The Armageddon Squad Alliance

By SakuraSenpai91

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One late spring day in Rockford, Oregon USA, a young man by the name of Hayato Suzuki rediscovered a long-los... More

"Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home......Again"
"Chapter 3: A Song of Pipes and Drums and Woe"
"Chapter 4: The Paraiso Job Part I"
"Chapter 5: Gift From A Goddess"
"Chapter 6: The Paraiso Job Part II"
"Chapter 7: The Stark Heist"
"Chapter 8: Shadow Clone Shenanigans"
"Chapter 9: A Hero's Offer"
"Chapter 10: Return of the Empress Part I"
"Chapter 11: Return of the Empress Part II"
"Chapter 12: To Asgard and Back Part I"
"Chapter 13: To Asgard and Back Part II"
"Chapter 14: To Asgard and Back Part III"
"Chapter 15: The Good, The Bad, and The Irish"
"Chapter 16: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part I"
"Chapter 17: More Conventional Fun in the Sun Part II"
"Chapter 18: The Kinky Kitsune"
"Chapter 19: The Rockford Tournament"
"Chapter 20: A Burning Passion For The Lord"
"Chapter 21: American Annihilation Phase I"
"Chapter 22: American Annihilation Phase II"
"Chapter 23: April's Dream"
"Chapter 24: The Battle of Little Tokyo"
"Chapter 25: Help Connor"
"Chapter 26: The Klaue Konnection Part I"
"Chapter 27: Jury Duty Guarding Fury"
"Chapter 28: The Ring"
"Chapter 29: The Klaue Connection Part II"
"Chapter 30: Eighteen Candles"
"Chapter 31: This Is Your City Phase I"
"Chapter 32: This Is Your City Phase II"

"Chapter 2: Combination Celebration"

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By SakuraSenpai91

Later that day, Hayato and Kohane went to the projects building in South Woodridge and they had told their friends that Maja left, and they were all shocked and Diondre said, "How the fuck are we gonna do this mission with Maja gone?" 

Alejandra then said, "Yeah, without Maja then Connor isn't gonna have anyone look out for him when he looks for that Combination to the safe." 

Hayato then said, "Look guys, right now let's not let My Girlfriend's sudden and heartbreaking departure get to us, let's just get to work and go over our plan." 

Kohane then whispered to everyone, "He's saying that because he doesn't want you guys mentioning Maja to him." 

Hayato then told everyone, "Ok so here's our plan, Me and Kohane go to the party, Carlos, Diondre, Alejandra, and Mirlande will disguise themselves as employees of the catering company that's gonna be at the party, Lily and Lucy will drive you guys to the party while Connor makes himself invisible rides with you, and after Lily and Lucy drop you guys off, they'll be at one of those abandoned trails near the house keeping an eye on us. Once we get Mr. and Mrs. Marchetti distracted and while you guys are serving the guests, Connor will sneak upstairs and check the study room; if there is one; and the master bedroom for the combination. But I should warn you guys that we're not sure if the combination is in Mr. Marchetti's house, for all we know, it could be either at his room in the casino or he might have it on his person. So if you don't find the combination Connor, then at least steal something from the house that's valuable, it doesn't matter what it is, as long as we can sell it for money, then we'll all try to find an excuse to the leave the party and then we'll go to the casino and try to find the combination there." 

Carlos then asked, "But what if we don't find it there, holmes? What the fuck are we gonna do then?" 

Mirlande then said, "Then I guess we'll have to rely on Lily and Lucy's computer magic to help us open that safe." 

Connor then said, "There's just one little problem, where the fuk are we gonna get some caterer uniforms? We can't afford tuxedos." 

Lily then asked him, "Can't you guys just rent some?" Hayato then answered, "We can't, because if we rent them, they'll ask us to put a deposit AND a card on file so the only way to get one of those uniforms is to steal some from the catering place." 

Kohane then asked, "What is the catering place anyway?" Lucy answered, "Coastline Surf n' Turf." 

Everyone was surprised by her answer, and she said, "I had April pull up Leonardo's credit card file and found a large sum of money paid to Coastline Surf n' Turf Catering Services which is a famous and pricey Seafood and Steakhouse Restaurant in Central City." 

Jordan then said, "We used to work there but our boss was a fucking busta and a hardass so we quit but we kept our uniforms. We can give Diondre and Carlos our uniforms but you gon' have to get one from the restaurant for Mirlande and The Cuban." 

Alejandra got upset and said, "I have a name! Alejandra!" 

Hayato then looked at his watch and it read, "4:30 PM" so he said, "Alright, Carlos and Diondre will go with you guys to get those uniforms and Lily and Lucy will drop Mirlande and Alejandra off at the restaurant to get those uniforms and then Me and Kohane will put on our costumes and then we all meet back here for the drive." 

Everybody nodded and said together, "Got it." but then Hayato stopped them and told them, "Guys, this morning when I came home, there were these FBI agents. One of them was named Jimmy Woo and he said that he was here investigating Mr. and Ms. Armageddon." 

Diondre then got upset and said, "Ah fuck!" 

Hayato then said, "Look, just be careful out there, and be on the lookout for anything suspicious and if you feel like you're being watched, then do whatever it is you're doing quickly and get out of there as fast as you can." 

Everybody nodded and left. 

Alejandra and Mirlande got into Lily and Lucy's car and they drove them up to Central City and during the ride, Lucy said, "Ok, I'm gonna drop you guys off at the restaurant and you need to keep an eye out for any employees that leave and once you see them, you knock them out and take their uniforms and meanwhile, Me and Lily will drive up to our place and get our van or our 'Mobile Tech Center' as we call it and we'll drive back to South Woodridge and meet you and everyone else there." 

They then got to the restaurant and Mirlande and Alejandra got out and Lily and Lucy sped away and just like clockwork, there were two female waitresses leaving the restaurant through the back and Mirlande and Alejandra walked up to them and Alejandra said, "Hello ladies, we need to borrow your clothes." 

The First Waitress giggled and replied, "You forgot to say please hun." 

The Second Waitress then said, "Look kid, you think you can walk up to a couple of strangers and ask for their clothes?" 

Mirlande then said, "Oh don't worry, we just wanna borrow them, we promise we'll return them." 

The Second Waitress then said, "Well you can just forget it! We're not giving our clothes to a bunch of cheap streetwalking tramps. So I suggest you take your wetback friend back to the ghetto where you two came from." 

The First Waitress then saw that Alejandra was gone and she asked, "Wait, where did she go?" 

Alejandra had turned invisible during their conversation, and she grabbed a trash can and snuck up behind the two waitresses and hit the first one on the head hard with it and she went down instantly. 

The Second Waitress was startled, and Mirlande punched her in the gut real hard and she sat down at the wall, and she said, "You fucking bitch! I was planning on getting inseminated this week! And look, you killed Susan!" 

Mirlande then said, "Well das what happens when you fuck wit us cheap streetwalking tramps." 

Alejandra turned visible and said, "Don't worry, she's fine." 

The Second Waitress said, "No, she's not fine! Look at her, she's not moving and she's not breathing! You killed her!" 

Mirlande then said, "Well if you don't wanna end up like Susan..." 

She looked at her nametag and it read "Sarah" and Mirlande continued, "...Sarah. You give us yours and her uniform." Sarah replied, "Susan's dead so you might as well take her uniform and you can have mine but if I ever see you two back here ever again, I'm gonna make sure those cops shoot you and your friend." 

Alejandra then said, "And that's why you're not gonna say anything." 

Mirlande then knocked Sarah out with a single punch, and they began stripping Her and Susan of their uniforms and once the two women had nothing, but their underwear, Mirlande and Alejandra stuffed them both into the trash can that she used to kill Susan and they both super sped to the nearby harbor and threw the trash can into the water and then Mirlande sped back to South Woodridge while Alejandra flew there. 

Meanwhile up north in Little Tokyo, Hayato and Kohane helped Lily and Lucy load up their van and Lily said, "Alright Hayato, I need You and Kohane to test your mics and headsets because if one or more than one mic doesn't work then this mission will get a whole lot more difficult for us, especially for Me and My Big Sis, we need all the mics and headsets working if we want to be able to keep tabs on each other." 

She then handed them each a small microphone and a small radio headset and they both put it on, and Lily went into the van and spoke into a microphone and said, "Test, Sakura Sacramento. Test, Sacramento Sakura." 

Hayato and Kohane were able to hear her, and they gave her a thumbs up, Hayato then spoke into his microphone and said, "Test, Sake Sashimi. Test, Sashimi Sake." Lily replied, "Ok, I can hear you Hayato, now it's your turn Kohane." 

Kohane spoke into her microphone and said, "Test, Mitsubishi Mikoshi. Test, Mikoshi Mitsubishi." 

Lily then said, "Ok, I think your guys' stuff is good, we'll test everyone else's back at South Woodridge." 

Lucy then asked Hayato and Kohane, "You two wanna ride with us the way back?" Kohane replied, "Sure, long as you let me drive." 

Lucy then said, "That was kind of the idea since I'm a bit exhausted from loading up the van." 

Kohane and Hayato then got into the front of the van while Lucy got into the back with Lily and Kohane drove them all back to South Woodridge. 

They got back later and when they got down, they saw that everybody was looking at something and Hayato was confused and asked them, "What are you guys looking a-?" 

Hayato then stopped dead in his tracks and saw what everyone was looking at, Connor was dressed in a Leprechaun costume, complete with a fake red beard and Hayato asked him, "What the hell are you wearing?" Connor replied, "Me escape plan." 

Lily then asked him, "How is that an escape plan?" and Connor explained, "If I get caught, I'll turn visible and run out of the house yelling, 'Out of me way! They're after me lucky charms!' and I'll meet up with You and Your Sister." 

Everybody said nothing and just went with it and Hayato then said, "Alright, this is the last time we go over phase one of the plan." 

He then told them, "Me and Kohane will go to the party and once we're there we'll distract Leonardo and his wife Penny, meanwhile Lily and Lucy will drop off Carlos, Diondre, Alejandra, Mirlande and Connor at the party and go to the hiding place, and while you guys distract the guests by serving them, Connor will be invisible and go up to Leonardo's study room and look for the combination and if it's not there, then he needs to look for it in the bedroom, but if it's nowhere at the house, then we'll try the Casino and if it's not there either, then we'll have to figure out a way to open that safe without the combination." 

He then asked, "Oh and that reminds me, Carlos, Diondre, Alejandra, and Mirlande, do you guys have the uniforms?" Diondre answered, "Yea but we have a problem, it turns out that Carlos is half of Jamal's height and I'm half of Jordan's weight." 

Alejandra then said, "And it turns out that the bitch I got this uniform off of is half my bra size." 

Hayato then told them, "Ok but I don't think they'll notice Carlos' clothes but as for you, I'd avoid walking too fast, exhaling too much, bending down, reaching too far behind you, reaching too far to the side, reaching for something up high, or just moving your arms in general." 

Alejandra then asked, "And what do I do if the buttons pop off and My Cuban Cantaloupes start showing?" 

Kohane then said, "Oh honey, those aren't Cantaloupes, they are big but they're not Cantaloupes, mine are Cantaloupes but yours, I think of them as more like Mangos." 

Hayato sarcastically thought to himself, "If Kohane's are Cantaloupes then Maja's must be Watermelons." 

Then he said, "Ok, if your Cuban Cantaloupes or Mangos or whatever you call them; start showing, then you better hope no one's looking or at least find something to cover them with." 

Kohane then said, "And if someone looks at them, I'm gonna fucking kill them." 

She then approached Alejandra and held her and said, "You know, all this talk about Mangos and Cantaloupes make me hungry for a couple of Juicy Mangos right now~" 

Alejandra then started blushing and Hayato butted in and said, "Ok, if you two are gonna fuck then I'd rather you don't do it here, at least wait until after the mission, then you girls can make out or eat each other out or scissor or whatever you two do when no one's around; at any time you like, just don't do it while we're having a discussion or during the fucking mission." 

Kohane then kissed Alejandra before letting go and Hayato asked, "Alright, is everyone up to speed now?" 

Everyone nodded and gave a thumbs up and Hayato looked at his watch and it read, "8:45" and he said, "Alright, you guys better start leaving now since Me and Kohane will be there before you guys, and Jordan and Jamal, I need you two to get started on phase two of the plan." 

Jordan asked him, "What do you want us to do?" He replied, "I need you two and a small crew to go find some Armored Trucks and spray paint them with the bank's logo, then find four Police Bikes and four Police Uniforms from Central City, and then set up a meeting with any Arms Dealers that the South Woodridge Families are in touch with, because I feel like we're gonna need a shit ton of firepower for this heist." 

Jamal then said, "You got it Hayato." 

Hayato and Kohane then put on their masks and left the basement and then they left the building and flew to the party. 

Everyone else left the building shortly after, Lily and Lucy sat in the front of the Van, Connor turned invisible and was the first to sit in the back of the Van, Carlos, Diondre, Alejandra sat down too but when Mirlande came, she accidentally sat where Connor was and she ended up sitting on his lap and Connor said, "Seat's taken." 

Mirlande then said, "Oop, sorry." Connor then felt the warmth of Mirlande's bottom and replied, "Actually you can sit a bit longer." 

Mirlande was surprised and asked, "So NOW you want me to sit on yo lap? Why the fuck didn't you let me when I tried doing it back at my crib?" Connor then answered, "Because your parents were right there fuk's sake." 

Mirlande said, "So? Wanted them to watch, especially my daddy, I wanted to see what he would do if he saw me riding a white boy." 

Carlos then said, "Ay chill the fuck out holmes, you heard what Hayato said, 'No fucking on a mission'." 

Mirlande then said, "Nigga please, he only said that for Kohane and Alejandra, he didn't say anything about Me and Connor. Besides, if he gets hard, then nobody's gonna see it coz he'll be invisible the whole time." 

Everyone else said nothing and Alejandra asked Diondre, "Oh, uh Diondre, you said your shirt and vest were too big right?" Diondre replied, "Yea, why you ask?" 

Alejandra then said, "How about we swap shirts and vests? I'll give you my shirt and vest and you can give me yours." Diondre replied, "Aight, sounds like a plan." 

Alejandra then said, "Don't look." and Mirlande sat back and blocked Connor's vision and Alejandra and Diondre took their shirts and vests off together and swapped them and they both put them on together and Diondre's shirt and vest were surprisingly big enough to contain Alejandra's physique and she sighed and said, "Much better, thanks Diondre." 

Diondre gave a thumbs up. 

Meanwhile, Mr. and Ms. Armageddon had already arrived at the party, it was in a huge Woodland Mansion and had a wide-open driveway with walls on the outskirts of the house and a big metal barred sliding gate at the end of the driveway, but it was still surrounded by the nearby Pines, Firs, Spruces, and Redwood Trees of the forest. 

While Mr. and Ms. Armageddon walked up the steps of the mansion, they looked around and saw that all of the biggest names in Rockford were there and when they got to the top, they were greeted by Leonardo and Penelope and their family. 

Leonardo was a bulky built man with olive skin, mid-length black hair, brown eyes, and had a thick black mustache with heavy stubble on his chin and cheeks and he said, "Mr. and Ms. Armageddon! Welcome to our home!" 

Hayato shook his hand and Kohane shook his wife's hand and Mr. Armageddon asked, "So this is your house?" 

A tall flabby old man with partially dyed black hair and a partially dyed black goatee walked up from behind Leonardo and said, "Not until I sign the deed to him." 

Leonardo then said, "Mr. and Ms. Armageddon, let me introduce you to the man of the hour, my father, Lorenzo Marchetti." 

Mr. Armageddon shook Lorenzo's hand and said, "It's an honor to meet you Mr. Marchetti." 

Ms. Armageddon shook his hand also and Penelope cleared her throat and Leonardo said, "Oh! Mr. and Ms. Armageddon, this is My Wife Penny, I believe you spoke with her on the phone." Penelope was an average built light olive-skinned woman with very light brown hair and she waved at them, and Leonardo said, "These are My Children, My Daughter Antonia, and My Son Leonardo Jr." 

Antonia was a skinny young adult woman with olive skin and black hair and was slightly shorter than her mother, Leonardo Jr. was slightly shorter than his sister and was a slightly chubby teenage boy with light olive skin and light brown hair and they both said, "Sup." 

Leonardo then said, "Ok, while Me and My Father talk business, My Family will escort you two to the party out back." 

Mr. and Ms. Armageddon nodded, and they followed Penny and The Kids to the backyard, Mr. Armageddon asked Penny, "So who's at this party?" She replied, "Well, all of the biggest names in Rockford of course but most of them, My Husband insisted we invited them, I only got to invite seven of them." 

Ms. Armageddon asked, "So, which ones did your husband invite?" 

Penny then started pointing out each guest and said, "Well, over there is Veteran Japanese Adult Film Starlet from Little Tokyo, Himiko Misono and the girl next to her is her Korean friend, Rising Adult Film Starlet from Koreatown, Katrina Choi." 

Himiko Misono was a tall middle aged athletic built Japanese woman with pale yellow skin, huge breasts, and lime green and hot pink dyed hair tied into a bun, while Katrina Choi was a young average height athletic built Korean woman with pale white skin, with big breasts that were smaller than Himiko's, and dyed blue and purple hair that was also tied into a bun, Mr. Armageddon then said, "I've heard of Himiko Misono, I've seen a lot of her films but I've never heard of Katrina Choi." Penny replied, "That's because Miss Choi is Miss Misono's protege, she's teaching her all there is to know about the adult filming business." 

Leo Jr. then said, "She's also my girlfriend." 

Antonia said, "He tried to talk to her, but he got scared when he saw Himiko, and he just walked away." 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Well with a rack that huge, any brave, strong, and courageous man would be intimidated by Himiko and from the look of Katrina, I bet she could intimidate a man with that rack of her's also." 

He also thought to himself, "But those two Asian whores got nothing on Maja's." 

Penny then continued, "And over there is Himiko's boss, Veteran Japanese Adult Film Director Akito Kato with the five people I invited, the Quarterback of the Rockford Chinooks, Brian Smith, and those four are the members of the famous Industrial Rock Band, NUK3HE4D, I invited those people for Leo Jr." 

Akito Kato was a short skinny middle aged Japanese man who was much older than Himiko, and he had pale yellow skin, and short black hair that was balding from the top, and he wore glasses, and Brian Smith was a tall, young, muscular, and light skinned African American man with short black hair and a short black goatee with no mustache. 

Penny continued, "Those three over there are Reverend Harold Michaelson of the Mega Church in Central City, his brother Pastor Luke Michaelson of the Fifth Evangelist Church in Central Woodridge, and Police Chief Kurt Howard Thompson of the Rockford Police Headquarters in Central City." 

They then got to the backyard, it was a wide-open garden with lots of shrubbery, hedges, and flowers all over and had a hedge maze and a gazebo, and it was all contained in that wall with the trees of the forest outside and in the distance and Ms. Armageddon said, "This is a pretty big backyard." Penny replied, "Thanks, when we first moved in, this wasn't here, it was just nothing but forest, but then my husband had that taken care of..." 

Leonardo and Lorenzo then came up from behind and Leonardo said, "Oh, are you telling this story again? Our guests don't wanna hear all that boring stuff about our house." Penny replied, "Sorry honey, I guess I got carried away again." 

Leonardo then looked at Mr. and Ms. Armageddon and said, "Come and sit down at the table with us, you two look like you need some food in ya." 

Ms. Armageddon then said, "Actually, we're not really hungry-" 

Leonardo interrupted her and said, "Nonsense, we got plenty of food for everybody. Like we say in Italy, Mangia Mangia!" 

Mr. Armageddon then said, "Ok Leonardo, we'll eat but Me and Ms. Armageddon are very self-conscious when taking off our masks in public to eat or drink, so we were wondering if we could have our own table and could have some of your guys cover us while we eat." Leonardo happily replied, "No problem, Mr. Armageddon, we'll make sure you feel safe eating." 

Ms. Armageddon asked, "Oh and could we go to the bathroom first?" Leonardo replied, "Why of course." 

He then told them, "Ok, there are sixteen bathrooms in the house, eight on the west wing and eight on the east wing, both wings have three bathrooms on the first floor, three on the second floor, and two on the third floor." Ms. Armageddon replied, "Ok, got it." 

Mr. and Ms. Armageddon ran back into the mansion and went to the west wing where they had found one of the bathrooms down the hall and quickly went inside together. 

Hayato then turned on his radio and spoke into the microphone, "Lily? Are you guys there yet?" 

Lily and the gang were about to arrive at the house and said, "Yeah, we're here." 

Kohane then asked, "So where's Leonardo's bedroom and the study room?" Lucy replied, "They're both on the west wing's third floor, we already told Connor what to do and we gave him a duffle bag in case the combination isn't anywhere at the house, in that case we told him to just steal whatever's here that's worth at least some kind of fortune." 

Hayato said, "Ok; and Carlos, Diondre, Mirlande, and Alejandra, I need you guys to make sure no one uses the third-floor bathrooms whether it's the east or west wing and make sure to keep those guests distracted while you're at it." Carlos, Diondre, Mirlande, and Alejandra replied, "You got it." 

When the van got to the gate, a guard stopped them and asked, "Woah, woah, woah, who the hell let you in here? This is a private district; you cannot come here without an invitation." 

Lucy then said, "Oh don't worry, we're here because we have a bunch of workers from Coastline that said they were supposed to be at this party, but they overslept and now they're late." 

The Guard looked suspicious and said, "Well I'm gonna need you and your friend to open up the back so I can see if your story holds up." 

Lucy then talked in her Rushy voice and said, "Now darling, you don't have to do that~" 

She then lifted up her turtleneck and revealed one of her large bare breasts to the guard and the guard was surprised and got nervous and Lucy said, "Just let us in darling, for me~ Please?~" The Guard replied, "Y-yes of course ma'am." and he quickly opened the gate and before they went in, Lucy said, "Oh, and we'll be back once the party's over to pick them up. And maybe when I come back, I can show you more, darling~ And you know what? You can touch it right now~" 

Lucy lifted her turtleneck again and The Guard nervously put his hand on her bare breast and she let out a little fake moan and he took his hand away and Lucy put her turtleneck backdown and said, "I'll be back soon darling~" 

She blew him a kiss and drove up the driveway and Lily said, "Why did you have to do that in front of me?" and Lucy said, "Oh please, that's not the worst thing of mine I've shown. If you think me showing off just one of my tits is bad, then I feel sorry for you." 

Lily then said, "That's because I was raised better than that, obviously." 

They then stopped and Connor, Carlos, Diondre, Mirlande, and Alejandra got out and Lily and Lucy drove away, and Lucy said, "Don't worry, once you either turn eighteen or once your tits get as big as mine, you'll be wanting to try it yourself." 

Lily then said, "Oh please, I would never do something like that, and I'll never be like you." Lucy replied, "You say that now but one day you'll have to do it yourself because I obviously can't always be the one to show off my body, whether it's my tits, my pussy, or my ass, I'm much smarter than that and so are you. You don't have to do that kind of stuff; you can get rid of the guards your own way Lily. Because we're Watanabes and our brilliantly smart minds and our beautifully sexy bodies are our greatest and strongest weapons." 

They then got to one of the abandoned trails and backed up into position and turned off their lights and Lucy said, "Now please hand me my bra and get in the back." 

Lily was confused and asked, "Why do you want it now? Aren't you gonna show them to that guard again when we go back?" Lucy replied, "Well right now these girls are already starting to get heavy, plus the material from this sweater is making them a bit sweaty." 

Lily then handed Lucy her bra from the glovebox, and she sarcastically thought to herself, "Great, another thing to look forward to when I get to her age." 

Then she went in the back and turned on the monitors and sat down. 

Meanwhile, Carlos, Diondre, Mirlande, and Alejandra had already got into the mansion and were serving guests appetizers and drinks while Connor was already invisible and had the empty duffle bag on his back and he was sneaking up the stairs in the west wing of the mansion and then he said on his mic, "Man, this guy is fuking loaded. Hey Hayato, you think maybe after we rob this arsehole, we take his house and make it the Armageddon Squad's hideout? It can house all of us, it's secluded-" 

Mr. and Ms. Armageddon were sitting at their table eating with a bunch of Leonardo's gang members guarding them with their backs toward them and Mr. Armageddon said quietly, "Ok Connor, your idea sounds pretty good but now's not the fucking time. Just get to that study room and find that combination. Everyone else, make sure no one uses the bathrooms on the third floor." 

Connor then asked Lily, "Which one's the study room?" and she replied, "It should be a pair of windowed double doors with a desk and a big window behind it." 

As Connor ascended the stairs, the place got darker, so he turned on his night vision and when he got to the top of the stairs, he immediately saw the double windowed doors and went inside. 

He then asked, "Where do I start looking? There's a desk, a tall wooden dresser thing, and a tall bookshelf." Lily replied, "That's a filing cabinet; just so you know. And obviously, you start with the desk. And if it's not there, then check the filing cabinet." 

Connor however, checked the filing cabinet first out of curiosity and looked through the different files until he found two things that caught his eye and he said, "Guys, you'll never guess what I found." 

Lily asked, "Is it the combination?" he replied, "No, I actually found two things. The casino's floor plans." 

Lily said, "Connor, we don't need the floorplans, April already has them for us but if you want, you can take the physical copy with you. But what's the second thing you found?" 

Connor then pulled out the floor plans and pulled out the other file and opened it and said, "Leonardo Marchetti is planning to run for Mayor." 

Lily asked, "Is that it?" and he said, "Wait, there's more. After the hotel is done and he's mayor, he plans to have the Kaisers become part of the Mafia, which would explain why Pastor Luke is here at the party, since he's supposedly a big supporter of the Kaisers and supposedly one of the co-commissioners of the Rockford Chamber of Commerce. Then he's gonna do a 'cleaning the city' movement where he's gonna have all of the more problematic gangs out of Rockford." 

Lily asked, "Which gangs?" 

Connor said, "South Woodridge Families, Los Hermanos Peligros, Melrose Marauders, Seoul Shredders, and Osaka Obliterators." 

Lily then said, "So you're saying that the same man that we're gonna rob, is running for mayor and once he's elected, he's gonna cause a mass genocide because he thinks it'll clean the city of crime? Who the fuck are we robbing?! We're not robbing a Mob Boss; we're robbing a mass killer!" 

Everyone else had heard their conversation and their blood was boiling in hidden anger towards Leonardo and Connor then said, "No doubt that he's probably gonna make Hayato and Kohane do all that stuff." 

Lily then said, "Take that file and find that combination and get out of there fast, we'll meet with you." 

Connor then looked in the drawer and found the combination, but it was two different papers, one had four sets of numbers while the other had only one but then Connor looked at the bookshelf and noticed that all of them were storybooks, so he closed the drawer and said to himself, "If this is a 'study' room then why are all the books on this shelf storybooks? It should be more informational books, books that you use for actual studying." 

He then looked at the bookshelf until an unusual book caught his eye, he looked closer and the book was extremely worn out, meaning that the book was really old and the spine of the book read, "Epistemology For Beginners" so he touched it and tried to pull it out but when he did, he heard a clicking noise and the bookshelf suddenly creaked open, revealing a medium corridor and at the end was a safe so Connor went down the corridor and looked at the safe but the he remembered the combination he found so he took out the one with only one set of numbers and he looked and saw that the safe had only a single combination lock so he turned it and entered the numbers, "21-54-10" then he turned the wheel and the safe opened, revealing a very large sum of money and Connor was in awe so he quickly stuffed the entire duffle bag and his pockets and his hat with the money and quickly closed the doors and got out of there and said, "I got the combination! Go now!" 

Lily got out of the back of the van and rushed over to the front and Lucy asked, "Wanna drive?" 

Lily got in the driver's seat without hesitation and sped over to the mansion. 

When they got close to the gate, The Guard saw their van and got excited because he thought it was Lucy again, so he quickly opened the gate and Lily stopped the van and rolled down her window and said, "I'm not showing you shit, you sick perv!" 

She then pulled out a taser and shot him in the crotch and he yelled out in pain and fell to the floor still feeling the electricity and then Lily sped up the driveway and Connor, Carlos, Diondre, and Mirlande came back and ran over to the van and got inside while Hayato, Kohane, and Alejandra had already flown away earlier, and Lily stepped on the gas and high tailed it out of there.

In the van, Diondre asked, "You got the combination?" Connor replied, "Yeah." and Diondre asked, "And that file?" 

Connor nodded and said, "And I got something else." 

He opened the bag and showed them the money, and everyone was in shock and Mirlande asked, "Where the fuck did you get that?!" and he replied, "There was a hidden safe in the study room and it had a fuk ton of cash. I managed to get all of it." 

Carlos asked, "Where's the rest?" 

Connor pointed to his pockets and then took off his hat and showed the money inside. 

When they got back, they saw Alejandra and Kohane waiting for them, but Hayato wasn't there and Connor asked, "Where's Hayato?" 

Kohane looked and saw that he was gone and said, "But he was right next to us a second ago." 

Lucy then said, "I think I know where he might've gone." 

Kohane got into the van with Lily and Lucy while everyone else went inside to wait for them. 

Meanwhile, Hayato was in Little Tokyo and he had arrived at the entrance of one of The Three Asia City Towers, the other two being in Chinatown and Koreatown, so Hayato climbed over the gate and walked up the steps, when he got up to the steps, he looked around and saw all of the Sakura trees that surrounded the plaza and the base of the tower and he heard the sounds of the Semi Bugs but then suddenly, a Security Guard came up and asked him, "Hey! What are you doing here? The tower is closed." Hayato then replied, "I'm Osaka Obliterators bitch! What the fuck are you doing here?" 

He then looked scared and nervously said, "P-point taken!" 

He then unlocked the doors to the tower and said, "S-stay as long as you like sir!" 

Hayato then climbed the steps to the top of the tower and when he got there, he leaned on the railing and looked towards the northeast and sighed in sadness and said, "Hey Maja, I know that you're thousands of miles away and you probably can't hear me tell you this but you were right, I should've told you about the dream when I first saw it and I didn't realize that until it was too late, so the point is, I'm sorry for everything and I think I'm ready to be your boyfriend again and I promise that after we rob the casino, I'm gonna personally come over there with your cut in my hand and give you the longest hug and kiss I've ever given you ever." 

Hayato then got sad and said, " already found someone else? I'm too late? You don't wanna be my girlfriend anymore? Ok, that's fine, I'm ok with that. Have fun with your new boyfriend." 

Kohane then hugged Hayato from behind and said, "I know you miss her Hayato; I think she misses you just as much." 

Hayato then asked, "If she misses me, then why did she leave? Is an old ass pair of axes and an old ass helmet worth more than our relationship? I had sex with her two times for fuck's sake!" 

He broke down in tears and Lily said, "Look Hayato, before you guys started dating, Maja would ALWAYS talk about you, every day she would tell me how much she liked you and would tell me the dreams and fantasies she would have about you all the time. That tells you that she's the kind of person that would miss you if one of you was far away from the other. She only left because she had to find those two axes and that helmet and because she felt like you needed some time to cool down after what you did on graduation." 

Lucy then said, "Hayato, I'm positively certain that somewhere in Scotland, Maja misses you dearly."

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