The Armageddon Squad Alliance

By SakuraSenpai91

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One late spring day in Rockford, Oregon USA, a young man by the name of Hayato Suzuki rediscovered a long-los... More

"Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home......Again"
"Chapter 2: Combination Celebration"
"Chapter 3: A Song of Pipes and Drums and Woe"
"Chapter 4: The Paraiso Job Part I"
"Chapter 5: Gift From A Goddess"
"Chapter 6: The Paraiso Job Part II"
"Chapter 7: The Stark Heist"
"Chapter 8: Shadow Clone Shenanigans"
"Chapter 9: A Hero's Offer"
"Chapter 10: Return of the Empress Part I"
"Chapter 11: Return of the Empress Part II"
"Chapter 12: To Asgard and Back Part I"
"Chapter 13: To Asgard and Back Part II"
"Chapter 14: To Asgard and Back Part III"
"Chapter 15: The Good, The Bad, and The Irish"
"Chapter 16: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part I"
"Chapter 17: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part II"
"Chapter 18: The Kinky Kitsune"
"Chapter 19: The Rockford Tournament"
"Chapter 20: A Burning Passion For The Lord"
"Chapter 21: American Annihilation Phase I"
"Chapter 22: American Annihilation Phase II"
"Chapter 24: The Battle of Little Tokyo"
"Chapter 25: Help Connor"
"Chapter 26: The Klaue Konnection Part I"
"Chapter 27: Jury Duty Guarding Fury"
"Chapter 28: The Ring"
"Chapter 29: The Klaue Connection Part II"
"Chapter 30: Eighteen Candles"
"Chapter 31: This Is Your City Phase I"
"Chapter 32: This Is Your City Phase II"

"Chapter 23: April's Dream"

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By SakuraSenpai91

The next morning, Hayato woke up in bed with Maja snuggling up close with him and he asked, "How long was I out?" Maja answered, "Just since last night."

She then kissed him and said, "I'm just glad that you're awake and you're alright~"

Hayato then tried sitting up, but Maja wasn't letting him, and Hayato said, "Maja, I'm fine now, you can let go of me."

She then let go of him and then he called Lucy and she answered, and he asked, "Lucy, has Leonardo made contact with the Arms Dealer?" Lucy replied, "No not yet, and the Arms Dealer's name is Ulysses Klaue, just so you know. Besides, I got April here monitoring Leonardo's phone activity so any Email, Text, Tweet, Social Media Posts, and Calls made from his phone will be recorded and captured by April."

Hayato said, "Got it."

He then hung up and Maja asked, "This is embarrassing but could you get me some undies in the closet?"

Hayato was confused and asked, "Are you naked under there?" she answered, "Y-yes?"

Hayato then looked and saw that his underwear was half down and asked, "Did we have sex?"

Maja blushed and meekly answered, "Yes?" and Hayato said, "You had sex with my unconscious body?!"

Maja then said, "Look Hayato, before you get upset...yes I had sex with you while you were out, but you need to know why."

Hayato then asked, "Ok, why?" Maja answered, "You see Hayato, after what happened last night, I sort of had a burst of adrenaline that I needed to get rid of so as soon as you healed, I sort of took advantaged and you know the rest."

Hayato then said, "I forgive you Maja."

He then got up and grabbed a set of underwear for Maja and gave it to her, then Maja put them on and went to the closet to find something to wear but then something fell off of a shelf, it was a glowing light blue cube and Maja immediately recognized it as the fabled Tesseract and she picked it up and asked, "Hayato, where did you get this?"

Hayato saw and answered, "I swiped it from that little trophy room in the castle back in Asgard."

Hayato then got up and fished in the closet and got out another item, a golden gauntlet with jewels on each knuckle and Hayato said, "It's the thing I saw in my dream and when I found this, I knew that there was something off about Odin because that wasn't Odin, that was Loki and I think it's pretty obvious what happened."

Maja asked, "What happened?" Hayato answered, "Loki killed Odin with this, and I think he's gonna use it to kill The Avengers and get his revenge on Thor."

Maja then said, "Then that means we left Milena with...NO!"

Maja then started panicking and said, "We have to go back! No, no, we can't go back, because you stole this thing! If we go back now, they'll probably kill us or throw us in jail."

Maja then held both of her hands on Hayato's face and said, "Hayato, listen closely...I do not wish to have our child or get married in a fuking Asgardian Dungeon! You have to find a place to hide this till either We or The Avengers find a way to locate Thor and bring him back."

Hayato then said, "Look Maja, I know you're scared right now but you need to calm down. Before we hide the Tesseract, we need to know what it does. Maybe it's not the whole thing that's important, maybe it's what's inside this thing that matters."

Maja calmed down and was confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

Hayato answered, "Well think about it, why would Odin keep this under strong protection and why would Loki want this thing if it's just a glorified Rubik's Cube? There's something inside here that's obviously important to Loki and has great power and we need to find out what's inside and I know the perfect kind of people that would be interested."

Maja asked, "Who?" Hayato answered, "Lily and Lucy."

Maja then said, "But Hayato, how the hell are they gonna know what's inside this thing?" Hayato replied, "Maja, they used technology and materials from a crashed alien ship to create all of their gadgets so obviously they'd know what the fuck to do with this. Now come on, let's eat breakfast and go to see Lily and Lucy."

Maja then said, "I sure hope you're right about this." Hayato replied, "Maja, I'm a ninja, I'm always right."

Meanwhile back in Washington DC, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, and General James Rupert Rhodes were sitting at a table with Secretary Ross in the room saying, "Ok, obviously I can't trust Captain America to do any tasks with you guys..."

Tony interrupted him and said, "Ross, they said that they don't want to be a part of the Accords."

Ross then said, "And I told all of you that they didn't have a choice and now look what your 'friends' had got them to do."

Ross then pulled up photos of the Church in Central Woodridge and Fort Dylan and The Avengers gasped in horror and General Rhodes said, "They did that?!" Ross replied, "Yes, the Armageddon Squad burned down a church along with its pastor and demolished a historical attraction in one night and if they can do that plus rob a casino and a bank in one day then this government has the right to be worried and the right to fear these people. You have to take these people in, even if you have to use lethal or non-lethal force because as of now, the Armageddon Squad is considered a yellow level threat and because of this, the US is going into Defcon 4, and I need you three to go to Rockford and make sure they don't become a much bigger threat than they are right now."

Rhodes then said, "I agree with what you're saying Ross, but don't you think going to Defcon 4 might be a little too...extreme? I mean, I don't think the Armageddon Squad has any access to nuclear weaponry."

Ross then said, "Fine, we don't need the Defcon, but you make sure you take them down or bring them in any way you can and if you three can't handle it, then the US Government will take care of it."

Before they left, Natasha then said, "Uhh...Ross, I kinda have a feeling you're not telling us about one of those locations that you talked about."

Ross then said, "Ok, I didn't have the heart to tell Miss Romanoff but at Fort Dylan...they found a body."

The Avengers were intrigued and then Ross pulled up a picture of Hulk Darryl's split-in-half body and they all gasped in utter shock and complete horror and Tony asked, "Is that...?" and Rhodes said, "There's no way." but Natasha didn't say a word and sat down covering her eyes with her hand and had tears rolling down her face and Tony and Rhodes went to comfort her, but she shooed them away and got up and said, "Let's go."

Natasha, Tony, and Rhodes left the room and Ross had an evil grin on his face.

Meanwhile back in Rockford, Hayato and Maja had arrived at Lily and Lucy's workshop and went inside to find Lily sorting out tools and Maja said, "Hey girl!" Lily replied, "Hey you two."

Hayato asked, "So what are you doing?"

Lily then said, "Oh nothing, just sorting out tools and parts and stuff while my older sister's getting fucked in the other room."

Maja laughed but it went away immediately, and She asked, "You're serious, aren't you?"

Lily nodded and Hayato said, "Well we need your help."

Lily then sighed and said, "Just turn it off and turn it back on Hayato or here's a better option, STOP WATCHING PORN! Ugh! Why do you people always call us whenever you have a problem with your own electronics?"

Hayato then asked, "Geez, what the fuck's your problem Lily?"

Lily then slammed her hands on the table and said, "You wanna know what's my fucking problem? My sister is getting her pussy destroyed by her boyfriend while I'm here fucking sorting all of this shit! When it's just us alone, we work together but when Jordan's here, suddenly I'm the fucking Errand Girl."

Maja then put her hand on Lily's shoulder and said, "Lily, you need a boyfriend."

Lily then said, "DUH! It's pretty fucking obvious! You try talking to or going on a date with a man while trying to hide the fact that you're a fucking nerd and that your IQ is almost fifty times higher than his but end up looking like a total bitch to him."

Maja then said, "That's because you haven't found the right man. Why don't you try those dating apps like Tinder or"

Lily then said, "I am never ever going to use a dating app, they always fucking lie at those things; plus, Tinder is just for people who want a quick fuck and sure, that is sort of what I'm looking for; but again, people fucking lie on those apps, which is why I'll never use a dating app ever."

Hayato then said, "Then just forget about the men and just go lesbian, if it can work for Kohane, then it can definitely work for you."

Lily the scoffed and said, "I'm never going lesbian either, not with how women are these days, they're all nothing but just complete idiotic whores and whiny voiced spoiled bitches."

Hayato and Maja were about to say something, and Lily stopped them and said, "You, Connor, and Kohane are just lucky."

Lucy then came back but her hair was all frazzled and she was walking funny but then Jordan walked by and said, "Call ya later baby." and he lightly patted her on the behind and saw Hayato and Maja and said, "Sup you two." and then he went out the door.

Lucy then asked, "Ok, now what are you guys doing here?" Maja answered, "We're here to talk to you about this."

She then proceeded to show Lily and Lucy the Tesseract and their eyes widened and Lily asked, "Is that...?"

Hayato nodded and Lucy asked, "Where the fuck did you get it?"

Hayato answered, "You see, when I went to Scotland to get my woman back, I was met with an obstacle and her name begins with Milena and then sometime later Maja got her axes and the helmet, she beat Milena and we took her to Asgard to be imprisoned but when we met Odin, I felt something, I felt like something wasn't right with Odin and then I realized that it wasn't Odin, it was Loki. So during our little tour of the castle, I stole the Tesseract, and I stole this."

He then showed them the Fist of Gold and Jewels and they gasped, and Hayato said, "It's the thing I saw in my dream and after I saw this, I came up with the theory that Loki killed Odin, took over his kingdom, and planned to use this thing to kill Thor and The Avengers and finally getting his revenge."

Lily took the Gauntlet and examined it and said, "First of all Hayato, this is called a Gauntlet and I hate to burst your bubble, but this isn't real."

Hayato and Maja's eyes widened in shock and Hayato exclaimed, "What?!"

Lily said, "You said this was 'a Fist of Gold and Jewels' and while it IS real gold, these supposed jewels are real also, but these are not jewels, these are gems, and I could tell because the thumb knuckle is a Pearl."

Maja then said, "So that means Loki knew Hayato knew he wasn't Odin and knew that Hayato would steal the Gauntlet, so he put a fake one and hid the real one."

Hayato then said, "But the Tesseract is real, and I have reason to believe that the whole reason everyone's been protecting and fearing this thing for so long is not what's outside but what's inside the Tesseract."

Maja then said, "And that's why we came here, to see if you two might have a way to open this thing."

Lily then said, "Well why are you asking us? We don't have anything to break that thing."

Hayato then got out his April Watch and group called the Armageddon Squad and said, "Guys, get here now, urgent Armageddon Squad business."

Everyone came quickly and they all gasped when they saw the Tesseract and Hayato said, "I know, you see it, blah blah; long story short, we need one of you to break this open so we can see what's inside that makes this thing so important."

Carlos then came forward and said, "I'll do it."

Hayato then set the Tesseract down on the table and Carlos slowly approached it before raising his fist and striking it down with Detroit Smash.

Once his fist connected with it, the Tesseract began cracking before breaking into many pieces and there, where the Tesseract once stood whole, a glowing blue stone was in its place, this stone was known as an Infinity Stone and this stone was the one called the Space Stone.

Hayato picked up the stone and Lucy said, "Oh my god." and Hayato said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our ticket to put ourselves on the map for good."

Lucy then said, "You know, I've never told anyone of this, not even my little sis but I think this might be perfect for a secret project I've been working on."

Lucy then opened a door and revealed a humanoid metal skeleton in a large tubular case and Lily asked, "What is this?" April answered, "My dream."

Lucy then said, "It's a Synthetic Humanoid."

Connor asked, "Like the ones in Fallout?"

Lucy answered, "Well yes but actually no. About a couple years ago or so, I decided create April, I wanted her to be like no other computer, I wanted her to have feelings, to be able to have personal thoughts, and to be able to make her own decisions and obviously to a lot of people, that would be scary, but I created her to be like everyone else, to be as if she was a real human woman inside a computer. A couple months ago however she was looking a bit down and she told me how she felt trapped in her mainframe and that she wished to see the world with her eyes and then she gave me blueprints to an experiment started by Ultron and finished by The Avengers. She wanted herself inside a Synthetic Humanoid and I told her it would be impossible since the amount of power and metal it would take to create something like that but then she showed me the Kree Crash Site and from that moment on, I used almost all of the metal from there but it took almost half the city's power and I was only able to make the skeleton and about one-fifth of the muscular system, that's why I'm waiting for Leonardo to call Klaue so I can use that Vibranium to help finish April's new body but a body like this requires a lot of power to function."

Kohane then said, "So just hook her up to some sort of life support." Lucy replied, "I could do that but that will still take a lot of electricity and I could try an arc reactor but that would still not be enough power for the body to function, but this thing, I think it would be perfect to completely power April's body and maybe it could power it for many lifetimes."

Lucy then got out a small metal lockbox and said, "Put it in here, we'll make sure to protect it."

Hayato then put the stone in the box and the box immediately closed and locked itself and Lucy said, "April, put this somewhere safe."

A robotic arm came and grabbed the box and took it to the storage closet and Hayato said, "Welp, that's it for now I guess."

The Armageddon Squad then left the building with Hayato going out first; but the minute he stepped foot outside, he felt something was wrong, and as if by sheer instinct, Hayato jumped into the air and did a Pele Kick to a rocket that was coming towards the building, and the rocket went the other direction before blowing up in the air. Hayato landed back on his feet, and Maja asked, "What was that?!" Hayato looked up to the sky and calmly said with a sinister scowl, "Stark..."

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