Just Another Romance Story

By MindfulWriter1666

3.2K 472 82

Outside of the apartment, I'm just an ordinary intern at a white collar job. Just a woman who gets work done... More

Meet The Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 3

69 9 0
By MindfulWriter1666

Here I am in the middle of the night, trying to get through another sleepless night due to Ha-Jun's loud music.

"This is the 3rd time this week!" I thought to myself then I got out of bed.

I've had enough, I stormed down to Ha-Jun's door then banged on his door.

"Ha-Jun!" I yelled out.

I felt like that was no use because the music was so loud to a point where I doubt he'll even hear the door or me yelling. I walked back into my apartment to grab a piece of paper and a pen.

While I was writing, I noticed a white cloth hanging off my chair. I picked it up and realized that it's Ha-Jun's shirt from when I had that nose bleed. It's still stained with my blood.

"Crap, he probably wants this back." I thought to myself. "I gotta remember to wash it first."

After I finished what I was writing, I walked out back to Ha-Jun's door and slipped the paper underneath his door.

"Hopefully he'll get the memo." I thought as I returned back to my apartment to go back to sleep.



"Wait! Hold on!" I yelled as I sprinted to a bus that was about to depart soon. The bus driver saw me but shook their head and pulled off. I groaned in frustration as I stamped my foot.

"Dammit! I shouldn't have overslept that night." I muttered out. I checked the bus schedule to see that the next bus will come in 30 minutes. Did I tell you that it's 8:35 in the morning and I have to be up there by 9?

When I ran into the building, I ran out the elevator and tripped and fell flat on my face.

"I hope nobody saw that." I thought to myself as I slowly raised my head up to see Dong Wook starring down at me with a straight face. Ah shit!

"M-morning Mr.-"

"You're late." Dong Wook deadpanned, interrupting me. 

"Look, I'm sorry it's because I missed the bus." I apologized as I got up.

"How so?" Dong Wook asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I overslept..." I sighed out.

"Don't do it again." Dong Wook replied in a bit of a rude tone as he walked off.

"It's only my first day as a writer, can't he just cut me some slack?" I thought to myself as I went to go get me a cup of coffee.

Soon as I got my cup, the mailman came in with a package and handed it to Joo-ryung.

"Ah, you know me so well." Joo-ryung coo'ed out.

"Well, um, your name is on the package...along with the address to the place that I always deliver mail to." The mailman explained as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I hope you didn't peek inside." Joo-ryung chuckled out. "Because you might find something that makes you think that I've been...naughty lately." Joo-ryung then seductively growled at the mailman, who looked like he wanted to die from the cringe. 

"Goddammit Joo-ryung." I thought as I facepalmed. 

"Uhh, I gotta go, mail doesn't deliver itself." The mailman announced as he stepped away.

"I'll be sure I can be mailed to you; signed, sealed, delivered and I'll be yours." Joo-ryung flirted as the mailman ran out the building.

"Wow, 1:35." Sung-Tae spoke looking at his watch. "That's a new record on how long it took for you to scare him off again." 

"You know what? I'm sick of you!" Joo-ryung yelled out.

"Then go to a hospital." Sung-Tae teased. "By the way, what's in that box? A vibrating wand?"

"It's none of your business!" Joo-ryung scolded as her face turned red. Sung-Tae laughed as he walked off.

"Okay, at this point, he's just being a jackass to her." I thought to myself.

"I swear to God, one of these days I'mma kick his ass." Joo-ryung muttered out as she put the package up.

"You're only giving him the satisfaction by responding to his antics." I answered. "It's not just how he treats you but also how you react to the antic."

"You're right on that." Joo-ryung agreed. "So, tell me what happened yesterday because you left out with a red face. Did he do something?"

"Well, I wanna say that you are right on him being a bastard." I angrily replied. "He thinks that I don't got what it takes to be a writer."

"Wow, what an asshole." Joo-ryung commented.

"Yeah, I pity whatever woman got chained up with him." I answered. Joo-ryung's eyes grew wide.

"What? What do you mean?" Joo-ryung asked.

"I saw a photo of him and a young woman and in front of the photo was a wedding ring, he's married." I explained. Joo-ryung cocked an eyebrow.

"Really?" Joo-ryung asked. "If he's married then why isn't he wearing it?"

"I don't know, that actually is a good question." I answered.

"Well, whatever it is, it shouldn't be your concern." Joo-ryung pointed out.

"You're right." I replied.

"Now, go write a good book, okay?" Joo-ryung encouraged as she patted my back. 

I walked to the desk that Dong Wook assigned me at and sat down. My desk was basically one of those cubicle ones you see at any other workplace so, I was excited because that means I get to decorate it.

"I should get some decorations when I get on break." I thought to myself.

Now on to the writing process!

Okay, this is harder than I thought.

"Man, why can't I come up with something?" I thought as I rubbed my eyes. 

"Trouble Ms. Ln?" I heard a male voice ask. I looked up to see Dong Wook.

"No, I'm fine." I replied in a bit of a stern voice.

"Doesn't sound like it." Dong Wook replied.

"Look, why do you care?" I snapped at him. "It's not like I can become a writer like you or something!"

"What are you talking about?" Dong Wook asked.

Is this guy serious?

"The other day, you said that it would've been less trouble for you if I didn't step up to become a writer." I explained. "Well, guess what? The last thing I want is a man like you to underestimate what I can and can't do so if you please excuse me, I have a book idea that I wanna jot down." 

Dong Wook didn't say anything and just looked at me with a bit of a shocked look on his face. I guess I might've came on too strong.

"Very well then." Dong Wook replied then he walked off. 

I slumped down in my chair, feeling regret at what I said.

"Ohhh, why did I say that? Of course I'm having trouble on what I wanna write." I whined out.

This is gonna be a long day for me.

After work, I went to Bookworms R Us to purchase a book on writing tips.

"Hey Yn, what do you need?" Ji-cheol asked.

"A book on writing tips." I replied. 

Ji-cheol noticed the visible distressed look on my face.

"Rough day at work?" Ji-cheol asked. I nodded my head. 

Ji-cheol got from behind the counter and led me to one of the sofas.

"Tell me what's wrong." Ji-cheol told.

One of the things that I liked about Ji-cheol was the fact that he's a good listener. So, I told him what happened.

"Well, he does sound like he doesn't believe that you can become a good writer." Ji-cheol answered. 

"I know right." I sighed out. "Like, is he a misogynist or something?"

"Well, listen, I know you'll become a great writer Yn." Ji-cheol spoke as he hugged me. "You've been wanting to become a writer since you were 13."

"Thanks Ji-cheol." I answered with a smile.

Ji-cheol then looked away, making me concerned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Um, I know this is a wrong time to ask but...if you're free this weekend, do you wanna go to the park?" Ji-cheol nervously asked.

I-Is he asking me out on a date or something?

"A-as hanging out right?" I asked.

"Y-yeah, as hanging out." Ji-cheol replied as he chuckled.

"Okay, that's fine with me." I said as he smiled.

"Good, I'll pick you up by noon?" Ji-cheol asked. I nodded my head.

"Sure. Well, I gotta get going." I announced as I got up. "I got laundry to do."

"Alright, see you on Saturday!" Ji-cheol called out.

"You too." I replied back as I walked out.

When I got to the apartment, I did my laundry duty. I made sure I also washed Ha-Jun's shirt as well. After I was done, I grabbed the shirt and went next door then knocked on his door.

My small smile turned into a more fear look on my face once the door opened not revealing Ha-Jun, but rather a young girl. This girl was petite with long hair that was dyed red like Ariel from The Little Mermaid and had dark brown eyes that were formed into an annoyed look as she used them to pierce my soul.

"Can I help you? Are you one of Ha-Jun's fans?" The woman asked. "Look, he just moved here and he doesn't wanna have to move again because of some stalker fans."

Geez, talk about jumping to conclusions faster than a cheetah.

"N-no, I'm Ha-Jun's next door neighbor." I quietly explained as I handed her the shirt. "I wanted to hand him back his shirt from the concert."

The woman's demeanor went from an annoyed and serious one to a cheery and friendly one.

"Oh I'm sorry, I must've sounded like a bitch to you." The woman apologized.

"Hey Ho-yeon!" I heard Ha-Jun call out as he walked out with some makeup on his eyes.

"How do I get this crap off my face?" Ha-Jun asked.

"In a minute, I'll help." The woman, Ho-yeon, replied as she turned back to me.

Is this woman his girlfriend or something?

"You have really nice skin, what makeup do you use?" Ho-yeon asked.

"O-oh, I don't use any makeup." I replied.

"Well, you still look pretty even without it on." Ho-yeon complimented.

"T-thank you." I thanked.

"Yn, hey." Ha-Jun greeted.

"Hey, I came to return your shirt, I washed it for you." I explained as Ho-yeon handed him the shirt.

"Great thanks." Ha-Jun thanked. "Oh, Yn this is Ho-yeon, my...friend." Ha-Jun introduced.

"Why did he pause when he said friend?" I thought.

"Here's my card." Ho-yeon spoke as she handed me her card from her pocket.

Jung Ho-yeon the Beauty Queen

Beautician, Cosmetologist, and Model

"A model..." I thought to myself. "This woman does look like a goddess."

"This woman indeed is a goddess and look at you, you're pretty basic!" Self-conscious spoke out into my head.

"Well, I gotta get going." I announced.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Yn." Ho-yeon spoke. "If you ever need any beauty tips and advise, I'm your gal!"

"Hmm, is she being nice or is she saying that to gain our trust and become fake towards you?" Suspicion asked as I continued to walk to my apartment door.

When I walked in, I slid down the door and groaned.

"Today was just not a good day." I mumbled out.  

Gi-gi walked up to me and tapped my hand with her paw. I looked at her as she let a small meow at me then climbed into my lap. I smiled as I scratched behind her ear.

"Pets are always a person's best friend." I thought to myself.

July 27th, 2022

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