The physical therapist

By gra8ce

15.2K 352 72

What happens when Devin Bookers past comes back four years later... and works for him. More

Jump right in |1|
Just get through it |2|
Just one talk |3|
Caught and exposed |4|
Answer me this |5|
Last day |6|
When does the truth come |7|
Just relax |8|
You aren't her |9|
Endings for everybody |10|
Staying |11|
Where we went wrong |12|
What do you want to see?
Back up!
Part 2!
What it takes |13|
what couldve been|14|
Reminiscing |15|
Cost of fame|16|
We will talk about this |17|
You can tell me|18|
New start |19|
New love |20|
Regularly schduled program |21|
Save me the pain |22|
What ends us |23|

One of those days|20|

251 12 0
By gra8ce

Leave a comment and let me know how you're liking the book, what your theories are, or really anything about Devin and Avery! I love hearing your opinions!

*D E V I N*

I don't know why God would ever allow you to have everything you've ever wanted and dreamed of just to rip it out from under you once you finally come to terms with it.

But that's what I fell a victim to, the girl of my dreams, everything good you could possibly imagine, I had, and then I lost.
I don't know what I did to deserve that, if I did I would've changed my ways, I would've done anything to keep her.

It took me years to fix my wrongs and find my ways again, but she's back, all mine, and nothing will ruin us this time.

I brushed a strand of hair out off of Avery's face while her light snores filled the silence, if it weren't for our proximity I don't think I would be able to hear her. mornings like this I would usually be at practice missing these intimate moments where I could hold my girl so close to my bare chest while she slept, I thank God for these days off.

I stay quiet letting her catch up on the rest that she missed from last night, it was the closest we've been to actually having sex but I stopped her before we could get that far, it damn near killed me to do it but I only did it for her protection, I know she wants to wait and I'm not taking her word for it after finishing two bottles of wine between the two of us, I want her perfectly cognizant when I take her fully and completely, this won't be just another fuck for me, this will be passionate sincere love and I can't have her tipsy off wine for it.

I kiss her forehead, then her nose, going down to her neck purposely missing her lips, I kiss her collarbone then shoulders, and down her arms.
She starts stirring with each kiss placed on her skin.
"Go back to sleep" she whined while placing her hand on my face, I couldn't help but admire the diamond on her left ring finger, I did that, we are truly engaged, she will be my wife, how can that not make me smile?

"Okay I'm sorry baby," I say kissing her once more before cradling her head back into my chest, she wastes no time falling back asleep and I follow her lead.

*A V E R Y*

I stood in the shower letting the hot water hit me as Devin's hands explored my body, soaping every part of me.
I couldn't help but close my eyes while my head rested on his chest taking in such a dear moment. I only barely opened my eyes to admire my new engagement ring as it traced Devin's chest, following his newest tattoo of my name written across his heart.
It was such an awkward placement I thought until he told me it was 'exactly' over his heart, unlike people's inaccurate heart tattoos.

He described it with such passion I couldn't wash my smile away.
It makes me laugh to think about how my 6 foot 6, big burly boyfriend who swears unconditionally around his friends become this giant softy for me, to watch him lift heavy weights with his buddies listening to rap music, and talking "man things" but drop everything and everybody when I so much as speak his name.

I relax even more when I feel his hands washing my hair every so gently, I smile against his skin knowing he shares the same loving smile with me. He kisses me so passionately and deeply as he pushed me back into the falling water.

"What's going through that beautiful head of yours?" He hummed.
"How I want this to last forever"

I could feel his smile against my lips.
"And that's exactly what I'm gonna give you"

He reached behind me turning the water off before grabbing a towel and holding it against my back, I couldn't find it in myself to break away from his body as I kissed down his neck.

"Let's cancel and we can stay in bed all day, and I can show you just how much I love you" his breath tickled my ear with every word he spoke.

"If we weren't meeting with your family I would be taking you up on that right now"

What was supposed to be a perfectly tamed shower together has turned into Devin pushing me against the counter while his tongue explores my mouth, I pull at his shoulders and back to get his body closer to mine but he's already as close as he can get, but I need more, I can't get enough of this man.

He put his hands under my thighs lifting me onto the counter and then placing my legs around his waist.
He kept pushing further and further onto my naked body until I broke away fighting for air, our foreheads still pushed together.

"Do you know how much I love you?"
I smiled at his words "yes you've mentioned it once or twice"

We stayed rested against each other for a few more moments before I broke the silence.
"We have to get ready"

He reluctantly pulled away with a groan and went to the other side of the counter to start getting ready.
I grabbed a towel to wrap around my body while I dried my hair, I went with simple and straight since we wasted most of our time in the shower.

I sat on the counter and pulled out all my makeup, trying to stay simple and put together since we were going to lunch with Devin's mother father, and siblings, his parents will both be there and it doesn't seem to concern Devin but it worries me.
I remember his parents from back in school, they are both amazing people separately but when you put them together all hell breaks loose.

I hear Devin in the closet, he is putting his watch on and that is the last part of his routine, which means he's ready and I am nowhere near ready.
I quickly try to blend out my concealer without looking like an absolute clown before moving on to my next task.

Devin stands behind me rolling the sleeves of his black button-up shirt, he watches me in the mirror while his phone rings in his pocket.
"Who is that?"
I'm not usually the girlfriend who needs to know who he is with and who he is texting at all times but that's the third time his phone has gone off in such a short time.

"Somebody who can learn some patience" he kisses my exposed shoulder while I frantically look for my blush.

I almost get lost in his touch but remember the challenge at hand.
"What time is it?"

He lifted his wrist to check his shiny gold Rolex watch.

"Are you serious! Why didn't you tell me?"
We are supposed to be there at 1 and it's a 25-minute drive and I'm still not dressed.

"I didn't want you rushing around baby take your time"

"I can't take my time I need to be ready 30 minutes ago"

He grabbed my face trying to end my meltdown.
"I will call Davon and tell him we will be late, but I don't want you to feel rushed"

I quickly hopped off the counter and sprinted into my closet looking for something to wear, now that me and Devin have a routine of laying in bed all day I have to match my bra and panties because I'm not about to be some circus of colors and patterns when I'm trying to remind my man I'm the only one for him.

I found a black dress that is a little looser so I don't have to be pulling at it through the whole meal, and it has cute little bows on the shoulders.
I grabbed a pair of back backless black heels that apparently everybody owns now and went back into the bathroom putting on any of the gold jewelry I had laying on the counter from the days before.

I rushed out of the bathroom through the bedroom where Devin stood, I hastily walked past him grabbing his arm and pulling him with me.
"They can wait a few minutes it's fine"

"No, it's rude"

He opened the car door for me before going to the driver's side.
Luckily for us, Devin has always been afraid of going the speed limit so we made it there 10 minutes early than it should've taken.

We walked into the restaurant that is fancier than I would've ever picked, but here we are.
Devin's family sat at the table as we approached and I felt my heart rate accelerate.

Devin's mother stood to hug me.
"I'm so sorry we are late I did not pay attention to the time" I quickly tried to repair any hard feelings I created while I made them wait.
"Oh do not even worry about that sweetie I'm just so happy you're here!"

We let go and I went over to hug Mya who has grown so much since I last saw her and Devin took my place hugging his mother.
Davon stood up and gave me a side hug while Devin's dad only eyed me. I sat down and I was in between Devin and Davon, Devin put his arm around me while I had my hand against his thigh trying to calm my nerves.

The conversations with Devin's mother were never-ending, she is the sweetest woman and is always so interested in what you have to say.
I remember being so afraid of her when me and Devin first got together because I always thought she looked mean but she turned out to be the nicest person ever.

"What have you been up to dad?"
Devin asked from across the table while his hand softly grazed my arm.
I tried not to look his way because every time I did he was staring daggers into me, but I did notice he was on his fifth cup of whatever he had ordered before we arrived, I didn't know what exactly but I knew it was alcohol.

"I've been on the phone with your manager all day for the past week, do you know why that is son?"
His face and voice seemed friendly but you could tell that the slight edge in his voice was deceiving.

"Probably because I haven't been answering her calls all week"

"That's exactly it. And she mentioned you canceled an interview with ESPN that I worked very hard to get you"

"Because I have four days of free time between preseason and regular season and I wanted to spend it with my family and fiancé before a busy year"

I let out an anxious breath.
I know how these arguments go, I've seen plenty.
Melvin thinks Devin is gonna abandon his career, he thinks he doesn't care anymore and this is him throwing in the towel.
And Devin sees these few days as a reward, and can't sense the anger in his father's voice so every little thing he says that he thinks is innocent is actually upsetting his father even more.

"He didn't cancel it he's trying to get it rescheduled" I butted in regretting it almost instantly, this isn't my place.

"Yea but with games coming up I probably won't have time, I think I need to just forget about it and try again next year"

Damn it, Devin...

"So everything I've given you, you don't want anymore?"

Damn it, Devin!

"I never said that. It's one interview it's not a big deal"

"Well, it must be if it took me 6 months to try and get you a spot all for you to tell them you don't wanna work with them!"

"Dad calm down" Davon intervened.

"I'm not gonna calm down! I give him everything and it's still not enough for him!"

Devin glanced down taking notice of the empty cups in front of him, you could almost see the sting in his eyes when he realized what a shit show we were about to throw.

"Dad, can we talk about this later? Or at least outside?" Devin pleaded with his eyes.

"No, I think we should do this in front of her"
That turned everybody's attention to me which is just every person's nightmare.

"She's already distracting you just like me and Davon called, remember that conversation Davon"

Davon turned to me and tried to argue his case but I quickly shut it down, I was too focused on what this fight might turn out to be I didn't worry about what he said.

"She's already pregnant, isn't she? I fucking knew it! That's why you guys are still together! They will ruin your career, Devin, you don't need this baby!"

"There is no baby dad she's not pregnant! Now can you please shut the hell up or leave."

Melvin let out a very loud scuff making sure his frustration was known by everybody around him, he sat back in his seat with his arms crossed kind of like a child who just got told they couldn't get that new game they wanted.

We all sat in silence and the tension was night while everybody stared at the table, nobody wanting to be the first to speak after what just happened.

I knew I was the last person who should speak first so I quietly sat there with my hand on Devin's thigh, his hand rested on my shoulder rubbing little circles into my skin.

The waitress came over filling everybody's cups with water except for the drink she had brought for Marvin.
Devin's mother looked his way shaking her head at him in disappointment.

She decided to take one for the team and be the first to speak.
"Well honey I think you are doing an amazing job and I love how you can balance life right now"

Devin's father let out another scuff to her words.

"Okay we are done here" Devin stood up pushing his chair out.
He was practically pulling me up with his hand that was wrapped around my arm.

He threw a few hundreds down on the table and gave his mom a look telling her to follow.
Devin was pulling me out of the restaurant without saying anything.

Standing in the parking lot Devin was saying his goodbyes to his mom and sister, his dad walked up to us rather quickly which made me a little nervous but Devin and Davon wasted no time standing in front of me acting as a little shield for me.

"Oh come on I can't say goodbye to my future daughter-in-law?" His words came out slurred.

"We aren't doing this here"

"I knew it was only a matter of time before you turned your back on family"

He rolled his eyes walking to Davon's car.
Davon turned my direction "I swear I didn't say anything about you ruining his career, he talked I was just there I'm so sorry"

"It's fine you don't need to worry about it"

He hugged me apologizing once again before following Melvin to the car.
Mya came over and hugged me before our final goodbyes.

The car ride home was silent except for the music quietly playing.
I just stared out the window the entire time, I wasn't sure what to say to Devin I knew I needed to apologize for the damage I caused between him and his family but I wasn't sure how or if it was the right time.

When we got home there still wasn't a word uttered between either one of us.
Devin went straight to the couch after pouring himself a drink, he let his head fall back against the cushions and closed his eyes.
I didn't think it was the time to apologize so I just went to our room.

I put my hair up in a messy bun and took my jewelry and makeup off, I didn't rush because I wanted to give him some alone time so when I was finished I quietly walked back into the living room.
Devin still had his head back on the cushion but his hand was now covering his face.

It wasn't the kind where he looked like he was crying, just frustrated and upset.
I figured he still wasn't in the mood for me so I just quietly walked back to our bedroom and sat on the bed.

We were doing so good...

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