Sorry | Murphamy AU | vol.1

By mumblingmurphy

61.2K 3.2K 1.5K

[ THIS IS UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION !! ] "Would you stop romanticizing this?" "Why? We're going to die anyway... More

Author's Note {Please Read}
1. Project
2. Like morbid butterflies
3. The art of time
4. Broken noses and butterflies
5. Comedically and tragically beautiful
6. Permanent solutions for temporary problems
7. Irrationality killed the cat
8. An affair with the huntsman
9. Everything will be okay, one day
10. Berlin, 1848
11. Years of subliminal messaging
12. Death isn't colder than heartbreak (it isn't)
13. A worthless apology
14. Hold on tighter for a better kiss
15. Written in bark
16. Young and ignorant
17. Behind whatever shows
18. Touches like glass
19. Naive for things of choice
20. Sobriety with hands of gold
!!please read!!
21. Stay awake for another confession
22. Asleep too soon
23. A familiar face is always odd
[Ch.25 • Gonplei1]
[Ch.26 - Gonplei2]
[Ch.27 - Gonplei3]
[Ch.28 - Gonplei4]
Ch.29 - Camp Gonplei #5
Ch.30 - Hello Jake.
Ch.31 - Not Again
Ch.32 - Tattoo
Ch.33 - Nicer ones
Ch.34 - Memes
Ch.35 - Chef
Ch.36 - Date
Ch.37- The Truth
Ch.38 - You'll Celebrate It
Ch.39 - Too Good
Ch.40 - Visual Learner
Ch.41- Teddy Bear
Ch.42 - 'Cute'
Ch.43 - Mortified
Ch.44 - I Pray
Ch.45 - HIM
Ch.46 - The Story of Mbege
Ch.47 - Pull A Dante
Ch.48 - Tease
Ch.49 - Trigger
Ch.50 - Impossible
Ch.52 - F-boy Bell
Ch.53 - Taking a break
Ch.54 - Just One Yesterday
Ch.55 - "It"
Ch.56 - I swear
Ch.57 - Sinclair
Ch.58 - Mystery man
Ch.59 - Rebecca and Mark
Ch.60 - Best Friend
Ch.61 - Torn
Ch.62 - Win
Ch.64 - Stupidity
Ch. 65 - Out in the open
Ch. 66 - You Broke My Nose!
Ch. 67 - Medicine Cabinet
Ch. 68 - Five
Ch. 69 - Say your prayer
Ch.70 - Paint
Ch. 71 - Metal Tracks

Ch.51 - Running out of sass

381 27 4
By mumblingmurphy

What Murphy tells me, shocks me. "Murphy, you live with me." I state and he laughs. "I think you're on crack." he scoffs, and walks away. I take him by his wrist, holding tightly. He turns around, yanking it from his grasp. "What the hell is going on?" I ask, upset and frustrated. "Are you okay?" he asks, now sounding concerned. The next thing I know, I black out.

I open my eyes and I'm back in my room, only now, Murphy's stuff is here. It's here, but the vibe is weird. I hear loud shouting, and I walk downstairs, my parents crying, and my sister's just staring at them, confused. "Bell!" she exclaims, running up to me, and my parents shut their mouths, looking to me, angrily. "How could you?" my mom asks in despair and I shake my head. "What?" I ask, and my dad looks furious. "He left, Bellamy, because of you." my dad spits at me and I furrow my eyebrows. "What the hell is going on?" I ask for the millionth time today and all they do is shake their heads in sorrow.

Nothing is making sense. I run back up to my room, and I see Murphy, sitting on my bed, looking at his lap. I run up to him. "Murphy, what's going on?" I ask in a panic, and he looks up at me, and I can tell that he's been crying. His eyes are red and puffy, his eyes, don't look like his eyes. He subtly shakes his head, "I'm so sorry." he whispers, pulling a shotgun to his head, and before I have the chance to react, he pulls the trigger, falling onto his back.


I shoot awake with staggered breathing, looking around, surrounded by darkness. I feel movement to my side, and I see Murphy rubbing his eyes, sitting up next to me. "You alright?" he whispers, placing a hand on my back, and I sigh, knowing that it was just a bad dream. But it still haunts me. Dreams don't just spring from nothing. I shake my head a bit, pulling him in for a hug, and he holds me tightly. I let out a sob, and he holds me closer, hushing me gently. 

He lays us down, pulling me close to his chest, and I treasure his presence. I cherish my fiancée more than anything in the world, and nothing could ever change that. "You're okay." he hums every so often, playing with my hair, knowing that I enjoy it. "I love you, Murphy." I tell him, nuzzling into his chest. "I love you too, Bellamy." he coos, and I feel my eyes start to droop.


The rest of the week drags on like a bitch, and by the time Friday rolls around I'm done. "Bell, I'm not going today." Murphy announces when I get up. "What do you mean you're not going? Yeah you are." I say and he curls up in the sheets. "No." he protests and glares at me. I can only see a bit of his face. The rest of it is surrounded in the duvet. "Yes, let's go. C'mon." I say, trying to pull the sheets off of  him. "No, don't be mean Bellamy, be nice Bellamy. He whines, and I sigh. "Education is important. Let's go." I declare, trying to pull him from the bed, but he stays put.  "So is sleep." he mumbles and I groan in frustration. "If I'm going, so are you." I exclaim and he sighs. "Then don't go, get back in." he says, lifting the cover up. I give him a look. "Fine, but I have a secret to tell you first." he states, and I cross my arms over my chest. "Okay, what is it?" I ask, and he sighs. "No, it's like really secret, come here." he states, and I take two extra steps, and lean down to the bed so that he can tell me. He smiles, taking me by the shirt and pulling me back onto the bed, straddling me so that I can't move. 

Murphy P.o.v.

I lean in kissing him and he whines. "We're going to be late." he states, when I pull away. "For what?" I ask and he sighs. "School." he states and I shrug, "But I'm not going." I whisper seductively, and when I see his mouth open, probably to argue, I grind on him. That seems to shut him up. He groans in a mix of lust and annoyance, "Fine, but if my mom asks, I'm blaming you." he compromised and I nod, agreeing to the terms. I get off of him and curl next to him. He scoffs, "Excuse me, but that's not how it works." he states, picking me up, and placing me back on his hips. "Well, how does it work?" I ask him and he smirks. "Let me show you." he says, pulling me back down, and kissing me. 

Bellamy P.o.v.

"School! Now!" Susan shouts from the other side of the door, and Murphy reluctantly pulls away. "Can we please take a day off?" I holler at her and I hear her sigh in annoyance. "No, get off each other, and get to school." she exclaims, and Murphy blushes, hopping off. We get ready, and I have to shove Murphy all the way to school. We get there in time for the bell to ring.

I don't see Murphy in gym, so I go outside. He's there, smoking. "You didn't go to any classes today... did you?" I ask, walking up to him. He has his coat on, and his bag slung on his shoulder. "Nah..." He states, flicking the cigarette onto the snow, and I roll my eyes. "Hey, don't use that attitude with me." Murphy tells me and I narrow my eyes. "What attitude?" I ask and sighs, smirking. "You can't roll your eyes, it's disrespectful." he states, and I roll my eyes again, just to piss him off. "Alright, you have two more classes, get in." I say, pointing to the building and he scoffs. "Yeah, no." he states, leaning on the tree. "Now." I say sternly and he doesn't move. He asked for it. I walk over to him, and throw him over my shoulder, carrying him to the building. "Fuck, your strong. Put me down." Murphy laughs out. "I know, and no way." I say and he slaps my back, but it feels like more of a pat. "Do you want me to scream?" he threatens. "Murphy, you're acting like a little bitch right now. Please, shut the fuck up." I ask politely and he groans in frustration, mumbling something under his breath. 

I put him down in front of the entrance, "What did you say?" I ask and he shrugs. "I'm not the little bitch." he smirks, and I narrow my eyes. "You're running out of sass." I admit to him, knowing that it'll tick him off, and his jaw drops. "Yeah? Let's see who's running." he states, and I open my mouth to ask what he means, when he turns around, and bolts away. "For fuck sake." I mutter before taking off after him, and I swear, I feel like I'm dealing with a six year old.

Murphy is the faster runner, so I can't get too close without him running a bit farther. I don't even know where he's headed. "You're not even going in the right direction!" I shout at him while running, in the opposite direction of home. "Yeah, I kinda got turned around!" he shouts back and I groan. We run a good ten seconds before we get to the mall, and I see Murphy dart inside. I get inside, and I can see Murphy dart around one of the corners, and I have to slow down, because I am getting glares from strangers. I think, he thinks, that he's lost me, because he looks around and then slows down when he thinks he's alone. He puts his hands in his pockets, and strolls along the shiny floor of the mall. I smirk, following closely behind. 

He then removes one hand from his pockets, and I take two quick steps, grabbing it, holding it as if we were just casually walking. He freezes and sighs in defeat. "Gottcha." I whisper, smiling happily. Murphy just chuckles, but stops when he faces forwards. "They're staring at us." he hisses to me, and I look at the two thugs who are clearly skipping school too. "Hey!" Murphy shouts at them, turning some heads in the process and I follow Murphy, who's walking up to them. "Got a problem?" Murphy asks, facing one of the guys. "Not at all, fag." he calls him and Murphy scoffs. "I'm sorry, would you mind repeating that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your dick, crying." he hisses, kneeing the asshole in the the crotch. Murphy, harshly flips him off one more time, and I glare at the other guy who's trying to help his friend.

"See? We wouldn't have had that opportunity if you'd made me go back to school." Murphy tells me as we walk out the door. "I still think we should go back." I argue, and he punches me in the arm. "What the fuck was that for?" I ask, holding my arm. He stops, and points at me, "John Murphy, doesn't run out of sass." he growls, then changes to a happy, bright, and giddy emotion. "That hurt." I whine and he rolls his eyes in disbelief. "I'm serious!" I tell him as we continue the walk. "I'll make it up to you later." he says and I scoff. "Oh yeah? How are you planning on doing that?" I ask slyly and he narrows his eyes, thinking. "Uh..." he ponders and I watch his facial expressions change. "I can fuck you." he suggests casually, with shrug and I blush, and go from looking at him, to looking down at my feet. "Are you... blushing?" he teases, only making my blush darker. "How cute. We're getting married and you still blush when I offer to fuck." he grins and I groan. "And you don't?" I ask him, narrowing my eyes. He just looks ahead grinning. "Alright, how'd you feel if I told you that I'm gonna shove my dick so far up you're ass that you'll have no choice butto scream." I snarl at him, and it takes less than a second for him to turn a dark pink. I scoff, "That's what I thought." I smile, proud of accomplishing my task. "You just got me like super turned on." he states and me. "Well, we can deal with that when we get home." I tell him and he giggles.


Hope you like it, if you did, vote and comment! You can also check out my other fanfics, and follow my IG: @bellamy.murphy100

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