Follow The Script | A Moonbyu...

By moonstarsandhearts

13.4K 674 308

Debuting as part of a Kpop group is many peoples dream. But getting into a dating scandal with the one and on... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chap Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Two

505 26 11
By moonstarsandhearts

A yawn escapes my lips, exhausted from all the performances. My body rocks slightly as the car moves at high speeds. I look towards my group as we are headed to Naver, we have been invited to join Moonbyul on Studio Moon Night! I am truly excited as it is our first time participating on a show that isn't performance based. A smile rests on my lips as they are also excited about our first show appearance. It has been almost a week since we debuted and our music video already has seven million views! I had no idea it would blow up like that.. It doesn't even feel like I am famous.. I feel.. Like a normal human being.. I was expecting to feel a change but maybe that was all just a belief from being a fan.. 

My attention moves to the current conversation being held between the members of ISRY. Their talking seems to be relating to Mamamoo, probably because we are going to one of their members radio show.

"Did you see them perform on some of the shows we were on? They looked so cool.. Like they didn't care about anything or anyone. And Moonbyul? She.. Wah.. She is the only kpop radio host that I know of! And her raps are so admirable.. I hope I can rap like that one day.."

I giggle softly at Lihua's speech of admiration towards our seniors.. Clearly she is excited about meeting the famed rapper.. I don't blame her.. Moonbyul is very impressive.. She is an amazing ace! She is great at rapping, singing, dancing, song writer.. And many more!

"Yeah but have you guys seen the fan cam of Yoona that blew up? It already has five million views! Clearly you are liked leader~"

We all laugh as our manager rummages through a bag she brought with her. I look at her as she hands us one of our albums. We look at it, slight confusion on our face. 

"This is a gift for Moonbyul, as a thank you for letting us participate on her radio show. I want you five to sign it, to make it more special" 

We nod grabbing the pen he hands to us and we each sign the album. I've never signed anything before.. Does this mean I am officially famous..?

The car slows to an eventual stop. I peek out of the closed curtains on the car windows, seeing a crowd outside of NAVER.

"Why is there a crowd?"

I look to my group members as we unbuckle our seatbelts, getting ready to brace the sea of people.

"You girls are famous, why wouldn't there be a crowd?"

Our manager gets out first, already drawing more attention to us. Our leader opens the door and gets out next, getting a head start on greeting the fans as we follow her out. We wave, saying hello to everyone we see. I follow everyone up the stairs and two blank as cameras flash us, constantly taking our photos. I walk into the building as our manager holds the door open for us.

Having people fuss over me is such an odd feeling.. And it's my first time experiencing a crowd those there for us.. I guess that comes as being famous..

We move to the elevator greeting staff that we see. I stand in the corner as we all the wait while our manager processes the button to take us to the right floor. I look to the members as they are discussing Studio Moon Night. The elevator stops on the ninth floor and we get out. A gentle smile grace's my face as we greet Moonbyul, who has been waiting for us outside of the elevator.

"Hello! Welcome to naver, I thought I would wait for you so I could show you to the set."

We all thank her as she shows us to the set of her radio show. We all look around, greeting the staff members as we passed by.

"Woah.. It is so nice in here..

I nod, agreeing with Aki as we sit together. We chat about our debut, how things are going and what we think about the K-pop industry so far.

Once everything is set up Moonbyul moves into her spot in front of the camera to start the radio station. Music starts to play as Moonbyul looks through the live chat while tapping her foot to the beat.

"Studio Moon Night on Friday the twelfth of August at nine p.m. is open for business. Have you gazed at the stars recently?"

We stay silent, watching the host as more music plays. I look at our manager as he is is quietly talking to some staff. Even though this is the most normal show I am still anxious.

"Hi! I'm Studio Moon Night CEO Mamamoo's Moonbyul. At night do you often look at the stars? I think I do. Since I often work late into the night I spend a good amount of time looking at the stars. I like to look at the stars, they're very pretty. What about the viewers? Memes4WithSun says.. I have an amazing view of the stars at night. When it is really dark and there are no clouds in the sky you can see all sorts of colours and star patterns. Wow.. I have never seen different colours in the sky.. you must be super lucky~. ILikeTheMoon2002 says.. at night I can see the most amazing star formation. There are five or six stars that line up into a heart shape. A heart? I have never heard of that before.. Maybe it means you will find your soulmate soon. MoonStarsAndHearts says.. When I lay down at night and my window is open I get a perfect view of Orion's Belt. Ah.. I haven't seen that constellation before. Hamstar_Byulie says.. Once a couple of years ago I spent a week at my Grandma's in the countryside. Because there aren't any big light sources you can see the stars much better and I actually saw a planet. A planet? Wah.. I have seen photos but I never thought it was real.. That is is amazing. I'll have to go stargazing for a video.. Yong-Kong-Byul-Kong says.. At night the only stars I can see are Mamamoo on the poster I have. Ah thank you~"

Woah.. She's a natural.. She is so amazing at talking to fans..

"In Studio Moon Night tonight these people are the stars that light up your rooms in the darkest of nights. A five person constellation, the stars of the new girl group ISRY have come here to Uncanny Byul Cafe. Today's entrance song is IRSY's debut song 'Stars Align'."

Our debut song starts playing as the shot moves onto a random object. We move into the set sitting with Moonbyul as our song plays in the background. I sit in the spot next to Moonbyul as we all get comfy. I cover my mouth surprised by Yoona's weird sudden dance move. And then she starts off the chaos. The group does weird dance moves as the camera pans over to us. Exposing are are weird, chaotic secret. Once our song is over our mics are turned on and it is handed over to us.

"Wah.. It is so dark outside.. Do you think we can see our home planet from here?"

We all look through the red curtain behind us. The staff suggested that we do a little bit as we are new and it might help people like us. So we prepared a small bit that relates to our group theme, as aliens.

"You can! It's that glowing purple one over there!"

I grin as Aki replies to Yoona's question as she points to some random place in the dark Sky. We make idle chat, talking about our planet and our concept.

"Hey, everyone! Okay.. What is everybody doing right now?"

We all quickly close the red curtain and turn to Moonbyul, slightly surprised by her entrance into our bit.

"It's CEO-nim.. We're just looking at our home planet and talking about what we miss"

I nod Softly at Yoona's improv. For some weird reason I really like this bit.

"Ah? Where is your home planet?"

I grin as Moonbyul peeks out of the Curtain and doesn't let us reply before she starts speaking again. Well I guess she does need to get the show rolling.

"Ok.. Let's start working.. Uncanny.."

"Byul Cafe!"

We all shout with her, I can see why she is liked.. She is really fun.."

"Saemi-nim.. What is that light behind you?"

I look behind me as the lights change colour. We giggle as soft music transitions us into the next section of the show.

"Uncanny Byul Cafe, today's newcomers, ISRY welcome!"

We all make celebratory noises while watching moonbyul.

"Firstly, please do greetings together"

We all bring on microphones closer to us as we get ready to do our intro.

"One.. Two.. I-S-R-Y, ISRY! Hi! We're ISRY"

We make our greetings hand gestures before we wave to the camera, giving the happiest greeting we can.

"Nice.. Please look at the camera and introduce yourself one by one. Since ISRY is new let's do concepts to get to know you all! So today, please do greetings with 'My concept is..' Let's start now"

We all nod, getting ready and thinking of what out concept would be. We look towards Yoona as it starts with her.

"Hi! I'm ISRY's Princess, Sung Yoona!"

"Hello! I'm ISRY's Just Dance, Lee Hana!"

"Hi! I'm ISRY's Head Chef, Xu Lihua!"

"Hiii~ I'm ISRY's Baby, Sakaguchi Aki!"

"Ah.. Hiya! I'm ISRY's Always Nervous, Kim Saemi!"

We all clap, giggling at each others concepts. God why did I have to go last..

"Ok, ok nice.. Once again, welcome everyone of ISRY~ Saemi, Aki, Lihua, Hana and Yoona it's nice to meet you all!"

We all nod as she goes through us again recounting all of our names. We all say it's nice to meet her too, already enjoying our time here. It is really nice here. Almost like I am at a friends house.

"Congratulations on having your debut! When you had that you were finally debuting how did you feel?"

I gULP slightly as Moonbyuls gaze moves onto me, her mouth moves upwards into a soft smile.

"Uh.. Well.. We were all happy and excited.. On that day we all cried, I'm pretty sure it's the hardest we have cried in ages.."

I smile slightly as Aki hold my hand tightly, remembering the countless emotions we felt that day.

"We were very excited for a change. We actually had lines to record, dances to learn. It was scary, but in the best way possible."

We agree with Yoona has Moonbyul nods. I'm sure she understands she has gone through it to.

"Me and the other members of of Mamamoo felt the same way. After being a trainee for so long it felt weird to actually be doing something. What was being a training like for you girls?"

"It was very hard, there were so many other trainees so we didn't know if we would make it"

I nod softly remembering the time as we struggle the most. A sigh escapes my lips as we chat about our trainee days.

"And now that you have debuted you must be performing now, yes?"

We all nod, having that as an answer.

"How have your performances been?"

"Pretty good, we got our first win on our first performance which was very surprising.. Mamamoo was actually in the dressing room next to us. We've heard you girls are loud but wow, that was impressive" 

We giggle as Moonbyul laughs covering her mouth slightly.

"You were the ones next to us? Wah.. I'm sorry.. Anyways.. Speaking of performing. we have a little area set up for you girls to perform 'Stars Align'"

We all look to each other slightly surprised before we get up and go to the small area they set up. We get ready and perform our debut song.

Afterwards Moonbyul claps as she walks over to us.

"Okay.. Now.. Could you teach me the chorus dance? We will make a tiktok and post it." 

We look towards Hana as she is the performance focused member of the group. Hana nods quickly and goes to Moonbyul teaching her the chorus part of the dance. 

"Alright.. I think I have it.. Saemi and Yoona, could you do the dance with me?"

Why does she keep choosing me to do these things..? I nod moving towards her with Yoona. We get in position and do a practice before we actually do the dance with her. When we are done we are out of breath, moving back to our seats. 

"Now.. We are moving into the end section. For this section I wanted to give you girls some advice that I wish I was given when I started.. What's too bad is that this job.. It's about showing yourself to people. It's showing.. And I think that must've brought some stuff to think about. Singing, it's one thing that we're naturally concerned about. It's also about showing your body.. But I don't think you should be stressed about that too much because you lose weight naturally. It's really stressful when people tell you to lose weight, I don't want to say the same thing. I just think that you should know that they're doing that out of concern for you. It's not like they want you to lose your self-esteem. That's your asset, all of it. Weight is everybody's issue. You don't need to think it's only your issue.. And you should gain weight, all of you. You're too skinny. Overall.. Don't worry about the things that you can't control, and remember you're always together" 

We all nod softly listening to Moonbyul's advice, she is really amazing at helping others in her industry.. And she really cares too.. 

"We have a present for you.. It is our album, signed by us"

I grin as Yoona gets up and gives Moonbyul our album, surprise all over her face.

"Wah.. Thank you so much.." 

We all watch as she opens it looking through what she got. 

"A Saemi photocard, a Hana photocard, a Saemi acrylic stand and an ISRY badge.. Wah.. Thank you so much.. The photos are beautiful.. And as we wrap up this episode of Studio Moon Night.. We say goodbye to the newly debuted ISRY.. And goodnight to everyone.. Goodbye~"

We all say goodbye to the viewers as the camera pans away and music plays over us as we are now muted. This has been so fun.. I definitely want to come back on.. We get out of our seats and continue to bow to Moonbyul as she bows back. 

"Thank you so much for having us.. We hope you enjoy the album!" 

We all chat for a little while as we get ready to leave.

"Ah! I have a present for you girls! But I left it in my car.. I'll get it before we leave"

We all nod and we follow her out of the building, our manager following us.

I look at our manager as he tells me to go with Moonbyul and get the present while everyone else waits in the car. I nod softly following Moonbyul to her car. I wait nervously playing with my fingers as she gets a big bouquet out of her car and gives it to me. I gulp softly holding it and I look at her.

"Thank you so much.. We will definitely come back onto Studio Moon Night when we get a comeback"

We talk for a little bit before we say our goodbyes and she gets in her car. I sigh walking back to our car and I get in holding the bouquet, which surprises the members. I giggle at them and I give them to Yoona to hold as the car starts moving.

"We should go on again when we have a comeback, I think it will be fun" 

We all agree as we set out for the journey ahead of us.

That was fun..

Hey Moomoos~ I hoped you enjoyed this hella long chappie. I hope you understand that after the first five chappies I'll have to post two or three a week instead of five- These chapters be so long. Anywayssss~

Word Count: 2756

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