The Armageddon Squad Alliance

By SakuraSenpai91

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One late spring day in Rockford, Oregon USA, a young man by the name of Hayato Suzuki rediscovered a long-los... More

"Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home......Again"
"Chapter 2: Combination Celebration"
"Chapter 3: A Song of Pipes and Drums and Woe"
"Chapter 4: The Paraiso Job Part I"
"Chapter 5: Gift From A Goddess"
"Chapter 6: The Paraiso Job Part II"
"Chapter 7: The Stark Heist"
"Chapter 8: Shadow Clone Shenanigans"
"Chapter 9: A Hero's Offer"
"Chapter 10: Return of the Empress Part I"
"Chapter 11: Return of the Empress Part II"
"Chapter 12: To Asgard and Back Part I"
"Chapter 13: To Asgard and Back Part II"
"Chapter 15: The Good, The Bad, and The Irish"
"Chapter 16: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part I"
"Chapter 17: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part II"
"Chapter 18: The Kinky Kitsune"
"Chapter 19: The Rockford Tournament"
"Chapter 20: A Burning Passion For The Lord"
"Chapter 21: American Annihilation Phase I"
"Chapter 22: American Annihilation Phase II"
"Chapter 23: April's Dream"
"Chapter 24: The Battle of Little Tokyo"
"Chapter 25: Help Connor"
"Chapter 26: The Klaue Konnection Part I"
"Chapter 27: Jury Duty Guarding Fury"
"Chapter 28: The Ring"
"Chapter 29: The Klaue Connection Part II"
"Chapter 30: Eighteen Candles"
"Chapter 31: This Is Your City Phase I"
"Chapter 32: This Is Your City Phase II"

"Chapter 14: To Asgard and Back Part III"

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By SakuraSenpai91

Meanwhile, Milena had arrived at Angus' house and banged on the door. 

Angus answered and said, "Let me guess, yer ma was too afraid to insult me in person." 

Milena then tried punching Angus, but he dodged and slapped her hard and asked, "Why are you doing this to your cousin? You two used to be so close." Milena replied, "Because I woke up and realized that my place is to be above all those who weigh me down, people like YOUR family!" 

Angus then said, "You don't have to kill me, I'm not worthy of those rusted shites." 

Milena shouted, "You lie! You drunken Pipe Blower! You lie!" 

Angus said, "Tis true, I am not worthy of them, and neither are you." 

Milena growled and attempted to attack Angus, but he stood back aways, before charging at her and ramming her outside of the house and locking every door in the house tight and Milena threw her jagged shards of metal at the door while Angus stayed low on the floor. 

After a minute, Milena stopped and yelled, "Fine! Who needs you? I'll just find your evil and selfish cunt of a daughter myself! Better hope you have a tombstone for her ready." 

Milena then flew away in search of Maja while Angus sighed in relief. 

Meanwhile, Mr. Armageddon and Maja had landed on Sanday Island in The Small Isles of Scotland and Mr. Armageddon let go of Maja and groaned in pain and asked, "What is it with you kicking and squeezing people in the balls?" Maja answered, "I'm sorry, it was the only way you'd get buff and be able to lift me." 

Mr. Armageddon said, "I'm perfectly capable of lifting you, you just wanted to see Muscular Mr. Armageddon again." 

Maja said, "Pfft, in your dreams, I never wanna see that arsehole again." 

Mr. Armageddon then asked, "Then why is your hand down your pants?" 

Maja then took her hand out of her pants and wiped it off on her shirt and said, "M-my underwear was chafing me down there!" 

Mr. Armageddon, "Let's just focus on the mission right now. You and Muscular Mr. Armageddon can fuck when we get back to Rockford."

 Maja then looked in the distance and saw a strange rock and she ran towards it while Mr. Armageddon followed. 

Once Maja got to the rock, she saw that it had a Celtic carving of Maja Thrudsdottir with her Axes but when Maja Mackinzie approached it, the carving changed into a Celtic carving of a wolf and she touched the stone and suddenly, a huge and bright beam of light shot up into the air and the rock lifted up to reveal a big staircase underneath so Maja and Mr. Armageddon went down and as they went down, torches on the wall lit up and when they got to the bottom, they were inside a big cave and there, in the far end of the cave were the Axes and the Helmet. 

Maja walked over and looked at them, the axes had two different designs, the first axe had a black jagged blade with Nordic patterns engraved and had a handle made of iron and wood with the wood having a slightly grayish tint and carved on the stone it laid on, was the name "Dod" which meant "Death" in Swedish. 

The other axe had a more smoother designed blade with Celtic patterns and a handle made of light-colored wood and dark leather and on the stone, it laid, was carved the word "Dochair" which meant "Harm" in Gaelic. 

The helmet was golden with wings and a spike at the top and it almost looked identical to Thor's helmet, so Maja reached for the Axes first, but Mr. Armageddon spotted something in the dark that was about to hit her, so he ran and got in the way, and it turned out to be a scaly tail and it hit Mr. Armageddon into a wall. 

Maja then went over to him and looked and saw that out from the shadows was Milena, but she looked much different, she had grown dramatically in size, she had a reptilian body, the lower half had become snake-like, and she had razor sharp fangs. 

Maja then realized that Milena had put on The Amulet of Jormungandr and was now a giant snake. 

Maja said, "It's over Milena! They're right over there and once I grab them, your hour in this world will be short." Milena replied in a hissing voice, "Not if I get to them first." 

Maja then stood and watched as Milena attempted to take the axes, but they didn't move an inch, so she used all of her strength to pull them from off the stone, but they still stayed where they were and Milena cried out, "NOOOOOO!!!!" 

Maja then said, "Did you really think it would be that easy?" 

Milena then got furious and yelled, "If I can't have them, THEN NOBODY CAN HAVE THEM!!!" 

Maja then reached into her pocket and took out The Amulet of Fenrir and said, "I'd like to see you try...sister." 

Maja then put on the amulet, and she immediately begun changing into her wolf form and after she fully transformed, she roared at Milena and charged at her and thus, a battle of epic proportions started. 

Maja clawed away at Milena and dodged her tail attacks and her claws, Mr. Armageddon then took his Katana out and charged at Milena and began swinging the blade at Milena's body but then Milena hit the sword out of his hand with her tail and the swung her tail again and bashed Mr. Armageddon into the air where his entire body was impaled by the stalactites above, Maja witnessed it and cried out, "NOOOOO! HAYATO-KUN!!!!!" 

She then looked at Milena and roared in rage and that rage made her body grow much more muscular and then she grabbed Milena by her tail and swung her body around and slammed her on the ground before she reached and took the amulet off of Milena's neck and she turned back to human and was unconscious. 

Maja then threw it into the corner and then took Mr. Armageddon's body off the stalactites and held him as she took her amulet off and turned back to human and then she held Mr. Armageddon and cried and said, "Oh Hayato, I should've never left America, I should've stayed there with you, and we would've been happy living together." 

What Maja didn't know was that the Mr. Armageddon she was holding was actually a Shadow Clone and the real Mr. Armageddon was invisible, so he reappeared and touched Maja's shoulder and asked, "If you love me so much then why don't you marry me?" 

Maja was startled and turned around and saw Mr. Armageddon and then she blushed hard and said, "I wanna marry you but we can't yet. Also, how is this possible?!" 

Mr. Armageddon said, "Well the Mr. Armageddon you were talking to was..." Maja answered, "A Shadow Clone!" 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Maja, I believe there's something here that's for you." 

He pointed to the Axes and Maja walked over and took a deep breath before grabbing the helmet first and lifting it from off the stone and then putting it on. 

As soon as she put it on, she felt a burst of newfound life and intelligence with her and then she grabbed the axes and lifted them off of the stone and felt a burst of newfound strength and courage within her and she suddenly grew muscles and after that, a suit of armor magically appeared on her, it had a black leather and gold plated top with black leather and gold gauntlets, black leather and gold boots with white fur at the top and the metal of the boots were carved into the shape of a wolf, the armor also came with a blue patterned kilt with a leather and gold sporran that beared the Mackinzie Clan crest and under that kilt were black leather leggings. 

Mr. Armageddon was amazed by Maja's outfit and then asked, "So what should we do with the trash?" 

Maja then had an idea and said, "Come with me." 

Mr. Armageddon then picked up Milena and carried her up the steps as he followed Maja outside, when they got together outside, Maja raised her axe in the air and said, "I hope this works." 

Meanwhile in Asgard, Heimdal had felt something, and Odin came into the room and asked, "Heimdal, what's wrong?" and he answered, "I feel someone, someone that I haven't felt for centuries and it's asking me to open the Bifrost." 

Heimdal then twisted his sword and the Bifrost opened, and Maja, Mr. Armageddon, and Milena came in. 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Holy shit! You're Heimdal!" 

Odin then asked, "Who are you people and how were you able to get through the Bifrost?" 

Maja then explained, "Your highness, my name is Maja Mackinzie, and I am a descendant of Thrud's daughter Maja, and she led me to her prized Axes and Helmet but this woman right here who happens to be a descendant of Hel's son Karl, tried to stop me from obtaining these objects with this, Mr. Armageddon showed Odin the Amulet of Jormungandr and Odin's eyes widened at the sight of it and said, "Well please follow me and we'll take this young delinquent into a cell." 

They then followed him onto the bridge and saw the kingdom of Asgard. 

Mr. Armageddon said, "Holy fucking shit. I heard the legends, but never would I have ever thought that it would be this beautiful." 

Odin then said, "I know it's your first time in Asgard but don't get overexcited." 

Mr. Armageddon then took out his phone to take a picture and Odin stopped and said, "Please, no pictures." 

Mr. Armageddon then asked, "Wait, how do you know my phone takes pictures? Or better yet, how do you know what a phone is? Or even better yet, how do you know what a picture is?" 

Odin then stammered before saying, "Let's continue on, shall we?" 

Maja and Mr. Armageddon were suspicious and continued on. 

After a couple hours of walking, they finally got to the jail section of the castle and Odin said, "Just throw her in there." 

A couple of guards then opened the empty cell and Mr. Armageddon threw Milena into the cell and the door closed and Odin said, "Now, let me have a look at that necklace." 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Sorry your highness but we shall keep this safe." 

Odin then said, "You know, I never got your name." Mr. Armageddon replied, "My name is Mr. Armageddon and Maja happens to be my girlfriend and now we must leave." 

Mr. Armageddon and Maja then ran out of the castle and to the Bifrost and Maja said, "Heimdal, take us home! Glasgow, Scotland!" 

Heimdal then opened the Bifrost, and they were transported back to Glasgow where they ran back to Angus' house and when they got there, the Armageddon Squad was inside and Maja said, "Hey guys, how you been." 

They then hugged Maja and Kohane said, "We missed you so much Maja!" 

Mr. Armageddon took his mask off and said, "We have some good news for you guys." 

Hayato then looked at Maja and she nodded, and they held hands and Hayato said, "Guys....I'M GONNA BE A DAD!!!!" 

Everyone including Angus' eyes widened and they exclaimed, "WHAT?!" 

Maja then said, "Oh please, you guys knew it was gonna happen." 

Kohane said, "Yeah but not THIS early." 

Maja then said, "Look, I love Hayato, so much that I'd be happy to carry his child. Besides, You and Alejandra should be happy, you guys get to be Aunts." 

Alejandra then held Kohane's arm and got excited and said, "Can I be an aunt? Please Kohane-chan?" Kohane replied, "Ok fine, we'll be your child's Aunts Maja." 

Hayato then said, "Good! Now let's all go home!" 

Maja asked, "Wait, what about My Dad? We can't leave him here!" 

Hayato then said, "That's where I come in." 

He then handed Angus the bill stack that he still had the whole time and said, "Angus, take this money and go be with your woman, I'm sure she misses you." 

Angus then said, "Thank you Hayato, you are a true lover and a true man and if you wish to marry My Daughter, then I give you, my blessing." 

Maja then said, "Oh dad!" and she blushed and then Hayato, Maja, and The Armageddon Squad all went outside and flew off back to Rockford, Oregon.

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