Incubus [malexmale]

By rotXinXpieces

1.9M 93.4K 18.1K

"A dog could only be kicked so many times before it became vicious." And Alexius has become just what he was... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Four

46.8K 2.3K 265
By rotXinXpieces

Chapter Four (Killian)


My shout went unheard, however, as I could only watch in miserable horror as the incubus cambion, Alexius, reached out and took Ulric's hand. I gripped the sides of the Oracle that trembled under my anger before I pushed myself away, afraid that I might break the thing out of sheer rage. The Oracle flickered and went out, becoming dark and revealing my angry expression in its depths.

We had lost the incubus cambion.

But how? How had it been so easy? What had they offered him that was so seductive as to manipulate him into a civil war?

This cambion was not stupid, that much was obvious. He certainly didn't look stupid either. While he was stunningly gorgeous, his being a cambion made him all the more delectable. He was a beautiful creature with hair like smooth milk chocolate that fell in straight locks to his well muscled shoulders. His eyes were an eerie, yet alluring shade of pale mint green, surrounding two slitted black pupils that seemed to watch things very carefully. He was very observant, I saw that the moment I'd seen him come out of the lake, water running down his lean, muscular body. And like many of his species, he had overgrown black nails. They weren't disgusting, no. They were smooth, well-kept, and powerful. Much like the the black horns that peered through his hair, just centimeters above pointed ears.

He actually made my body ache for him-- and my kind was supposed to be known for evading the likes of incubi.

Was this the power of the cambion?

I couldn't be sure, but that wasn't the problem right now. Right now, the problem was the fact that this extremely powerful cambion had just fallen into the hands of the Ethos rebellion and had just created quite the shit storm.

I instantly whirled around away from the Oracle, storming out the doors and into the open hallway that went through the air to the main building. I moved quickly, my heels echoing as I slammed my hand into the doors in front of me, throwing them open. Inside, Kalziar was sitting at the table, filing my papers to join the rebellion army as an undercover agent. Beside him, Ryouta had been reading off numbers. Now they both jumped, whirling to stare at me in disbelief.

"We have a problem." I stated, listening to the doors clatter shut behind me. Kalziar's eyes widened and he shot to his feet as Ryouta dropped his files on the table, coming forward to stare at me.

"Please tell me you're just talking about bad blood." Kalziar tried, referring to the fact that I fed off blood and occasionally came across someone who had dirty blood. Dirty blood meaning that the person was an abomination, a cruel essence of evil and wickedness. How badly did I wish to tell Kalziar that he was correct, however, I was forced to shake my head.

"Son of a bitch." Kalziar stated, reaching up to run a hand through his curly black hair before he tied it back with a rubberband. Ryouta grimaced and looked from him to me now.

"What cambion?" He asked, though, I'm sure he already knew.

"The incubus cambion." I informed grimly. Ryouta gritted his teeth and Kalziar threw his hands up in exasperation, spewing things in his native tongue. I frowned as I looked between them.

"The situation has taken a turn for the worst. It would seem I need my papers filed as soon as possible. I need to make my presence within the rebellion solid. I will summon Ulric as he seemed to be their recruiter. We must do this as soon as possible. Every moment we waste is another moment given to them to begin a war." I explained firmly. Kalziar nodded and quickly returned to the papers, moving much more quickly now. Ryouta's eyes followed him before he turned to me with a frown.

"How did this happen? What did they offer him?" He asked, confused.

"Probably power... or land, or something. Whatever cliche thing it is he wants." Kalziar grumbled under his breath as he moved quickly. I glanced at him, then at Ryouta, who frowned at Kalziar before looking at me again.

"I'm not sure. The Oracle wouldn't allow me to hear their voices. It's as if it wants me to ask the cambion myself. I'm sure I'll need to make direct contact with him in order to sway him away from their side." I responded, pausing to sigh and brush the hair from my face. Ryouta fiddled with the ends of his sleeves, his head turned to the side, expression thoughtful.

"Hai. I agree. However, you must be cautious and you must be manipulative, Killian," He warned, turning his head to look at me again, "Neko ni katsuobushi. Fish to a cat. Do not let your guard down. Incubi are especially clever and this one is a cambion. You must do anything in your power to sway this incubus to our side-- and I mean anything." I frowned at that, letting his words sink in before it hit me what he was saying.

"Incubi aren't known for being particularly romantic." I said dryly. Kalziar snorted a rude laugh that made Ryouta glare at him.

"What? He's got a point. And that's the oldest trick in the book, Ryou. Make the enemy fall in love with you? Come on. That sound like a Nora Roberts book." He added. Ryouta stuck his nose in the air, then turned to me, eyes narrowed.

"He is not our enemy, but he is not our ally either. He's merely a dangerous piece on the board. You must take him out of the game or risk losing everything." He told me. I nodded, averting my eyes to let the ideas think in.

I would need to sway an incubus to side with us. And to do that, I would need to know what made him go to the other side in the first place. What could possibly be so sweet as to lure a cambion away from his sweet, beautiful home in a realm that was known for being as gorgeous as its inhabitants?

The only way to find out was to talk.

Talk and infiltrate. I would need to become friends with the cambion. Part of me grumbled at the cruelty of what we were plotting. It was untrustworthy, unfair, impolite. However, who's to say that this cambion and I would not become allies, if not friends? Ryouta may have warned against it, but something about this cambion intrigued me enough to risk it. It's not as if the demon council would use the cambions to start a war ourselves.

After all, that was our job.

We were to remain neutral. We were the police of our universe. To keep the other species and pantheons in line, in order. To prevent the end of the world, the apocalypse that the humans seemed to gossip about so much. How man would be lifted to the heavens to be bathed in paradise.

They had no idea that if the end of the world should happen that there would be no peace, no white light, no auras.

It was be a deadly wasteland of hate and misery. The sunlight would be gone, even the moonlight stolen away by madness. The vegetation of the world would wilt and the soil would weep, drenched in the blood of its creatures. The rain would turn to acid, peeling skin from bone. The storms would become violent typhoons of agony, taking with it the last of the earth's innocent creatures.

Creatures that had no idea they were about to cease to exist entirely.

Their very souls would be ripped from their bodies and cast into the infinite black hole of chaos.

And right now, the only thing standing between that desolate pit and tranquility was a curious incubus cambion.

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