"Hey Jethro , hello Harry ." She smiled , "Take a seat ." She led them to the couch , sitting in front of him .

"So , I talked to our dancer , and he agreed . He's quite shy and really sweet , be gentle with him , yeah ?"

"Tell us a little about him , before he comes ."

"He's nineteen , a little short , small figure . Extremely nice and cute , even innocent , may I say ."

"But what's his name ?"

"Louis Tomlinson ."

As soon as she said his name , there was a soft knock on the door .

"Oooh , it must be him !" Jane jumped from her seat , going to the door .

"Come in , Louis ." She smiled , leading him inside . She placed her hand on his shoulder , leading him to the couch .

"Louis , this is Jethro , Harry's manager , and this is Harry , of course ." Jane smiled .

The two got up and shook Louis' hand . When Louis shook Harry's hand , he noticed how Harry's hand engulfed his whole hand .

"Nice meeting you . Again ." Harry chuckled , Louis blushed and smiled back , "Nice meeting you too ."

They all sat back down on the couch , when another knock on the door was heard .

"It must be the choreographer ." Jane smiled , getting up and opening the door , letting the guy in . He shook everyone's hands and introduced himself as Liam Payne (AN: I had to !) .


The meeting was over , Jethro and Liam talked for a little more while they left Harry and Louis .

"Looks like you're my partner ." Harry smiled , making Louis blush . "Yeah . I'm a big fan , you sing amazing ."

"Thank you ." Harry grinned , the boy was so adorable , he couldn't wait to get started , "How many years you've danced ?"

"Uhm , six , maybe seven ?" Louis giggled softly , and Harry made a mental note to make him laugh and giggle as much as he can .

"That's a lot . I don't dance though . I mean , the chicken dance counts ?" Harry joked , making Louis giggle again . "And just so you know , macarena is my jam ." He added , making him laugh and cover his mouth . He smiled at him , wanting to take his hand off his mouth so he could see his smile .

"Harry , we need to go , you have an interview ." Jethro called , Harry sighed and turned back to Louis , "I'll see you later , yeah ?"

"Yeah , okay ." Louis smiled , about to turn around when Harry took a step forward and put his arms around him in a hug . He immediately put his arms around Harry .

"Bye ." Harry smiled , letting go .

"Bye ." Louis said shyly , missing his warmth .


A week later Liam was back with the choreography , it was their first rehearsals day .

Louis was in the changing room , wearing comfortable clothes .

He walked into the studio Jane said would be theirs for the rehearsals , and it would be only theirs so they would be able to rehearse as much as they want .

Liam was already there , talking to Jane .

"Hey Louis , how are you ?" Liam smiled . "I'm good , you ?" Louis smiled back .

"I'm good , thanks ." Liam said , when Harry walked in with Jethro .

"Hello everyone ." Jethro smiled , "Harry , you go get ready , i'll talk to Jane , Liam and Louis ."

Harry nodded and sent Louis a smile , Louis smiled back with red blush on his cheeks .

"You ready ?" Liam asked , Harry and Louis nodded .

"Good , so before we start , i'm gonna ask you a few questions ; You don't mind lift ups , right ?"

They both shook their heads .

"You're okay with a little intimacy ? Just a little ."

Harry and Louis looked at each other , then at Liam , nodding their heads .

Louis was blushing like mad , it's like a dream coming true for him .

"Great , so let's get started ." Liam smiled , "Harry , you go stand there , Louis you're on the other side ."

They took their places .

"Start walking , slowly , keep the pace , meet in the middle ." Liam said , clapping his hands in the pace they need to walk in , watching their moves .

They met , Louis looking up at Harry , still a little shocked of how tall he is .

"Louis , hands on Harry's chest ," Liam instructed , Louis put his hands on Harry's chest , "Harry , hands moving on Louis' forearms then going to his waist , while you both turn in a 90 degrees , quarter circle ."

They did as told , a little awkward , as it was their first rehearsals .

"Now , Louis you turn to "leave" , Harry you have his hand in yours and you turn him back around ." Liam said , making a thinking face , as if trying to remember the next steps . "Louis , you're spinning in his arms one and a half times , stopping in front of him , Harry hands on Louis' waist ."


"Okay , today was good , we'll work on it tomorrow and add a few steps ." Liam said , smiling at the exhausted men in front of him .

They got out of the studio and walked into the changing room , all eyes on them .

"Why is Harry dancing with him ?"

"What the fuck ?"

"Oh my god , Harry Styles !"

"Is Harry really dancing with him out of everyone ?"

Louis looked down and opened the changing room door , walking in quickly . Harry was right after him , he wanted to ask what was that about , but Louis quickly opened his locker and took his bag , going into one of the changing cells .

Harry sighed , he changed quickly , about to put his shirt on when he heard a door open behind him , he turned around and Louis came out of the cell .

"Hey ." Harry smiled , Louis looked at him and smiled faintly , he put his bag down on the bench and sat on it , putting his shoes on .

Harry could sense something wasn't fine with Louis , but he didn't want to push it .

They both finished changing and got out of the room , Louis walking fast through the hall , looking down the whole time .

Harry looked around at how everyone looked at Louis , some pointing at him laughing , some rolling their eyes . He ran after him , "Louis , Lou , wait for me ." He caught up with him , smiling .

"O-oh , uhm . I'm sorry , Harry , I just didn't want to be late for work ." Louis blushed a little .

"I can give you a ride if you'd like ." Harry suggested .

"No , it's okay , I don't wanna be a burden ." Louis smiled nicely .

"Hey , I promise , it's okay . I don't mind ." Harry smiled , making sure his dimple shows .

Louis sighed , "Alright ."


"Thanks for the ride , Harry ." Louis smiled and unbuckled his seatbelt .

"You're welcome . See you tomorrow , yeah ?" Harry smiled .

"Yeah , see you tomorrow ." Louis blushed a little .


It has been a week since their first rehearsals' day . It's Sunday , Louis and Harry decided to do a little more rehearsals . Jane gave Louis the key to the building , trusting him with it .

"Hey Louis ." Harry smiled , Louis smiled back , "Hey Harry ."

They walked in and into the changing room , changing quickly and going to the studio .

"Let's start , shall we ?" Louis put the CD in the stereo system , pressing play and going to stand in his place .

They started dancing , Louis mumbling "1, 2, 3, 4" for Harry to keep the pace .

Harry kept going good , until his hand pressed into Louis' side , making him shriek and squirm away .

"What ?" Harry was confused . "Sorry ." Louis was still giggly .

"What was that ?" Harry asked . "I'm a little ticklish , that's all ." Louis giggled .

"Really ?" Harry smirked , fingers clawed as he stepped closer to him .

"No ! Don't !" Louis giggled and stepped back .

"Alright , alright ." Harry laughed .

"Promise you won't do anything ." Louis demanded .

Harry chuckled , "I promise I won't do anything on purpose ."

Louis sighed and went to the stereo system , pausing the song then replaying it .

They started dancing , Harry lifted Louis up , but Louis wasn't careful enough . Harry put him down , Louis twisted his leg .

"Ah !" He gasped , almost falling to the floor , but since Harry had his arms around the smaller boy , he kept him in there , tightening his grip .

"Are you okay ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head , "No , I-I twisted my leg a little ."

"Oh , let me help ." Harry scoop him up easily , placing him on the small chair next to the stereo system . He paused the song , going through the locker under it until he found the first aid kit , pulling out elastic pad .

Louis extended his arm ro take the pad , but Harry just knelt down in front of him , wrapping it carefully around his ankle and heel in circles of 8 .

"Do you think you'd be able to keep dancing ?" Harry asked , still wrapping the pad around his foot , making sure it's not too tight .

"Yeah , I just need a few minutes ." Louis sighed .

Harry finished wrapping the pad , Louis thanked him and stood up , a little wobbly . Harry helped him stand , Louis grabbed his biceps and let Harry support him as he moved his foot in circles , adjusting to the little pain .

"You okay ? It doesn't hurt ? We can stop and keep rehearsing tomorrow , yeah ?" Harry asked and Louis shook his head . "No , i'm okay , I promise ."


"C'mon , i'll give you a ride home , yeah ?" Harry said and opened the door to the changing room , Louis smiled but shook his head , "It's okay , I can walk ."

"There's no way i'm letting you walk home when it's cold outside with your ankle hurting ."

"Harry -" "No . Shush . I'm taking you home ."

"There we are ." Harry smiled and stopped in front of Louis' house , unbuckling quickly and running around to help him out of the car .

"Harry , i'm still capable , you know ." Louis giggled , letting Harry help him .

"Nah it's alright , I don't mind ." Harry smiled and took Louis' arm , wrapping it around his neck for support .

Louis rolled his eyes playfully , giving Harry the satisfation of helping him .

"Thanks ." Louis smiled and took his arm off his neck . "Welcome . I'll come to pick you up tomorrow morning for rehearslas , yeah ?"

"Harry , really it's -" "You're coming with me and that's it ." Harry gave his side a quick poke , Louis giggled and swatted his hand away , "Okay ."

"See you tomorrow ."

"Bye , Harry ."

"Bye , Louis ."


A week and a half later , the dance was finished , and all that has been left is shooting , editing and uploading .

Harry and Jethro picked Louis up to choose an outfit for the music video , going to Harry's stylist to see what she has for them .

"Caroline !" Harry beamed and hugged the woman . "Hello , young boy , how are you ?"

"I'm good , thanks . Lou , come here ." Harry took Louis' hand , "Caroline , this is Louis , Louis this is Caroline , my stylist ."

"Hi ." Louis smiled , Caroline smiling back at him , "Hey Louis , Harry told me about you ."

Louis blushed a little , smiling shyly .

"Now , since I know Harry's sizes , do you mind if I take yours ? Just so I can find the perfect outfit for you ."

"Yeah , sure ." Louis smiled , taking off his jacket and letting her measure him , around the waist , arms , legs , chest , forearms .

"Great , now give me a few minutes to get something ready , i'll be back later ." Caroline smiled and left the room , "Oh and one last question , are you gonna need shoes for the music video ?"

"We don't know , but you can make us two , just in case ." Harry answered .

Caroline gave him a thumbs up and left the room .

Harry took Louis with him and sat him on the couch , sitting next to him .

"Are you excited for the music video ?" Harry asked , smiling .

Louis bit his lip , "More like nervous ."

"Nervous ? Why ?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows . Louis was so talented , how come he's nervous ?"

"I-I've never been in one before , a-and I ... I guess I just didn't ever think I will ever get to be in one . I mean , all the other dancers in the school were sent to shows and music videos and stuff like this , but me ."

Harry sat there in complete shock .

"Every time someone asked for male dancers and Jane introduced me and the others male dancers to them , they never chose me . At first I thought that maybe they needed something specific , but as time went on I lost hope ."

"Louis , you are so talented . How come ?"

Louis looked down , tears filling his eyes .

"I was never good enough , for anyone ."

Harry's heart clenched at his words . If only he knew how much Harry has to say about him , even though they know each other for a couple weeks .

"Louis , don't say that . You're amazing ."

Louis chuckled humorlessly . "Do you even hear yourself ?"

"Louis , stop . Why can't you believe me ?"

Louis didn't answer . He knew if he started talking , he'll cry . So he just got up to the door , not wanting Harry to see him vulnerable .

"Lou , wait ." Harry got up after him , pulling him away from the door and into his chest .

"Please let me go ." Louis choked into his chest , trying to push him away gently .

Harry did the exact opposite , pulling him closer and cuddling him .

Louis was so close to burst , biting his lip harshly to stop himself from choking .

"Please trust me , Louis . Believe me . Let me help you with whatever you need ." Harry whispered into his ear .

And Louis' walls broke , he fisted Harry's shirt and let his tears out , tears he's been holding for so long .

Harry felt his heart dropping at Louis' quiet sobs , he held on him tighter and rubbed his back , wanting nothing more than for Louis to stop crying .

"Shh , it's okay , I'm right here . I'm not leaving ." Harry cooed , feeling like crying himself .

Louis slowly relaxed , fists slowly unclenching from their hold on Harry's shirt .

"Do you want to tell me ?" Harry asked softly , still not letting go of Louis .

Louis took a deep breath , preparing himself .

"I was never good enough . Not at school , not to my parents , not to the friend i've never had . I-I mean , I w-was a good student and all , but the t-teachers wanted more . My parents w-were never p-proud of me , they a-always told me I needed to d-do things better . I've never had f-friends except for Niall , who didn't really care what p-people said about me and just wanted to be my friend . It was hard t-trusting him at first , but now he's my best and o-only friend . When I came out to him , he wasn't treating me differently . Unlike m-my parents . I was k-kicked out as soon as I turned eighteen . I've never c-cried so much i-in my life . Niall was there for me the whole t-time and I'm grateful , but it's still not enough ."

Louis stopped to take a deep breath , already tired from crying .

"People still laugh at me because I like dancing , but Niall always tells me to ignore them , and I quote , 'They can go fuck themselves with a blelder' ." Louis giggled for a second . "A-And when you actually accepted me dancing with you in the music video , I was freaking out . I didn't know what to do , I was so nervous . And now we're here , waiting for Caroline to get us our outfits for the music video . It's ... unbelievable . Feels like a fairytale ."

"Except , it isn't ." Harry smiled softly , pulling back from their hug a little , wiping Louis' still wet cheeks , "You're amazing , Lou . I literally have so much to say about you , and i've known you for , maybe , three , four weeks . You're beautiful , nice , sweet , shy , cute , and absolutely adorable ."

Louis blushed deeply , he looked away , making Harry chuckle . "See ? Told you you're adorable ."

"I'm not adorable ! I'm a man . Men aren't adorable ."

"Yes you are . Because you're a bunny ."

"Oh yeah ?!"

"Yeah ."

"Then you're ... you're a .. a frog ! Yes . You're a frog ."

Harry laughed . "A frog ? couldn't you find something better ?"

"Like what , a goldfish ?"

"Oh stop it ."

"You started it !"

Harry rolled his eyes playfully , then Caroline was back .

"I got your outfits !" She smiled , handing each one his bag . "Go into the changing rooms , put the one with the shoes first ."

They nodded and thanked her , going in different rooms and changing .


"Hey , Liam ? It's Harry ."

"Hey , Harry . What's up ?"

"Louis and I just finished picking up outfits for the music clip , and the question is , are we dancing with shoes on or not ?"

"Uhm , I still can't answer that . But I'm on my way right now to the shooting place so i'll be able to tell you later ."

"Oh okay , Inform us then ."

"Alright , talk to you later ."

"Bye ."


"Hey Lou ." Harry smiled , going to hug a still sleepy Louis .

"Hey Harry ." Louis wrapped his arms around Harry lazily .

"Seems like someone is tired ." Harry chuckled .

"No shit sherlock ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully , dropping to the couch in the room they're staying at , waiting for someone to call them for make up , hairstyle , outfits .

The door opened and a woman with a big bag walked in , a small blonde girl right after her .

"Hazzie !" The girl squealed , running into Harry's arms .

"Luxie !" He beamd , scooping her up and hugging her .

"What a nice greeting , Harry . I missed you too ." The woman said , making Harry chuckle . "I missed you too , Lou . Nice seeing you again ." He hugged her .

"And you must be Louis ." The woman turned to Louis , Louis nodded and got up from the couch , shaking her hand .

"I'm Louise , Harry's hairstylist , and this is my daughter Lux ." Lou introduced them , Louis smiled at Lux who was still in Harry's arms .

The door opened , "Harry ? Louis ?" Liam poked his head inside . "We're doing a general rehearsal , we need you ."

"Let's go watch ." Lou took Lux's hand , following them .

"Here we are ." Liam showed them the place .

"Wow , it's big ." Louis looked around .

"Yes , it is ." Liam smiled , "Well , I assume you've been already told the concept , you're just dancing , you dance only on the parquet , yeah ? Let's start ."

People with cameras everywhere filmed their every step , wanting to make a 'Behind The Scenes' video .

Harry and Louis took off their shoes , going to stand in each side of the square shaped floor , music started playing . They started dancing while Liam instructed them , where to stand and all .

"Okay , it was good , go get ready and we'll shoot ."

"Louis , we need you for a quick interview ." Jethro came over to Louis , who was currently making himself and Harry some tea .

"Uh , yeah , sure ." Louis smiled nicely .

"We're going to ask you a few questions about the music video and working with Harry , so you just answer , yeah ?"

Louis nodded and the camera man turned the camera to him , Louis fixed his hair and the questions started .

"How's working with Harry ?" A guy asked .

Louis smiled , "It's really fun . He's nice and funny , you're never bored around him . He's actually a good dancer , better than I thpught he'll be ." Louis giggled quietly .

"Were there times at rehearsals when it was hard for you two to do a step ?"

"Yeah , a few times , actually . We have a few lift ups in the dance and Harry was so nervous he'll drop me or hurt me in some way , so it took us a while to convince him that i'll be okay . He's still really careful ."

Harry walked into the room and Jethro immediately shushed him , Harry stood next to him and watched Louis' interview .

"Do you think the music video would be a success ?"

"I really hope so , yeah ." Louis smiled , moving his fringe from his forehead .

"Great , thank you ." Louis shook the guy's hand and him and the camera man left , Louis turned around and went back to making tea , still not acknowledging Harry's presence in the room .

Harry snuck behind him , poking both his sides while making a "bzzz" noise , making Louis jump .

He turned around and punched Harry's chest , "You ass , you scared me ."

"That was the purpose ." Harry laughed and Louis pouted slightly , turning back around to make their tea .

Louis had a playfull smile while he handed Harry his tea , "Here's yours ."

"Thanks ." Harry smiled , taking the tea from his hands .

Louis sipped on his tea and waited for Harry to drink his .

As soon as Harry brought the cup to his lips , Louis immediately placed his cup down , marching to the door , "I gotta go , bye !"

Harry sipped the tea , but the tea tasted like salt . He spitted the tea out . "Louis ! Get back here !" He put the cup down and ran out of the room , trying to find Louis .

He ran around , searching for Louis . He ran into Lou . "Lou ! Have you seen Louis ?"

"Yeah , he ran to that door over there , why ?"

"Thanks !" Harry ran towards the door that led outside , looking for Louis .

"Louis ... I know you're out here ... come out , come out wherever you are ." Harry sang , looking around .

He heard someone sneezes and turned around , hearing foot steps .

He followed the foot steps , when he saw Louis with his back to him .

He snuck behind him and hugged his waist , lifting him up , taking him by surprise .

Louis squealed , "Harry ! No please i'm sorry !"

Harry just laughed and put him down , only to turn him around and swing him over his shoulder , "You're coming with me ."

"No !" Louis laughed , punching his back and kicking his legs , "Let me go !"

"Not happening ." Harry walked throught the door and inside the building , taking Louis through the halls until he reached their resting room .

He took him in and threw him on the couch .

Louis tried getting up but Harry quickly pinned him back down , "Not so fast ."

"Harry please ," Louis giggled , "I'm sorry ."

"Hmm ... " Harry pretended considering letting him go , "Not yet ."

Louis caught Harry off guard and pushed him off , he tried getting up but Harry took a hold of him and pulled him close , the force sending both of them to the floor .

Harry held his body tightly into his with one arm , the other one trying to get to his stomach .

"No !" Louis pushed Harry's hand away , still giggling .

"You deserve it for putting salt in my tea !" Harry smiled mischievously . He attached his fingers to Louis' stomach and tickled him , Louis laughed and pushed his hand away , "Stop ! Harry i'm sorry !"

Harry stopped and let go of him , Louis rolled to lie on his stomach , breathing heavily , "You ass ."

"Oh thanks , i'm flattered ." Harry chuckled .

The door swung open , "Harry , you go to Barbara for make up , Louis you're going to Lou for hairstyle ." Jethro said and closed the door .

Harry got up and offered Louis his hand , Louis took his hand and Harry pulled him up easily . They walked out of the room in separate ways , getting ready to shoot the music video .


A hour later both Louis and Harry were ready , with their hair styled and outfits on .

"Stand for a picture ." A photographer held his camera towards them , Harry pulled Louis close and they both smiled at the camera , the guy took the picture and gave them a thumbs up .

"Harry , Louis , let's have one last rehearsal with your outfits on , c'mon ." Liam took their hands and led them to the dance floor .

"Go stand in your places . Music please !" He called to the soundman , who started playing the song .

They started dancing , being really careful with eachother , a little nervous with everyone's eyes on them .

They finished and everyone clapped , Harry let go of Louis' body and smiled at him , "It was really good ."

"Yeah , it was ." Louis smiled .

Liam brought them water bottles , "It was amazing ." He smiled , "Looked really good . Take fifteen minutes break and we'll shoot . Know that we'll need to shoot it at least three or four times to get different angles , yeah ?"

Harry whined and Louis shushed him , "Shh , it'll be okay , we'll do as good as we did now , yeah ?"

Harry nodded and they went to sit on the chairs in the corner of the room , the camera man coming again to interview them .


At the end of the day , everyone were exhausted .

When Louis and Harry did the last move in the last shooting and the music stopped , the director , Ben , clapped his hands , "We're finished , guys ! It was amazing !"

Harry didn't let go of Louis and pulled him closer , hugging him tightly .

"You were amazing ." Harry said in his ear , making him blush , "You were amazing too , thank you for choosing me for the video ."

Harry smiled and rubbed his back before letting go , going to the crew and thanking them .

Louis handed him a botthe of water , Harry smiled and thanked him .


It's been a week since Harry saw Louis . Whenever he came to the coffee shop , he wasn't there .

He has had these feelings for Louis for quite a while now , and as nervous as he is , he really wanted to ask Louis out on a date .

He drove to the dance school , parking his car in the back and going in , walking through the halls until he reached Jane's office . He knocked on the door softly . "Come in !"

He opened the door and smiled at Jane , who looked at him in surprise . "Harry Styles ! Nice seeing you again ." She smiled , going around her desk to greet him .

"Hey Jane . I'm here to give you this ," He gave her an envelope , "It's an invitation to see the music video Louis in participanting in with me ."

"Oh , thank you , dear ." She smiled and took the envelope .

"And ... I actually came to see Louis , what class does he have now ?" He asked .

Jane went to sit next to her desk again , checking on the computer .

"He's in studio 4a ."

"Alright , thanks ." He smiled and left , looking for the studio .

Students were looking at him , he smiled at them nicely , saying hello .

He crossed halls upon halls until he found the studio Louis was in .

There Louis was , standing with his back to his , point shoes on as he held the bars attached to the wall .

He watched Louis' moves , how he stood on point , lifted one leg , how his muscles were moving under his skin .

"One and two and three and four , and one and two and three and four ." The teacher repeated as Louis tried to keep the pace .

"Stay on point ." She ordered , Louis went on point , slowly letting go of the bars and spreading his hands to the sides for balance , head up .

"Very good ." The teacher said .

He slowly went off point , smiling at the teacher .

"You have a visitor ." She said and pointed to Harry . Louis turned around and saw Harry , eyes widening and cheeks reddening .

The teacher walked out of the room and Harry walked in .

"Hey ." Harry smiled .

"H-Hi ." Louis smiled back , "I wasn't expecting you to come ."

Harry chuckled , "I came to see you . Haven't seen you at all this whole week ."

"Yeah ..." Louis looked down then back up when Harry said "how do you stand on point ?"

Louis giggled , "Well , I ... I don't actually know ? I just do ."

"Show me ." Harry asked , holding his hands forward for Louis to hold on them , as if replacing the bars .

Louis gripped his hands and went on point .

"Even on point you're not as tall as me ." Harry laughed . Louis rolled his eyes , "Because you're a giant ."

"No i'm not , you're just a bunny ."

"And you're a frog ."

They both laughed and Louis sat on the floor , taking the point shoes off .

"I also came to give you this ." Harry took out of his coat an envelope , "It's an invitation to see the music video for the first time ."

"O-oh , thanks . What should I wear ?"

"A buttoned shirt in a must ." Harry said and Louis nodded , taking the point shoes with him to the changing room .

"Wait , Louis ." Harry stopped him before he left the studio .

Louis turned around , "Yeah ?"

"I-I ... I wanted to ask i-if .." He was nervous , "I-if .. you'd like me to pick you up for the music video revealing ?"

"Yeah , that'll be great . Thanks ." Louis smiled and left the studio to go change .

Harry mentally slapped himself , "Smooth , Harry ." He mumbled and left the studio , going out of the building .


'I'm outside . H x'

Louis recieved Harry's text , taking one last look in the mirror and doing his hair , fixing his shirt .

He opened the door and Harry stood there , smiling .

"Hi ."

"Hey ." Louis smiled .

"You look beautiful ." Harry said , checking his outfit .

"Thanks , you don't look bad yourself ." Louis giggled and locked the door .

"C'mon , now ." Harry put his hand on the small of Louis' back , leading him to the limo waiting for them .

Papparazzi were everywhere , Harry's body guards helped them get to the limo quickly and they drove away .

"We're here ." Harry said and they unbuckled their seatbelts , a guy in a suit opened the door and Harry got out first , offering his hand for Louis , who gladly took and and got out of the car .

Harry's fans were screaming , Harry smiled and waved at them , keeping his hand on Louis' back as they were led inside the building .

They got to the elevator with two body guards , stopping in the ninth floor and going out .

"This way ." A body guard led them .

They got to the place , "Here are the honoured guests !"

Everyone turned their attention to Harry and Louis , clapping .

They smiled , a waiter gave them glasses of champange . They thanked him and walked farther in the room , people greeting them and making conversatios .

Jethro came to Harry and said it's time to start .

"Hey , Jane ." Louis smiled at her , Jane smiling back . "Louis , dear ! Lovely seeing you ." She hugged him .

"Nice seeing you too ." He smiled and hugged her , when Harry spoke into the microphone .

"Hey , everyone ." He pulled their attention . "I hope you're having a lovely evening , and before we start I wanna thank a few people . I wanna thank my manager Jethro , for being there for me in every step I took . I wanna thank Liam Payne for the choreography and the patience , I bet it was hard working with a clumsy person like me ." He chuckled , "I wanna thank Ben Winstone and his crew for making the video , Louise , Barbara , Caroline , you're amazing . I wanna thank Jane Shepherd for offering me one of her dancers . And the most important person , I wanna thank Louis Tomlinson , the most amazing person I have ever met , the most talented guy . Thank you so much , for accepting the offer and putting up with me . Thank you ."

Louis blushed and bit his lower lip , smiling widely .

"We're going to watch the music video now , I hope you'll like it ." Harry smiled and a crew man took his mic , allowing him to step off the stage .

everyone gor ready for the music video , the lights slowly turned off .

Louis felt a gentle tap on his shoulder , he turned around and saw Harry .

"Ready ?" Harry asked , putting his arm around Louis . Louis smiled and nodded , looking up at the screen .

The music video started , everyone's eyes glued to the screen . Louis was blushing madly , feeling Harry's thumb rub soothing circles on his back .

Whenever a lift up came in the video people made impressed noises and watched meserised .

When the pusic video ended everyone clapped and cheered , but silenced again when the Behind The Scenes video came right after .

It showed their interviews , last rehearsals , and even when Harry was chasing after Louis for putting salt in his tea .

Louis giggled as he watched Harry's face when he drank his tea . Harry chuckled and pinched his side , Louis swatted his hand away .

At the end everyone clapped and cheered , Harry took Louis' hand and pulled him with him to the stage .

"Where are we going ?" Louis asked .

"To the stage , say a few words , I will say a few , then we have like thirty minutes more to stay here before we go home ." Harry said and they got to the stairs to the stage , they were handed microphone and got on the stage .

"Hey , I really hope you enjoyed the music video , and I got my dear friend , Louis here ." Harry smiled .

Everyone clapped and Louis smiled , blushing a little .

"Hi , I'm Louis Tomlinson , the dancer from the video . I would like to thank everyone who was a part of it , thank you so much for making it happen , you were absolutely incredible . And personally , I wanna thank Harry , for encouraging me and being there the entire time ." Louis turned to Harry , "Thank you , it means a lot ."

Harry smiled , "You're welcome ."

Louis blushed a little and turned back to the crowd , "And other than that , I hope you liked it and have a nice evening ."

Everyone clapped and they got off the stage . Harry handed Louis a glass of champange , "For us ."

Louis held his glass up aswell , "For us ." He smiled and they clicked their glasses , sipping on it .

At the end of the evening , Harry took Louis home , walking him up to his front door .

"Thanks ." Louis smiled , Harry's arms wrapping around him in a hug , he wrapped his arms around Harry aswell .

They pulled away slowly , but Harry still kept his arms around Louis . He decided , it's now or never .

Louis looked up at him , watching him leaning forward . He knew what he was going to do , and oh , how long has he been waiting for it .

Their lips met , Louis moved his arms to wrap around Harry's neck , Harry's hands gripping his waist .

They pulled away and looked into each other's eyes , smiling . Louis blushed and hid his face in Harry's neck , who chuckled and hugged him close , rubbing his back .

"Hey Harry ..."

"Yeah ?"

"Would you like to stay the night ?" Louis pulled away from their hug , Harry smiled and nodded , "I'd love to ."

Louis smiled and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek , turning around to unlock the door while Harry wrapped his arms around him from behind , burying his face in his neck .

Louis giggled and pushed him away , "Don't , i'm ticklish there ."

"There too ?!" Harry asked shocked , but a smile still spread on his lips . "Good to know , I'll definitely use it for my advantage ." Harry winked .

Louis rolled his eyes and pulled him inside , locking the door behind them .


Hope you liked it x


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