Harbinger Of Doom: The Attain...

By eeriesage

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Lores Taptallen was born in a chaotic time of war and domination. In a world where two species of humans poss... More

1. A Conflicted Heart
2. The Ceremony
3. An Explorer
4. The Wanderer
5. Initiated
6. Liz
7. The Hunt
8. A Hard Task
9. In Need
11. Experiment
12. The Capital
13. The Bounty Hunt
14. Exclusive Tavern (1) - The Riddle Contest
15. Exclusive Tavern (2)- The Prince's Agent
16. House Of Berath
17. The Conspiracy
18. Recruited
19. Snowfall Palace
20. Street Fight
21. The First Assignment
22. Summoned
23. The Conference
24. A Man In The Pool
25. Fense County (1)
26. Fense County (2)
27. Fense County (3)
28. Star Of Doom
29. Recovery
30. The Archery Contest (1)
31. The Archery Contest (2)- Commencement
32. The Archery Contest (3) - Bad Blood
33. The Archery Contest (4) - The Second Phase
34. The Archery Contest (5) - The Final
35. Smokescreen
36. Azure Mystic Art
37. Ill Omen
38. Progress?
39. Bane
40. The Teahouse
41. Art Of Tea
42. Remarkable Outing
43. A New Ally
44. Red Moth Village
45. The Dragon Flintstone
46. The Sage
47. Medicine Chef
48. Seven, Where Are You?
49. Overhaul
50. Accepted
51. A New Stage
52. The Life of Shawlunge
53. The Queen Visits
54. Mystic Blade of Asura
55. Back To The Prince.
56. Enjoying The Moon

10. Departure

48 20 49
By eeriesage

The trio were mounted on their horses, speeding to the north. The fiery sun unleashed it's scorching glow unyieldingly on the properties of nature. In this circumstance, it would be reasonable for one to deduce that the sun god, if one exists, wasn't in a cheerful mood at all.

The very familiar eyes streaking tears and the bear hug were the last things Lores got from his mother before he departed. Passing through the boulevard of pitch darkness and uncertainty, Lores envisioned a tint of light and hope.

He was leaving his small unrecognized village to a recognized and powerful kingdom he knew little or nothing about. His brazen agenda of getting into the palace dungeon seemed like a fairy tale that could be miraculously achievable.

Joanne, on the other hand, was determined to succour her brother no matter the cost. Even her dad couldn't quell her resolution. After putting the closeness between the two unrelated siblings into consideration, he gave in to his daughter's get around. Apart from their closeness and based on personal opinion, he saw the outside world as a place his daughter should not fail to experience, not in her whole life. And with the company of his skillful mate - vicksen- and her adored brother he felt at ease.

It is and will not be ever possible for Vicksen to stay behind while Lores charged at danger. Being the loyalist of the latter's dad, the loyalty and fidelity that was attributed to his then superior had been deputed to the lionhearted youth without reserve.

The trio rode relentlessly as if they were being trailed by ghosts. Several miles away from Vatmos, they plunged into the deepest forest, and then finally into an expanse where the sun blazoned its bar to the world in full strength without any obstruction from the canopy trees.

Fortunately and happily, a lake cooking warm from the severe bath of the sun came to view. At this point, no seer was needed to tell the travellers that if they don't chill out to preserve energy, they'd be miserable corpses before they even got to the city gate.

They stopped in front of the lake to enable their horses quench their thirsts. They dismounted from their horses, and without sparing a second, they snatched the waterskins attached to their horses and haggardly glugged the content like thirsty beggars.

"If we continue with this speed, we will get to Liz in seven days time." Vicksen lolled to the ground, catching his breath. He seemed to be more drained than the horses that did the actual race. Lores spared Vicksen a glance while attempting to refill his waterskin from the lake.

"Seven days? That's quite a long time....and a short one so to speak." Lores was unsure of his judgement. The unforseen adventure awaiting him in a foreign land, the fresh joy that came at the thought of seeing his father but suddenly dwindling when the difficult process to achieving that was put into consideration all collided into a surreal combination of nervousness, happiness and sadness that enshrouded his heart.

"This journey will not be an easy one. We started off today in high spirits but now we're already flushed due to the weather." Vicksen was saying this with a whimsy tone carrying accusation. He brought his gaze to Lores. "You chose such a bad time to travel. Assuming we were weak commoners, we would've fainted for like three times before we even got to this lake. You have to learn how to be bright and calculative like your mentor when making decisions."

It was a funny joke, so Lores did not hold back his laughter. Vicksen must have mustered a little strength to begin to joke around.

"Sir 'bright and calculative' you're very free to return to Vatmos if this journey is too unbearable for you. Before you agreed to follow me, why didn't you foresee this circumstance and prevent us from traveling? Instead, you followed me like a moron. What a pity! I'd rather be a novice than to be 'bright and calculative' as you." Once Lores finished his thought, joanne tittered.

Vicksen gulped as Lores' words coloured his face with wry shock, and Joanne couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Joanne, are you suddenly supporting Lores and turning your back on me?" Vicksen was trying to win Joanne over as his comrade in this banter session. The girl giggled. About saying her mind, she saw herself on a neutral ground.

"I'm not on anyone's side. One blames the other for not predicting the circumstance whereas he didn't predict it himself. The blamer who followed foolishly is a moron and the one who couldn't predict is a novice." She was as plain as porridge.

Lores and Vicksen quietly switched looks as the statement didn't go in the favour of any. The latter was disappointed but Lores wasn't because she always bickered at him, and he was habituated to it.

"Joanne, with what you've said, if I'm to group you, I'd pair you with Vicksen. Then the both of you will become morons because you followed a novice." Lores riposted, blatantly defining himself as a novice as if it were a royal title.

Vicksen was in hysterics, head tossing back and mouth yawning in humour. Regardless of the fact that he was still referred to as a moron, he was indebted to Lores for revenging on his behalf. Joanne's visage wried with a scowl, ostensibly unable to defend herself. Lores was excited to see Joanne accept defeat for the first time, but then as her tender junior brother he edged nearer to pacify her.

"I retract my words right here and now. You're no longer a moron but a novice. We are now in the same boat. Isn't that better?" These words went no where near as to pacifying her mood. Instead, after a startled glimpse, she snorted at Lores' hypocrisy and averted her gaze. Lores wasn't done teasing.

"Vicksen is all alone by himself. He's the only moron in midst of novices." The corners of his lips curled up in mischief, casting a mocking gaze at Vicksen who was shaking his head, giggling at the bickerers.

"But I don't want to be any of them." Joanne was pleading with a different tone.

"Fine. You are the only smart person here." Lores gave in with a smile. She construed this compliment as a mockery and undue exaggeration. Taking a glimpse at their interaction, one could conclude that Lores was older than Joanne.

"So should I thank you for saying that to me? Little Lores you're not sincere with your apologies and compliments..."

There was no harm in neglecting their risky mission for a little time of fun. They sat lakeward, bantering one another and laughing harmoniously until they grew oblivious of the hotness which died down on its own.

The angry sun began to slowly withdraw it's terrible rays, a gentle breeze carrying a soothing mood superceding it. The breeze was as refreshing as cold water, and soft like wool. The beauty of the quivering skyline-silver lake became conspicuous, bringing a transient air of gaiety to the travellers.

"The atmospheric mood is suitable for taking afternoon nap." Were the last words from Vicksen before lying flat on his back and snoozing the next moment.

Lores and Joanne watched the lake unspeaking. The latter eventually broke the hush after a good while.

"It's a pity that the soothing atmosphere is only for a short time. It's only a wishful thinking that good things will last." She was sober at this moment and began to talk about serious things. Lores relaxed further by stretching out his legs and putting his hands behind such that he gained support from the ground. He too was relaxed and sober.

"Nothing in this world lasts forever, not even humans. The best we can do is to enjoy the present moment. The past should be forgotten and the future should not cause us undue worry."

"Yes. Cherish the present and prepare for the future." Joanne agreed. "What will you say to your dad when you see him?" She asked, eyes fixed on Lores. The latter requited her gaze and then shifted his eyes back at the lake. His voice became undertoned.

"My dad...i don't know what to say to him until I meet him. We won't be able to recognize each other. If I call him 'father' he would be dazed. But when he sees the amulet, he'll admit that he has met his child." Lores spoke confidently. In his heart, he felt he was nearly making no sense. His dad would be probably wasting in the deepest dungeon waiting for the most miserable day to befall him. No doubt he had to be quick about getting into the palace.

"How do you plan on getting into the palace." Joanne was curious about Lores' next action once they got to Liz. Logically, the palace wouldn't be a place where just anyone can enter or infiltrate. Lores had his next step written at the back of his mind, but he didn't bother to say it out as it would sound somewhat awkward and unfeasible.

"Let's get to Liz first then we can talk about getting into the palace." He said after breathing a sigh. "Look at the beautiful lake. I wish I can watch this scene forever." He diverted the topic. Joanne smiled elegantly, taking another view at the lake from the perspective of Lores.

"It's serene and calming to the mind. I feel encouraged at the sight of it. It's as if the lake is saying 'even if the world is crumbling, you can still survive'."

Lores smiled and then sat up quickly. The fact that he had to test his gnosis struck his mind like a lightening. He didn't like the way he was struggling with magic.

"Joanne I want to practice magery. You'll be my judge for now." He closed his eyes and began to concentrate.

"Ah! No problem." Joanne acceded. The duo waited forever but there was no manifestation of any supernatural occurrence. Lores opened his eyes and tried once more. Still, nothing happened. Joanne faced Lores with a questioning look on her face. The latter dropped his jaw, saddened by his ineptitude. Joanne offered a warming smile and emboldened him.

"I know you are tenacious enough to do it. I believe in what you can do in the same way that the lake is also vouching for you. You're not a alone." When she was done, Lores darted a spirited look at her. He felt his soul uplifted and wanted to embrace her but decided not to. Without replying, he gazed lakeward and audaciously gave his order, provoked by the resistance of the manipulated.

"I command you to obey my gnosis!" Lores was focused, his eyes filled with ambition while Joanne watched with anticipation. After five seconds, the lake was agitated and a pillar of water sprung midair like a tower.

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