His(Taekook Omegaverse)

De LettyTK

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Jungkook had been working as a home nurse for a wealthy business man who has given him nothing but trouble fr... Mai multe



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De LettyTK

Jungkook's stomach tightened unbelievably.He didn't even realize that he was squeezing his husband'hand.The alpha didn't complain.He only chuckled at the omega's anxiety.

"Relax.We are not going to face a firing squad.It's just our babies.You know the little cute creatures that you adore so much"

Jungkook smiled at his husband's words.

"You got this baby"

"Breath in,breath out"Jungkook chanted.

Currently they were on their way to the hospital.Jungkook had a planned c -section scheduled for three in the afternoon.He didn't want to wait until his due date which was only five days away.Irene had said that having the twins five days earlier wasn't going to have any adverse effect on the babies health.Being a doctor Jungkook had decided the type of anesthesia he wanted.The c-sectuon was guaranteed to be safe since there weren't any complications during the pregnancy.

Jungkook  had discussed it  with his  husband and had both agreed on it.Taehyung didn't want to see Jungkook in pain anymore.Also he would get to avoid labor pains.

"I swear I have never been nervous my entire life"Jungkook said

"Same here"

"You will be there in the delivery room and hold my hand right?"the younger asked

"Don't worry.I won't go back on my promise"

"Did you pack my camera.I mean the small one.We can't miss those first time special moments"

"I'm confident that I got everything you asked me to get.I just don't get why you would need a music player and earphones in the labor room"

"To get me distracted"

"Do you even have any idea what babies look like?"Jungkook asked

"I do.Hanna was the first baby I saw.At first I thought she was an alien"

"An allien.Really Tae?So are you ready to go and meet your two aliens.I bet you are "

"You can't call my sons aliens"

"Oh my bad"the omega laughed lightly

"You will have to apologize"

"I wish I wasn't a doctor"


"Because I know all about babies and I wanted to be fascinated when I see my own kids"

"Of course you will be fascinated.They will be unique because they are yours.Not someone's else"

"Can we stop to get pizza?I have been craving for it for days now"

"Pizza.Is it okay for you to have it considering you will be in the theater very soon"

"Hey mister.I'm the doctor here"

"Your wish is my command,baby.I think there is a food court somewhere here.Wait in the car.I will go and get you your favorite pizza"

"You want to leave me here all alone?"Jungkook pouted

"I think it's ideal for you to limit any unnecessary movements"

"Yes doc."

"Just chill.I'm not going to run away"Taehyung said

"You wouldn't dare run away from me when I'm in this condition.That would be the worst mistake of your life"

"I'm not saying I'm going to run away but if I did what would you do to me "

"Simple.I'm not bitter enough to kill you.I will just castrate you.That's all"

"I didn't know you could be so forgiving"Taehyung said sarcastically.

"I can't believe this is happening"

"You can say that again"

"Taehyung do you know that I might have gotten pregnant seven years ago if I weren't infertile"


"I hadn't taken the pills during my heat and it was impossible for me to not be pregnant unless I was infertile.I don't know why I didn't think about it back then.Maybe if I had known then I would have gotten medical attention sooner."

"So what.Now it's a thing of the past.We both are happy and are only a few hours from becoming parents to two bubbas.Isn't this what it means when people say dreams come true"

"You never told me that you dreamt about us having kids"

"I had the dreams almost every week.If I had told you about it you would have felt bad.I know you"

"You are sweet"

Two minutes later Taehyung stopped the car and went to get the omega's favorite pizza.Once he was back in the car Jungkook started frowning.

"Here you go.Knock yourself out"

"I'm not eating that"


"Tae it smells bad.Is it just me or your sense of smell is blocked"


"Can you throw it out.I think I'm going to throw up"

"Goodness.What's going on with you"


"Fine.I'm throwing it out.Don't make that face"

Taehyung got out of the car and started thinking of what to do with the pizza.He just wasn't going to throw it away while people were watching.He took it back inside and left it on the counter.Maybe someone can make use of it.

When he got back inside the car ,Jungkook was having water.

"You drive me crazy do you know that?"

"Sorry but I can't help being pregnant.And I don't remember knocking myself up so someone has to play his part"

"I bet if I were around for those four months I'm sure you would have given me hell"

"Maybe more than that"Jungkook laughed"I had always imagined myself being audacious during pregnancy but the opposite happened.I was sad and lonely"

"I guess I should be thankful that I wasn't there.You would have given me hell for sure"

"It's not fair Taehyung.You can't say that.I needed you"

"I know and I'm sorry for even joking about it"

"It's okay"

"But as far as I remember you got your fair share of being crazy even before we got married"Taehyung said

"When did I do that?'

"I still remember how many times you slammed the door in my face when I desperately wanted to talk to you"

"Really.Why can't I remember that?"

"You just don't want to.I swear you had the time of your life"

"Get me chocolate.A mint one to be precise"

"Have water for now.If you keep making use of me then we won't reach the hospital on time.I will get it for you when we reach the hospital"

"Taehyung what would you do if I tell you that I'm in labor.Like now"

"I would freak out.Don't tell me..."

Jungkook laughed"Im not.Relax"

"Don't scare me like that.I might have a panic attack"

"Look at you sweating.How adorable Kim Taehyung"

"I guess being pregnant makes you do all sort of things.You are even making fun of me now"

"Don't worry.I won't be hormonal all my life.It's going to end in a few days"

"I'm glad"

Fifteen minutes later they arrived at the hospital.Taehyung carried Jungkook's maternity bag on one hand and on the other he held the omega's hand.Meanwhile Jungkook couldn't stop palming his belly.Surely he was going to miss being pregnant.

The couple bumped into Jimin in the lobby.Taehyung went to get Jungkook's chocolate while the two friends talked.

"Look at you glowing.It's too bad that honeymoon is over for the two of you but either way I'm excited"

"Hyung ,I'm saying thank you in advance"


"For supporting me always.You are just the best friend in the whole wide world.Not everyone is as lucky as I am"

"Gosh Kookie.You are making me blush"

The two friends smiled and then went in for a hug.

"Good luck.I will be on standby whenever you need me"

"Thank you hyung"

Soon enough Taehyung and Jungkook met with Irene and the male omega was immediately assigned to a room where he would get changed and relax before he gets taken for the c-section.

Jungkook had his chocolate while the couple talked.The omega was in a hospital gown laying on his side.

"When was the last time you were on a hospital bed?"Taehyung asked

"Me?I can't remember.I have never been that seriously ill"

"It must feel good not having a terminal illness."

"Taehyung you aren't dying.You will get a heart transplant when the time comes"

"I just want to live long enough to see our children grow up.Baby I want  to grow old with you"

"Baby I'm here.I won't let anything happen to you.I promise you.Just trust me"

"I trust you baby"

"Taehyung I haven't told any of my family members that we have decided to have the kids today"

"Why would you do that?"

"I want to surprise them"

"You meant to say shock them"

"Come on.It's going to be fun"

"I have already told my dad"Taehyung said

"It's cool"

Ten minutes later Irene and a nurse came into the room.

"We need to check your blood sugar as well as blood pressure before we start"

"Okay doc.Please check my husband's too.He might just collapse in the theater"

"If you don't quit teasing me I'm going to kick your ass Kim Jungkook"Taehyung growled

"Oh Tae.You look nervous.Are you sure you want to be in the theater?"Irene asked

"Yeah he is scared.He barely eats these days.I mean I'm not that nervous"

"Cut it out you two"Taehyung half yelled

"So do you guys have names ready?"


"Did you choose them together?"

"Since my husband believes in equality  we decided to pick one each"

"Mind giving me a hint"

"The second syllabus are similar."

"Was it on purpose?Did you want their names to sound similar?"

"No.It was just a coeidence."

"That's scary"

"It's telepathy"Jungkook said

"Okay I'm going to get ready for the surgery.You too should should mentally prepare yourself."


Taehyung took Jungkook's hand into his own and kissed it.

"Why are you being so touchy.You aren't going to cry on me are you?"

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For not giving up on trying to conceive.We wouldn't be here if you had given up on us."the older said

"You are going to make me blush Taehyung"

"See you asked for a miracle and you got two"

"I didn't do it alone"Jungkook smiled back at his husband.

Half an hour later Jungkook was taken to the OP for his c-section.Taehyung was there holding his hand the entire time.He was sitting right next to the omega.The crew had given him his set of scrubs.

"You good?"Taehyung asked after the anesthesia had been administered.He kept rubbing the omega's palm.

"I'm not going to fall asleep Taehyung.I will just feel numb.That's all."

"Just stay with me"

"You look funny in that get up"the omega smiled

"I think I look hot"

"Oh shut up"Jungkook rolled his eyes.

Taehyung watched as the doctor put a sheet so the two couldn't see what was going on.

"Why do they have to put that"

"You don't know anything do you.They think it's better that you don't see what's going on down there"

"I'm not afraid of blood"

"Why should I be surprised.You used to be a gangster after all"

"You can't tell my kids that"Taehyung said in a warning manner.

"And you even have a gun too"

"Wait what?How did you know?"the alpha asked

"I found it in the safe"

"Dude how did you even know the password?"Taehyung asked

"I just guessed it.You are too whipped for me and it was no surprise that the password was my birthday"

"Am I that predictable?"


"Listen about that gun,it's not for dirty work.It's licensed.I swear"

"I will believe you"

"Do you want me to play music for you?"

"No,let's just talk "

"Sure baby"

Ten minutes later Jungkook felt a tug in his belly and a minute later his older twin greeted the world with a ear splitting wail.

"Did you hear that?You are a father Tae"Jungkook's eyes brimmed with tears.


"You can't see him now.Relax"

A minute later there was another long wail.Taehyung become overly emotional.Both his sons had some lungs.

Jungkook decided to tease him"Are you really crying"

"How can I not?"He was a father for the first time in his life.

Five minutes later the twins got cleaned and they were brought over to their mother.Jungkook felt the two bundles being placed on his chest.His breath was caught in his throat.They didn't weigh much.Jungkook was struggling to register the fact that he was a mother

"Tae?"he felt overwhelmed with tears.He was scared to touch him.They looked so fragile that he was afraid that he would hurt them.Those two beings were going to relay on him and call him mother for the reminder of his life.He got goosebumps all over.It was such a great feeling.

On the other hand Taehyung was brimming with fatherly pride"Look who is crying?"

"They are rubbing their heads on my chest.It tickles"

"Can we take pictures?"Taehyung asked his cousin.

"I don't see why not.Taehyung"Irene said

"Oh my word.I can't believe this"

"They want milk kookie"Taehyung said

"But...nothing comes out.I don't feel anything"

"Don't worry yourself.We will get them fed for you"

"Thanks Noona"

Taehyung and Jungkook spent the first five minutes of their children's life together before the alpha was kicked out of the theater.Jungkook had to be patched up and the twins to be checked up on.

Jungkook got sedated so he could get some rest.He was going to need a lot of painkillers when we wakes up because the anesthesia would have worn off and he would be in excruciating pain.


Jungkook woke up after a six hour long nap.His body felt somewhat lighter.As soon as he woke up he found Taehyung standing by the window with one of their sons in his arms.Both the twins were wrapped in blue and purple fluffy baby blankets.They both were wearing white beanies.

"Hyungie"Jungkook called out to his husband faintly.His throat was dry.

Taehyung heard him right away and turned to him"Baby you are awake.Should I get the doctor?Are you in pain?"

"Just thirsty"

"Okay.Can you sit up.No.I will just adjust the bed"

"Taehyung ,please relax.Just let me hold my babies first"

Taehyung smiled and placed the bundle he was holding into the omega's arms .He then took the one that was laying in the cot and held it like the first.

"Hey baby.I'm your mommy.Goodness knows how long I have awaited for your arrival"

"Tae they are so beautiful.Absolutely wonderful"his eyes twinkled with tears inside them.

"Did you notice.They have your eyes"

"Are they identical?"

"Very.I think we are going to have a hard time telling them apart"

"Who do you think they look like?"Jungkook asked as he held his son's little fingers.The baby even held onto his finger.So trusting.It was a sign that he trusted his mother.

"It's too early to tell"

"Everything is okay right?The doctor didn't say that there is some sort of problem right?"Jungkook asked

"The babies are safe and healthy.So are you.What more can I ask for"

"Can I hold the other one?"

"Won't you drop them?"Taehyung's features were filled with concern.

"If I drop them i will give you another set.There is more from where that came from"Jungkook winked

"You are nuts"

Taehyung placed the other baby in Jungkook's right arm.The omega was now holding both of his babies in his arms.He gave them a kiss each and the tears came back again.

"Don't cry.You deserve it.You deserve the privilege of being a mother and everything happiness in the world"

"I don't think I will ever ask for anything more than this"

Taehyung took snaps of Jungkook and the kids using the omega's camera

"I will never be able to repay you for giving them to me.I can't thank you enough for being strong for the both of us"Taehyung said and kissed the omega's forehead with so much love and care.


"I have a feeling that being a father will change my life.My only purpose for living was you but you gave me more"

"I think that's given but don't think you can get away with not giving me me attention I deserve"

"Are we talking about that already?"

"Yes this is the time.We have to be clear about it so we won't fight in the future'

"You know it's funny that someone told me that kids are born bald?"


"And you believed it ?Tae that's crazy.Babies' hair grow when they are in the tummy"

"And you know something else?"


"He even said that they don't have nails when they are in the womb but I was shocked to find out that our sons have long nails"

"You are too innocent for your own good"

"We should cut their nails so they won't scratch their faces.I noticed they touch their faces often"

"Wow look who is in full daddy mode"

"Don't start.One of these days I'm going to punish you"

"I just had babies like today Taehyung"

"I didn't say now"

"What time is it"

"It's eight in the evening"

"And what did you do in that time,father of the year"

"I changed diapers.All I saw is green.Is green poop normal?"

"For new borns it is.I think you are going to see more of black and green poop for a while"

"Okay.Another question"


"Was my belly button like theirs when i was born"

"Of course Taehyung.You are now a father so stop being silly"

"Doesn't it hurt.I mean doesn't the umbilical cord clip hurt?"

"I'm not sure but I know that it needs to be treated with caution .There is risk of an affection.Clear enough?"

"Okay doc"

"Any question?"

"You are yet to congratulate me on becoming a father"

"I'm sure I did that already"


"In the OT.Gosh Tae,my babies must be hungry.I have to feed them?Didn't they cry"

"Baby ,our little cubs have been fed.Jimin helped me feed them formula"

"Oh he did.Thank goodness.I feel bad that I didn't get to give them their first feed though"

"You had to rest."

"Did they cry too much?"

"Not really.I just thought that they might be hungry"

"I'm sure you will be just the best dad in the world.I didn't expect you to adjust so soon"Jungkook remarked

"I had to.Your arms must be hurting.Let me put them in their cots.I will go and get the doctor"

"I wanna hold them a little bit more"

"You have all the time in the world to hold them when you get better"

"Fine.I can't fight with you when I'm on the hospital bed."

"Are you hungry?"Taehyung asked after putting the twins away.He then offered Jungkook a glass of water.

"I'm too excited to eat"

"I think you would want to make that phone call now.Tell your family"

"Maybe tomorrow.I just want it to be us for tonight.Our first night as a family"

"Your wish is my command"

"You should have something to eat Taehyung"Jungkook said.

"How can I eat when you aren't eating"


"I thought you would say how cute"

"Cute.Happy now?"

"I'm going to get Irene"

"Are you the one who got me these flowers?"Jungkook asked

"Who else would?"

"Thanks.They are lovely.They make me feel calm in a certain way"

"I'm glad"

Irene checked Jungkook's vitals and everything else.She also gave him just the right amount of painkillers so he wouldn't feel any pain.

Jimin stopped by Jungkook's room and the two besties had a lengthy conversation about babies.The older was telling Jungkook all about his labor experience with his two pregnancies.

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