The Armageddon Squad Alliance

By SakuraSenpai91

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One late spring day in Rockford, Oregon USA, a young man by the name of Hayato Suzuki rediscovered a long-los... More

"Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home......Again"
"Chapter 2: Combination Celebration"
"Chapter 3: A Song of Pipes and Drums and Woe"
"Chapter 4: The Paraiso Job Part I"
"Chapter 5: Gift From A Goddess"
"Chapter 6: The Paraiso Job Part II"
"Chapter 7: The Stark Heist"
"Chapter 8: Shadow Clone Shenanigans"
"Chapter 9: A Hero's Offer"
"Chapter 10: Return of the Empress Part I"
"Chapter 11: Return of the Empress Part II"
"Chapter 12: To Asgard and Back Part I"
"Chapter 13: To Asgard and Back Part II"
"Chapter 14: To Asgard and Back Part III"
"Chapter 15: The Good, The Bad, and The Irish"
"Chapter 16: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part I"
"Chapter 18: The Kinky Kitsune"
"Chapter 19: The Rockford Tournament"
"Chapter 20: A Burning Passion For The Lord"
"Chapter 21: American Annihilation Phase I"
"Chapter 22: American Annihilation Phase II"
"Chapter 23: April's Dream"
"Chapter 24: The Battle of Little Tokyo"
"Chapter 25: Help Connor"
"Chapter 26: The Klaue Konnection Part I"
"Chapter 27: Jury Duty Guarding Fury"
"Chapter 28: The Ring"
"Chapter 29: The Klaue Connection Part II"
"Chapter 30: Eighteen Candles"
"Chapter 31: This Is Your City Phase I"
"Chapter 32: This Is Your City Phase II"

"Chapter 17: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part II"

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By SakuraSenpai91

When they met up with Diondre and Carlito at the volleyball net, Hayato asked them, "Where's Kohane and Alejandra? We're all gonna go eat." Diondre answered, "I think they went under the dock." 

Meanwhile under the dock, Kohane and Alejandra were kissing. 

Kohane was missing her bikini top while Alejandra was missing her bikini bottom. 

Alejandra then asked, "Kohane-chan, are you sure no one's gonna see us down here?" Kohane answered, "Don't worry Alejandra-chan, everyone always goes under the pier to kiss, we're no different than the other people." 

Alejandra then asked, "If we came down here to kiss then why did you remove my bikini bottom?" 

Kohane then crouched down and started kissing Alejandra's lower half and Alejandra said, "Oh, that's why..." 

By the time their friends got to them, Alejandra and Kohane were already very into their moment with each other but Hayato, Maja, Diondre, Carlos, Mirlande, and Connor had all gone under the pier and caught the two lovebirds just in time. 

Alejandra and Kohane gasped in shock and immediately covered themselves when they saw their friends standing there and Alejandra said, "Jesus Diondre, we can't even trust you keep a fucking secret!" 

Kohane said, "We told you we'd be back soon! Why did you tell everyone where we were?! Especially that perv!" 

Hayato then said, "We just wanted to ask you two if you wanted to come get something to eat with us." Kohane replied, "I guess we might as well since you guys ruined our fun." 

Maja then asked, "What fun? All we saw you doing was your girlfriend sucking on your tits. Hayato does it with me all the time, so you girls aren't that different from us." 

Kohane then said, "Just shut up and let's go!" 

They all went back into changing booths and put their clothes back on, then they went up to the burger place on the pier and ordered their food. 

Hayato, Diondre, and Mirlande ordered burgers, Kohane and Connor ordered chicken sandwiches, Alejandra and Maja ordered corndogs, and Carlos ordered chicken strips. 

While they were eating, they saw the news on the TV and Bethany Saito said, " let's check back on our reporter, Margaret Ortiz at the Rockford Comic-Con. Margaret?" 

The camera then switched to Margaret Ortiz, and she said, "Well Bethany I am now inside the Convention Center and from what I heard from staff is that they're planning to have the Armageddon Squad speak at the Convention, we'll be asking some fellow Armageddon Squad fanatics what their thoughts on them are." 

She then went up to a woman in a raunchy version of Mr. Armageddon's costume and Margaret asked, "So what are your thoughts on Mr. Armageddon and his Squad? Since you're obviously a big fan of his. And do you think they might actually appear here today?" 

The Woman then answered, "Well I think Mr. Armageddon is kinda cute and I don't think he and his crew are bad people, I think they're just misunderstood..." 

A guy in glasses and dressed up as Connor said, "Uh actually if you're a female and cosplaying as Mr. Armageddon, you're technically cosplaying as Ms. Armageddon." 

The Woman then shooed him away and said to Margaret, "As I was saying, I think Mr. Armageddon, Ms. Armageddon, and The Armageddon Squad are misunderstood, like The Avengers." 

Margaret then said, "As a reporter, I have to say that's a bit of a broad statement since The Armageddon Squad Alliance's kill count is nowhere near to The Avengers'. The Avengers wiped out an entire country and had countless cities nearly destroyed while Mr. Armageddon killed a bunch of cops, Ms. Armageddon killed a bunch of FBI agents, and The Armageddon Squad altogether robbed a casino and a bank owned by one of the Avengers." 

The Woman then said, "Well you're not wrong about that but like I said, The Armageddon Squad including and especially Mr. Armageddon, are very misunderstood and should be treated with the utmost respect by this city and if the rumors are true about them coming here, then I wish to be first in line and have my costume signed by Mr. Armageddon and obviously he has to since he's kinda like my boyfriend." 

Maja's eyes then widened, and she was furious deep down, but she was calm on the outside and said, "Let's all head over to the convention." 

She then grabbed Hayato's wrist and he said, "Ow, Maja you're hurting me." 

Maja then gritted her teeth and said, "I said we're going to the convention." 

She then pulled Hayato and the Armageddon Squad were confused and followed her and once they got to the parking lot, she said to herself, "Who the fuk does that whore think she is?! He's not yours, he's mine!" 

Hayato then said, "Maja, it was obviously a lie. I've lied about having a famous person as a friend or lover. I once said that Nami from One Piece was my girlfriend." Maja replied, "And you do have Nami as your girlfriend, Me. I'm your fuking Nami! Besides, if it was a man dressed up as me and saying that I'm his girlfriend, you'd be pissed too." 

Hayato then said, "Oh please, no man other than me would have a chance with you." 

Maja also said, "And no woman other than me would have a chance with you either. So I'm gonna make sure that cunt stays away from my Hayato." 

Maja then hugged Hayato and comforted him as if she was his mother, but Hayato was already calm and Kohane said, "Maja, I think you need to calm down." 

Maja then said, "Hey, you treat your girlfriend your way and I'll treat my boyfriend my way." 

Kohane then said, "But you're holding him as if you're his mother." 

Maja then said, "So? Maybe I want him to call me Mommy. Isn't that right Hayato-kun?" 

Hayato then said, "Y-yes Mommy." and Maja said, "Besides, Alejandra probably calls you Mommy too, so you'd know how it feels. But right now, let's go change into our costumes and get to that Convention Center." 

Maja then let go of Hayato and he kissed her and then the Armageddon Squad all drove back to their homes, put their costumes on, and met up at the Rockford Convention Center. 

When they got there, Maja said to herself, "Man, it's good to be back." 

They then walked and saw Convention Center Staff come up to them and one of them said, "Holy shit, you guys really came!" 

Mr. Armageddon said, "Yes, we are here to speak like you guys said on the news." 

Another Staff Member then said, "Alright, well follow us." 

The Staff Members led them through the front door and immediately, a large mob of fans rushed over to see the ASA, but the Staff Members kept everyone at bay as they made their way to the main conference room. 

Once they got into the conference room, they went up to the stage and sat down at a table and many fans poured into the room and sat at their seats and a Staff Member said, "Alright everyone, it's now time for the Armageddon Squad Q&A! So, I need everyone to form a straight line at the microphone in the center front row."

 A huge line then formed at the microphone and Mr. Armageddon said, "You know, we've never thought that this would happen so I will be answering the first question." 

The first question was surprisingly asked by the woman in the raunchy Mr. Armageddon costume, and she asked, "Mr. Armageddon, can you marry me?" Maja then answered, "No! Absolutely not! I am Mr. Armageddon's real girlfriend by the way, so stay the fuk away from him!" 

The Woman then asked, "And who the hell are you?" 

Maja said, "You already asked a question, now step out of the line and keep it moving." 

The Woman then got mad and went back to her seat and then the next person, a white man dressed as El Capitan asked Maja, "Are you the secret eighth member of The ASA? If so, why were you absent during the casino and bank robbery?" 

Maja answered, "To answer your first question, yes, I am the eighth member of the Armageddon Squad, I am Lady Maja of Glasgow and a descendant of Prince Thor Odinson of Asgard. And your second question, I was absent because like almost every member of The Avengers, I was on a personal mission and my mission was defeating my arch nemesis, Lady Milena of Stockholm who was a descendant of the evil Loki Laufeyson." 

The Man left and then a black woman dressed as La Nina Flora came up to the mic and asked, "Ms. Armageddon, do You, Lady Maja, La Nina Flora, and Creole Cheetah consider yourselves as an inspiration to women?" 

Ms. Armageddon answered, "Well we don't really know as we don't think anyone outside of this city or this state have heard of us yet but yes, I believe that we, The Four War Maidens of Armageddon can, shall, and will be an inspiration to all women around the world whether they're Tall or Short; Black, White, Hispanic, or Asian; Busty or Flat; and Fat, Skinny, or Buff." 

Everyone applauded and Mr. Armageddon whispered, "That was incredible! Did you think of that name?" 

Ms. Armageddon whispered back, "Yeah I did." 

After that, each member answered a question until the final person came, Margaret Ortiz and she asked, "Mr. Armageddon, how and why did you start The Armageddon Squad Alliance?" 

Mr. Armageddon seethed his teeth and said, "Wow, good question. I think this might be the best question in this whole panel. Props to Miss Ortiz everyone." 

He then told everyone, "When I was a child, My Father who was also a hero, abandoned Me and My Mother because he chose the public over his family, and we never forgave him that day. For years since I was five, I took care of My Depressed Mother until one day we met Ms. Armageddon and Her Father and they hit it off but then on another day in school, I accidentally killed a class bully and I was expelled and they wanted me in prison, so our family fled Japan and came here to Rockford. After a couple years of training and watching and reading about people like Captain America and The Avengers, we decided that We should do that, be heroes but then I remembered that My Father was a hero and Ms. Armageddon remembered that her mother was a hero also and they abandoned us and chose the cape over family. You see, the thing about Superheroes is that there's only two options, you either stay a hero or hang up the cape and have a family. Plus, being a hero means that you can't kill, you can only save or injure the villains and put them in prison and you have to constantly save people because now every single person in that city is your responsibility and you have to protect their lives at all costs. Being a Villain, however, is basically the same as being a hero. You have to constantly kill people, cause havoc and destruction and have to fight Superheroes constantly, there's no break. You either stay a Villain or give up. So that is why Me and Ms. Armageddon decided that we would just be neither a Superhero nor a Supervillain, we would just be ourselves, we could choose whether or not someone lives or not, we can choose if the villain should die or not, basically, we could just do whatever we want, and no one would know what our next move would be. For example, we could murder everyone in this room right now or we could not murder everyone in this room, but you don't know that and that's the concept of The Armageddon Squad Alliance and that's how we came up with it." 

Everyone then cheered and applauded, and Ms. Armageddon then said, "Thank you everyone for your time and for all the great questions, now we must bid you all a farewell from us." 

Rasta Lion then said, "And don't forget to buy ASA gear and merchandise if any of you people have already made them." 

Mr. Armageddon then jokingly said, "And if you did, you'll be hearing from our lawyers." 

Everyone then laughed and cheered louder as The Armageddon Squad stepped off the stage and left the building.

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