Amor (The Sins Book 2) {HP}

By jokermadhatter

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Amor Morningstar had found her mates, yes she has two. The problem being, they are both in the Wizarding Worl... More

Cast List
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty

1.4K 43 1
By jokermadhatter

"What the hell?!" Voldemort uncharacteristically screeched.

"When did he become Bellatrix?" Lucius asked making woman in question's cousins snort and sisters raise an eyebrow. Everybody either screamed or froze seeing him.

"Can I do it?" Sirius asked. The group saw the angry look on his face. Barty and Rabastan were confused, they had been briefly filled in on the situation by Darrold and Cassie, and were recovering from the pain of the Dark Mark getting removed, but they didn't know everything. Lucius and Regulus didn't want anything to do with the Dark Lord and neither did the other two ex-Death Eaters. Amor and James, though, did know why he wanted to do it. They pushed him forward.

"Hey Moldywart!" Sirius yelled making the evil marshmallow turn around with angry glare. "Black," he snarled, "Come to die?"

"Nope, just wanted to say, you shouldn't have tried to kill my brother. Avada Kedavra!" he casted the spell so suddenly that Voldemort couldn't protect himself. Everyone watched him disintegrate into dust. Then the celebrations started. Everyone was cheering, people from the Daily Prophet ran out to try to get a picture of Sirius.

"Hey!" the new Savior yelled, quieting everyone. "I did it because I may have been a shit older brother but that sorry excuse of a being had attempted to kill him; I wasn't going to put up with it. Now, I am Lord Black, I know my curses, if you all keep bugging me, I'm not afraid to use them. You will not try to get stories out of, or pictures of my family and that includes the Potters, Tonks', and the Malfoys, got it?!" it was quiet, very quiet and some people nodded. "Good, now leave," he ordered and people ran. Regulus had been staring at his brother, his brother that he had gone without for so long. His brother that just killed the evil marshmallow because it had tried to kill him.

"We should leave before Dumbledore shows up," Narcissa suggested. James stood up, "Rabastan and Barty need to go with somebody so I can let them in the wards," he said. Sirius offered to take Rabastan as it seemed Barty had zoomed over to Amor's side and they appeared back in Potter Manor.

"I heard my brother's celebration about a Dark Lord being dead," Gabriel spoke up. He and Ted had stayed back to watch the children. "He's gone. He's actually gone," Lucius spoke, relief present in his voice.

"Yes Luci, he's gone," Amor said, the blonde glaring at her.

Gabe laughed, "Ah, you got your own Luci, I just noticed that. The other Luci is celebrating with Death I bet," he said.

Rabastan and Barty got to meet the kids, Rabastan met his nephew for the first time, and they both got rooms to stay in. Barty was wandering around when a painting spoke up, "Looking for something?" and startled him. Barty saw the name 'Charlus Potter' under the painting, "I was looking for James and Sirius. I needed to tell them something," he said. Charlus raised an eyebrow before saying, "Three rooms down," and left the painting, probably to warn them. Apparently three doors down is James' office, Barty knocked on the door. "Come in," he hears.

Barty opened the door and as soon as he saw James and Sirius he said, "Amor was like a motherly figure to me and nothing else," making the two relax. Amor and Jade had been the motherly ones to the wizard, Bela and Cassie were the older sisters. Darrold had become a father figure while Dolan was the fun uncle and King was the older brother.

Sirius was walking down the hallway, "Sirius?" he heard Dorea call. He found the painting she was in, "Yes?"

"Regulus is nearby, poor thing looked ready to cry," she said. He quickly found his brother with Gabe by his side, "Come on Lollipop, what's wrong?" the archangel was asking in a soft tone. It was a soft enough tone that told Sirius that the angel was not responsible for the way Regulus looked. "Reggie?" Sirius called. The next thing he knew, arms were wrapped around him and Regulus was sobbing his arms. "Happy tears? Sad tears? I gotta know, Reggie," Sirius said wrapping his arms around his brother. He gave a questioning look to Gabe who shrugged in response, he couldn't figure out why Regulus was acting like that either. "R-rel-liev-ved," he heard.

After five minutes of Regulus' sobbing, he said, "I can't believe you killed the Dark Lord because he tried to kill me."

"Nobody hurts my brother, either I'll kill them, destroy their painting, or burn them," Sirius replied, the last part he said towards Gabe and made a wings motion with his hands making the angel pale and mouthed 'Got it' while giving him a thumbs up. "Did he melt like a marshmallow?" Gabe asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, he disintegrated like a dehydrated one," Sirius replied, playing along. They both heard a snort from the younger Black before he pulled away. "Papa!" was heard. "Apparently I am being summoned," Sirius said.

"PAPA!" Harry screamed.

"I think Harry has a temper..." Regulus trailed off.

"He's a mix of a Potter, Black, and Morningstar. Of course he does," Gabe commented.

"PAPA!" Harry screamed even angrier.

"Coming!" Sirius yelled back.

"YAY!" Harry's yelling became cheerful.

"Definitely a Black," the brothers said before Sirius left the room, "I don't want to be an uncle yet. I know you're both guys but magic exists and one of you is an angel," Sirius adds, dodging the lamp that was thrown at him.

Amor, James, and Sirius played with Harry into the boy started to snooze off, "What are we going to do with Dumbodoore?" James asked.

"We could do something to make him reveal all of his secrets. I love those. We can even make sure Rita's there," Amor suggested.

"I would suggest asking Gabe if he knew a way to sabotage those disgusting lemon drops, but I think he's busy with my brother," Sirius said, his nose scrunching up in disgust at the end. He didn't mind his brother being with a man, it's just the implication of his little brother, his baby brother, having sex. Even if he had teased them as he left, he's Sirius Orion Black III, he can't help but make a comment.

The three got planning, making a potion to coat the lemon drops in that would activate once he hit Hogsmeade where Rita would be waiting. The three then stood outside Hogwarts, James asking the castle permission to let them in. Then they made their way to Dumbledore's office. Yeah, you read correctly, Dumbledore somehow talked himself into getting his position in Hogwarts back. The three were let in easily to the office, Dumbodoore was not even there. They heard yelps from the former Headmasters sliding out of there portraits and being locked out. "What else could we do?" Sirius asked.

"I've been holding off on feeding..." Amor trailed off. Amor was pretty much a succubus, she has the ability of one but she doesn't become all demony like one. Apparently Harry's would be similar when his creature inheritance came in, except he would be an Incubus. Anyway, a "succubus" feeds best from her mate because they are made to be an incubus/succubus' mate. The succubus/incubus can take more energy away from their mate(s) and it wouldn't harm them.

Sirius and James shared a look, cleaning charms flying through the room that wouldn't be noticeable to Dumbledore when he entered, Amor raised an eyebrow, "What? We don't know what he's been doing in here," Sirius defended himself and James. James had found a certain bird, "Fawkes, I don't think you want to be here for this," he said and the bird looked at the three of them before flying out.

"What if he tells Dumbodoore?" Sirius asked worriedly.

"He won't, Fawkes belongs to the Gryffindor Line," James said, holding up a chain in the cage, "Dumbodoore is so dumb, he didn't notice I broke Fawkes' chain a while ago. I didn't know why, but something was telling me to do it. Now I know."

The three paused before Amor was pulled towards the other two and down to the ground. The paintings were locked out for two hours and only got let back in when Dumbodoore was returning.

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