THEIR GIRL || One Direction

By kxtiesmith

92.8K 1.1K 754

One Direction. The biggest boyband right now. There debut album has just dropped, and the tour starts in a fe... More

cast and their aesthetics
1 | bartenter
2 | goodbyes
3 | you
4 | clothes
5 | ellen
6 | getting along
7 | paparazzi
8 | the park
9 | the calls
10 | the show prt.1
11 | the show prt. 2
12 | the journey
13 | mum
14 | home
15 | late
16 | family
18 | hungover
19 | sleepover
20 | jimmy fallon
21 | dresses
22 | beach
23 | sleepless
24 | baby
25 | video diaries
26 | date
27 | the end

17 | lads lads lads

2.8K 41 56
By kxtiesmith

The next few weeks went by crazily fast. We done three shows in London, and a few more around the country. Each one better than the first. Then finally we finish all the shows.

"We are going out tonight," Louis says excited as he skips into the living room of our house. This was our first night after finishing the tours and we were allowed to get drunk.

"Clubbing clubbing clubbing," Liam shouts as he pumps his first while dancing around with sunglasses on.

"Lads lads lads," I shout as I am lying on the grey corner couch as the tv plays coronation street.

"What is this shit?" Liam asks and I look at him confused.

"Corry?" I ask confused that he doesn't know what it is.

"Yeah I know, but why are you watching it?" He ask and I shrug.

"Dunno, it's on innit," I say, making Louis chuckle and he dances towards me.

"Come on beautiful, go get changed, we're going to get drunk," he says as pulls me up off the couch and moves my hands back and forward with a smile.

"Fine fine I'm going," I say as I walk out the room and up to mine. I look through my wardrobe and find a pair of leather trousers and a tight white sleeveless crop top. I pull them on before curling my hair and putting on some red lipstick and sunglasses on. Just as I'm about to apply make up over the visible marks on my skin, I stop, I can't keep this up forever, they all heard the conversation, they know where it's from, I put the makeup down before pulling on my nice white trainers as I walk out of my room. I walk down the stairs and get to the living room. I flop down and see coronation street is paused where I left it.

"Whoever paused the telly I love you," I shout, getting a response from Louis.

"Why you watching Corry?" An Irish voce says from behind me.

"Why is everyone asking me this, I dunno, it's just on," I say and he shrugs.

"Is it any good?" He asks as he flops down next to me, he was wearing skinny black jeans, a white top and a blue adidas tracksuit zipper. I see him glance down at the marks on my stomach but he looks back up at me unfazed, which makes me smile.

"I'm a bit lost, I think his mum, cheated on her dad, with her dad, I don't really know to be honest," I say as I point at the arguing characters.

"I bet I could be in a soap you know," I say as I watch the actors.

"You think? I bet you could do anything to be honest," the blonde boy says with a smile. I put my arm over his shoulder and hug him. 

"You could as well Niall," I say and he shrugs.

"And your a heart throb right now, the ladies love you, you could be the next Leonardo Dicaprio,"  I say and he smiles, before he frowns.

"He's kinda ugly though," he says with a frown.

"But he was hot at one point, so he will always be remembered as being hot, I bet you could do the same, your a solid ten out of ten, and your young, your in your prime,"  I say as I look at the boy with a smile.

"You think?"

"You two do chat a load of shite," Zayn says as he speaks up, making me notice he was listening to our conversation.

"No, Zayn, back me up here, give me an actor who was hot at one point and has let themselves go now, but it's still remember as being hot when they were young.

"Johnny Depp," he states confidently. He really thought he done something there.

"Nope, still hot," I state and Zayn laughs.

"He's old though is he not?" Zayn says confused.

"Doesn't matter," I shrug.

"What is going on?" Liam asks as he sits down.

"Hot actors that aren't hot anymore but no one cares, go," I say to him and he thinks.

"George Clooney?" he says and I shake my head.

"Was never hot," I state.

"What about Tom Cruise?" Niall asks.

"Still very much hot Niall," I say, confused on how he thinks he's let himself go.

"Mathew Perry," Louis says as he sits down on the arm of the couch.

"Yes!" I shout as I point at him. "Yes! Your right," I say as I smile and relax, looking back at the telly.

"Did we just have a ten minute debate on actors that used to be hot?" I ask Niall who is also engrossed in the tv.

"Yup," he says with a smile, we look at each other being breaking out in laughter.

"Let's go then," Harry says as he walks in the room. I stand up, confronting my laughter.

"Dibs driving," I shout as I run towards the front door.

"No," everyone shouts at once as Liam pulls his phone out.

"I'll call a taxi," he mumbles as he dials the number.

"Lads Lads Lads," I chant as we walk out to where the can is coming to pick us up.

"Why do you keep saying that?" Zayn says with a smile.

"Cause I'm a lad now, and it's a lads night out, so I'm being a lad," I say with a smile. "Plus it's really fun to say," I say, before shouting it again. The taxi pulls up and I smile as I open the door and move along to the far away seat.

Harry sits in the sets across from me, facing me. "You ready for the club?" Harry asks me seriously.

"I'm not five, I've been to a club before," I say with a smile.

"Yeah I know, but like, you know, you have to be careful, don't leave your drink and all that," he says seriously. I smile slightly at the fact he's making sure I know all this.

"Thanks Harry, I'll be careful," I say with a soft smile.

"Good" he says with a smile, clearly proud of himself for making an impact. My heart swells at how cute that is and I can't help but smile from ear to ear.

When we get to outside the club, Liam pays the driver and we get out, standing outside the club, the music east to hear from outside.

"We ready?" Louis asks as we all go to walk in.

"Wait!" I shout, making all the boys turn and look at me confused. "One time, all together," I say with a smile, making them all smile and laugh.

"Lads lads lads!" We all shout in unison, before going through the front door. 

"Your right that is fun, lads lads lads," Niall shouts as he walks through to the loud music.

"Look what you've started," Louis laughs as the blonde boy repeats the phrase over and over.

"Who wants a drink then?" Liam shouts over the music, I put my hand up. "I'll get you a drink you get a seat for us somewhere," he shouts and I nod.

"Vodka and Diet Coke," I shout over the blasting music, Liam nods as I make my way over to a table and curved padded chair.

I slide into it and look about the colourful place. There is flashing lights everywhere, making every square inch of the room a different colour. A few people are up dancing on the main floor, but it's mostly full of people just standing talking with drinks.

"Hello darling," a voice comes from beside me. I roll my eyes as a man in his mid thirties sits in beside me.

"Don't call me darling," I say and he rolls his eyes, before putting his hand on my thigh.

"Fuck off mate," I say as I throw his hand off me, he just puts his hands up in defence before smirking.

"Playing hard to get, that's cute," he says with a wink.

"I'm not playing hard to get, I'm telling you to piss off," I say, still not looking at him.

"I think you are," he says as he moves his face nearer.

"Fuck. Off," I shout into his face, before driving my palm up into his nose, resulting in a satisfying crunch noise. Blood begins pouring out his nose and a bit sprays on my white top. "Oh you've really done it now," I mumble as I try to wipe it off, which just make sure worst.

"You bitch, you broke my nose," he says shocked as he holds his nose, tears running down his cheeks.

"Now fuck off before I break something else," I snap making him jolt away quickly.

"Cunt," I mumble under my breath as he scurried away past the boys.

They sit down on the seat next to me. "Who was he?" Harry asks confused as he glances at where he ran off to.

"A prick," I shrug.

"Was he bleeding?" Liam asks me concerned and I laugh.

"Sorry he was a prick, now he's a prick with a broken nose," I say with a smile. Louis smirks slightly and puts his fist out, I bump mine against his with a smile.

"Jay, you can't do that, your famous now, you can get into trouble for shit like that," Zayn says worried and I shrug.

"I didn't just do it for the fun, he was being a perv, the dude was double my age and clinging onto my thigh like it was his hairline," I say, snorting at my own joke.

"Sorry, but he deserved it, he wouldn't leave," I said with a shrug and Zayn nodded.

"Fair enough to be honest, I'd have probably done the same to him if we had come back and he was still here," he shrugs and all the boys nod.

"Niall honey, don't pretend you would have punched him," I say with a smile and supportive pat on the shoulder, leaning over Louis.

"No, but if have told one of  them and got them to do it," he says with a smile and I laugh.

"Good man," I smile.

I take a drink of my drink, listening to the conversation happing around me, joining in and laughing at the jokes.

Six strong vodka cokes and maybe 10 tequila shots later and I'm dragging Zayn up to the dance floor to dance to a Rihanna song.

"Come on, dance better Zayn," I say, knowing my words are slurred,

"I am dancing Jay," he says as he sways back and forward.

"No, your boring," I sigh as I start to dance in my own, pushing him away with one hand while I hold my drink in the other.

"I need a piss," I say suddenly, speaking loud. I look about and see Harry standing by the bar. I run over to him, before tapping his shoulder, making him turn round.

"Can you hold my drink?" I ask him and he nods with a smile. I thank him and run to the toilets.

A couple minutes later I walk out after emptying my bladder and my stomach. I walk over to where Harry is sitting and jump up in the bar stool next to him.

"I was sick," I pout as I try to grab my drink off him.

"I think you've had enough," Harry laughs as he hands the drunk to the bartender.

"I never wanted you to do well on x-factor," I say to the boys, making him look at me interested, I can tell hes pretty sober as his facial features are recognisable. Or maybe I'm that drunk I can't tell he's drunk.

"Bar man, can I have, a whiskey please," I say as I point at the man behind the bar, who smiles and nods.

"No Jay, I think you've had enough," Harry laughs as he puts my hand down by on the table.

"No, no, this is the last one," I say as I shake my head dramatically.

"Will it be though?" Harry says with a smile as he watches me.

"I want to be sophisticatiom, no that's not how you say it, sorophticati- no, solif, no sophrist, no. Ugh how do you say the fucking word," I say as I look at Harry, who is just sitting smiling as he takes in what's happening.

"Harry, what's the world, what's the world, world, word, yeah word. What the world, oh shit," I say as my mind struggles to form a sentence.

"I want a whiskey," I shouts as the bartender puts the whiskey in front of me.

"I love you bar man, and I love, I love everyone. I love Zayn, and I love Niall and I love Liam and I love... what's his name?" I ask looking at the boy in front of me.

"Louis? Harry?" He says with an entertained smile.

"Yes yes, but I don't love Harry like I love Louis," I say in a loud whisper.

"Oh really?" He says as he leans forwards to hear me and I nod. "How do you love Louis then?"

"Louis is like my brother, he's my big brother and I love him," I say before I take a gulp of the whiskey, which burns all the way down my throat.

"What the fuck is this," I say as I cough and tip the glass upside down over the bar floor.

"Jayden!" Harry laughs as he looks at the floor.

"Bar man," I say as I point at the man who just smiles and nods. "Vodka diet coke," I say and he nods.

"So, how do you like Harry then?" He asks me and I look about, making sure Harry's not about.

"Not like a brother," I say and shake my head dramatically with a pout.

"Like a friend?" He says and I shake my head with a pout again. He just smiles and I put my finger to his lips, and do the same to mine.

"Shhhhh though, you can't tell Harry," I say and he nods.

"I'm great at keeping secrets," he says with a wink and I smile. "Why don't you tell Harry how you love him?" He says with a smirk and I roll my eyes.

"I am scared to love people, cause it means they can hurt you easier, and I don't want that," I say with a laugh.  "Cause my parents don't love me at all, and I love them, and that's why I hate them," I laugh again manically before the bar man hands me a drink. I take a sip and turn round, Harry is sitting in front of me.

"Harry!" I shout happily and he smiles.

"Jayden!" He shouts back, making me smile.

"Your funny," I say as I hit his nose with my finger.

"Thank you" he laughs.

"Can I tell you a secret," I say and he nods.

"I'm learning a lot of secrets today," he says and I look at him confused.

"Anyway, I don't think I hated you that much in school, I think we were friends, and when you done well in x-factor, I was sad cause you didn't come back," I say, as I whisper loudly to him, before taking a huge gulp of my drink.

"I think we were friends as well Jay," he says and I smile.

"See when you dated Jamie, I hated it, so much, I was jealous," I say with a serious nod.

"I know you were," Harry says as he winks at me, with a smile. I tuck my curled hair behind my ear before drinking the rest of my drink in one. I slap the glass on the bar and pour at bar man.

"Another one!" I shout and he laughs.

"No vodka please," Harry says to the bar man.

"Yes vodka please," I shout back and he nods.

A minute later bar man puts the glass in front of me and I look at it. "Is it got vodka in it?" I ask and he nods.

"Ha, he listened to me," I say as I point at Harry. I took a sip of the drink and realised there was no vodka.

"He didn't listen to me," I say with a pout.

"I think we better get going anyway," Harry says as he jumps off the seat. "Come on," he says and I laugh as he helps me walk steadily outside, calling the boys outside as he goes.

"Hiya Louis, see Harry, like brother love, Louis do you love me like a brother?" I ask the boy and he nods.

"I do love you like a brother Jay," he says with a smile and I hug him.

"How are none of you drunk?" I ask as Harry takes one of my arms and Louis takes the other with Liam calls another taxi.

"You drank a lot more than us beautiful," Louis says and I nod.

"I probably shouldn't drink a lot, both my parents are addicts, did you know that, I did, my dad went to prison for it, twice," I say before smacking my hand over my hand shocked. "How crazy is that, twice," I say through a laugh.

"If I become addicted to something and end up like then I will be so sad," I say before slowly starting to break into a fit of laughter.

"Imagine, Liam, with a pigs nose," I say with a smile as I point at the boy.

"Hey Jay, do you actually think I'm a ten out of ten?" Niall asks me, making me laugh.

"Niall, there is a thing called a white lie, you normally say to to make someone not feel self conscious, you should research that," I say as I pat him on the back a few times. Louis starts breaking down in laughter making me laugh as well.

"Zayn, Liam, if you two got married, your name would be Zayn Payne, how funny is that, if I got married to Harry my name would be Harry Brooke, wait that's my middle name, my name would be Harry Brooke Crawford, wait no that's not my name, my name would be Jayden Brooke Crawford,  that's better," I say before smiling, content.

"You'd be Jayden Brooke Styles," Harry says to me and I look at him confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"If me and you got married, that would be your name," he says and I take a step away from him.

"Harry, I'm not gonna marry you right now," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Never mind," he mumbles and I smile, a taxi pulls up infront of us and I sit in the seat.

"Can we-" I start but Liam cuts me off.

"Let's play the quiet game, whoever speaks first looses," he says and I nod and sit in complete silence until we get out the car.

"Right let's get you to bed," Zayn says as he helps me out the car and into the house.

"Zayn looses everyone!" I shouts, acknowledging the fact he spoke first.

Zayn helps me up the stairs before leaving me pjs to sleep in and turning round while I get changed, then he sits by my bed until I fall asleep.

A/N- thank you for all the support from the story, please keep voting and commenting because it really makes my day.

Also check out the tiktok for edits along with the story ( kxtiesmith.wp)


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