Passed Around Dark Lords

By Bangtanarmy581

14.3K 831 47

Draco thought that he would have some time to think, but he didn't think he would be given several decades wo... More



501 31 4
By Bangtanarmy581

"Let him go," Grindelwald ordered as Credence had moved to follow Draco through the corridors. The boy turned to him, obviously somewhat conflicted. Grindelwald understood. Draco had no clue the real rounds about the place, that was why Credence was supposed to take him through the mansion, which he had obviously been unable to do so. Grindelwald knew that the boy had been on edge, that was partially why he had wanted to introduce him to someone of his age, he had hoped that it would somewhat help alleviate the worry and anxiety that he had been feeling from him, but it would seem that meeting Credence had merely put him more on edge than before.

Is it possible that he was able to sense Credence's magic? Grindelwald wondered, his pale eyes watching Draco disappear down the hallways. He knew that the boy would soon get horribly lost through the halls. For now, he would allow it. He would get him later. Just as he could tell immediately that Queenie was trying to get into his mind, and from what Queenie had said, his shielding was...impressive to say the least. The boy was interesting, to say the least. He knew that his magic was impressive, but seeing it lash out in an attempt to protect him was more than what Grindelwald had ever hoped for it to be.

"But...He doesn't know the place. He is going to get lost soon!" Credence argued. Grindelwald stopped in his mental thought processing of the mystery wizard and turned his gaze onto Credence. This one on the other hand, has been getting a bit out of control, as of late, and I am not too sure I am overly fond of that. Grindelwald thought. He did admirably, granted, in getting the creature, but outside of that, he has been questioning orders, and standing up to me far more often as of late, and it is beginning to get rather tedious. He knew that it was simply a word in progress, and that if he continued to feed into Credence's hatred and anger the boy would become quite useful, as he was currently, but his use was beginning to wear on Grindelwald due to his impertinence as of late.

"Be that as it may, I can find him easily should he get truly lost. Furthermore, trying to go after him is not going to do either one of us any good. His magic is not stable at the moment, and he feels too on edge and upset to really be able to control himself should anything happen. It is likely his magic will once again lash out in an attempt to protect him if he feels you getting close, and I can tell you that would be rather disastrous for you." The words were stated firmly, and Credence looked as though he was about to argue, but eventually his shoulders dropped and he merely turned around to head back to his room. Grindelwald watched him with narrowed eyes.

Credence may think that his magic is beyond power, but a well trained pureblood's magic lashing out in protection of the user is far more dangerous than many would like to think, and whilst I do not know what family Draco is from, it is obvious that he is a pureblood. Only purebloods can sense other magic types so easily, either that or very powerful halfbloods, but his proficiency in shielding leads me to believe pureblood. Grindelwald moved his eyes back towards the direction that Draco had gone. If Credence keeps this act up I shall have to deal with him in a less than stellar way, which I would dislike, at best. As for the boy...There is something more about him than I had thought before, previously.

Grindelwald had known that the boy was vulnerable the moment he had seen him. He knew before even hearing what had happened. A person who felt so in danger to use vastly dark magic, and succeed, was someone that was beyond powerful, and someone that Grindelwald wanted on his side, no matter how he had to get them to be willing to help him. Furthermore, given his age, barely fifteen, maybe sixteen, it was hard to tell given the clear malnourishment that he had suffered from what looked to be more recently, managing that sort of magic was just impressive at best. He was obviously magically exhausted, that was part of why his magic had lashed out so suddenly and seemingly without reason.

It would seem, however, that he had underestimated just how vulnerable the boy was. How his restlessness was not necessarily from him, but from how nice he was being. It almost made Grindelwald want to laugh. The fact that he had not even had to try and pursuade the boy to help him was also interesting, his anger and hatred of Dumbledore ran quite deep, and he knew that type of anger and hatred was useful, if Credence was any indication. Yet ran deeper, more personal, which was interesting. His disgust had not been hidden, and he had not tried to hide how much he detested the man either. His willingness to help him due to the fact that he disliked Dumbledore, and having that be his main and only reason hinted to a sort of deep set anger.

His worry that he was going to get punished for his magic exploding in an attempt to protect him was what worried and interested Grindelwald the most. It was obvious that he was used to having strict control on his Magic at all times, and it was quite well developed for one of his age, despite the darker magic that he seemed to be rife in knowledge of, it did not affect his ability to cast basic light spells either. Grindelwald was getting more interested in the boy the longer that he had him.

He would have to be careful, in dealing with the other. He had no idea what family that he came from, and some families took their punishments more severely than others, and the nuanced rules always changed depending on which family one was dealing with. His ability with shielding hinted towards the Malfoys, or perhaps the Princes, but from what he could gather neither families were missing a member. Both families were infamous for their mental magicks, though, and so Grindelwald was going to have to do some researching, it would seem.  

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