Jurassic World: Reign

By Evastarunit73

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A sequel to Ripper's Journey II: The Son Of Ripper and Indomitable: A Jurassic World Story. Ever since the di... More

Prologue: Ancient Rivals
Chapter 2: The New Norm
Chapter 3: The Runaway
Chapter 4: Old is Gold
Chapter 5: Giant Southern Lizard
Chapter 6: Scars
Chapter 7: Lone Clone
Chapter 8: Off The Grid
Chapter 9: Departure
Chapter 10: Fist to Fist
Chapter 11: Claw to Claw

Chapter 1: Tides of Fury

132 4 7
By Evastarunit73

The city of San Francisco was one of the few places in the world where there thankfully wasn't too much dinosaur activity. Most of what was seen near the city were smaller dinosaurs like Compsegnathus and Microraptors. With the occasional Parasaurolophus passing by but people didn't mind then since they're very docile when it comes to humans. Unless a group of Compsegnathus come across a lone human, that's a completely different story.

A tour boat was gliding through the water, taking guests to go watch some whales. There wasn't any danger in the area that they were aware of since Pterosaurs weren't around.

The boat rocked from side to side when the waves were crashing against it. It was 2:00 PM in the afternoon and they haven't seen a whale just yet.

Some of the guests were lined up on the sides of the ship waiting to see some of the aquatic mammals. Some may find whales boring because they're not as fearsome as sharks but they don't really need to be in most cases. People like watching them because they're mostly calm in nature and don't mind being observed.

On the helm of the ship was the captain, Sharron Willis. Along with her chief mate, Casey Leeds.

"No sign of em', cap. That's strange." Casey noted.

"Yeah. Should've seen at least one humpback by now or something." Sharron replied.

"Who knows, maybe they're on a day off in Hawaii." Casey joked.

"You sure you're talking about the whales and not yourself wanting to take a day off in Hawaii?" The captain raised an eyebrow.

"Well, after what happened two years ago. Not exactly sure if I wanna step foot in there." Casey answered.

In 2018, there was a incident that occured when a surfer was riding a wave. He was suddenly pulled under the waves once they plummeted down. They labeled it as a freak accident but in reality it wasn't caused by the waves.

When reviewing footage, the authorities noted that there was a shape in the wave that indicated that the man wasn't knocked out. He was eaten. At first they thought it was a shark that did it but it's not common for them to swim inside of waves in order to eat humans. If it was a shark then it might've died once the waves crashed down.

What was seen instead though, would make people think twice before entering any body of water connected to the ocean. Right before the surfer was killed, the investigators saw a greyish blue animal tearing through the waves. They couldn't see it's whole body but what they did see was the front of it's snout.

It was a sea monster in every sense of the word. From the shadow they saw within the wave, this definitely was no shark and to top it all off. It was almost as big as a whale.

"Can't blame you. Wouldn't want to swim in a place with a Kaiju patrolling it." Sharron said.

"Technically it's not a Kaiju, but that's one way of putting it. Wonder where that thing is now." Casey looked out into the bay.

Whatever that monstrous thing was, it seems to have a set pattern for where it would go to from month to month. It first entered Hawaii, then it entered the Californian Coast. It has been repeating the process for two years now. It's why the government has issued warnings in Hawaii to not enter the water on specific months to avoid more deaths.

Ever since Casey first saw that thing on the news, he felt like he wanted to quit his job just so he could avoid that thing. Although thankfully it hasn't entered San Francisco yet which is a relief since most of it's hunting seems to have moved to the open ocean in recent months.

Suddenly, a huge burst of air came up and it made Casey and the captain turn to it's direction.

All of the guests turned over to the left side of the ship to see what was going on. And before them was the longest animal to have ever lived. Even longer than some of the largest dinosaurs.

Beside the ship was a massive 100 feet long titan. With it's ghostly blue color when submerged and it's mottled Blue-grey color when it surfaces. There was no doubt to the animal's identity.

It was a whale, but not the one people were expecting since humpbacks are usually seen here but this one was far larger than they were and the guests were more than thrilled to bear witness to this majestic creature.

It was a blue whale. The largest living mammal on the planet.

This was an elderly male, it was rare to see this species of whale in this area so this definitely was a sight to behold.

"You know, I never seem to catch a glimpse of these guys." Casey said.

"Yeah, it's usually not like them to swim this far into the bay." Sharron observed.

A breath of air gushed our of the whales blowhole. They may appear to be completely blue when under the water but their true color is a little different. The good thing about observing these giants is that though they are large, ironically they eat on small things like plankton and krill.

The crowd started to take picture since it's not every day a blue whale is spotted this close to San Francisco. It began to emit a sound that was referred to as "singing" most likely in an attempt to locate other members of it's kind.

Even Casey himself started taking pictures since it was his first time seeing a blue whale in person. He'd always read about them in books and articles but he himself has only ever seen humpbacks and orcas. Even though the latter aren't actually whales.

"Amazing tone they have, don't they?" Sharron asked.

"Way better than my singing." Casey chuckled.

The whale opened it's maw and proceeded to drive it through the water, scooping up any krill in the area. Once it's mouth was closed it began to digest the krill as it moved forward in a faster manner.

There was one thing that bugged Sharron. Though she liked seeing a massive animal like this entering the bay, why did it? It's rare to see them going this far. They are usually found 25 miles off the coast so why did this one specifically come here? There are better places to find krill.

She noticed that the whale was speeding up. It may not be fast but it is noticable when an animal like this starts to increase its speed.

"Casey, look. I think it's increasing speed." Sharron told her chief mate.

"Odd. Do you think the guests are startling it?" Casey asked his superior.

Sharron shook her head.

Right when Casey asked about that subject, the whale emitted a sound that wasn't as calm as the majestic singing it was using just a moment ago.

"Do you here that? It's distressed." Sharron pointed out.

"But by what? I don't see any hunters in the area trying to spear the poor thing. And even if they were, the coastguard would've probably dealt with them by now." Casey responded.

As Sharron and Casey watched on, the whale began to submerge with its speed gradually increasing with each stroke of it's massive tail.

It had to get out of there. Because it didn't come here for no reason. It came here because it was being stalked by something. And this monster wasn't letting up no matter what the whale did.

"Cap, we've got incoming." Casey called out

Sharron looked at the sonar. There was one red signature on the screen and that was the whale. But a second later another signature appeared, rapidly approaching their position.

"Do you think it's another whale?" Sharron asked.

"It's moving fast. At about 30 miles per hour. If this thing is distressed by it then it is definitely not another whale." Casey remarked.

Sharron looked at the sonar again. The second creature was nearly as big as the whale was, and she knew that they had to get out of the area because she doesn't want to entangle the guests in a potential collision.

"Guests. Please be advised that we are going to have to make a quick turnaround. There is another animal that is approaching us and it is speeding up. We advise you to hold onto something as soon as possible." Sharron announced over the ship's speakers.

Though the guests were distraught, they did as the captain asked them to do because she sounded serious about the matter. They then moved away from the rails of the ship and began to enter the center of it instead.

50 feet. That's how far the second signature was to their ship. Sharron turned the vessel as fast as she could. It was a fairly slow process but she had to rush because the creature was getting closer and the more it was edging it's way forward, the more stress the whale felt.

"Twelve meters and closing!" Casey exclaimed.

Sharron look towards where the second signature was located, and she could faintly see a massive dark mass cutting through the sea.

Once the boat was turned. It then began to make it's way back towards the docks. The thing that was hunting the whale probably posed a hazard so it is imperative that they get away from it quickly.

Casey looked out of one of the windows to see what was going on with the whale. He caught a small glance at it. It was coming back to he surface for air and immediately dove down again.

The moment it started it's dive however, it felt a sheering pain from its tail. It's body jerked as it was pulled under. With a trail of blood following it.

What was happening? Casey could only watch on in horror as the blood surfaced. That thing was what the whale was afraid of. He pulled away from the sight, he didn't want to watch any more of it because this was his first time seeing these giants, it's unfortunate that it had to end with the whale perishing.

"I-its gone." Casey said bluntly.

"What is?" Sharron queried.

"The whale..." Casey sighed.

Sharron turned her head around to make sure. She could see a large cloud of blood rising from where the whale was supposed to be. Being a nature lover, she was disappointed to have to witness something like this. The moment she saw the blood she looked away. What kind of creature could be so cruel as to take down a gentle giant like a blue whale?

But that brings up another question: What can take down a blue whale? The only animal that's ever been seen killing blue whale were orcas. This though, was definitely not the work of a killer whale.

The way in which the whale was dragged was quick and precise. If this was the work of an orca it would've taken them nearly an hour to finish that whale off but whatever this thing was, it knew how to deal with them in a more efficient way.

Sharron didn't care what it was. All she cared about was getting everyone else back to land and away from that predator. If it can take down the largest mammal then there's no doubt it can make quick work of this ship.

This couldn't have been the work of just any sea creature. There's not a single shark in this area that can cause that much damage and would have the strength needed to drag that whale down. Casey also noted that as soon as the creature clamped down, it dragged the whale almost immediately so the only thing he can infer from this is that the animal definitely had a strong grip.

However, they would soon get their answer as to what that monster was.

A giant splash erupted from the left side of the ship as it was rushing back to the docks. Blood was splattering out as the silhouette of the creature was finally revealed.

It was long, streamlined, and had a monitor lizard like head. The beast was colored in a faded blue and had dull brown eyes. It had a single row of teeth but the back of it's mouth also had an additional row of teeth that would allow it to grip harder. It had osteoderms running down it's back and a fish like tail fin that helped it swim. Along with two big flippers on the front and two smaller ones at the back.

The boat was turned to the right. Of all the things Sharron had to worry about, she didn't expect to have to deal with something that sounded like it came straight out of a sailor's tall tales.

This was it. The creature that cut through through those waves. If people thought the dinosaurs were dangerous, they should be thankful that this thing can't crawl onto land or else they'd have an even bigger problem to deal with.

It was none other than the star attraction of Jurassic World's lagoon. Mason the Mosasaurus. Viciously gripping the whale in his mouth.

Mason slammed onto the water as he dove down again. He hasn't caught something this big before but from what he's seen of these mammals, to him they're harmless and they're everything he could ask for. They're big which means he'll eat a lot. They're slow which means he won't have to worry about losing them. And they have no defenses against him.

In the four years since his escape back in 2016, he's only now realizing how easy it is to kill these things. They may be bigger than him but they're definitely not stronger, at least the ones he has seen.

He began to tear through the whale furiously as he started to eat. Mason was practically unchallenged in the ocean. Nobody wanted to face him because they'd be signing their own death warrant. Not even killer whales are enough to put him down and no shark dares to alert him to their presence. They may be seen as the apex predator of the oceans, but he's been eating sharks since he was young. They're just small fry to him.

Not even the humans seem to want to attack him. Every boat that has tried to either capture or destroy him all met the same fate, at the bottom of the sea. It was almost like nothing the ocean could offer would be able to stand eye to eye with him and make it out alive after the first bite.


"Holy hell... That damn thing is here now?!" Casey shouted.

"It shouldn't. It's never been here before." Sharron breathed heavily.

"Looks like poachers aren't the only thing the coastguard has to worry about." Casey sighed.

Why hasn't the government found a way to deal with this beast? Why not just put it in another lagoon like how they did on Isla Nublar? Or better yet, why don't they just blow it's brains out? Its done nothing but ruin the ecosystem for as long as it's been active.

If this continues, it's going to ravage the rest of the country until it moves somewhere else.

His current size is 65 feet long. Although some have speculated that he could grow to become even bigger. In 2015 he was only 50 feet long so it could mean that in the next decade or so he might grow to be around 80 feet, that is if he doesn't stop growing and doesn't have a size limit. The name Mosasaurus translates to "Meuse Lizard" named after the area in which the first fossils were found. But this InGen variant is far larger than the original, given it the species name of Mosasaurus Mareimperatoris. The species name translates to "Sea Emperor" which definitely is fitting considering how dominant he is in the seas.

Because Mason was focused on feasting, this gave the boat ample time to get away from him.

"Mayday. I repeat, mayday." Casey said over the ship's communication system.

"What is your situation, sir?" A coastguard asked.

"Mosasaurus. It attacked a blue whale at 2:23 pm this afternoon. You need to send someone to ward it away from the bay." Casey requested.

"Very well. We will send in a team shortly." The call then ended right there.

"They said they're sending a team in to deal with him." Casey said to the captain.

"Sure hope they get here before he picks another target." Sharron replied.

All Casey hoped for is that the coastguard doesn't pick boats to deal with this thing. That would just be asking for death.

As Mason kept tearing through the whale. He started to notice that a small feeding frenzy was taking place. A group of five great whites started chomping on the corpse along with a few other fish that the behemoth could care less about.

He started to shake the whale around to scare the scavengers. No shark is ruining his feast. This was his kill and in his mind only he deserves to bite on it.

"Screw off, will you?" Mason said in a deep voice.

One of the sharks managed to bite off a piece of flesh off the whale before darting away with the others. If he keeps this corpse in good condition then he may not need to hunt for a while.

The ship was now a good distance away from Mason. Though they were still in risk of him reaching up to them if he wanted to, right now they're in the safe zone.

Casey kept looking at the sonar. The whale's signature was lost and only the Meuse Lizard could be seen along with the sharks that just left.

If only there was a way to help the whale somehow. Although, the would've put the guests at risk. If they provoked that thing even once, he wouldn't think twice before adding them on his menu.

He sat down on a chair patiently waiting for either the coastguard to arrive or for them to get back to he docks. Casey knew that this meant they'd be out of business until that thing leaves the area which may take a while. But if it keeps the people safe then it's good that the government is not letting anyone into the bay.

Staring at the sonar was all Casey was doing. To make sure that they'll be ready once Mason does decide to attack them. And then something else came into view.

A third signature.

It was only starting to enter the part of the bay they were in. But whatever it was, it was as big as Mason. Casey assumed that it was a smaller whale which means that there was a possibility that another poor soul will perish today along with the whale from earlier.

Though, what he saw didn't look like a whale. The signature he was seeing on the sonar had a long body with four flippers. Casey even tapped on the sonar to make sure it wasn't broken.

"Cap, you better take a look at this." Casey called out as his captain came over.

"What's new?" Sharron questioned.

"Third signature approaching. I don't think it's a whale. Look at those flippers." Casey pointed.

Sharron noticed that the new signature looked almost exactly like Mason's signature. Didn't InGen only make one Mosasaurus? Were they secretly hiding a second one?

There has been some rumors floating around about a creature who looks like a Mosasaurus but was completely different. Some reports even say that it only comes up to the surface for either air, or when it's hunting.

As the beeping from the sonar continued. The new signature was shifting it's course. Originally it was just swimming in a straight line, but now it was aiming towards the whale carcass and presumedly towards Mason.

"Looks like all that blood is attracting more than just sharks." Sharron said in a worried tone.

On the opposite side of the whale. A second beast was rushing to the direction of the carcass. Mason's eyes perked up once he saw a vague silhouette in the background.

It looked like a fish, until he saw a massive tail fin swaying from left and right. He stopped eating and decided to smell the area. For all he knows this might just be a deformed dolphin.

But that's not the scent he acquired.

"For heaven's sake. This moron again?" Mason asked in an irritated tone.

He now knew what he had to do. Get the carcass out of there as fast as possible. Or else he's going to lose it to someone else. And that someone is the only creature that has been able to go toe to toe with him and even made him back off.

It was too late. It didn't matter how fast he rushed the carcass out of there. This thing still caught up to him. He started hearing a familiar bellowing sound that would strike fear into anyone who has thalassophobia. But all he got from it was frustration.

He could feel the whale getting pulled from his grasp. Mason tried to fight back by swimming backwards. But ultimately, the whale was beginning to break apart the more the two creatures pulled.

Even more blood spilled into the water as the whale was torn apart. The mid section of the body was split in half. And when it happened, Mason could be heard growling intensely.

Shoving his part of the carcass aside. He used his fins and made a quick charge towards the intruder. Chomping onto the other creature's snout and pushing it out of the cloud of blood.

When Casey went to see what was going on. Mason busted out of the water in a fit of rage with another animal in his mouth. It was so quick, the only thing Casey could clearly make out was the other creature's eyes.

Mason threw the other beast to the wayside. The sounds that he was making sounded like that of a rabid animal. Nobody can blame him though, he's had enough of this thing spoiling his hunts.

The creature that attacked Mason looked like him, but was also different in many ways. It's head was sharper. It was bulkier, and had a bigger tail. It also had large spikes on its back and on the top and bottom part of it's tail fin. It's main color was a dark blue, it has giant black stripes, and bone colored spikes. It's eyes were similar to sharks in that they were pure black and emotionless. Like the eyes on a doll.

Since the creature was very similar to Mason, it's not surprising that it was the only thing that stood a chance against him. This was an experimental creature that Jurassic Park's lead geneticist Dr. Henry Wu made in secret. He hid it in an area below the original park but after a certain incident, it managed to escape.

Tylosaurus. With a body build similar to Mason and an appetite to match. There's no way this will be an easy fight. It's name translates to "Knob Lizard" named after its elongated rostrum. This specific individual was named "Maelstrom".

Mason let out a fearsome roar. He remembered two years ago when he first met this thing, it attacked a pod of orcas he was hunting and pushed him away from the area. It's been doing this on a regular basis now whenever they meet up and he's fed up with this animals antics.

"I've had enough of this crap. You steal almost everything I kill and take it as you're own." Mason complained.

"It's just because you're not willing to put me down. That's the problem. Just admit it lad, you'll never beat me. Not like this." Maelstrom spoke in a deep British accent.

"Maybe I'll end it here, then. You wanna screw around with me as long as you please? I'm gonna make sure you breathe your last here, coward." Mason snapped.

"Says the one who always turns tail when I'm around." Maelstrom shrugged.

Despite his immense size, Mason is far more laid back than most people expect. It's because he treats life as a joke due to how easy it is for him. All he needs to do is open his mouth, eat, and swim. It's been like that ever since he was born but everything changed once Maelstrom met him.

This maniac has been a thorn at his side ever since that first meeting back in 2018. Whenever he thinks he's finally going to get back to his usual routine, in comes this bastard to ruin it. He has to be put down or else this'll never end.

"Are you this desperate?! I bet you followed me all the way here just to mess with me!" Mason roared.

"Wouldn't be too far of a stretch. You think of yourself too highly. 'Bout time someone showed you that you don't own these seas." Maelstrom shot back.

"I will in a minute..." Mason said under his breath as he charged again.

Maelstrom swam up and dodged the attack. But Mason was able to grapple onto his tail and swing him around. After he had let go, Maelstrom shook his head and headed towards the back of Mason who was still turning.

A small but of flesh was torn off of Mason but he didn't react. He dove down and whacked Maelstrom with his tail.

Maelstrom pushed through the water, aiming to bite off one of Mason's back fins. But he ended up biting the top part of his tail instead.

The Meuse Lizard tried to wriggle himself out, but Maelstrom had a firm grip on him as he began to draw blood. With one furious shake, Mason was free and continued to swim down.

He wanted to find something he could use to trap Maelstrom. Maybe a rock of some sorts. But right now he can't find any place that could be used to trap the Tylosaurus. The bay was shallow, and he couldn't find a rock either.

"Where are ya off to, lad? Another escape route perhaps?" Maelstrom joked.

"Running is not an option for me. Idiot." Mason hissed.

"Keep telling yourself that." Maelstrom shot back.

Right now, Mason wasn't scared of Maelstrom but he was more or less annoyed by him. The Tylosaurus thought so highly of himself and he's also getting tried of hearing his voice. He's got to find a way to gain an advantage somehow.

Mason sped across the bay with Maelstrom following closely behind. He was trying to find a deep enough area so that he can enact his plan because he's already been thinking of a way to get this annoyance out of his life.

Maelstrom repeatedly shot Mason some warning bites. He was liking how irritant the Mosasaurus was getting, it meant that he was losing focus. To Maelstrom, Mason was little more than an arrogant meathead. He talks a big game just because he himself is massive but when it comes to fighting something of his size that's where he fails at. He's only ever been as successful as he has been because what he hunts is smaller than he is.

The Tylosaurus was like a veteran. Mason on the other hand, felt more like a brat who was trying too hard. Maelstrom could already tell that just because of the Meuse Lizard's attitude.

He must've had a simple, easygoing life if an apex predator like him was so laid back. He's lucky he wasn't kept in an underground facility where he was barely given any attention.

The Knob Lizard rushed forward, ramming Mason from the side. The Mosasaurus stopped his advance and turned his body around. He then lunged again, this time aiming for Maelstrom's fins.

Blood began to pour into the water again. Maelstrom's left front fin was caught in Mason's mouth and he was keeping a firm grip on it. He tried to twist it, if he manages to rip even one of the flippers from the front it'll decrease Maelstrom's effectiveness when it comes to swimming.

Maelstrom then landed a blow to Mason's head as he was grappling onto it with his teeth. Begrudgingly, Mason released Maelstrom's fin and went for his underbelly instead. It might not limit his swimming capabilities but at least it'll hurt.

This made Maelstrom wail. Maybe he was wrong to treat this creature as a pushover. He's giving him the biggest challenge he's ever been in. The Tylosaurus bit onto Mason's head again and with that, he was able to swim away while part of his belly was still bleeding.

"Who's the wuss now?" Mason smirked.

"Zip it, ya bugger. We're just getting started so don't get cocky." Maelstrom growled.

"Oh, believe me. This is the last you'll hear from me. You know, after you drop dead." Mason laughed.

"We'll see, kid. Like I said, these seas aren't yours. They're mine." Maelstrom retorted.

"Can't have them if you're dead now can't you?" Mason said smugly.

"Real smartass, aren't you?" Maelstrom boosted towards him again.

Mason did the same. He hasn't had to go this fast in months, but if it leads to him winning then he can take it. The two of them bumped into each other as a splash formed above the surface.

While Maelstrom was stunned, Mason rushed over to the tail of the Tylosaurus and started to pull at it again. When his opponent regained his vision, he started to do the same to Mason.

If Mason doesn't want to let go. He'll make him let go by crushing his tail.

Splashes were going everywhere as both of them struggled to keep a hold of each other. Each one was tempted to let go to get away but Mason wasn't softening his grasp until he saw tons of blood.

As much as he wanted to keep going, Maelstrom ultimately decided to run. He's going to need to hold off on a head-on confrontation. He needs to strategize before he lands another attack on Mason.

Just Maelstrom's tail slipped from Mason's mouth, the Mosasaurus glared at him. Oh, he is not swimming away from this. They have yet to settle this so why don't they finish it now so it'll be easier?

Mason grabbed the part of Maelstrom's body where his fins would connect and he was pushing him forwards. The amount of blood he was seeing was satisfying. This creature kept on talking a big game and yet he cant even back it up.

And he says these seas belong to him? Perhaps he really is just an old geezer spouting gibberish after all.

Maelstrom then countered with the only move he thought would work. A barrel roll.

He started spinning to get Mason off, the Meuse Lizard was damaging him too much. He had to regain the upper hand to put this kid on his place. Being a reptile who is at the moment very determined to win, Mason kept his grip tight. Maelstrom's not getting away this time and if he tries to run, he'll make sure that the Tylosaurus breathes his last.

The more he spun, the more Mason began to feel dizzy. Both him and his opponent could be seen on the surface now. Not that it matters, those humans can't even do anything to him and if they try to ruin his fight then he'll make sure that none of them ever steps foot into water without feeling a fearful chill running up their spines.

Mason, using all his speed, dove downwards while hanging onto Maelstrom. When he reached a part of the bay that was deep enough, he proceeded to do what he was known for when he was preforming for the audience in Jurassic World. His leaps. He then positioned himself up when he found the right spot

A burst of water blew out as Mason rocketed out of the bay with Maelstrom in his mouth. But unlike the whale, he still wasn't dead. Not yet at least.

It truly was a spectacle. It was like watching a great white leaping into the air to catch a seal. Once they slammed into the water again, Mason had loosened his grip allowing Maelstrom to break free.

Now Maelstrom was on the run, how amusing. Mason was starting to feel more comfortable with this fight since he was now in control. He pushed through the water as he opened his mouth, sending threatening bites towards Maelstrom.

Just a few more inches and he can sink his teeth into that tail fin and tear it apart. If cutting off one of the front fins can't be done then that tail should suffice. And he was just about to do it too, until he was startled by something.

The depth of the bay was noticably deeper than earlier. There was a massive trench like area underneath. Where did this come from?

Most of San Francisco Bay was only 15 feet deep. But that doesn't mean that there aren't any deeper parts in the place. Under the Golden Gate Bridge was the deepest part of the bay. It was 371 feet deep down here which means that there's a chance Mason can finally form a better plan.

He returned his gaze to Maelstrom as he was rushing to the surface. He looked like he was in desperate need of something. The tip of his nose broke the surface and inhaled air. After that he dove in again.

Air is what marine reptiles use to breathe. They're not like fish where they use their gills because they have no gills. They still need to breathe from their noses from time to time. But that could offer up some problems.

Problems, that could be used as an advantage. Yes, Mason also needs to breathe air. But what if he can hold down Maelstrom for long enough until he drowns?

Certainly saves him the effort of chasing him. With that thought in mind, he himself rushed to the surface and took a large amount of air then quickly titled his head down and charged at Maelstrom.

Mason bumped into the side of Maelstrom which made the Knob Lizard roar in anger. This annoyance was beginning to become more than just a minor inconvenience.

"Won't let up will you, boy?" Maelstrom hissed.

"Not until you shut your stupid trap." Mason then bit onto Maelstrom's jaw to constrict him from using it to bite the Meuse Lizard.

Using the same force he used to drag down the whale, Maelstrom was slowly being pulled into the depths. He could tell that Mason was much more determined to win because his grip was even tighter than before.

Though he couldn't do it since he was holding onto someone. Mason wanted to laugh so bad. This thing made it seem like he was the top dog of the ocean, like nobody could ever stand up to him. Look at where he was now.

"Rule the seas my ass. Geezer can't even land a good blow on me. Way to exaggerate things." Mason scoffed.

Part of Mason did feel that he was getting a little overconfident. But who cares? He was in control of this fight, he was finally getting the vengeance he's been waiting for, what's not to like?

Maelstrom tried his hardest to pull himself out of Mason's jaws. But the more he pulled, the more he bled. This kid really was serious about winning.

The Tylosaurus tried in vain to wriggle himself away by shaking. But nothing came from it, Mason just kept on holding on. The thing about him is that even though he's laid back, he's still an apex predator. And when you push a carnivore to their limits eventually they're going to unleash hell upon you.

Mason sped up and pinned Maelstrom into one of the walls of the trench. When the Knob Lizard tried to swim away, he would keep slamming him into the wall.

He needs to get out of here. This can only get worse if he doesn't. Maelstrom needs to get serious if he really wants to win. If this brat is so desperate to kill him then why doesn't he send him on his merry way to the afterlife? It's all he deserves after-

No. He didn't. There's no way he could've.

Oh, but he did. And he was getting a colossal amount of excitement from what he had committed because by now he just sealed Maelstrom's fate.

Aquatic reptiles such as Mosasaurus and Tylosaurus need their nose and mouth in order to breathe air. Mason's solution was to take away one of those.

Air used to flow through Maelstrom's nostrils, but now they were shooting out blood. No wonder that runt was holding on for so long. He wasn't just gripping him, he wanted to hurt him in a way that would handicap him.

Maelstrom, with all the anger and frustration he accumulated during the fight, turned his body so hard it started to hurt him. He then slammed Mason into the wall as the Mosasaurus finally released him.

With that, he rushed to the surface. Not even caring if his opponent was still alive. He needed air and he needed it fast before he suffocates. This is the fastest he's ever pushed his body. And as his fins and tail swayed through the water, he was feeling a sheering pain because of how much force he was putting into swimming. He's lucky he's not a human or else he would've gotten the bends by now.

It was a slog to get through. Mason had pulled him in so deep that he wasn't sure how much he has left before he passes. 170 feet was the depth in which that brat pulled him to. He should've taken him more seriously and ended the fight early.

He could feel his lungs filling with water. If there's even a slim chance that he's going to survive this then he'll have to adapt to a new lifestyle of sticking near the surface which he is not used to since he mostly spends time in deeper water. And if he does this then he'll be spotted easier by the humans. But what choice does he really have at this point?

Maelstrom was growling intensely. If he dies to an arrogant child like Mason then what the hell was his life for? He didn't ask to be born and his life will mean nothing if he gets taken down but someone who was below him. 20 feet, that's all he needs until he can finally get some air.

15 feet.

10 feet.

5 fee-

"Don't forget old timer. I'm still kicking!" Mason cackled.

A bite struck. Mason began to pull on Maelstrom's tail dragging him back into deeper water. Right now it almost felt like Maelstrom wasn't a hunter anymore.

It felt like he was prey.

An animal that was desperate to get to a safe space. An animal that didn't want to face their enemy and just wanted to escape. That's what he was now and he hated being like this. He's a hunter, why the hell has he become the hunted?!

He was so desperate he started to bite at the water trying to get even a smidge of air into his mouth. But it didn't work. Mason just kept on pulling and pulling.

"Let me the hell go! You win! Is that what you want?!" Maelstrom begged.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You know full well what I want." Mason smiled sinisterly.

Maelstrom's fins were starting to ache. He could feel his body giving way but he wasn't allowing it to. Even though it felt like his bones were about to shatter.

The Tylosaurus. Someone who used to be feared throughout the ocean, was now wailing in fear like a small boy who was caught in a serious situation and had no idea how to resolve it.

"STOP! HAVEN'T YOU HAD ENOUGH?!"Maelstrom roared.

"Nah. This is way too enjoyable to pass up." Mason now reverted back to his more laid back side since this futile confrontation was finally nearing it's end.

The wailing turned into something else. If there were a term to describe how an aquatic reptile would cry, this is what it would sound like. Mason truly was as ruthless as his reputation would imply. After all, he was the one who killed the Indominus Rex. Somebody like him shouldn't have to listen to someone who thinks too highly of himself. He may appear to not take things seriously but if the situation doesn't go his way then he'll pull any dirty trick he can to ensure that it does.

First the lungs were filling up. And now he was choking. He couldn't take much more of this. Sure, he wanted to slap some sense into that moron with his tail but his body was failing him now.

All of this just because he ate a pod of orcas Mason was hunting two years ago.

"Please... Just a little more-" No, there was no more. Even if Mason had let go of him, his body was already at it's limit. He's exercised every strategy he can think of to shake Mason off, but his persistence outweighed everything else.

"Down you go. You worthless tryhard." Mason laughed.

The Tylosaurus' vision was darkening. It was almost as bleak as his soulless
black eyes. What he considered to be little more than a minor issue, turned out to be his downfall.

He underestimated Mason too much. That would be his final mistake.

There's a reason why the dinosaurs on Nublar were put off just by getting near the vicinity of his arena. Even Terry himself, the one dinosaur who all the others considered as the king of the island feared him. And it's not hard to see why. He was practically unstoppable, nothing has yet to push him to the edge where he feels like his life is at its end.

His vicious and determined nature is what granted him victory over others. And now nobody knew that better than the lifeless corpse that was sinking to the bottom of the bay.

Mason slowly swam over to where Maelstrom's head was. His eyes were still open even though there were no signs of life left in them.

The Meuse Lizard closed in on Maelstrom's face and whispered in his ear hole.

"These. Seas. Are. Mine." Mason declared, with the utmost of satisfaction.

He didn't even bother eating the Knob Lizard. Let him stay there as both a warning to those who dare to challenge the Meuse Lizard. And as food for the scavengers. That's all he's good for now.

With one big turn, the Mosasaurus swam away. Finally, he eradicated the only thing that's been standing in his way. And now he can dominate the seas for as long as he likes. Just like how it used to be. Things are finally back to how they were. How they should be.

Maelstrom's corpse sank to the sea floor. The sharks began to close in on the fallen reptile to see if he really was dead or not because they wouldn't want to be caught in the cross hairs of that monster.

Luckily for the sharks though, no life remained within that creature.

He bit off more than he could chew. Which is something that all predators need to remember. They all have limits, even the strongest ones but Mason seemed to be the only predator who didn't have a limit as to how strong he could be.

The seas only needed one ruler. As long as Maelstrom was in the picture it would never be clear who it was, but now that he's gone it's clear as crystal.

"If anyone wants to have a go at me. I won't be so forgiving next time. In fact, lemme go find some other apexes to take down. Best if I make it clear that nobody stands a chance." Mason said to himself.

If there were more of his kind just like Maelstrom, he'll drown them the same way. And even if they aren't as big as he is, he'll kill any and all aquatic reptiles left in the ocean to prove that he alone is superior to anybody else who dares to swim in the sea.

The whale corpse reached the bottom of it's resting site as well. The only good thing about its death was that it was short which meant it didn't need to suffer much. Unlike Maelstrom who's passing was extended because Mason wanted to see him beg for his life.

Nobody could hurt the whale now. At least it can rest without living in a sea commanded by a tyrant like Mason.

Author's Notes:
I set this rivalry up way back in Ripper's Journey II chapter 3. In fact I think I've already told some people that this would come back eventually in this story and man did I enjoy writing this sequence. I was a bit disappointed that the Mosasaurus only got a cameo in Jurassic World Dominion with two scenes where it didn't really do much. So for my own version of the movie I wanted to give the Mosa an action packed scene and what better way to do that than make it fight another sea monster?


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