big time rush - kansas confus...

By SheridenLloydFanFic

533 15 1

isabelle howard wakes up to realise her life is not how she remembers it. pretty much everything has changed... More

big time rush - kansas confusions to california clarity
chapter two
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6

chapter 7

40 3 0
By SheridenLloydFanFic

As it was mine and kendalls birthday James had driven me round to see him, penny was unfortunately there, but I didn't bother making any conversation with her.

"happy birthday kendall" I said giving my life long friend a hug and kiss.

"happy birthday bells" he replied.

"I was thinking we could go out to a club tonight what do you think?" He asked.

I looked at James "I'm not sure..." He began saying.

"no its fine James, I think it would do everyone good to have some fun," I said.

"okay well if that's what you want to do bells then we can do that" he said. "but I've got a few interviews to do today, I'm not going to get back until around 9... Sorry" he added.

He really did look sorry too. I took him in my arms and gave him a kiss. All affection now felt very natural with James.

"its okay, I can wait til 9" I said as I enjoyed his strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"well just go with Logan bells, your friendly with him again now aren't you, I bet he would love you to call him and ask him to look after you until James gets there" kendall said.

"oh yeah okay, that sounds good, I will do that now" I said pulling my phone out of my pocket, I scrolled and scrolled trying to find Logans name but it wasn't on there.

"if I'm such good friends with Logan then why don't I have his number?" I said out loud as I  scanned through my contacts once more.

"let's see" James said and took the phone from me, he then laughed,

"there you go, he wasn't listed under Logan" James said chuckling.

I looked at the contact, the name simply said whoreo.

"whoreo?" I said out loud.

"ya Logan is your little whoreo" James said chuckling.

I rolled my eyes then dialled the number.

I had a really good chat with Logan, it seemed effortless. I really felt my connections where still there even though the memories weren't.

He agreed to pick me up at 7 from my house, I had decided against spending the day at kendalls even though James was out of town being interviewed for most of the day. I honestly couldn't stand to be in the same company as penny for that long.

Fox and I had a nice day in the garden just relaxing, I had time to collect my thoughts. I played with my medical bracelet as I sat there thinking, soaking up the sun. I honestly felt like my memories were now on the tip of my tongue, trying to spill out.

Before long, Logan had picked me up.

"hey whoreo" I said mocking him as I got in the car.

"oh my God... Bells do you remember that?" He said full of excitement.

"no... Sorry, its your name on my phone" I laughed.

"oh, that's a shame, I thought you had remembered everything" he said sadly.

"no sorry" I said

"its okay... You know penny dropped by mine last night, I had to give her two hundred dollars or she said that kendall would be receiving a very different kind of birthday surprise" Logan said with hate in his voice.

"what? Jesus Logan why do you give it to her?" I asked

"I'm scared that kendall will lose the plot and break the band up" he replied.

"he lost the plot at me the other day when I said something about penny" I confessed.

"you didn't tell him about me did you bells?" He asked.

"no course I didn't, I just asked how he ended up with someone like her, and he had a go at me, saying he had hoped for a fresh start... Which pissed me off" I replied.

"she treats him like shit" Logan then said as he drove us to the club I would be spending my birthday celebrations in.

"yep... That's obvious... So what's the story behind the whoreo name?" I asked.

Logan laughed "I have a bit of a reputation with the ladies, one of my lady friends you had the pleasure of meeting at breakfast... Erm not going in to details but whoreo is an amusing word for what I ... Errr... Its just a funny word for breakfast bells... Like cheerios... But whoreos...You had to be there to get it." He ended up saying.

"I was there though" I laughed.

"you know what I mean" he replied.

We arrived at the club, it was fancy looking, not like ones I had been to in Kansas.

Logan and I met Carlos inside, he was drunk, and had seemed to of forgotten that I didn't really know who he was anymore. He was picking me up in a huge bear hug, wishing me happy birthday, he even scruffed my hair up, which I found irritating, Carlos did seem very immature, but he was having fun.

I couldn't see kendall any where, maybe he was running late.

"do you want a drink bells?" Logan asked me,

"sure, just a bottled water though please, I don't trust places like this to make sure I get what I actually ask for" I said thinking about the watered down and mixed drinks that some places did that could cause me harm.

"no problem!" Logan replied then walked off to the bar.

Kendall grabbed me around the waist from behind and twirled me round.

"happy birthday to you.." He sang to me.

"hey mister... Your late!" I said giving him a hug.

"yeah sorry, penny took me out for dinner first, she treated me to champagne... And the most delicious cheesecake I've ever eaten" he said smiling away.

my heart sank a little bit for kendall as I realised that it wasn't penny that had treated him, it was infact Logans money that she had used.

"sounds nice" I replied trying to sound upbeat so not to ruin his special day.

I looked at penny, she was dressed in such designer gear that kendall I expect had paid for, she had her hair in some expensive looking up do.

I noticed Carlos greeting kendall with a slap on the back. I then smirked to myself as he moved on to penny and he attempted to do the same thing to her hair as he done to mine. But she slapped his hand away and screamed "don't you fucking dare" at him.

It was then that I felt like I had been hit with a thousand thoughts all at once, a rush of memories sped through my mind. Penny saying those words that I had heard in my dreams had somehow unlocked the floodgates to my mind and I was now armed with a ton of information.

"bells are you okay?" Logan said as he handed me my water.

"no... Well yeah I'm... Shit Logues, we have to go... NOW!" I said and dragged him off out of the club.

"what's going on Isabelle?" Logan asked as he started his engine, "where are we headed?" He asked.

"you didn't sleep with penny... She lied, you fell asleep, that's all you did, you just passed out from being so drunk, that is what I was going to tell kendall the day I got hit by the car, that's what didn't make sense yesterday when James took me to where it happened... I knew something wasnt adding up... Take me home, I need to read that letter" I blurted out.

"really? I never did anything? She told me all this stuff we had done bells" he said as he drove.

"but do you actually remember doing it with her?" I asked.

"... No... No i dont" Logan replied " what a bitch!" He then added.

"you have no idea... I have been having these dreams, I couldn't work them out to begin with, but James took me to where I got run down yesterday. Something didn't feel right, and I've worked out what it is now." I rambled out.

"well what then" logan said confused

"the day I went to meet penny in Starbucks to try and sort things out for you, we argued, it was then that she said that you two hadn't actually done anything, and that you were a drunken mess, I then said to her that I was going to tell kendall that she was getting money out of you, as you hadn't done anything wrong, so there was no danger of the band breaking up" I explained.

"so that's what you were going to tell kendall, that's how you had fixed everything?" Logan asked.

"yeah, I phoned you, left that voice mail, but then do you remember I said I had to go half way through? That was because of penny, she had caught me up. We argued about me telling kendall that she was blackmailing you, and the last thing she screamed at me was 'don't you fucking dare' I then got hit by the car... Logan I didn't walk out on to the road she pushed me" I said in disbelief at my own memory of the whole incident.

"what the fuck? Are you sure bells, I know penny is a bitch... But... Fuck!"

"I'm sure, that's what I couldn't work out yesterday, James had to park at Starbucks then we walked the rest of the way to where I was hit. I knew something didn't make sense, kendall said that penny was the one to call the ambulance, but she shouldn't of been there, her car was parked at starbucks, I was getting the bus, she obviously panicked that she was going to lose kendall and her free income that he gives her then came after me" I said.

"Jesus Christ bells!, this is insane" Logan said as he pulled in to my drive way.

I ran inside and rifled through a load of paper work,

"shit kendalls tried to phone me Isabelle... A lot, what do I do?" Logan asked.

"just ignore it" I said as I finally found what I was looking for.

"bells can you remember everything now?" Logan asked his voice hopeful.

I looked up, "yeah I can logues... Every single thing" I said with a smile, as my lovely friendship that I shared with Logan came back.

I was over come with emotion and walked over to Logan and gave him a hug. "I'm so sorry I called you an ass hole the other day logues" I said giving him a big squeeze.

"oh my baby bell your back" he said squeezing me just as hard.

Kendall burst in the door to my house then.

"Henderson what the fuck is going on? You can't just run off with her without telling anyone, James is fucking furious with you. He is on his way now... What the fuck is going on?" Kendall said angrily as he eyed Logan and I in our embrace.

"bells can remember everything" Logan said.

"what? Honest? that's amazing bells!" Kendall said now giving me a hug.

I eyed up penny, she knew she was in the shit for pushing me.

"kendall I need to talk to you" I said but penny interrupted,

"kendall cmon let's get back to celebrating your birthday" she said trying to drag him away.

Just then James walked in.

I looked at him, my beautiful, gorgeous, handsome boyfriend. I felt he knew I had my memories back, he really could see it in my eyes.

"bells?" He said

"oh my God... Baby" I said jumping in to him and wrapping my legs around his waist as I kissed him.

I finally felt that I was me again "oh my God... I love you so much James..." I said inbetween kisses.

"I love you to bells... I'm so happy" he said filling over with emotion.

"izzi, I think you need to explain what you know" Logan said.

I let ho of james and looked at penny.

"kendall come and sit down with me" I said pulling him over to my kitchen table. I thought penny would leave, but she stood in the corner of the kitchen, I think she was hoping for some miracle of forgiveness from kendall.

I explained to him, what penny had done to Logan,I wasn't sure if he believed me, he loved her so much. It wasn't until I got to the part that I remembered that it was penny that had pushed me that he broke down in tears, he just stared at her for such a long time.

"get out of my house" James eventually said to her as he came to terms with what had been said.

"no stay there penny, there is a bit more to what happened" I said.

"kendall it wasn't like that" penny begged "I didn't mean to hurt her, she is taking it out of context. I shoved her but I didn't mean to push her in to the road it was an accident" she begged.

Kendall looked at me "it wasn't an accident kendall" I said seeing the hurt in his eyes.

"why did you do that to Logan though penny?" He asked her.

"I don't know, I wasn't thinking... Baby I love you, no one can love you like I can" she said putting on her crocodile tears.

"kendall you have got to be joking, you can't honestly forgive her for all that shit" James said as he watched kendall walk over to penny as she cried in his arms.

"I don't know what to think" he replied as he kissed her on the forehead.

"maybe this will help kendall" I whispered as I moved my letter across the table and pointed to some of the text, he walked back over and read it.

"I don't get it" he said.

James then walked over and read it "Penny Hibbs" he said out loud. As he looked at the letter that the hospital had sent me. Stating that penny was with me when I was admitted.

"I was still concious when I was brought in to hospital, I may have had a fractured skull and had my eyes shut, but I was still concious. Penny was with me and she took my bracelet off. Then after surgery she put it back on. So when James flew back in and visited me nothing would look out of the ordinary, but unfortunately for penny, James takes a lot of notice about my allergies and asked about the bracelet after I went in to shock after the anaesthetic. So penny even if you didn't mean to push me in front of that car, you meant to try and kill me by removing my bracelet" I said looking her in the eye.

She had real tears fall from her eyes then knowing that kendall was never going to forgive her for this.

Kendall stood up "did you do that?" He whispered.

Penny nodded with tears streaming down her face "I'm sorry, I did it because I love you, I didn't want to lose you kendall" she blubbed out.

Kendall got his phone out of his pocket.

"what are you going to do?" Penny asked him wide eyed.

"you tried to kill my friend... Twice, I'm phoning the police." He said

Penny slumped to the floor and started howling.

James then took my hand and guided me out in to the living room, Logan followed us.

I sat down on the sofa with James, he pulled me in to such a big hug,

"bells I can't believe all this" he said.

"at least I'm back, at least I can remember you, Christ James, I love you so much, I love our life so much." I said burying my head in to his shoulder. he didn't smell like home any more, he just smelt like James, he smelt like he always had. He was my home.

"least I won't have to sit through the third twilight again with you" he said chuckling and giving my head a kiss.

I looked at Logan who was just sat watching James and I, he kind of made this eye contact with a raise of his eyebrows that I knew to mean "this is amazing but so fucked up".

It was so nice to be able to do things like that again instead of looking at familiar strangers.

I smiled at Logan then laughed.

"what you laughing at bells?" Logan asked.

"you! And your attempt of trying to politely explain the whoreo incident" I said as I remembered walking down stairs one morning after a party and finding Logan under my kitchen table giving his date that he had oral pleasure while she ate her breakfast.

"whoreo...." I said laughing.

The end.

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