The Armageddon Squad Alliance

By SakuraSenpai91

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One late spring day in Rockford, Oregon USA, a young man by the name of Hayato Suzuki rediscovered a long-los... More

"Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home......Again"
"Chapter 2: Combination Celebration"
"Chapter 3: A Song of Pipes and Drums and Woe"
"Chapter 4: The Paraiso Job Part I"
"Chapter 5: Gift From A Goddess"
"Chapter 6: The Paraiso Job Part II"
"Chapter 7: The Stark Heist"
"Chapter 8: Shadow Clone Shenanigans"
"Chapter 9: A Hero's Offer"
"Chapter 10: Return of the Empress Part I"
"Chapter 11: Return of the Empress Part II"
"Chapter 12: To Asgard and Back Part I"
"Chapter 13: To Asgard and Back Part II"
"Chapter 14: To Asgard and Back Part III"
"Chapter 15: The Good, The Bad, and The Irish"
"Chapter 16: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part I"
"Chapter 17: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part II"
"Chapter 19: The Rockford Tournament"
"Chapter 20: A Burning Passion For The Lord"
"Chapter 21: American Annihilation Phase I"
"Chapter 22: American Annihilation Phase II"
"Chapter 23: April's Dream"
"Chapter 24: The Battle of Little Tokyo"
"Chapter 25: Help Connor"
"Chapter 26: The Klaue Konnection Part I"
"Chapter 27: Jury Duty Guarding Fury"
"Chapter 28: The Ring"
"Chapter 29: The Klaue Connection Part II"
"Chapter 30: Eighteen Candles"
"Chapter 31: This Is Your City Phase I"
"Chapter 32: This Is Your City Phase II"

"Chapter 18: The Kinky Kitsune"

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By SakuraSenpai91

The next morning, Hayato got a call from Lily and answered, and she said, "Hayato, I got something that you might wanna check out." 

She then sent a picture of a flyer for an upcoming Fighting Tournament and Hayato said, "Cool, it's been a while since I fought for money." 

Lily then said, "The Tournament starts in Little Tokyo and will end in Central City and from what I heard, a bunch of people will be betting on it, including Leonardo Marchetti." 

Hayato then said, "I'm in, anything that can help Leo lose more money. How does this tournament work exactly?" Lily answered, "Well basically you have to fight every district champion with each one having a different fighting style with the final champion being in Central City and utilizing in Wrestling; but before that, they'll be holding a tryout where all people there will fight every newcomer one by one until there is one man left standing, the man left standing will fight the first district champion in the tournament." 

Hayato then said, "Ok got it but quick question, is there a tournament for women also? Because I was hoping maybe Maja or Kohane could try their hands at it." 

Lily then said, "Yes there is a tournament for women but I'm not sure if Kohane will agree to it but I'm sure Maja would love to try it out." 

She then said, "Look, I'll try to put in a good word for you two but you guys have to do something for me first because I am going out on a limb here since neither Me nor My Big Sis have had any contact with The Obliterators ever since we started this group but...if you do this for me, then maybe it'll help them agree to allow you guys into the tournament, maybe they'll have you immediately fight the district champion so I really need you to help me with this thing." 

Hayato then said, "Ok Lily, I'll do it. What do you need us to do?" 

Lily then told him, "Ok so, Me and Lucy hacked for The Obliterators but that wasn't our only job, we were also in charge of bringing in new girls for the Kinky Kitsune and interviewing them. There's a couple girls that we need you to pick up, they'll all be waiting for you at the corner of Tokyo Boulevard and Nagoya Avenue." Hayato then replied, "Ok, I'll be there." 

He then hung up the phone and put his hand on a still sleeping Maja's shoulder and said to her, "Hey, I gotta go run an errand for Lily and Lucy, I'll be back soon." Maja replied sleepily, "Ok Hayato-kun, I'll wait for you here, just give me a kiss first." 

Hayato then kissed Maja on the lips and got out of bed and said, "You know what? I think I'll have someone keep you company." 

Hayato then summoned a Shadow Clone and told it, "Keep this Magnificently Strong and Blindingly Beautiful Queen company until I come back." 

The Shadow Clone nodded and got in bed with Maja and spooned with her while Hayato put his Osaka Obliterator outfit on and left. 

Hayato was in the SUV and drove to the corner where the girls he was to interview were and then he stopped, and all six girls came in. 

The first girl was an average height and pale Caucasian woman in her mid-twenties with dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and had a couple tiny freckles on her cheeks and had an athletic hourglass figure, the second girl was a tall and young light-skinned African-American woman in her mid-twenties with dark green dyed hair, hazel eyes, and an average inverted triangle figure, the third was a short dark-skinned Latina woman in her early twenties with black hair, brown eyes, and an average pear figure, the fourth and fifth were both average height pale yellow Asian women, one had brown hair and light green eyes and the other had dyed magenta hair and blue eyes and they were both in their late twenties with both having athletic triangle figures, and the sixth girl was a tall olive-skinned Caucasian woman in her early thirties with light brown hair, dark green eyes, and an average rectangle figure. 

The Blonde Caucasian Woman said, "Hey, you're not the girl we talked to on the phone." Hayato then drove off and replied, "No I'm not, she sent ME." 

The Latina Woman asked, "Hey don't I know you from somewhere?" 

Hayato then looked at her and immediately recognized her as Carlos' cousin, Josefina Gomez but Hayato lied and answered, "No, you don't know me." 

Josefina then said, "Yes I do know you, you're Carlito's Japanese Friend Hayato." He then sighed and replied, "Yes I'm Hayato but I didn't expect you to be here." 

Josefina then said, "Look, please don't tell Carlito or My Tia about this, I don't want them to worry about me. I'm only doing this because My Papa is very sick and My Mama doesn't have the money to get the treatment he needs, and I heard the Kinky Kitsune paid well so I'm hoping I could be one of the dancers here." 

Hayato then said, "Look Josefina, I'm touched by your story, but you need to know that there's more to being a dancer than just walking up to a pole and dancing, especially at a place like the Kinky Kitsune but that is something I'll explain to you girls when we get there. But Josefina, I have to tell Carlito, it's pretty obvious he wants what's best for you, his cousin. He actually thinks of you as a sister to him to be honest. Are you sure you want to work in this profession? What would your sick father think of his own daughter dancing on a pole and shaking her ass to complete strangers whether it's on the stage or in the champagne room? Did you have any other options before?" 

Josefina said, "Actually yeah, My Mama wanted me to work with her at the nail salon but to be honest, I'd rather get paid to shake my ass to strangers than cleaning someone's dirty ass feet and cutting their gross long ass nails." 

Hayato then said, "Well, if this is the kind of job you wanna take, then I'm perfectly fine with it but I'm still gonna tell Carlos about it." Josefina then replied, "That's fine, I understand why." 

They then arrived at the Kinky Kitsune, and Hayato said, "Ok girls, you all gotta go through the back and to the main stage and form a straight-line side by side while we interview you." 

The girls nodded and left the car while Hayato got out and went to the front door, but a Bouncer stopped him and said, "Sorry sir, we're closed." and Hayato then said, "Lily sent me." and The Bouncer replied, "Ah, Mr. Suzuki come on in." 

Hayato then went in and was awe of the place he had always read and heard about but had never seen it himself, the interior of the Kinky Kitsune, except the poles, seats, and bars were empty and at the main stage which was at the far end of the building, there was a table set up in front of the stage and two people were sitting there and those two people turned out to be Akito Kato and Hayato's old boss from his days when he was still a member of the Obliterators, Kenzo Nakamura. 

Hayato then approached the table and Kenzo saw him and was happy to see him and said "Hayato!" 

Hayato then said, "Hey Mr. Nakamura." and Kenzo said, "Oh just call me Kenzo." 

He then grabbed Hayato's hand and patted him on the back and Hayato patted back and they both sat down, and Hayato asked, "Why is Akito Kato here?" and Akito answered, "I am here check out the fresh talent and see how well they perform and if one of these girls impress me then I will come back next month and see how she performs in front of a crowd and if I'm impressed again, I will make that girl a star and be in my films. In fact, Himiko Misono started out as a dancer here and now she's the biggest star in Japan and the biggest star in the American and Canadian West Coast." 

The Girls then came onto the stage and lined up together and Hayato said, "Alright girls, welcome to The Kinky Kitsune but first, let's let it be known that this establishment is not your average "Titty Bar" or "Strip Joint" or "Sleazy Nightclub", this is a Gentleman's Club. You may think that all you gotta do to be one of our employees is going up and down a pole and shaking your ass and tits off at the crowd but you gotta do more than that, you must perform for them, put on a show, bedazzle them with not just your body, but your moves and your talent. You see girls, being a dancer or what some of you call "A Stripper", is like being a wrestler in the WWE, you gotta have a gimmick, a persona that people will know you by and associate you with, but before we can decide what you girls want your gimmicks to be, we need you to tell us your names, your ages, and where you're from first, then you show us your moves."

Josefina then said, "My name is Josefina Gomez, I am twenty-four years old, and I'm from Corte Del Rey." 

The Black Woman then said, "My name is Deborah Peterson, I'm twenty-six, and I represent South Woodridge baby." 

The Caucasian Woman with Freckles said, "My name is Natalie Howard, I am twenty-five years old, and I'm from Central Woodridge." 

The Brown-Haired Asian Lady said, "My name is Alix Wang, I am twenty-seven years old, and I am from Chinatown." 

The Magenta-Haired Asian Lady said, "My name is Natalia Kobayashi, I am twenty-eight years old, and I'm from right here in Little Tokyo." and then The Tall Caucasian Lady said, "My name is Kacy Lockwood, I'm thirty years old, and I'm from Central City." 

Kenzo then said, "Alright girls, let's see your moves." 

Josefina then walked up to the pole and Hayato said to Kenzo and Akito, "Look you two, please take it easy on this one and give her a chance, she's doing this to pay for her father's medication and she had no other options." 

Kenzo then said, "Ok, I understand." 

Josefina then began dancing on the pole and after she finished, Hayato said, "That was very excellent Josefina! Right, everyone?" 

Kenzo and Akito nodded and Kenzo said, "I think you might have some promise in this profession." 

Josefina was very happy and felt good about herself. 

Meanwhile, Maja was riding with Kohane and Alejandra in Kohane's car, they were about to drive by the Kinky Kitsune when Maja saw Hayato's car parked in the driveway and asked, "Isn't that Hayato's car?" Kohane answered, "I think it is." 

She then pulled onto the parking lot and stopped the car and they all got out and walked up to the front entrance and The Bouncer said, "Sorry ladies, we're closed." and Maja then calmly said, "I'm here to see my boyfriend, now get out of the way before I get you out myself." 

The Bouncer then laughed and said, "Look ma'am I can assure you that your boyfriend is not in there as I just told you, we're closed. So, if you want to find your boyfriend here, then come back when we're open." 

Maja then swiftly headbutted the Bouncer and he immediately went down, and she said, "Don't bother getting up." 

She then stepped on the Bouncer's body as She, Kohane, and Alejandra entered the building and Maja gasped in horror as she saw Hayato sitting at the table and watching Kacy finish dancing and him saying, "That was pretty good Kacy, but you might need to tone down your speed a bit as it's not race, it's pole dancing." 

Maja then said, "Hayato!" 

He then looked behind him and saw Maja walking towards him and said, "Maja! I'm so happy to see you!" 

Maja then slapped Hayato and said, "So this is the errand Lily wanted you to do for her huh?" 

Hayato then said, "Look Maja, I'm very sorry I didn't tell you-" 

Maja slapped Hayato again and said, "I don't need your apology, you lied about what you were doing. I'm your girlfriend, if you wanted to see a girl's arse shake, you could've asked me." 

Hayato then said, "Maja, if you would stop slapping me and let me explain everything to you, Lily told me about a fighting tournament today and that Leonardo would be watching at the final round of the tournament so I said Me and You would join because I know how much you love to fight and Lily said that she'd put in a good word for me but I would have to fill in for her job which was finding new girls for the Kinky Kitsune and interview them." 

Kenzo then said, "Wait, You and Your Girlfriend want to join the Rockford Tournament? Well, why didn't you say so?" 

Hayato and Maja were confused and Kenzo said, "We've been trying to find some challengers for weeks but everyone we asked were either weak or too scared to go up against our champions. You two are perfect challengers for them." 

Hayato then said, "Well thank you Kenzo we'll go right over." 

Kenzo then said, "It's at the base of the Little Tokyo Tower." 

Hayato then gave a thumbs up and left with Maja.

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