The Sacrifices We Made

By writerkemmy

50.1K 2.7K 582

After a divorce with your husband the last thing you want on your list is seeing him again 6,000 miles away f... More



1.1K 54 39
By writerkemmy

Look at that 2 updates in the same week even I am shocked 😲😳. Idk when the next time you're going to hear from me though I have no excuses for ghosting you guys after an update.

"We have a situation at Med cubes Alpha Tango C-13" Yixuan looked back between Xiao Zhan and The leader "holy shit come quick they have guns and Xiao Zhan is mad and Wooseok is getting mad soon" he whispers the last part "we are going to start to bag some bodies soon"

It wasn't long that the other five (+ Carter) busted the media cube door open.

"What's going on here" Yibo looked between Xiao Zhan the leader and the man lying at the bed who was clearly at the verge of fighting for his life.

"You are not touching Villar" The leader stared down at Xiao Zhan since he was a tad taller than him.

"No I am not going to listen to you I took an oath and to that oath lies my intentions in which are to save Mr. Villars life whether it is right or wrong with you and I am sorry mister if you try to stop me I won't hesitate to put you down" Xiao Zhan had his arms on his waist staring back at the leader

Soon the Alpha team and Carter had formed a barricade between {their husbands} (sorry 🤣) I meant the doctors and the bodyguards with their guns out too.

"Stay away from this sir" the leader looked at Yibo since he was the one who was in front of him.

Yibo didn't say anything but looked back at Xiao Zhan "Blessing is it going to be quick"

"No but it's very risky" Xiao Zhan looked back at him

"Are you going to be able to handle it" Yibo

"I will be I have my team with me" Xiao Zhan looked back at his team who were running around to prep the surgery room now that they had the green flag to go

"Okay I trust you then" Yibo gave a short smile to him "take care of him Blessing I will stay out here with them" he returns the earpiece back to his ear as Xiao Zhan goes past the doors with the rest of the team.

"Soo we are going to be out here for a long time why don't we get to know each other" Yixuan proclaimed

"Shut the fuck up" both the leader and Yibo turned facing him

"No hard feelings bros" Yixuan raised his hands

"Go back to your post sniper" Seungyoun spoke under his breath

"No need to be told twice" Yixuan was back to his post.

Inside OR

Xiao Zhan entered the Operation Room fully geared now ready to take on this.

"Just a minute more he'll be ready for you" Jiang Cheng chimed from his seat where he was regulating the anaesthesia on Mr. Villar.

Sizhui was excited to be there, this was going to be his first major surgery and he was going to be in it under the best of the best from the hospital, they were all in the OR with him.

"He's ready now" Jiang Cheng looked up from the machine.

Xiao Zhan looked around the room heaving "okay let's do this guys we got this" he approached the table internally silently saying the grace before taking the scalpel from Xingchen's hands slicing open the man's side.

Hour later.

They had finally gotten to the fractured side of the colon Wen Qing taking over Xiao Zhan.

"What I  am going to do is take out the fractured tissues and first and then Wooseok will work out the Perforation on the colon walls" Xiao Zhan filled in the team now that We Qing had finished making an opening to them. "And if all goes well Sizhui will close him up"

"Wait really" Sizhui chimed besides Jiang Cheng

"Yes buddy" Xiao Zhan smiled, changing his gloves with the help of Xingchen.


"How long is it going to take" the leader asked

Yibo didn't answer him, instead he stayed his post.

"How long is your doctor going to take to arrive?" Seungyoun retorted back.

"Let's not start scrambling on each other now" Wenhan gave Seungyoun a warning eye.

Inside Hours passed: 3:27

Xiao Zhan was finishing up taking the last fractured tissues when one of the nerves raptured spraying blood on Xiao Zhan's face. Thanks to the protective gear the blood didn't get into his eyes but it splattered on his cheek but some drops fell on Wooseok since he was beside him.

The group looked at him but he assured them he was okay.

"I just have to finish this" once he said that the man's heart rate went down and he started shaking.

"What's happening" Jiang Cheng asked as Xiao Zhan stepped back

"I don't know but  it's close to it" Xiao Zhan held the man down "Jiang Cheng increase the dose"

"But" Jiang Cheng was cut out by Xiao Zhan

"That's the only way we can stabilize him" Xiao Zhan looked as Jiang Cheng increased the dose of anesthesia in the iv drip. "Seok Take over"

Xiao Zhan takes the napkin from Xingchen, wiping his face. He looked at Villar analyzing the statistics.

"Other than Seok everyone get out" Xiao Zhan looked up after a minute

"Huh" Wen Qing looked at him not registering what he had said

"Get out and put the med cube under quarantine now" Xiao Zhan went over the man poking his lungs "he has the virus take A-yuan" he looked at Xingchen

"A-yuan" Xingchen took Sizhui's hands leading him out

"But Bl-" Sizhui looked back at Xiao Zhan who was talking distinctively with Wooseok

"He's going to be fine" Xingchen took him out "I want to believe it" he whispers the last part.

"Put this place under quarantine right now" Xiao Zhan looked at Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing "cover this side with the plastic that I got and also get blood work on every one who was in the ER and everyone who has worked with Villar and send it to the WHO labs in the main island under my name they will work faster if it's me and make sure no one comes in unless they are covered okay"

"Got it" Wen Qing nodded "be careful" she looked at him pitifully

"It's okay we'll manage" Xiao Zhan smiled under the mask "A-cheng if I got the"

"No you won't you are going to be okay" Jiang Cheng turned around leaving the room not giving Zhan the room to talk.

The four trickled into the outside room looking sullen. But Wen Qing too over the situation.

"I want to take blood work of everyone who has worked with Mister Villar for the past two weeks closely" She asked

The rest of them looked at her clueless

"If you and Villar have been close step aside" Jiang Cheng backed her up now that he requested it the others listened to him.

"What's happening" Sungjoo asked

"The patient has the virus that has been going around and gé wants everyone who has had contact with the patient to be tested if they have it" Sizhui answers them

"Is everything okay in there" Seungyoun asked not seeing the rest coming out after a while.

"No the two stayed back to finish up the surgery and to quarantine with the patient" Xingchen answered them

"Why" Wang Yibo came up.

"Well the victims blood came in contact with the both of them so that's that" Sizhui shrugged "so they might have contaminated the virus first hand"

"Oh" Yibo staggered back

"Are they okay" Seungyoun asked

"We don't know"Xingchen shrugged "but they are in there together they'll manage"

Back in the OR Hours passed : 5

"Can't believe this is the first time we are having time together alone in a long while" Wooseok jokes while he continues to fix up the Perforations on Villar.

" Come to think of it, that's true," Xiao Zhan laughed, taking up Jiang Cheng's position managing the anesthesia.

"So how's it been with you" Wooseok asked pointing at Xiao Zhan

"Why" Xiao Zhan asked

"I am just asking" Wooseok shrugged "I just want to know what's up with you"

"Well what to say about it I sorta emotionally adopted a child with my ex-husband and they have both resorted calling me Blessing which kinda gets me in the feels you know" Xiao Zhan shrugged.

"And" Wooseok dragged it

"And what" Xiao Zhan asked

"And continue of course what else" Wooseok laughed "you can't just stop when you just started"

"Okay and maybe it gives me this perfect illusion of us being a family" Xiao Zhan stopped "and you know it gets me really emotional at the end of the day because that was once something we wanted to have while we were together, also it is no was once a dream of mine to have a family with him" Xiao Zhan looked at Wooseok who was still finishing up

"What" Wooseok glanced at him "why'd you stop"

"I don't know why" Xiao Zhan sighed

"Is still a dream?" Wooseok ended with a questioning tone.

"Was once a dream" Xiao Zhan corrected him

"That's what you want everyone and yourself to believe" Wooseok raised his arms moving back "take over"

"Are you insinuating that I am lying to myself" Xiao Zhan chides

"Insinuating would be way off. I am pointing it out and telling you that you have been lying to yourself" Wooseok resumes with a pair of new gloves handing Xiao Zhan the tools. "Just why"

"Why not" Xiao Zhan tsked "wait why are we talking in whys"

"Why are you doing this to yourself" Wooseok sighed  "it's like you are torturing yourself with these cycle you are forcing yourself in to"

"What cycle" Xiao Zhan hummed as he stitched up Mr. Villar

"You think about it" Wooseok  shrugged "because some of the things you do them unconsciously Why would you do that to yourself"

"For the sense of familiarity" Xiao Zhan answered him "because I am selfish, because I want to retain 'this'" he looks at Wooseok dead in the eye "by 'this' I meant by whatever the fuck Yibo and me had going on before those officers came by"

"Bun" Wooseok brow furrowed and Xiao Zhan knew immediately he was pouting even by the name.

"Leave it Seok you are not going to get me talk more than I have" Xiao Zhan finished up the knot

"I wasn't going to" Wooseok helped him clean up

"You should tell the others that I am not blind and I know what you guys have been trying to do" Xiao Zhan smiles.

Just started to dive into Xiao Zhan's emotions after divorce and after them meeting in Kiribati how do we feel guys gals and theys.

Also any new readers in here.

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