The Armageddon Squad Alliance

By SakuraSenpai91

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One late spring day in Rockford, Oregon USA, a young man by the name of Hayato Suzuki rediscovered a long-los... More

"Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home......Again"
"Chapter 2: Combination Celebration"
"Chapter 3: A Song of Pipes and Drums and Woe"
"Chapter 5: Gift From A Goddess"
"Chapter 6: The Paraiso Job Part II"
"Chapter 7: The Stark Heist"
"Chapter 8: Shadow Clone Shenanigans"
"Chapter 9: A Hero's Offer"
"Chapter 10: Return of the Empress Part I"
"Chapter 11: Return of the Empress Part II"
"Chapter 12: To Asgard and Back Part I"
"Chapter 13: To Asgard and Back Part II"
"Chapter 14: To Asgard and Back Part III"
"Chapter 15: The Good, The Bad, and The Irish"
"Chapter 16: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part I"
"Chapter 17: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part II"
"Chapter 18: The Kinky Kitsune"
"Chapter 19: The Rockford Tournament"
"Chapter 20: A Burning Passion For The Lord"
"Chapter 21: American Annihilation Phase I"
"Chapter 22: American Annihilation Phase II"
"Chapter 23: April's Dream"
"Chapter 24: The Battle of Little Tokyo"
"Chapter 25: Help Connor"
"Chapter 26: The Klaue Konnection Part I"
"Chapter 27: Jury Duty Guarding Fury"
"Chapter 28: The Ring"
"Chapter 29: The Klaue Connection Part II"
"Chapter 30: Eighteen Candles"
"Chapter 31: This Is Your City Phase I"
"Chapter 32: This Is Your City Phase II"

"Chapter 4: The Paraiso Job Part I"

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By SakuraSenpai91

Meanwhile, back in Rockford, Hayato, Kohane, and Carlos were crouched down by a wall outside the back entrance to the casino. 

Hayato and Kohane were wearing their regular clothes as Lucy was back in Little Tokyo upgrading their costumes and was making costumes for Carlos, Alejandra, and Connor. 

Hayato whispered, "Ok, it should be about the time that they open the vault and from what April told us, there are ten security guards working right now and there's most likely some Mafiosos in there. These tranquilizers are enough to knock them out for at least until the time before Leonardo gets here. You each have ten darts and your gun only fires two so reload fast and shoot fast." 

Kohane and Carlos nodded, then Hayato said, "Oh and one more thing, you shoot them exactly in the neck or else it won't work effectively." 

They then peaked over the wall and Hayato said, "Once the first guard is down, we all have to turn invisible, steal his card, open the door, then I have April disable the system, then Kohane will rush over to the security room, take out the guards in there, and then Me and Carlos will start tranquilizing the people downstairs while you get rid of the ones near the security room and upstairs and downstairs in case one of us is out of ammo." 

Kohane and Carlos both nodded and Hayato shot the first tranquilizer into the Security Guard's neck, and they all turned invisible and jumped the wall and Hayato quickly grabbed the card and swiped it and the door swung open and they went inside. 

Hayato then said to April, "Alright April, turn off the security system." 

In the security room, April had all of the screens turn off and cut the power to the whole system and the security guards in there tried to get out, but Kohane was already there, and she shot them both in the neck with the tranquilizers. 

Meanwhile, Hayato and Carlos had tranquilized most of the guards downstairs while Kohane tranquilized the ones upstairs and the rest downstairs and they all met up at Leonardo's office door and Hayato said, "Ok, since April disabled the system, this door should be unlocked." 

Hayato then opened the door and inside was a red room with a pretty tropical floral mural, a big desk, a liquor cabinet, and a big painting of Mona Lisa behind the desk. 

Hayato said, "Man, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure really ruined this piece of art for me, I can't look at this thing without thinking about the fact that Yoshikage Kira got a boner from looking at her hands. She doesn't even look that hot, even by the Renaissance Era's standards." 

Kohane then said, "Yet this bitch is in like every Italian man's wet dream. Leonardo has probably jacked off to her dozens of times most likely, since that's all you can do in this boring ass office." 

Hayato then chuckled and said, "You either get drunk and jack off or get jacked off or get sucked off under the desk or fuck your Secretary Mistress on top of the desk." 

They all laughed before Hayato looked at Carlos and said, "Ok, you go get one of those fake money pallets and bring it up here, Me and Kohane will open up the safe." 

Carlos nodded and ran downstairs while Kohane and Hayato looked around the room for the switch that opened the painting. 

While they were searching, April said, "Hayato, your mother is calling you." 

Hayato was confused and answered, "What is it, Mom? Are You and Dad ok?" 

Hanako said, "We're fine Hayato, I'm just calling to tell you that Maja called earlier." 

Hayato had the happiest grin and asked, "What did she say? Is she coming back?!" Hanako replied, "She's not, Hayato." 

Hayato's grin quickly faded away and said, "S-she's not?" 

Hayato started tearing up and Hanako said, "Don't cry Hayato, Brave and Strong Ninjas don't cry. She says that she misses you very much and she'll come back once she finds those axes and that helmet, and she also wants you to give her cut from the heist to her in Scotland." Hayato replied, "Ok Mom, I'll give Maja her cut." 

Hanako then sent the address to Hayato's April Watch and Hayato then said, "Thanks Mom, goodnight." 

Hayato hung up and then Kohane said, "You can't give Maja a cut, she's not even here." 

Hayato then looked under the table and pushed a button and the Mona Lisa painting went into the wall and slid to the side, revealing a big safe inside and Hayato replied to Kohane, "She was with us during most of the planning, so she deserves a cut too." 

Carlos then came in with the pallet of fake money which was a metal cart and Hayato read the combination and it read, "21-30-45, 19-27-34, 3-0-9-4, 1-2-7-8" and he entered each combination on each lock and then the door swung open, revealing a huge stack of cash, the same size as the fake money pallet so everyone took a bill stack from the safe and put it in the cart and then put a fake stack in the safe and they kept doing this till the safe was filled with fake bills and then Carlos carried the pallet back downstairs and they all went back to the vault and then Hayato took out a tiny piece of equipment and Carlos asked, "The fuck is that?" and Hayato replied, "This is a tracking device that we're gonna put inside that pallet." 

Kohane then asked, "Why? We already know which money is which." Hayato then answered, "That's where you're wrong. I'm gonna spray paint two of those pallets green before you guys put this one inside but first, I'll put the device inside the stack and I'll have April activate it and once it's activated, it will be connected to Jordan and Jamal's radios and will make a beeping sound when they're close to it." 

Hayato put the device inside one of the bill stacks and said, "April, activate the tracking device." 

April activated it and then Hayato went into the vault and took out a spray can and sprayed two fake money pallets green until the spray can was empty then Carlos wheeled the real money pallet next to the other real one and then they both left the vault and closed it shut and they left the building and Hayato said, "April, reactivate the security system." April replied, "Certainly, Hayato." 

April reactivated the security system and all of the doors locked shut and all of the cameras turned back on, and Hayato called Jamal and he answered, "Wassup?" and Hayato said, "Jamal, we switched the money and I think we're all ready to go. Have you found an arms dealer yet?" 

Jordan then said, "Yeah, we did. Come back to the basement and we'll tell you." 

Hayato, Kohane, and Carlos then rushed back to South Woodridge and when they got there, Hayato gathered everyone and said, "Ok people, we have officially completed Phase Two of the Paraiso Job." 

Connor then said, "Oh cool, you gave it a nickname. So, what is Phase Three?" 

Hayato then told everyone, "Ok, after we meet Jordan and Jamal's Arms Dealer is when we start Phase Three and Phase Three is, Jordan, Jamal, and their crew drive the Bank Trucks and the Cop Bikes up to Central City and stop at a discrete location at exactly thirty minutes away from the Casino. You will wait there until about half an hour before the real Bank Trucks and the real Cop Bikes are expected and before that half-hour, The Armageddon Squad will take out the real drivers and the real cops at the Bank. Then at the half hour, you guys roll out to the Casino and once you're there, you'll have a signal hooked up to your radio that will tell you where the real money is as I have spray painted two of the fake pallets green. Once you guys grab the right pallets and put them in your trucks, we'll come in and pretend to try to rob you guys which will prompt the Mafiosos to make you guys run away and try to stop us from robbing you, then we'll gun those Mafiosos down and start filling our duffle bags with fake cash. Each pallet can completely fill four bags but since there are seven of us, that means that one of us will have to carry two bags. Obviously, there will be very much possible blowback from the Marchettis and their Irish, Chinese, and Caribbean friends so we're gonna have to kill a shit ton of them but don't kill Leonardo or Lorenzo because we'll still have to give him that file we found at the Mansion, and we want Leonardo to live to see his empire fall to pieces. While we're killing everybody, Jamal and Jordan's crew will be dropping off the money here and then you'll stash the Bikes and the Trucks in Central Woodridge, and I guess you might as well torch them too. Everyone got that?" 

Everyone nodded and Hayato then said, "And one more thing, we need to leave no doubt that we want to rob Leonardo of every cent, which is why after the crew drops off the cash and we kill those Mafiosos, the Armageddon Squad will begin The Stark Heist and we'll turn invisible before the cops come and we'll rush over to the Stark Bank Building and steal all of Leonardo's money there, and since there's most likely gonna be millions of dollars in there, we're gonna fill our duffle bags and then we'll fill seven different trucks while filling one of them with two pallets and drive away together and once we lose the cops, we'll drop the money here and combine it with the money from the casino and the money that Connor got from the Mansion give everyone their cut." 

Carlos then asked, "Ay, so who the fuck is this Arms Dealer you guys found." Jamal answered, "Darren Smith." 

Diondre and Mirlande got disappointed and Diondre said, "Aw hell naw, not that old fool!" 

Mirlande then said, "All his shit is old as hell, last time I got a piece from that nigga, that shit jammed after three shots. That was five hundred of My Daddy's money well spent." 

Jordan then said, "Look, I know that his shit is old but the reason why they old is coz those guns are donated by his old veteran friends from when he was in Vietnam, they're gun collectors but from what we hear, he's selling new shit now because him and his friends' sons joined the army not too long ago and they already giving him new guns." 

Jamal then said, "Plus, he's only one we got now since them Kaisers ambushed us during that deal with that one guy, the one with that voice that sound like he from Australia or England. Forgot what his name was." 

Hayato then asked, "Alright, so where is Mr. Smith?" Jordan replied, "He usually deals behind his house during the day but during the night, he deals behind the Diner." 

Everyone then left the building and they all drove to the Diner that was owned by the parents of Calvin, the boy that Hayato saved back in Central Woodridge and when they got there, they went behind the building and back there was Lieutenant Darren Smith, he was an old tall and slightly chubby African-American man with very dark skin and graying white hair and many wrinkles on his face and was wearing old dirty Army Fatigues and he said in a raspy voice, "So you must be The Armageddon Squad." Hayato replied, "Yes we are sir and right now we need lots of firepower because we're hitting The Royal Paraiso Casino." 

Darren said, "Well, you've come to the right place, have a look around but remember, you touch it, you buy it." 

In that back alley, there were many tables that had dozens of guns, the first table Hayato spotted had dozens of handguns like Colts, Glocks, Smith & Wessons, Macs, Mini Uzis, Makarovs, Desert Eagles, and .357s and Hayato decided to pick the dual Mini Uzis and Darren said, "That's a good choice but how would you like to dual wield two full sized Uzis?" 

He then handed Hayato two regular Uzis and he felt the heft of them, but he liked them, and he said, "I'll take them." 

Darren said, "Good, but you'll need a lot more than that. Jordan told me that your sister over there told him that you have a thing for Snipers and that you have a PSG1. Why waste time aiming down a scope when you can just shoot now?" 

He then went to a table with a bunch of Rifles and handed Hayato an M1A Rifle and said, "This is a Military favorite, the M1A. You know, lots of people especially in TV, Movies, and Video Games easily mistake this gun with the M14 and even though there are semi-auto M14s, majority of the ones that were first made and distributed to the Military were fully automatic and boy did that shit pack a punch and waste ammo fast, that's why they made semi auto ones, so people would stop getting knocked on they asses and stop wasting ammo." 

Hayato then said, "Man, this looks nice, I'll take it Mr. Smith." 

Darren then said, "That's Lieutenant Smith to you young man." 

Kohane then asked Darren, "Hey Lieutenant, can I get dual guns too?" 

Darren then pointed to a bunch of newer guns and asked, "You want the dual Five-Sevens or the dual FNX-45s?" Kohane replied, "I'll take the dual Five-Sevens!" and Alejandra said, "And I'll take the dual 45s!" 

They grabbed their guns and then Darren went up to Carlos and said, "Jamal tells me that you have Super Strength and if you have Super Strength, that means recoil doesn't affect you, so I recommend either a Shotgun or an LMG." 

Carlos looked at the LMGs on the table, there was an RPK, an M60, a Stoner 63, an HK21, an RPD, and an M249 SAW, and Carlos picked up the M249 and Darren said, "Good choice." 

Carlos then said, "Ay holmes, I'm gonna take the dual Desert Eagles too." 

He then grabbed two Desert Eagles and then everyone else had picked their guns, Mirlande got dual Glocks and an M4 Carbine, Diondre got dual M1911s and an M16, Alejandra got herself an AN-94, Kohane got an MP5A3, and Connor got an AK-47 and a sawed-off Winchester Model 1887 Shotgun and then Darren said, "Make sure y'all pay my ass back as soon as you're done. These guns ain't cheap you know." 

Hayato said, "You don't worry about that Lieutenant, we got you covered." 

They then left that alleyway and Hayato said to Jordan and Jamal, "Ok, you guys get those Trucks and Bikes into position and rest up, we're gonna go check on our costumes." 

They then grabbed their guns and sped over to Lily and Lucy's place. 

When they arrived, Lucy said, "We are just about done with yours Hayato, and Kohane's, Carlos', and Alejandra's but I still haven't started on Diondre's, Mirlande's, and Connor's though." 

Connor said, "That's ok, I have my own." 

He then went outside and held out his hands and two swords that looked as if they had come from Skyrim and these two swords were named Frykt and Krig and they came flying towards Connor and he caught them in his hands and suddenly, an orange cape appeared on his shoulders and he was suddenly wearing armor and he went back inside and everyone was in shock and awe and Diondre exclaimed, "You had that shit the whole time?!" 

Mirlande then asked, "Why would you hide something like that baby?" Connor replied, "I just didn't want to make you guys feel inferior. Plus, I found this stuff long before I met you guys." 

Lucy then said, "Then I guess we don't need to make you a costume Connor." 

Kohane then asked, "So, are our costumes ready?" Lucy replied, "Yes they are but first..." 

Lily said, "You guys need some hero names." 

Diondre then said, "Well Me and Mirlande already have our names and so do Hayato and Kohane and since we're revealing stuff, we should've revealed a long time ago..." 

Diondre and Mirlande then both put on a necklace that looked like they had teeth on them and looked as if they were made of silver and then their costumes suddenly appeared on their bodies. 

Diondre was wearing a black suit with what looked like a mane around his shoulders and upper back and his face was covered but his head wasn't. 

Mirlande's costume was black with dark gray spots and had her head and neck covered but not her mouth and her mask had short little ears on top. 

Lily said, "So you guys really are Rasta Lion and Creole Cheetah. But who are Carlos and Alejandra gonna be?" 

Alejandra said, "Well, when my mother Gloria was alive, she used to call me her Nina Flor because how I loved smelling the White Ginger Flowers at the Flower Shop in Atlantica since they were the flowers of Cuba so how about La Nina Flora?"

Carlos then said, "And I want my name to be El Capitan." Lucy replied, "Alright then." 

She then presented Alejandra and Carlos their costumes. 

Alejandra's was bright red, dark blue, and white, representing the Cuban flag and had many images of flowers on the suit and it had a white star above the chest, the boots were white with the Cuban flag on both and the gloves were white too and also had the Cuban flag on both of them, it also game with a bright red face mask and a red and blue eye mask, and to top it all off, it had a dark red riding hood cape with the Cuban flag on the back but it was covered by flowers. 

Alejandra was amazed by the craftsmanship of her costume and asked, "How did you know?" 

Lucy answered, "Kohane and Diondre gave me a heads up on what you wanted your hero names to be, so I acted on it and made them to represent your names."

Alejandra then went to put it on, and Carlos asked, "Ay, where's my costume holmes?" 

Lucy then presented Carlos' costume, it was the same design as one of Captain America's old suits, but it was all black and had a big green, white and red Aztec patterned eagle on the front, the gloves were red, the boots were dark green snakeskin, and it came with a black face mask with green, white, and red skull design and Lucy said, "And here's your shield." 

Lucy then handed Carlos a plain shield painted gold and She said, "I made it with some scrap metal from my old projects, also I wanted to paint the Aztec Sun Stone on it but I'm not THAT good an artist, I only got lucky with the eagle and the skull, so I just painted your shield gold." Carlos replied, "It's no problem, Lucy." 

Carlos then went to put on his costume and Alejandra came back wearing her costume and everyone was impressed and then Lucy said, "Ok, Hayato and Kohane, I upgraded your costumes. Hayato, I put padding on the knuckles and hand and plating on the arm of your gauntlets also I painted the symbols of your family on them." 

Hayato asked, "How did you know about our ancestors?" Lily answered, "Your Mother and Kohane's Father were sweet enough to help us." 

Lucy then said, "I painted the Senju Clan symbol on your left arm and the Uzumaki and Hyuga Clans' symbols on the right arm. Next, I added a black leather vest over your jacket and on the back, I put a big Japanese style letter A, and in the middle, I put the Uzumaki symbol and below the line I put the Hyuga symbol and those two lines on top of the A, those represent All Might. And finally, I added plated shin guards and plated knee pads over your pants. Also, you're gonna wear this bulletproof vest and wear your netted shirt over it." 

Hayato then started putting on his costume and Lucy said, "Ok Kohane, I gave you normal length cargo pants, some plated gauntlets and on them I put the Uchiha Clan symbol on the left and the Haruno Clan symbol on the right. On the back of your jacket, I put the same letter A that's on Hayato's and in the middle, I put the Haruno symbol and below the line I put the Uchiha symbol. And finally, platted shin guards." 

Kohane then put her costume on and once everyone had their costumes on, Hayato said, "Ok people, set your alarms to Eleven AM because we need to be at that bank by Eleven-Thirty." 

Everyone set the alarms on their phones to Eleven AM and ran back to their homes and slept the rest of the night.

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