The 30th (Billy and Steve Tri...

By KrissyMunson

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⚠️⚠️SMUT AND VIOLENCE WARNING⚠️⚠️ Rosearia Grace Walker, 18, Senior... and pregnant. She's now returning to H... More



817 16 29
By KrissyMunson


You let me violate you. You let me desecrate you.

I wanna fuck you like an animal.
I wanna feel you from the inside.


Word Count: 3533


It's now 7th period Gym class, a class I have with both the boys, and Nancy. 8th period is the class Eddie and I are skipping. As I sit on the bleachers watching the gym class Nancy came and sat next to me as the Gym coach blew a whistle.

"Alright  Dodgeball, split." Coach instructed.

"I'm out of this one." Nancy smiled at me. She's been trying to be friendly all day long.

"Yeah, I have to sit out all term." I say just watching people split into two even groups. Of course Billy and Steve will never be on a team together. I watch as Billy glared at Steve harshly as he wet his lips with his tongue. All of a sudden I'm feeling hot as I watch his sweaty body. His shirt drenched in sweat sticking to his muscles, the look he gave me as he glanced up at me on the bleachers.

"Not so subtle." Nancy giggled.

"What?" I asked.

"The way you're undressing him with your eyes." She tells me.

"No I'm not." I defended looking away.

"Oh please, you're my best friend... or was." She said disappointed. "Listen me and Steve called things off. We're just friends, plus I sort of have Jonathan still." She smiled softly. "I never meant to hurt you, and I dont want to see you fail classes because of stupid drama. He's the father of your baby and I'm not taking that from you. I've done some shitty things and should never have called myself a good friend after I did them, but I missed you." She ranted on.

"Yeah, never should have touched him. You knew I love him."

"You love him still?" She smiled. "He was scared you didn't, what about Billy? You two are still eye fucking." She giggled again as she looked between us two.

"I like him, it's hard not to. Look at him, his bedroom eyes. Jesus Christ." I groan as I lean back into the bleacher above me.

"Bedroom eyes?" She asked smiling up at me as she sat a bleacher below me.

"Yeah, bedroom eyes. The whole fuck me eyes, like the way he looks at you as if he's saying, I'm fucking you right now kind a eyes. You get what I'm saying, and my hormones are raging." I hold back a laugh as she did too.

"Oh my god, you're turned on right now! You dirty bitch." She laughed making me playfully lean down and slap her arm. We caught Steve's attention as we laughed together. He shot me a small smile and wave just as Billy threw a ball at his face.

"Shit." I stood up quickly watching as his nose started to bleed. I rushed down the bleachers nearly tripped as I rushed to him, he was walking off the court holding his nose.

"Careful, watch the baby!" He shouted as a ball came flying at us. He caught it throwing it at the person who threw it.

"Come on, let's clean you up!" I rushed him to sit down. "Hold on I'll get the first aid kit." I turned around fast, but he grabbed my arm.

"I'm fine. Look, it wasn't bad." He said as he showed it stopped bleeding already. He wiped it on his Gym shirt as I watch him. 

"Be careful, you and Billy need to sort this shit out. You can't keep hurting one another." I say frustraited.

"Listen this will die down as soon as you chose me." He tells me. I cross my arms and look at him.

"I can't just do that, you know I can't. I feel terrible for it but inhave feelings for you both and I don't know what the fuck to do!" I admit to him throwing my hands up a little.

"I know, I'm not trying to pressure you into choosing." He says.

"The baby is going to be the one choosing." I huff a little as I touch my belly, the baby hasn't kicked much in the past hour so bean's probably sleeping.

"No, I don't give a shit if I'm not the dad. As far as I'm concerned I am the dad and I want you and my baby. Nobody is getting in the way of that, I'm marrying you!" He stands up touching my belly now as he looked down at me. "God, I've done some shit and I don't deserve you, you have every right to walk away. But you feel so right." He clenched his jaw a little as he leaned down to whisper on my ear. "You always feel so right, I can't wait to feel you around my cock." I blushed badly as he backed up slowly smiling innocently at me.

"Steve!" I whisper shouted. "Jesus. Go play." I shove him playfully away from me more. I turn around and wall back up the bleachers to Nancy who was giggling at out little interaction.

"What did he say?" She asked me.

"You always feel so right... then he said I can't wait to feel you around my..." I trailed off letting her fill those blanks in. She blushed as I did and started laughing making me break into a bigger smile.

"A way with words." She grabs her bag as she stands up. "I'm gonna go shower before 8th." She says before waving bye and walking down the bleachers leaving me alone.


I faked morning sickness as my way out of my last period, without actually getting into serious trouble. I had gotten my homework and left the class, the halls empty as I made my way to the fountain. Then I see him standing there, Eddie Munson, and a paper sack in hand as he sent me a huge smile. He's wearing a W.A.S.P shirt today, his leather jacket, and his ripped jeans. He looked very good.

"M'lady, this is for you." He said handing me the bag and taking a playful bow. I grabbed the bag smiling and opening it.

"Tootsie pops!" I say excitedly as I grabbed one out and unwrapped it fast. "Thank you!" I say with the suckered in my mouth.

"I skipped 7th period and took a trip to the gas station. You ready?" He asked as we began walking.

"Yeah, I'm ready. This is so good, you didn't have to go buy them for me." I tell him as we walk out the school doors.

"I want the baby to be happy, what the baby wants, baby gets." He said in a cute way.

"Ugh, I nearly need a stool to get in that van." I groan as we got to it. He laughed as he walked to my side unlocking the door.

"Here let me help." He put his hands on my waist as he helped my pregnant ass into the seat.

"Better, get a stool." I laughed as he closed the door and rushed to the driver's side.

"My appointment is at 330, but I wonder if they can get me in early." I say excitedly. "Its right down town, next to the hospital. The maternity side." I tell him.

"On our way."


"Hi, I have an appointment at 330, Rosearia Walker. Is there any way I cna get in early?" I asked the lady at the desk as I stood there excitedly, Eddie by my side per my request.

"We had a cancelation at 2:25, we can move you up." She smiled at me. "I had my first one at 16." She tells me.

"So did my mom." I laughed. "Sample right?" I asked. Usually after check in they make me go to the bathroom and pee in a cup, then put it in a zip baggie and give it to them.

"Yes, there's cups and wipes in there." She tells me. I have 20 minutes to wait, I let Eddie take a seat while I went to give the urine sample. When I got back and handed the sample to the lady at the desk, I went to sit by Eddie.

"Learning?" I asked teasing him as he read a magazine about babies.

"Did you know you should do squats? You also need to drink water, and not sodas for lunch, princess." He says teasingly looking at me.

"Listen as long as I can have the tootsie pops, I'll cut out soda." I smiled at him.

"And as long as you promise to come to me when you need someone, I'll always bring you a tootsie pop."

"Deal." I held my hand out for him to shake. We sat there reading the magazine together until my name was called, I grabbed his hand quick and took him back with me to the ultrasound room.

"Alright, shirt up." My OB Dr. Lin smiled at me. I laid on the bed as Eddie sat in a chair next to me. "You ready dad?" She asked Eddie.

"Oh I'm... I..." He mumbled as I laughed.

"Hes just my support." I tell her.

"Well its good to have support." She smiled kindly at him as I pulled my shirt up under my breast, and pulled my pants down enough for her. "Alright a little cold." She said as she squirted a gel on my belly. I flinched a little and giggled, Eddie grabbed my hand smiling.

We spent some time measuring the baby and recording the weight, 1.4lb was the weight. The baby was growing good, and I teared up as I seen the little feet just kicking around. Finally it was time and I pray the baby didn't act shy this time, so we knew the sex.

"Its a..." She trailed the doppler over my belly trying to get a good angle. "Baby girl." She smiled at me as she started to print the pictures. She handed me a rag to clean my belly off.

"A girl!" I smiled at Eddie as I was nearly crying, all emotional.

"Shes gonna be beautiful." He says to me.

"Alright here's the pictures, you can schedule your next appointment up front." She smiled before exiting the room.

It didn't take long to schedule my next appointment in about a month. I secured my ultrasound photos and began walking out the door with Eddie. Only we didnt make it to the van before a familiar blue Camero came speeding in the parking lot.

"Fuck." Eddie said tensed up.

"I got it from here, thank you so much." I got on my tiptoes and hugged him tightly.

"Be careful, you got my number." He tells me. "Call me tonight, I want to be sure you're okay." He says.

"I will, thank you!" I pull away just as Billy found a parking spot. Eddie began nearly sprinting to his van, making me laugh as I went ahead and made my way to Billy. His face was pissed when he got out, and to my surprise Steve was with him. They rode together?

"You know what really pisses me off? You taking Munson to this appointment." Billy said trailing hit tongue across his teeth, seething.

"What the fuck, Aria!" Steve said as I made my way to the car ignoring them both as I hop in the back seat. "You already fucking went?" Steve asked.

"Yeah I did, they got me in early." I confirmed.

"So Munson got to see my baby but I didn't. Did you ever think that I was actually excited to see?" Billy shouted now.

"Our baby!" Steve corrected him.

"Its a girl." Was all I said handing them the lined ultrasound photos. They both shut up as they looked at the little baby on the black and white photos.

"Whats this one?" Steve asked pointing to the third one.

"Thats a foot you stupid fuck." Billy said rolling his eyes. I found it kind of cute they were looking at this together. "Whats that?" Billy asked now.

"Thats the baby's butt and girl bits... Stupid fuck." Steve mocked him.

"Girl bits." I chuckled.

"Little baby booty." Billy chuckled. "Its a damn girl." He scoffed shaking his head.

"We have to protect a girl, Jesus." Steve agreed.

"Now one thing I'll say since I'm mad at you two still... I want you to think about something... would you want your daughter dating someone like you? Reflect on that on the drive home." I say as I crossed my arms and leaned back in the back seat.

"Yeah, you're kind of a dick Billy." Steve says as Billy began backing the car out.

"You literally fucked her best friend, and I'm the dick?" Billy scoffed shaking his head as we pull into the street to head home.

"Dude, you wanna start?" He eyed Billy. "You slept with-"

"No the hell I didn't! Only person I have fucked in at least a month has been Aria!" Billy defended himself.

"Hold the fuck on, you two have slept together already?" Steve glanced back at me as my eyes widened and I blushed badly. My mind going back to the memories of that whole night, a fun night.

"You know she can squirt?" Billy smirked licking his lips as he glanced at me through the rear view mirror.

"I cannot belive this, yet you were mad I was hanging around Nancy. But you go and fuck him!" Steve said pissed off again.

"Listen guys I'm not chosing between you! I'm not dating anybody. As far as anybody is concerned I'm single so I did nothing wrong." I defended as I now look out the window.

"You can squirt? She can squirt?" He asked me, Billy chuckling a little.

"Put a pillow under her hips, gives you the perfect angle-" I stopped listening as I squirmed in my seat oddly turned on once again. I glance at them both as they talk, Billy's eyes driving me fucking nuts. As Steve listened to him he was biting his lip. "But when you use fingers, you know the curl." He held up a hand showing him with his ring and middle finger together, how he curls them inside of me.

"Please stop." I sigh, I pulled my dress down over my knees awkwardly as I push my thighs together tightly. I wanted nothing more than to go home right now.

"You okay?" Steve asked.

"I just, I need you two to stop talking about the whole finger thing." I blushed.

"Did she tell you about her praise kink, and degrading?" Steve smirked back at me.

"A degrading kink huh? I was trying to be nice, look at you." Billy laughed.

"Isn't that right my good little slut." Steve said in his low throaty voice as he looked back at me.

"Oh my god, please." I groaned as I felt myself getting turned on even more. My underwear felt wet and uncomfortable.

"Awe, she's so cute when her face turns red." Billy pulled off into the school parking lot next to Steve's car. The parking lot now empty of anybody but us three.

"I seriously need to get home." I laughed nervously.

"Whats wrong?" Steve asked as he reached his arm back rubbing up my thigh. I know he isn't going to do this with Billy right there!

"I'm tired." I lied. His hand traveling up further pushing under my dress, goosebumps raised on my skin.

"Tired? Did you sleep okay, baby?" Billy asked.

"I slept fine." I say quickly as Steve's finger grazed my underwear.

"Someone's wet." Steve says as he pulled his hand away, making me let go of a breath I didn't know I held in.

"Our dirty slut thinking about being railed?" Billy asked.

"Listen you two, shut up!" I blushed as I pushed my legs together hard and squirmed a little. "What do you mean our?" I asked as I thought about it.

"Were not begging you to chose anymore, it's putting stress on you. You'll figure put who you want in time. But I'm not fucking giving you up, obviously Billy isn't either." Steve tells me.

"No. I'm still her best, she likes to be tied down and edged sometimes." Billy smirked again.

"Okay I'm going to walk home." I say as I try opening the door. Steve laughed as he got out the car, yet my door was still locked. Billy then followed him out the car meeting each other in the back behind the car. I watched them talk for a second before trying to open the door again, I'd climb to the front but being pregnant makes that hard. Finally Billy opened the door on my side, but he pushed himself inside at the same time Steve got in on the other side.

"How you feeling baby?" Billy asked as he rested a hand on my exposed thigh, his thumb rubbing in circles.

"I'm okay, you two okay?" I asked confused.

"Fine, yeah we're okay. Making sure that freak didn't touch you." Steve said brushing my hair from my face and neck. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss under my ear before biting me softly.

"I better not find out he touched you." Billy said as his eyes held a slight dark possessiveness to them.

"We are just friends, don't even think of hurting him!" I tell them both as I crossed my arms.

"Friends, right. That's what we were." Steve laughed as he pulled up my dress more exposing my other thigh.

"I don't think you need these." Billy pulled put his pocket knife and pulled my dress up, he proceeded to cut my underwear off me before pulling the fabric out from under me and tossing it to the floor.

"Wait what's happeneing?" I asked trying not to smile with wide eyes. Them both being this close at the same time, and the cold blade that had been close to my skin turned me on to no end. At this point they are torturing me.

"What are you talking about, sweetheart?" Steve gave me a fake concerned look right as he be began rubbing my clit.

"T-this, in front of one another?" That came out as more of a moan.

"Lean back, relax." Billy cooed in my ear. I laid my head back on the seat as they pulled me forward and spread my legs more. Both my legs now rested on each one of theirs. "Look how wet she is, when did you get so wet?" He asked as he pushed two fingers into me.

"Shit" I cursed as he pumped slowly, Steve working on my clit again. The mix between the two was great, and what made this better was the obviously two hot guys next to me. I was sure I was dreaming.

"Answer the question like a good girl." Steve said.

"The degrading and praising part, you talking about fucking me." I say looking at Billy as he licked his lips.

"Our girl wants to be fucked like a slut." Steve says as he quickened his pace on my clit.

"Watch the magic with the curled fingers." Billy said to Steve before he began curling his fingers inside me.

"Fuck." I moaned loudly my hands gripping both of their free hands. I felt the fire in my stomach and this pleasure felt so different, maybe it's the fact they are both here. Or the fact this is in public and we can be caught so it's thrilling to me.... no definatly the face that Billy and Steve are both here, both touching me. "Billy unless you want a mess in the car I'd stop." I moaned like crazy the pleasure so good my eyes were watering with tears of pleasure.

"I think she might squirt again." Billy laughed. "Watch her." He told Steve, Billy then grabbed my face pushing his lips onto mine. Steve then turning my head to do the same thing, a tear rolling down my cheek as the pleasure built.

"I'm cumming!" I screamed as Billy pumped harder biting his lip. I began squirting in the back seat, my hands going to Steve's hair pulling him in to kiss me. When my body calmed they both removed their hands. Billy got out and went to the trunk pulling out an extra shirt he had. I sat calming my breath as he and Steve cleaned up.

"A squirter! That's hot." Steve says as he swiped his thumb under my eyes. "You okay?" I nodded replying.

"Two years and you had no clue?" Billy laughed. "Shows who's better in bed." He smirked.

"Who's better?" Steve asked me.

"I love you both now shut up I can't breath." They both laughed as I calmed down.

"Lets get her home. Meet at her place Harrington!" As I sat in the back wondering what, and why. We all took off to my house, Steve following in his car. I lay my head back just utterly shocked, I went from being yelled at for leaving with Eddie, to cumming in Billy's car while they both touch me. Not complaining but... what!

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