The Armageddon Squad Alliance

By SakuraSenpai91

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One late spring day in Rockford, Oregon USA, a young man by the name of Hayato Suzuki rediscovered a long-los... More

"Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home......Again"
"Chapter 2: Combination Celebration"
"Chapter 3: A Song of Pipes and Drums and Woe"
"Chapter 4: The Paraiso Job Part I"
"Chapter 5: Gift From A Goddess"
"Chapter 6: The Paraiso Job Part II"
"Chapter 7: The Stark Heist"
"Chapter 8: Shadow Clone Shenanigans"
"Chapter 9: A Hero's Offer"
"Chapter 10: Return of the Empress Part I"
"Chapter 11: Return of the Empress Part II"
"Chapter 12: To Asgard and Back Part I"
"Chapter 13: To Asgard and Back Part II"
"Chapter 14: To Asgard and Back Part III"
"Chapter 15: The Good, The Bad, and The Irish"
"Chapter 16: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part I"
"Chapter 17: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part II"
"Chapter 18: The Kinky Kitsune"
"Chapter 19: The Rockford Tournament"
"Chapter 20: A Burning Passion For The Lord"
"Chapter 21: American Annihilation Phase I"
"Chapter 22: American Annihilation Phase II"
"Chapter 23: April's Dream"
"Chapter 24: The Battle of Little Tokyo"
"Chapter 25: Help Connor"
"Chapter 26: The Klaue Konnection Part I"
"Chapter 27: Jury Duty Guarding Fury"
"Chapter 28: The Ring"
"Chapter 29: The Klaue Connection Part II"
"Chapter 30: Eighteen Candles"
"Chapter 31: This Is Your City Phase I"

"Chapter 32: This Is Your City Phase II"

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By SakuraSenpai91

After they had gone through the portal, Mr. Armageddon had vanished into thin air and left Leonardo falling into the void screaming before the ground appeared before him and landing hard onto the hard rough and bumpy blackened stone that was the ground. 

Leonardo got up groaning in pain and looked around, seeing only nothing but darkness covered by a thick dark gray fog and the ground beneath him before shouting, "ARMAGEDDON! SHOW YOURSELF NOW!" 

Just then, a large group of dark figures floated up into the air and surrounded Leonardo revealing themselves to be an army of Shadow Clones of Mr. Armageddon and he spoke with a booming echoing voice, "Nice try Leo-san, but it was never going to be as easy as you thought it was. Now...which one of us is the real Mr. Armageddon? Find the real one, and you'll be able to leave." 

The Shadow Clones then closed in on Leonardo as he yelled in rage and began attacking every clone, desperate to find the real Mr. Armageddon. 

After attacking almost all of the shadow clones, Leonardo was frantically looking around to check if he had found the real Mr. Armageddon but then he appeared behind him and said, "I'm sure you wanna know where we are..." 

Leonardo tried punching Mr. Armageddon but he immediately vanished in a cloud of smoke and continued, "We are in a dimension I created to contain Me and You for a brief moment but as you can's not fully developed yet." 

Leonardo then said, "I don't care, just come out and face me like a man you little chicken shit!" Mr. Armageddon replied, "Alright...if you say so..." 

But as he was saying that, he used his third eye to grow sharp spines made of bone from the palms of his hands, these spines were called the All-Killing Ash Bones and Mr. Armageddon fired the bones from his palms towards Leonardo but he caught them and Mr. Armageddon appeared from the darkness still clutching his still bleeding axe wound but Leonardo threw one of the bones at him, but he also caught it. 

But before they could battle, Ms. Armageddon came out of a portal but kept it open and she also had her third eye open and she said, "Hayato, stop!" and Mr. Armageddon asked, "Kohane? What the fuck are you doing here? I thought this was my own dimension?" and Ms. Armageddon answered, "We were both given the same powers, which means I can go to the same dimensions you've created but right now I'm here to save you from getting yourself killed. "

Mr. Armageddon then said, "I don't need to be saved and I don't need your help Kohane. This is my fight and I'm gonna finish this so please just g-" 

Leonardo then suddenly rammed Mr. and Ms. Armageddon through the portal and back into the real world and this caused Mr. Armageddon to drop his Ash Bone and Leonardo picked it up and said, "It's time to restore the Marchetti Family name!" 

He was about to stab both Mr. and Ms. Armageddon but then the rest of The Armageddon Squad Alliance suddenly punched Leonardo in the torso with Detroit Smash and incapacitating him greatly, then Mr. Armageddon walked up behind his crouched over body and said, "The Marchetti Legacy is over!" 

Using all of His strength, Mr. Armageddon grabbed onto Leonardo's waist in a Deadlift German Suplex position but he jumped high into the heavens and did a black flip before turning Leonardo onto his head into a piledriver position and fell gracefully back to the Earth while he yelled, "ROCKFORD SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!!!!!" before landing on the hard ground that was the forest floor bottom first and completely vaporized Leonardo's upper half and leaving a large crater and then Mr. Armageddon laid back exhausted with his legs completely broken and breathed heavily as Lady Maja hugged him and said, "Oh Hayato-kun! I'm so glad you're ok!" and she kissed him many times on the cheek and forehead and La Nina Flora said, "Let me fix that up for you...Hero." 

She then began healing Mr. Armageddon's axe wound and his legs and as she was doing that, the rain cleared up and the clouds parted, revealing the warm glow of the moon and shining stars around it and after Mr. Armageddon's wound had healed, he said, "Come on everyone, let's go home." and they all flew home together. 

Meanwhile, Leonardo's wife Penelope was packing her and their children Leonardo Jr. and Antonia's bags into the car and Leonardo Jr. asked, "Mom, where are we going?" and she answered, "I don't know sweetheart, but I guess we'll go live in my parent's house in Chicago." 

Antonia then said, "Chicago?! That's like a thousand miles from here! And why aren't we waiting for dad?" Penelope replied, "Sweetie, I'm afraid he's not your father anymore and he'll realize that if he ever comes back." 

She then got in the car, and they all drove away from their mansion and didn't look back. 

The next morning, Hayato woke up to the sound of Maja waking him up and saying, "Hayato! Wake up! Come look at the news!" and Hayato got up rubbing his eyes and saying groggily, "Alright alright, I'm up now!" 

He then followed Maja downstairs to the living room and asked, "Now what is it that you want me to see?" 

Kohane then pushed play on the TV and Chase said, "Good morning Rockford, I'm Chase Logan." and Bethany said, "And I'm Bethany Saito." 

Chase then said, "Our top story today, the lower half of the body of the alleged Don of the Marchetti Crime Family's Rockford operation, Leonardo Marchetti was found today within a crater twenty miles from North Woodridge. Local Authorities have not figured out who the culprit is but many are speculating that this was the work of the infamous Armageddon Squad Alliance and that this was in retaliation of Leonardo's plan to run for mayor and commit mass genocide on the gangs of Rockford. But there are other people saying that this was done as a protest against the North Woodridge Wall, and killing one of the rich and powerful residents of North Woodridge was used as a warning to tear down the wall. But many people are saying that it is a combination of the two but unfortunately, The Armageddon Squad has not come forward for any comment so if the Armageddon Squad have anything to say, please contact us at the Rockford News Network Station on Tesla Boulevard in Central City." 

Kohane then turned off the TV as Hayato got a call on his phone and answered it and said, "Hello?" 

On the other side of the call was Leonardo's father, Lorenzo Marchetti and he said, "I got your file in the mail and I saw the news..." 

He then sighed somberly and told Hayato, "Look, I'm not mad that you killed my son but I'm not happy either, I always knew there was something wrong with him ever since he wanted to join the family business, I knew he wanted something more than that and I knew he was only doing it for me but what he wanted to do was not what this family was about, he wanted to make this family seem like super villains but we aren't, we are bad guys but we're not villains. The point is...I wanted to call you because I wanted to give you the deed to my son's house." 

Hayato silently gasped and Lorenzo continued, "I was gonna give it to him after he gave me my cut of the casino's profits, but I guess he and that wife of his, wherever she is, don't need it anymore and I am currently on my way to sign it over to you." and Hayato said, "Thank you so much Mr. Marchetti, we'll see you then!" 

He then hung up and cheered silently and Maja asked, "What happened?" and Hayato shouted, "We just got the deed to Leonardo's Mansion!" 

Maja, Kohane, and Alejandra gasped before they all screamed in delight together and Alejandra said, "I gotta call mi papa and our friends!" 

Maja then said, "We must all pack up!" 

Hayato, Maja, Kohane went to their rooms to pack up their stuff, and Alejandra rushed to her house to pack up her stuff there. 

Later that day, Hayato and Kohane had ordered a big U-Haul Moving Unit for them and were loading up the boxes of their stuff and Hanako was sniffling in sadness and said, "This is the day that every mother fears!" 

Hayato then comforted her and said, "It's ok Mom, you're just suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome. Your son is all grown up now, you've done your part in raising me and now it's time for me to spread my wings and fly." 

Hanako sobbed and said, "I know Hayato, and I'm so proud of you." 

Maja then also comforted her and said, "Don't worry Hanako-sama, I will keep your son safe, and I won't ever leave his side and I'll make sure he receives the same kind of love you've always given him from me. Plus, look on the bright side, once we're gone, You and Jiro-san can do whatever you guys want now without interference from us." 

Hayato and Maja both hugged Hanako but April chimed in and said, "Hayato, it's almost time to meet with Lorenzo at the Business Center in Central City." 

Hanako then said, "Go get that house, son." 

Hayato and Maja then let go of her and flew to the Rockford Business Center Building in Central City. 

Once they had landed, they entered and there, they saw Lorenzo sitting at a table near the Business Center Cafe with his guards standing next to him and a notary sitting next to him and Hayato and Maja sat down in front of them and Lorenzo said, "Let's begin." 

The Notary cleared his throat before reading the deed aloud, "I Lorenzo Marchetti, as of June 13th, 2016, hereby forfeit all ownership of the residency that is 1032 Wolfgang Drive, North Woodridge, Rockford, Oregon, USA to...both of you sign here please." 

Hayato and Maja then signed their names on the document and the Notary continued, "To Hayato Suzuki and Maja Mackinzie. Now I need your initials here and your final signatures here." 

Hayato and Maja then signed the indicated lines and then the Notary said, "Congratulations Mr. Suzuki and Miss Mackinzie, you are now the proud owners of a mansion." 

Hayato then said, "Thank you very much Lorenzo." 

Hayato and Maja then left the building with the deed in hand and flew back to Hayato's parents' house and during their flight, Hayato sent a group text telling the Armageddon Squad, "I got the deed, meet us at the wall." 

They then landed at his parents' house and there, they saw Kohane and Alejandra preparing to leave and Hanako came up to Hayato and said, "Good luck my son, I love you." Hayato replied, "I love you too Mom." 

They hugged and Hanako said, "Please visit us when you have the chance, please." Hayato replied, "I will be sure to visit you mother." 

Hanako kissed him on the cheek and Kohane honked her horn and said, "Come on, let's go!" Hayato then called out, "Fergus! Come here boy!" 

Fergus ran out barking excitedly and then Maja said, "Hayato, go get his collar and leash and his food and drink dishes." 

Hayato then ran inside and retrieved Fergus' collar and leash and his food and water bowls and ran back to the car, put the collar on Fergus, and Maja lifted him into the car and got in the passenger seat and said, "Alright, let's move out." 

Hayato then started the car and the song that immediately played on the radio was Ultimate by Denzel Curry and the part that played was, "I am the one, don't weigh a ton, don't need a gun to get respect up on the street! Under the sun the bastard son will pop the glock to feed himself and family..." 

Hayato then let the song play as they drove to the North Woodridge wall and there, they met up with their friends in their cars and Hayato approached the checkpoint, but a Guard shouted, "Hey! Outsiders are forbidden in this community unless they have an invitation from a resident here!" 

Hayato then showed him the deed and said, "Here's my invitation you low-life American scum! And those people behind me live with me too." 

The Guard examined the deed and his eyes widened before he meekly said, "I-I'm sorry sir, please head on right in!" and Hayato said, "Once I move in, I'm gonna make sure this wall will be history so enjoy your job while it lasts." 

The Guard then quickly opened the gate and Hayato and The Armageddon Squad drove through and they were in awe of their new home district and Maja said, "It's like everything I've ever imagined, it's like Oregon's version of Beverly Hills!" Hayato replied, "I've been here before, you know." 

He then drove to Wolfgang Drive with his friends following behind him and on the way, Maja asked, "Hey Hayato, how come Me and Leonardo were able to hurt you?" and Hayato answered, "Because he had the Armageddon Gene, he must've gotten my hair somewhere and found out its magical properties and ingested it which gave him my quirks and my superpowers which is why both He and You were able to hurt me because you both had my Armageddon Gene." 

He then turned and drove up the driveway leading to the mansion, but the gate was wide open, and Hayato felt something was not right, but he continued driving until he got to the roundabout entrance and parked his car, and he noticed that the doors were wide open. 

Maja looked at Hayato and asked, "What the fuk happened here?" 

Hayato then got out of the car as everyone else was parking their cars and he crept slowly into the house and saw that it was empty, devoid of life and then he heard a sound coming from beneath him, so he called April and asked her, "April, where's the basement?" and She replied, "Ten steps in front of you." 

Hayato then saw the basement door ajar, and The Armageddon Squad came into the house behind him, and Hayato turned around and shushed them before he got out a pistol and slowly opened the basement door and quietly crept downstairs and there, he saw Dr. Leopold Muller and his assistants and Hayato asked, "What's going on?!" and they were startled and Leopold said, "Ah! Don't shoot! Ve are unarmed!" and Hayato shouted, "I want you people out of my house now!" 

Leopold then said, "Wait! We could work together!" 

Lucy then came down and said, "Forget it! We're not working with a man who used to work for Hydra and the Kaisers." but Leopold replied, "I haven't worked for Hydra for over thirty years and ze only reason Ze Kaisers hired me was because Herr Schimdt's father knew my father when he worked for Hydra during World War Two, but I assure you that I've had cut all ties with Hydra before Ze Avengers had them disbanded forever, so please spare us and allow us to work together please." 

Hayato thought about it for a minute before he lowered his gun and said, "Ok." 

Lily and Lucy were in disbelief, but Hayato said, "But Lily, Lucy, Jordan, and Jamal are gonna keep a close eye on you and make sure you and your assistants stay in line. If you are seen doing something suspicious or stepping out of line, I will be notified and I will make sure you will never see the light of day again." Dr. Leopold replied, "Understood sir." and Hayato said, "Lily and Lucy, you guys stay here and get acquainted with your new lab partners and assistants because as of today, I am naming both of you the heads of our science and engineering team." 

Lily and Lucy gave a thumbs up and went down to the lab as Hayato and the Armageddon Squad went back upstairs but suddenly, the house phone was ringing and Hayato saw it was Penelope, so he picked it up and said, "This house is mine now Penny!" and She replied, "I don't give a fuck, you're gonna pay for what you've done one day, you bastard." 

Hayato said, "Hey don't blame this on me, it's your stupid greaseball husband's fault for trusting me and my sister." and Penny replied, "Yeah and now I know that was a mistake, but I don't care anymore, I'm gonna find a way to make you suffer like my Leo has suffered." 

Hayato chuckled and said, "Hmm, tough talk coming from a broke ass bitch like you. What the fuck are you even gonna do huh? Leonardo and his guys are dead, and Lorenzo is certainly not gonna help you, so your ties to the mob are gone forever. This is my city now and I am never letting go. So have fun living in your cardboard box on the side of the road with that fat tub of lard you dare call your husband's child and that plastic whore you dare call your daughter and if you ever come by here, I'll make sure you and your children will meet their father in hell. So fuck you, have a nice day, goodbye." 

Hayato slammed the phone back down on the receiver and Kohane asked, "So what do we do now...Mr. Armageddon?" 

Hayato answered, "As far as I'm concerned Ms. Armageddon...we can do whatever we want..." 

A sinister smile came shortly after he had said that as he looked at the interior of the house.


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