Reading About The Child Of Ar...

By ArtemisTheOlympian

34.5K 733 195

We have gathered you here today to read about the greatest hero. Love, The Fates. "Hercules?" Zeus questione... More

Introductions and a Solstice Meeting
My Teacher Went Up In Dust
The Yarn Ladies
Barn Animals
A Bull-Fighting Experience
I Anger A God
Controller of Bathrooms
Burning Food
Big Doggie Comes To Visit
Quest Time Baby
This Bus is On Fire
Snake Lady and Garden Gnomes
Dogs Can Talk
I Battle A Chihuahua
I'm A Known Fugitive Check
Gods and Dining
Madagascar in Vegas
Shopping for Waterbeds
Annabeth Does Obedience School
We Sort of Find Out The Truth
Squashing Some Beef
I Settle My Tab
The Prophecy Comes True

How Did This All Happen?

2.8K 49 19
By ArtemisTheOlympian

(The Shakespearean,  Zoe speaks annoys me to no end so I won't use it a lot.)

Before you start reading the books, we must show you all how this all occurred, from the beginning.

-The Fates

The fates had left a crib for the sleeping baby Ariadne as well. Making sure that it was soundproof so the baby wouldn't awaken anytime soon. Artemis had gotten up and placed the baby in the crib to help her sleeping wife.

A big screen flashed against the wall of the throne room, large enough for everyone to be able to see the film clearly even if it was from across the room.

The film slowly started.

"No one speak this is going to be interesting but after the scene ends we can speak." Said Ariadne who was interested in knowing her parents love story.

The screen was dark but they heard rustling of trees and a sound that sounded like footsteps. The screen slowly got brighter and brighter

A dark haired girl was running through a forest. Her long night black hair which once fell in loose waves to her waist was now knotted. She was starving, as seen by the gauntness of her face. The grime that stained her skin covered her once-beautiful complexion. She was no longer the Hesperides that she once was.

This was Zoe Nightshade, the once favoured daughter of Atlas the titan of endurance and strength.

After assisting Zeus's son, Hercules, in obtaining an apple from the Garden of the Hesperides, the daughter of Atlas, fell from grace.

The girl sank to the ground sobbing as soon as she managed to escape the monsters her father had sent after her. Word had spread amongst immortals and monsters. Atlas seeks the blood of his banished daughter. All these beasts wanted to deliver her head on a platter.

After being banished, she lost her immortality and was without a place to go or a person to turn to. Nobody wanted to help the daughter of the general. Despite having put her faith in Zeus's son, she ultimately lost everything. She wished she had never fallen for the boy's deceit. She had been duped by the sweet words of the handsome man, and now she was lying in the midst of nowhere, pleading for assistance from any being.

She wasn't going to survive much longer she hadn't eaten in days. She had made an effort to push herself to keep moving. She did, with full sincerity. Her mortal body, however, was a great disadvantage.

She discovered that, despite her willpower, she was only capable of supporting herself on her hands and knees. Her arms were shaking from the strain of bearing her own weight they were about to give out from under her.

She heard rustling in the trees and knew it was the end.  Soon after, a silhouette crossed her line of view.

Just as her hands gave away a figure caught her.

"Do not worry dear. You are safe now. I have killed the threat." Said the soothing voice of the figure.

And for the first time in the past days, Zoe felt at peace in the arms of her savior. Her eyes which burned from the lack of sleep struggled to keep open, as she finally rested feeling utter serenity in the embrace of the girl.

"She's gonna blow" Ariadne said in a southern accent intoReyna's ear, and Reyna tried to suppress a huge laugh, managingto control it to a small snort. "Everybody duck and cover."


Everyone who did not listen to the warning was now rolling on the ground in pain trying to get the ringing sound to stop.

Zoe was blushing so hard she looked like a lobster.

All the hunters were sending her kissy faces and she turned away from them to hide her face leaning deeper and deeper into her seat. The issue is her seat was Artemis's lap so she was now stradling Artemis and face first into her breasts.

"I never thought I would see this PDA ever." Whispered Hermes. It really wasn't a whisper as every God looked towards where he was gesturing and were blown back by nose bleeds.

"I never knew that I needed this couple in my life until I witnessed it right in front of my eyes." Cried Aphrodite as Hephaestus handed her the never ending handkerchief he had been tinkering with.

Once the throne room was silent, the film played again.

Zoe had just awakened. She was laying in a cot in the middle of a room that looked like an infirmary.

"Here eat this." The same soft voice from yesterday said. Instead of handing it to her she helped her sit up and then held the nectar like a bottle helping her drink.

'Gods' Zoe thought,'Even her voice is perfect'.

A bit of it had poured and the auburn haired beauty wiped it off with her finger and then licked her finger.

"Never waste good nectar." Winked her savior. This made Zoe blush as the girl in front of her had the beauty of a goddess.

"Thank you. I am forever in thy debt." The dark haired demi-titan finally managed to speak out. Her voice a bit raspy.

"You are not in my debt, Lioness. You were just caught at a disadvantage if you had a better weapon then the one you carved out of tree branches then you surely would have defeated all those monsters." She said taking a look into my eyes. Her eyes were a bright silver almost like the moon. They looked mysterious and Zoe felt like she could stare at them for a century.

Suddenly she was broken out of her thoughts by a giggle. This caused her to lower her gaze and start playing with her hands.

After a couple of minutes, Zoe finally spoke up. "I am Zoe --- daughter of-"

"Atlas. I know dear, you do not have to tell me I was riding my moon chariot when I heard your pleas for help. I thought the worst until I realized you were the banished daughter." The beauty cut her off. "Your father will not harm you any longer. You are under my protection."


"You do not have to speak, but I don't think you recognize me I am Artemis."

"The goddess of the moon and daughter of Zeus." Zoe took her turn cutting the goddess off but the word Zeus left a sour taste in her mouth as she remember the reason she was here in the first place.

"You know of me?" The moon goddess smirked.

Zoe bowed her head " I did not ever consider meeting you but yes I have heard of all the Olympians."

" I wish it was under better circumstances, Lioness but I am pleased to meet you. I am the patron of girls and young women, so I have created a group of virtuous maidens to help Olympus by defeating monsters and giving the girls a safe place. I believe you deserve a better life and it is the least I can do to help you after the actions of my half brother."

Zoe thought for a couple of moments. The idea was amazing especially since she had no where else to go. Artemis seemed very nice and her being beautiful didn't exacltly make Zoe dislike the idea.

"You do not have to answer me right now, young maiden. But-"

"I will join." Zoe replied after a couple seconds of thinking.

Artemis beamed, her pearly white teeth showing, the despair Zoe felt left the room as soon as she saw it. She made a promise to herself to make the goddess smile more often.

"Now repeat after me, I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt."

"I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt." Repeated Zoe and then she was engulfed in a silver glow. All her worries removed as she was sat in front of Artemis fully healed in a new toga. All the grime off her face and her hair untangled and clean.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Thanked Zoe as she wrapped the goddess in a hug. Artemis froze and blushed at the contact but soon enough wrapped her arms around Zoe's waist.

'This feels nice.' Thought Artemis. 'I should make sure to hug her more often.'

As the entire throne room looked at the couple, the only thought flying in their mind was how did we not notice.

Artemis puts her head down to hide the deep blush on her face.

While Zoe's eyes flew wide open, never realizing that that's what Artemis thought of her.

"Your parents were really cute." Reyna whispered to Ariadne.

"Well that's where we get it from. I wonder what the future holds for us." Murmured Ariadne.

"Like Mother, Like Daughter." Said Apollo.

"But she's a bottom and Artemis gives top energy so she's more like Zoe." Replied Reyna without thinking.

Everyone choked a laugh

"REYNA." Ariadne shrieked. No one would be suprised if Camp Half Blood heard her at this rate.

Reyna let out a noise that Ariadne had never heard before; it was likea cross between a squeak, whimper and a groan. Had they not beenin the scenario they were in, she would have laughed.

This just made everyone laugh harder as Ariadne chased Reyna around the throne room.

"You get back here you no good lousy fuck. You-you." Ariadne was running out of things to say so she did the next best thing. "Hunters fire blunt wooden arrow at will. Whoever hits the moving target the most gets a month off of all chores."

The hunters looked at Artemis who nodded her head in agreement. They have to be told twice as they took out the arrows and started shooting at the Roman Praetor.

The throne room was a mess everyone was ducking and rolling to avoid getting pierced by the arrows.

This finally ended when Reyna fell in the middle of the chase and then Ariadne fell right on top of her. Their lips locked in a make out session until Artemis finally had enough of the PDA and pulled her daughter off Reyna onto her seat under her throne.

"Anyways, can we continue like this love story is really interesting." Exclaimed Aphrodite.

The film finally came to a start when everyone was seated quietly.

This time the scene was around the camp fire. Artemis and the hunters were sitting around the campfire telling stories as they cooked some meat for dinner.

As Artemis was laughing at something a huntress said Zoe noticed that she had abeautiful melodious laugh like bells.

Her skin glowed as the beams of the moon hit her. She looked absolutely breath taking. She was Zoe's best friend and closest companion in the hunt so these thoughts were normal. Best friends could see the other as beautiful right.

Artemis noticed her staring and sent her a smile. A gorgeous toothy smile just like the one she gave her when she first joined.

Zoe remembers the day as though it had just transpired yesterday; it was the day when she gained more than what she had lost. She had gained new sisters and a life full of adventure just by meeting Artemis; if she hadn't aided Hercules, none of this would've occurred. She would've been stuck in the garden forever never meeting the group who made her feel whole and as if she belonged. So in a way, she is grateful for everything that occurred because if Zoe hadn't assisted Hercules, she would have never met Artemis, the person she loves the most.

The screen then darkened symbolizing the end of the scene.

"You guys are the cutest couple since Helen and Paris." Squealed Aphrodite as she bounced in her seat. She couldn't believe it, Artemis had finally fallen in love.

Artemis's cheeks turned golden as she blushed. Zoe clasped their hands together.

The throne room was silent wanting to keep watching the scenes. They were all interested in this love story even more then they were interested in the Trojan War.

The memories started up again.

Under the stars is where Artemis first encountered Zoe. That particular night, the stars were unusually bright, sparkling in the sky.

Zoe was more radiant than the stars themselves because of how stunning she was. Even with all the grime, Artemis had never seen anyone more beautiful. She was a warrior a beautiful one at that. Her figure which was marred by scratches seemed to be carved to be the best. Even as she was running from the beasts of Atlas she looked like a queen among the world. Artemis intervened as she was intrigued by the warrior who stood firm like a lioness in the face off all her issues.

'Hmmm. She would make a fine huntress.'

And a huntress, Zoe did become. Zoe was not just a huntress, she was the huntress. She was the first one by Artemis's side in the face of danger. She would be the first one to volunteer to chores around the hunt. She was everything Artemis admired.

Zoe and the goddess become more intimate over time. Leading to her becoming Artemis's lieutenant. The first time Artemis had seen Zoe smile was when she had woken up in the infirmary. Even though Artemis had seen millions of smiles, Zoe's smile made the goddess feel warm inside as if it was inviting. While Zoe did smile a lot, Artemis realized that she had seen an even more beautiful smile then the ones her hunters saw everyday. Zoe's smile was that she smiled when she joined the hunt was the one that made her feel like Zoe was her home and she was glad not everyone witnessed it.

Artemis had made Zoe her lieutenant after Zoe had broken her foot. She realized that the hunt could simply not function the same without her just like Artemis could not live without Zoe. Zoe made her heart skip a beat. She was Artemis's queen even if she had not realized it yet.

Zoe was shocked by Artemis's decision but trusted her judgment. That day when she was made lieutenant changed the course of everything Artemis lived for. Artemis didn't believe in love, but now she did. After Zoe became her right hand, Artemis grew to discover that they shared many of hobbies and passions. This led to deeper, more intimate conversations about life.

 The realization that struck Artemis was when she realized that she wanted to create a life together with Zoe. Zoe showed her love at first sight did in fact exist and that Artemis was in fact head over heels for Zoe as soon as she met her.

One day, they were bickering like children about who won the hunt. Artemis said that her arrow hit the bear first but Zoe said that her's hit it first. This led to them bickering in the middle of the woods until the moon came out.

When the moon came out, Artemis realized that she missed looking at Zoe under the moonlight. Sweat glistened off the demi-titans forehead.

She was wearing a long, white tunic that clung to her slim, athletic frame. She had soft aristocratic features, full lips, and was stunning. She had nothing on save the small straps holding up her chiton and the loose waves of her jet black hair cascading down her back. Underneath her very chiton, her solid muscles could be seen to be in good form. Her healthy breasts and wide, round hips gave her a physique that was gently voluptuous.

But when Artemis looked into her obsidian eyes, all of this was entirely pushed to the back of her mind. She leaned in pushing Zoe up against a tree. She had leaned in to kiss the lips she craved. It seemed as though she was kissing a cloud because of how delicate her lips were. In response to Artemis's hushed moan of astonishment, Zoe used the chance to inspect Artemis' mouth with her tongue. They stayed like this until they needed to break apart for air. But soon after, Artemis was hovering over her, kissing down her jaw and neck and across her shoulder. Zoe was unable to form entire phrases; instead, her words were moans.

The scene soon ended.

As they continued to recall the sight in front of them, all of the demigods reddened intensely. Some people's nosebleeds even knocked them unconscious.   All of the gods were broken beyond repair, all of them in a dream world becoming stuttering messes.

The hunters had long ago fainted just at the sight of the lips of Artemis and Zoe touching. Zoe and Artemis were some of the most beautiful immortal girls and that made everything worse as nobody could get the imagine out of their head. Everyone kept their distance though, you can look but you can't touch.

Hermes and Apollo along with Ares were all knocked out in a puddle of ichor so there were no funny comments.

"Artemis, I'm going to need a threesome with you two."

"No. I want one."

"No. Meee. I was the one to tell Artemis to break her vow," Bellowed a certain love goddess.


"I suddenly want to go on"

"Man PornHub is better."

"That was hot as fuck."

"I never knew I needed that. That was better then pornhub. Now I wanna see them have sex."

"I did not need to say my parents kissing. Ewww. I feel sick." Complained Ariadne who was pulled into a makeout session by a horny Reyna.

"Now you know how I feel seeing that girl kiss you." Remarked Artemis causing Zoe to smack her shoulder. Artemis out of instinct grabbed the hand as it was going back to Zoe's side and placed a kiss on it making Zoe blush.

Suddenly, Ariadne summoned a wave of water to smack everyone awake. Everyone awakened from their state of whatever the fuck they were in. But some people who were making innapropriate comments found themselves with fish in their mouth

After everyone was back in their seat, the screen flickered.

The screen showed another scene this time it was at an archery court.

Artemis was with a dark haired man with olive skin and sea blue eyes. He has been a hunting companion of Artemis ever since she first saw him while pursuing the manticore that was at large in a region of Crete close to a town of mortals.

She had pursued the largest stag she had ever seen on her route to destroying the manticore. She met Orion there, and he had challenged her to a hunting game and came close to beating her. This led to him gaining Artemis's favor.

When Orion joined the hunters it prevented Artemis from spending time with Zoe, the jealous daughter of Atlas could barely keep everything under wraps.

Orion was standing too close to Artemis, who was oblivious to him. Orion was dressed in a tunic that showed off his strong hands. Given that he was one of the more attractive men, it's possible that Artemis liked having him around. Zoe now wished she was a male so she could beat Orion until he was completely black and blue. She felt this was the only way to deal with these foreign emotions and the pit in her stomach.

As soon as Zoe noticed Orion glancing at Artemis's behind as his hand lightly brushed her waist, her teeth clenched and her fist balled up. Her whole body stiffened. Undoubtedly not in a good way, Zoe could feel her skin beginning to crawl.

'How dare he? Only I can touch her there.' Zoe quickly left the place not wishing to witness anything else as her heart felt like it was sinking lower and lower into her stomach.

Zoe spent the next few days avoiding her lover completely. She didn't want those weird feelings to return. They left her feeling not good enough for the goddess. When she did this she didn't realize the crescent fall looks the goddess sent her way or even the way it looked like tears were welling up in her eyes.

The less time she spent with Artemis the more she spent it with a new huntress named Atlanta who was a daughter of Apollo. She had straight blonde hair and baby blue eyes. She was one of the prettiest hunters definitely but the more Zoe talked with her the more she realized how much she craved Artemis's touch.

She reminisced the feeling of Artemis's lips on her neck or how she sent shivers down her spine when she let out a shaky breath after a make out session.

What Zoe didn't realize was when she was thinking about Artemis she had zoned out and was looking straight into the eyes of Atlanta as her gaze held affection but not for the one in front of her, no it was affection towards Artemis.

Artemis who was walking to her tent saw Zoe. She could sense the arousal from her aura as she looked at the daughter of her brother. The new huntress was playing with Zoe's hand as she spoke to her.

'That was the look she used to give me.' Artemis thought.

Something in Artemis snapped. This is why she's been ignoring me because she moved on and likes someone new? Did she forget all our times together. Instead of sadness all Artemis felt was anger as she was about to explode.

"ZOE!" She barked marching over there and pulling her away from the blonde girl. She took her to the tent making sure to snap her fingers so no one could enter for the time being.

She threw Zoe onto the bed looking at her like a predator stalking her pray. She proceeded to pin Zoe's arms over her head.

Zoe looked at her in shock. Wondering what was wrong with Artemis?

"First you ignore me for days and now your playing me with my brothers child." Growled Artemis.

"Artemis." Zoe whimpered,

"I'm going to teach you a lesson." Artemis said eyes clouded by red at the thought of Zoe under the daughter of the sun god now whimpering and writhing under her touch like she would do with her.

 "What is it about her?" Artemis asked.

"Who, Artemis?" Zoe shook her head. 

"Atlanta." Artemis watched Zoe's eyes open wide. "Tell me what it is about her! Does she like you more than I do? Does she make you feel better when you're with her than with me? Does she know you better than I do?" The moon goddess pressed her lips angrily, desperately, to Zoe's. 

"Does she kiss you better than I do?" she whispered. Artemis leaned down placing rough kisses on the neck of her huntress.

Zoe looked into her eyes. "Artemis, are you... jealous ?" 

Artemis pulled away from her and walked to sit down on her bed. "Am I jealous, Zoe? Is that what this is? Because I really don't know what I'm feeling right now. All I know is that I really don't want to lose you to another woman. You've been ignoring me and spending more time with her"

Zoe walked over to her and squatted down in front of her, grasping her hands and looking into her eyes. "You don't have to worry my love. I was ignoring you because of Orion. You were always with him and I didn't like the way he was looking at you like a piece of meat. It angered me to no end and I knew if I talked to you about it. It would cause me to say stuff I didn't mean so I just ignored you."

"Are you sure?" The silver eyed beauty asked. " I didn't realize what he was doing you should have told me and I would have sent him away from camp."

Zoe smirked and stood up, letting go of Artemis's hands to rest her own on the moon goddesses shoulders and push her back onto the bed, straddling her hips. She leaned down and entangled her tongue with Artemis's. When she pulled back she ran her hands through her hair and looked, into her eyes. "Absolutely. I love you and only you. No one makes me feel the way you do and nobody ever will touch me the way you do."

Artemis smirked as she easily rotated her body, pinning Zoe under her, her ears delighting in the startled yelp Zoe emitted. She pressed her lips to the obsidian eyed girls. The Hesperides smiled contently at the feel of Artemis's body pressed against hers and the moon goddess's lips commanding control of her body and mind alike.

Zoe was wrapped in Artemis's arms as Artemis again mashed her lips against her own. After taking a moment to gather herself, Zoe placed her arms around Artemis's waist and pulled her close to her, kissing her back with just as much intensity. She tasted like caramel, so delicious that there was never enough of her to go around, and she believed she could survive only on the pleasure of kissing her. Zoe pressed her cheek against Artemis' neck once the kiss was over.

"My lioness. Tell me you are mine." Artemis said as she sucked on Zoe's neck.

" I am yours." Zoe moaned.

"Can anyone touch you like I do?" 

"NO- no one can." Zoe shrieked then whimpered.

"Good girl." Artemis praised. "Now let me get to work."

The screen suddenly dimmed you could only hear the tearing of clothes.

"ARTYYY'S A DOMMM." Cheered the sun god.

"Round of applause and drinks on me for my sister's coming of age." Hermes said.

Dionysus summoned wine for all the Gods and teens but for some figures cough the Stoll cough he summoned apple juice.

"This taste's like apple juice." Said Travis.

"Yeah it does, but I can already feel it affectin mw." Connor slurred his words making Dionysus laugh.

"After this I don't think I need to watch porn in a long time. This left me more hot and bothered then the doctor check-up videos." Said Aphrodite.

"I wanna see some CDC."

"How the fuck do you know what CDC is Nico?"

"He's a horny teen who watches gay porn what do you expect?"

"To be honest lesbian porn is better." Remarked Reyna.

"And how would you know this? Do you watch it?" Asked Ariadne.

"No but we sure do make a movie every night babe." This led to Ariadne wishing the ground could just swallow her as the throne room suddenly went silent everyone looking at the couple.

"YOU'VE HAD SEX?" Thundered Artemis.

"Well you see I'm 18 papa." 

"I don't care what age you are. How dare you defile my daughter you no good Roman."

Suddenly Zoe started whispering in Artemis's ear making her calm down but she still struggled to remove the glare from her face as she gave Reyna looks that can kill. 

 Artemis and Zoe flashed out the throne room, Zoe threw her daughter a wink before leaning into Artemis's embrace.

"Mama, really saved your ass." Whispered Ariadne to Reyna.

"Did not, I wasn't afraid." Replied Reyna. Ariadne was suddenly pulled off the seat under the throne and thrown onto a love seat. Reyna sat Ariadne on her lap. They whispered to each other giggling causing the demigods to wiggle their eyebrows at each-other and point towards the couple.

When the group realized Artemis and Zoe were not coming back anytime soon, everyone went out to get snacks as they knew it was a long day ahead of them. The group later came back to the throne room an hour later. 

Just in time to see the parents of Ariadne flashing in.Artemis seemed to be 5'9" towering over Zoe's 5'5" frame, with long auburn hair that fell to her waist in a way resembling Ariadne's but with curls rather than waves and piercing silver eyes that Ariadne had undoubtedly inherited from her. There was not a wrinkle or flaw to be seen on her clothing. Zoe was breathtakingly attractive and possessed characteristics that were identical to Ariadne's. She had long, black hair and eyes the color of obsidian, almost like the specks in Ariadne's eyes. Their arms were ornamented with gold bangles that complemented the white chiton they were each wearing beautifully. They exuded perfection, regalness, and power in every way.

Reyna squirmed uncomfortably as she became conscious of the situation she and Ariadne were in. Before her, the parents came to a stop and motioned with their hands for the two to follow them. Inhaling deeply, Reyna helped Ariadne get off her lap. She gave the big three's kids who were laughing behind her a murderous glare as she grabbed Ariadne's hand, holding it tightly in her grasp, as she was escorted by the Moon goddess and her lover out of the throne room.

The demigods and the Gods and Goddesses both broke out in hysterics as soon as the throne room doors closed. Reyna did not feel like laughing when she was on the other side of the doors. Reyna was receiving the death gaze from Artemis, and Daphne was receiving a disappointed look from Zoe. Reyna wanted to dig a hole and burrow up inside of it, but she resisted the need to be weak in front of Ariadne's parents. 

Her subconscious informed her, "That's what she wants you to do." She could have said, "That's what I want to accomplish," but instead she stood up straight and returned a neutral but not arrogant expression. Reyna believed she saw Artemis' features briefly flash with astonishment. 

"I need to ask you something, demigod, before we settle down and feel at ease here." Artemis was frowning as she observed Reyna.

"Yes, ma'am," Reyna hesitated, and Ariadne clasped her hand while mouthing that everything would be well.

"What intentions do you have regarding my daughter? Do you intend to wed her? Do you intend to grow the family? Do you intend no purchasing wolves with her? What names are you planning to give the wolves?"

Reyna grinned while squeezing her girlfriends hand. "I want to love her with everything I have for the rest of my life, till the day I die, ma'am."

"When the timing is appropriate, ma'am." Artemis furrowed her eyebrows when Reyna responded, evidently surprised yet appreciative of the response. 

"Reyna, you better look after her. The best is what my little lioness deserves." At those words, Zoe clung to Artemis' arm while gazing up at her with adoration as Artemis grinned. 

Ariadne's waist was wrapped by Reyna's arm. "I swear on the river Styx, ma'am. I have never had a good parental figure but took it upon myself to become a leader at Camp Jupiter and strive to be the best I can be. When I met Ariadne my life changed I realized it was fine not to be serious all the time. I learned to loosen up and have more fun. I love Ariadne for helping me find apart of myself that I thought was long gone. I also want to emphasize that I abide by all of your rules and that I want to earn your trust. I don't play games; your daughter and this relationship are vital to me. I only wish to love her until my last breath. I cannot imagine my life without her as she is my life." 

Artemis looked like she was waiting for her to get smitten but later on threw her a small smile. 

Reyna was suddenly being hugged by a sobbing Zoe. She froze before giving her a fierce hug back.

Artemis laughed, "Good choice my little moon. I'm delighted you've found someone so wise and noble, I wish you happiness." she said.

"I love you Papa." Ariadne said before enveloping her papa into a hug. 

Ariadne approached Reyna immediately after Zoe had released her, putting an arm around her waist and softly cozying up against her. 

Artemis observed the pair. "I have started to favor you, Reyna. You'll make a fantastic future spouse for my daughter, in my opinion. I also have a few questions for you concerning your life and the things that have happened, but they will have to wait until another time. Let's return to the throne room for the time being to discover more about my daughter's past."

As soon as the doors to the throne room opened, everyone leaning up against the door to listen to the conversation looked like a deer caught up in the headlights.





"Your children will be very attractive." 




"I am expecting many, many grandchildren." Zoe spoke up.

The said couple reddened even more if possible, and Thalia mocked, "Awwww, they're so young and innocent. I bet they haven't even considered it." If not for their seemingly irrational need to learn the answer for themselves, Zoe and Artemis would have spoken.  

"We've done more than simply speak about it." Reyna felt a sudden surge of pride, and before she could stop herself, the words came out.

Everyone immediately stopped laughing and gave them wide, bewildered looks.

Ariadne shouted, "You blithering fool," and hit Reyna hard on the head.

These people were her family. A crazy family that had more drama then they had brain but still they were Ariadne's family and she wouldn't have had them any other way.

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