mayas sister

By greysanatomy7564mcu

60.2K 1.3K 42

trouble lies around every corner it seems to follow maddy everywhere she go's.This is a story of maya bishops... More

party p2
I trusted you
oh god
can i stay here
new recruit
coming home
family drama
new job
giving up
leave now
what i wanted all along
saved by the bell
the start of something.
I'll be back
goodbye Seattle
love is hard
back sooner that you thought.
she will hate us or she won't
a question from the author

its just a crush

962 28 0
By greysanatomy7564mcu

3 weeks later

"Can I stay here,"she says with a loving look on her face.
"No you can't Kate, I found you on top of your ex girlfriend Kate, do you know how fucked up that is," I say trying to close the door to avoid tears falling.
"Yeh well you went out, maddy you weren't there and she was," she yells at me putting her foot in the door to stop it shutting.
"I invited you to come with me, you said you had stiff to do, I'm guessing it was her, the thing you were doing, wouldn't surprise me if you screwed her before showing up here, stay with Emma we're done, goodbye Kate," I say shutting the door now tht she finally removed her foot.
"Mummy, what happened," Robbin says walk in the room with Andy holding her hand.
" nothing for you to worry about munchkin," I say booping her nose making her giggle, Matthew broke one of her toys earlier today when Carter was looking after them, so he made him go to bed Early.
"Come on I'll read you a bed time story," crazy to think that they start school next year. Andy comes into the Matthews and Robbins room and sits on my lap while I read a story to robbin, I read for about 5 minutes until she is asleep I make Andy stand up dispite her silent complaints. I press kisses onto bith of their forheads enjoy the moment with them.
" mads, what's up with you," Andy asks as I close their door.
"Nothing why," I question.
" because you broke it of with Kate remember the girl I had to listen to you pine about for months," she says resting her head in my lap as we are sat on the sofa, about to watch a film.
"Nothing for you to worry about," I say avoiding this conversation.
"No, not happening you are not avoiding this," she mumbles I can tell she is tiered, so mabey if I stay quiet she will fall asleep, nope instead she sits up giving me a talk look or I will hurt you.
"She cheated on me," I say not looking at Andy.
"Bitch, she cheated on you after complaining that he ex cheated on her, wait who did she cheat with," Andy rants.
"Oh, just the ex girlfriend, not a fan to be honest but it is what it is and I'm gonna go to bed we have the 6:00am-6:00am shift tomorrow, goodnight Andy," I say leaving to my room locking the door to stop her coming in, honestly I just want to be alone that's why I really left the living room. On my bed side table there's a couple of  photos of me and Kate.
40 minutes later thoes photos are gone for good, burnt into ashes, I'm an idiot, I'm a firefighter I shouldn't be burning things in my room, fire hazard. Dumbass.
It's 4 am now so I leave my room seeing Andy asleep on the sofa, I go to join her as soon as I lay down next to her she moves to rest her head in the crook of my neck, I put an arm around her waist making it so she doesn't fall of the sofa, I finally start to fall asleep.
5:55 am I start to wake up Andy still asleep on me. I look at the time shit 5:55 am we have five minutes to be at work.
" Andy wake up,we have 5 minutes," I say sitting up. I speed to my room throwing on my 19 shirts and trousers the going through to andys grabbing hers and tossing them to the couch. She gets dressed pretty quickly and we are out the door crap we are 2 minutes late maya is going to kill me.
We get to the station, I look into mayas office to see she isn't there odd, I hear her come in behind us.
"Maya bishop, your late," I say knowing she will probably yell at me," you have sex hair by the way," I wisper into her ear so Andy and Travis don't hear.
"Oh shit," she say going into her office bathroom.
I walk into her office shutting her door," good morning then sis," I ask laughing.
"Do you want to be on desk duty," she says coming out with tidier hair.
" that's better captain," I say patting her shoulder leaving to go grab some coffee. Didn't even get half way up the stairs before the klaxon went off.


Turns out it was a false alarm some kid pulling the fire alarm to get out of class. Boring well I shouldn't say that really I suppose at least no one was hurt. I can't seem to find Andy anywhere, she kinda disappeared. " captain, you seen Andy,"I ask.
"Check the aid car," she say doing the inventory check. I open the back  doors to see her sucking faces with Robert sulliven. Why did this annoy me so much I have no idea, wait do I like Andy, no, no, no, this can't be happening. Thank god she was to focused to even realised that I was there.
"Captain, can I request a few personal days, starting, well now," I plead with my eyes.
"Yep, go on," she says. I jog up the stairs to my locker and grab my phone and stuff. I head out to the car and realise we drove together, corse we did. Takes me 10 minutes to jog home slower than usual, I can do better than that. Carter and Kevin are here, so I don't know if I want them to know what I'm doing yet. " Hello boys," I say tossing my keys on the side.
"What are you doing home," they both ask.
"Took a couple of personal days off," I say.
"Oh right, fair enough can we still stay here," they ask.
"Yeh you guys can do what you want, do you mind if I go out," I ask, planning on going to Joe's to drink any feeling for Andy I have, if that doesn't work I'm moving out, don't know where to but I will find an apartment.
"Yeh go ahead, be careful," he says as I leave to house.


After 5 hours of being at Joe's and I'm absolutely shitfaced, I'm not driving home Joe took my keys, so that's crap.
"Yo, maddy," Travis says entering the bar followed by, Andy, Robert, maya and Jack. Just great, the person I was trying to forget about is here, kill me now.
"Maddy, I'm cutting you off," Joe says.
"Thanks Joe," I mumble handing him my card.
"Hey guys," I kinda slurr," goodnight," I mutter leaving the bar to go home.
"God damit, why did you fall in love with your best freind," I wisper to my self.


I don't even make it home I ended up on mayas couch somehow, I remember the hospital and carinas office that's pretty much all I remember.
"Well, good morning, and would you like to explain why you showed up in my office and why you were drunk beyond belief," carina asks handing me some paracetamol and water.
"Not really," I mumble rubbing my head.
"That's not the answer I was looking for, tell me what has got you so, whats word down in the gut ," she says.
"Down in the dumps," I correct her.
"Yes, stupid American idoms," she says.
"Just, my now ex girlfriend cheated on me and I might have maybe fallen for my best friend," I say pushing all My feelings down. She tosses me my phone and it reveals 12 missed calls from Andy.

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