By casgirl17

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Based on Season 2 of Teen Wolf. The world isn't all it seems to be when 17-year-old Karson Lahey's younger b... More

7 part I
7 part II
9 part I
9 part II
to be continued


117 2 1
By casgirl17

"If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing, then he probably doesn't know someone's controlling him." ALLISON states on speaker phone. Scott and Stiles were currently in the Sheriff's station awaiting interrogation about Jackson. Apparently, Jackson went to the station after escaping the van in the preserve and he ended up calling his father to somehow punish the boys. Karson and Allison were phoned in on Scott's cell to get caught up on what was happening.

"Or he doesn't remember..." Scott mutters. Karson was currently sitting in the train, curled up against one of the seats that were still intact. 

"What if it's the same kind of thing that happened with Lydia when she took off from the hospital?" Stiles asks.

Karson remembers Stiles saying that when Peter was still alive and active in his vicious ways, he attacked Lydia during homecoming out on the lacrosse field, giving her the bite. However, Lydia never turned nor did she die which leaves her supernatural status still in question. After being attacked, Lydia went missing for a short time in the woods and ended up with temporary amnesia. 

"A fugue state?" Karson replies.

"He'd have to forget everything. The murder--

"--Getting rid of the blood--" 

"Jesus. No wonder Jackson isn't listening to us." Karson mutters in response to Scott and Allison. 

"Yeah, he had help with one thing, though-- the video. And someone else helped him forget that." Stiles pointed out. The question still remained: if Danny wasn't the one who erased the video, then who did? What is their motive? 

"Whoever's controlling him." Scott adds. 

"Are you sure Jackson has no clue about any of this?" Allison asks, doubt in her voice. It would actually be easier if he didn't know what he was doing. It would mean that Jackson wasn't a cold-blooded killer intentionally. Maybe someone is using him to do their dirty work, Karson thought. 

"He thinks he's still becoming a Werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing..." Stiles replies. 

"So, do we try and convince him he's not?" Karson asks. "I doubt he'll talk to us after what we did." 

"If it helps us find out who's controlling him, then yeah..." Scott says. 

"..Yeah, it's us! He'll talk to us, right?" Stiles chimes in. 

Jackson, in fact, did not want to talk to the boys. Mr. Whittemore filed a restraining order against Scott and Stiles indefinitely, causing major problems with the boys and the Sheriff, and Scott's mom. Karson groaned in response to this, mass texting Allison about what the next steps would be. Thank god they didn't press charges. 

As she was typing on her phone, Derek, Issac, and Erica moved to their spots when they were at the end of the train. 

"So, why do we need their help?" Issac asks, following Derek through the entire length of the pathway. He paused where Karson was, running his fingers through her hair playfully to mess with her. Karson jerked backward, nearly hitting her head on the glass window, and swatted her brother's hand away with her own. 

"Because it's harder to kill than I thought, and I still don't know who it is." Derek replies, walking towards the exit with Issac and Erica following closely behind. Karson was curious as to what they were talking about so she decided to follow suit. 

"And they do?" Her brother asks. 

"They might-- which is why I need one of you to get on their good side." Derek pointed at Issac and Erica in response. 

"Mmm. Scott or Stiles?" Erica hums, smirking at her comment. 


"What are you guys up to?" Karson narrowed her eyes at the three of them, arms crossed across her chest. 

"Just a little supply and demand, big sister." Issac replies, smiling at her in amusement. 

Karson wondered why Derek didn't ask her for information. He was aware that she was close with the two boys. Then again, Karson wasn't too keen on using them like that for Derek's agenda. 

"You know, the full moon's coming, Derek." Issac says, causing Karson's stomach to drop to her ass. It reminded her that they still need to learn control. 

"I'm aware of that." Irritation is present in Derek's voice. He approaches a large trunk on the ground, glossed brown and with duvets present in the wood. Removing the lock and flinging the lid open, Karson leans over Erica's shoulder to see many chains present in the trunk.  Derek grabs a handful of black thick chains, placing them on the ground next to him. 

Erica reaches into the trunk as well, pulling out another set of chains. " Oh my. These look comfortable." Derek rolls his eyes at her and takes the chains from her to place on the ground with the pile he is making.

"You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted." Issac says. 

"There hasn't been time." Derek explains, emptying the entire trunk, and completing the pyramid of chains on the ground. 

"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means... That means you're alone against the Argents." Issac states, hands placed in the pockets of his jeans. 

"They haven't found us." Derek closes the trunk, walking away from the three teenagers. 

"Yet. So, how about we forget about the Kanima?" Issac shouts, staring intently at his alpha. 

"We. Can't!" Derek snaps, turning to face them in frustration throwing his hand up in front of him with assertiveness. He takes a hug to exhale, gesturing with his hands about the importance of keeping up with the Kanima. "There was something about the way Gerard looked at it... He wasn't afraid, at all. I don't know what he knows, or what he's planning. But, I'm sure about one thing-- we have to find it, first." 

Karson was feeling guilty about not telling them that Jackson is the Kanima. She could see how frustrated Derek was about it, but Karson wasn't fully certain that Derek won't let him live. And if someone is controlling Jackson, that probably means that the Whittemore boy will end up being collateral damage, which Scott won't let happen. Karson looked down at her cell to check the time, cursing under her breath at being late for school. She grabs her bag to throw it over her shoulder, following Erica towards the door. 

The hallways are flooded with students. Erica and Karson part ways, offering a 'catch ya later' as they walk in opposite directions. Karson had study hall for the first two periods and she decided to go to the library to study. On her way there Allison called out her name, running to catch up with the girl. 

"Was Lydia able to translate anymore?" Karson asks the hunter. 

"Yeah. It was hard keeping the truth from her, trust me, I almost told her a couple of dozen times." Allison sighs, pushing past other students as they entered the library. "C'mon we gotta tell the boys." 

Karson and Allison walk nonchalantly through the library, trying to not draw attention to themselves. They notice a security camera scanning the room, but they slowly work their way down a narrow strip of bookshelves, stopping at a section of miscellaneous books. Allison grabs her small iPad from her bag before sliding it through the stack of books to Scott and Stiles on the other side of the book stand. The two girls could see their faces through a gap in the books. 

"It's everything Lydia can translate... And trust me, she was very confused." Allison leans her back against the book stand. 

"Yeah, what'd you tell her?" Scott asks. 

"That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Allison chuckles under her breath, causing Scott and Karson to laugh too. 

"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures..." Stiles states, a serious look on his face. 

"O-oh. Great." Awkwardness thickens in Allison's voice. 

"Okay, does it say how to find out who's controlling him?" Scott asks, reading the translation notes on Allison's iPad. 

"Not really, but Stiles was right about the murderers." Allison says, causing Stiles to pump his fist at his side, whispering a sharp 'Yes!.'

" It calls the Kanima a "weapon of vengeance." There's a story in there about this South American priest who uses the Kanima to execute murderers in his village--" Allison explains, looking over her shoulder to make sure nobody is listening to them. 

"All right, see? So, maybe it's not all that bad..." Stiles interjects, nodding his head. 

"Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to..." Allison says, grabbing a book from the shelf above her head to act less suspicious. Karson's eyes widen at this statement. 

"All bad. All very, very bad." Stiles says alarmed. 

"Here's the thing, though. The Kanima's actually supposed to be a Werewolf, but it can't be--" 

 "Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it." Scott finishes Allison's sentence, reading the notes on the iPad. 

"Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself." Stiles says. 

"What if... it has something to do with his parents? His real parents?" Karson asks. Jackson was adopted when he was just a baby so it is safe to say that he does have some identity issues. 

"Yeah, does anybody actually know what happened to them?" Scott asks, scanning around at the three of them for an answer. 

"There is one person who might know." Karson replies, looking at Stiles who realizes who is she talking about. 

"Lydia might." 

"What if she doesn't know anything?" Scott asks his best friend. 

"Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, so I'll talk to him myself." Allison explains, closing the book she grabbed and placing it back on the upper bookshelf. 

"Okay, what do I do?" Scott says. 

"You have a make-up exam, remember?" Allison states. Scott sighs in irritation, watching Stiles nod his head in agreement. The Argent girl slides her arm through the shelf below them, grabbing tightly to Scott's hand and squeezing her fingers instinctively. "Promise me." 

"If he does anything, you run the other way." Scott pleads with his girlfriend, leaning against the bookshelf.

"I can take care of myself." 

"Allison, if you get hurt while I'm busy with some stupid test, someone's going to need to take care of me. If he does anything--" Scott grits his teeth. 


"Anything weird, or bizarre-- anything." 

"Anything evil!" Stiles sticks his head through the empty space on the shelf, causing Scott and Allison to retract their arms back to their sides. Allison pushes Stiles' head with force out of the space of the shelf. 

"You want me to come with you?" Karson asks the girl.

Allison grips her arm in reassurance. "I'll be fine." 


Karson went to class, breezing past most of them. Considering she already took the SATs and aced it, Karson wasn't too worried about excelling in her classes. Getting straight As came easy to Karson. As she exited her last class of the day, Karson worried about Allison. Scott went to take his make-up exam and Stiles went to talk to Lydia about Jackson's parents. Jackson has been so unpredictable lately, she was scared he would lash out at Allison. 

As Karson rounds the corner of the hallway, she spots Stiles chasing Lydia up one of the staircases. She begins to walk towards the boy with haste and notices Erica appear, shoving Stiles into the wall behind him. 

"Ah, ah! Hey, Erica..." Stiles pants anxiously. Karson glides to his side, trying to alleviate the situation. 

"Oh. Hey Lahey." Erica mutters, smirking at the girl. "Now, do one of you wanna tell me what the hell is going on? Why are you asking Lydia about Jackson's parents?" 

" Why are you bringing out the claws on camera?" Stiles replies, pointing towards the security camera behind them hanging near the ceiling. Erica's claws are sprawled out on Stiles' chest, holding him against the wall, but she quickly retracts her hand when she notices the camera. 

"That's right-- you wanna play Catwoman? I'll be your Batman." Stiles spits out, pushing himself off of the wall. He brushes past the blonde girl and heads towards another staircase. 

"If you're wondering about Jackson's real parents, they're about half a mile from here" Erica says, leaning against the now-empty wall. Stiles turns to face her in curiosity. "... In Beacon Hills Cemetery." 

Before Karson or Stiles could respond to her, Erica is already walking down the hallway away from them. The two steal a glance at each other and book it in Erica's direction. 

"Do you know how they died?" Stiles asks, quickening his steps to stay on Erica's heels. 

"Maybe... If you tell me why you're so interested." Erica replies, smirking to herself. Karson stays close to the girl, her arms rubbing against the blonde girl's. She notices Erica's face fall in realization as to why Stiles and she are so curious about Jackson and his parents. 

"It's him, isn't it?" Erica stares at the floor in front of her, eyes wide before looking at Karson for confirmation. " The test didn't work, but it's still him. It's Jackson!" 

Stiles' mouth gapes, words on the tip of his tongue to come up with another reason but is too late. Erica is already far ahead of him, with Karson rushing to her side. 

"Erica. Erica!" Karson yells for the girl to stop walking. 

"How long have you known?" Erica asks, stopping right near the boys' locker room. Stiles is within eyesight, working his way toward the two girls. 

"Since that night at Scott's house. When you tried to kill Lydia." Karson could see the shock on Erica's face. "Look, I didn't tell you guys because I knew Derek would have killed him."

"Which is exactly what needs to happen! Jackson is killing people. He needs to be stopped." Erica shouts, shrugging her shoulders in absolution. 

"He doesn't know what he's doing!" Karson yells back. 

"You can't tell Derek, okay? There's a lot more that you don't know about... And just because you got the Alpha-Bite-Makeover doesn't give you a license to go around destroying people." Stiles adds from next to Karson. 

"Why not? That's all anybody ever used to do to me." Erica admits. "I used to have the worst crush in the world on you. Yeah, you, Stiles. And you never once even noticed me." 

Karson frowned at the girl in sympathy, understanding the reasoning behind Erica's hardened exterior. Karson never held anything against the Reyes girl, though she did disagree with her constant need to reign hellfire. Living with Erica has allowed Karson to bond with her in a way that Scott and others haven't experienced. Karson turns to see Stiles' reaction to Erica's confession but observes a blank expression that catches Erica's attention too. 

"Exactly how you're not noticing me right now."

"Stiles'.." Karson mutters, attempting to break the boy out of his trance. His vision is glued to the ground in front of him, causing Erica and Karson to follow his line of sight. A huge puddle of water is seeping from underneath the boys' locker room door. Without a chance to comprehend what's happening, the three teenagers watch as Scott and Jackson burst out through the locker room, tackling one another. Erica grabs Jackson, wrapping an arm around his chest to hold him still against the wall. Stiles helps hold Scott back while Karson checks on Allison, who is too focused on trying to calm her boyfriend down. 

"What the hell's going on?" Mr. Harris yells from the end of the hallway, approaching the chaos that has ensued. He watches as Scott and Jackson continue to fight against their friends. " Hey! Enough! Enough!" 

Scott is panting heavily, pulling himself out of Stiles' grasp to collide against the wall behind him. Jackson looks to have calmed down as well but Erica stays close to him just in case. The group is sufficiently freaked out, to say the least. 

Karson notices a boy standing behind Mr. Harris, holding Allison's iPad in his hand. This alarms her as she can see him staring at the screen intently. However, he attempts to hand it to Scott. "You dropped this." 

Mr. Harris turns to snatch it out of his hand, his fingers tightly secured around the iPad, pointing it at Scott and Jackson. "You, and you." Karson sees him pause in contemplation, which quickly subsides as he waves the iPad around at the whole group. "-- Actually, all of you-- detention. Three o'clock."


Karson, Scott, Stiles, Erica, Allison, and Jackson all drag themselves into the desolate library at three o'clock for detention. The other boy, the one who grabbed Allison's iPad during the altercation, was also there. Matt was his name. Her memory has always sucked, however, she wasn't sure what it was about him but Karson felt an odd familiarity around Matt. 

Mr. Harris is standing in the middle of the open floor of the library, waiting for the teenagers to take their seats. Allison, Jackson, and Matt sat at one table while Scott, Stiles, and Erica snag a table right across from them. Karson sits at an empty table next to where the boys and Erica are.  

"Oh, uh, we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools." Jackson voices, gesturing towards Scott and Stiles. 

" Fine. You two, over there." Mr. Harris sighs in irritation, pointing at the two boys to move to Karson's table. 

The anger radiating off of Scott makes Karson actually fear for Jackson. He sits down next to her, fidgeting in his seat. Scott is glaring at Jackson, before turning to acknowledge Stiles sitting in front of him and Karson. "I'm gonna kill him."

 "No, you're not. You're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're gonna help save him." Stiles gestures with his fingers to attempt to calm down his best friend. 

"No, you were right-- let's kill him." 

"Oh no." Karson mutters under her breath, rubbing her hands across her face. 

The three sit there for a while in silence, counting down the minutes until detention concluded. Mr. Harris was sitting behind the front desk of the library reading through some papers in front of him. Scott began to cool off the more they sat there enough to explain what happened. From Scott's point of view, he walked into the locker room after sensing Allison's fear and saw Jackson naked and on top of a freaked-out Allison. Not much was left up to interpretation after that for Scott who attacked Jackson. 

Karson turned to observe the Whittemore boy who appeared completely unphased like nothing even happened. Matt was grabbing chips from out of his bag to snack on. Allison looked visibly uncomfortable, shifting constantly in her seat next to Matt. Karson couldn't pinpoint a memory where she remembered Matt. The feeling that she knew him was knawing at Karson. The only reason she knew his name was because Danny knows him. Scott explained that Matt was big into photography and videography. According to Danny, Matt helped Jackson with his video malfunctions. It created uneasiness inside of Karson. 

" Hey, what if it's Matt? I mean, this whole thing comes back to the video, right?" Stiles asks, eyes narrowing at the boy eating his snack. 

"Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing." Scott adds, throwing his hand up in theatrics. His head resting on his curled-up arms leaning on the table and Karson could see how low energy Scott was. She felt for the guy. 

"Exactly! He's trying to throw suspicion off himself." Stiles says. 

"So, he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argent's Hunters, and the mechanic working on your Jeep...?" Scott states, lifting his head up from his arms. 



"Because he's evil." Stiles says, staring at Matt. 

"You just don't like him." Scott explains, pushing himself up from his slouched position on the table. 

"Stiles might have a point. Do you ever notice how Matt's always around? Offering to go out of his way to help Jackson with the video? Getting himself thrown into detention today with Jackson?" Karson says, her palms pressing into the table in front of her. "Seems a little fishy."

"The guy bugs me. I don't know what it is. Just look at his face!" Stiles says, making Scott and Karson turn to watch Matt slowly continue to munch on his chips, offering Jackson some who refuse. 

"Any other theories?" Scott asks.

"Erica might know something." Karson says, glancing at the girl writing in her notepad. Erica noted how Jackson's parents were in Beacon Hills Cemetery out in the hallway earlier so it is possible she knows more than she's letting on. 

Jackson stood up in his seat, clutching his head in discomfort. The group eyed him as he grabbed his bag and headed for the exit of the library, mumbling about grabbing a drink of water. Mr. Harris demanded the teenagers stay in their seats while he goes to check on Jackson. With the opportunity, the three rushed over to Erica's table searching for answers. 

"Karson and Stiles say you know how Jackson's parents died." Scott says, leaning across the table to get Erica's attention. 

"Maybe." Erica continues to write in her notepad, completely unbothered.

 Karson grabs Erica's wrist from her seat adjacent. "Erica, please." 

The blonde girl pauses for a moment before closing her notepad and placing her pen on top of it on the closed laptop in front of her.  "It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's eighteen." 

"So, not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at eighteen?" Stiles asks, shock evident on his face from his spot across from Karson. 


"There's something so deeply wrong with that." Stiles adds, shaking his head in dismay. 

"You're telling me." Karson says, rolling her eyes at the thought of Jackson having even more money than he does right now. 

"You know what? I could try to find the insurance report in my dad's inbox. He keeps everything." Erica states, grabbing her laptop under her mesh of belongings to open her dad's email. 

"Scott McCall, please report to the principal's office." The speaker on the corner of the library wall announces, making the group tilt their heads in confusion.

As Scott leaves the library to head to the principal's office, Erica starts to dig through her dad's email inbox to search for Jackson's insurance report. Karson intently watches her mouse move on the laptop screen, scrolling through many many emails. Karson hears the door to the library open and close, noticing Jackson and Mr. Harris rejoining them. Jackson appears pale and sickly, slightly shivering as he returns to his seat. Mr. Harris resumes his position sitting behind the front desk. 

Karson draws her attention back to Erica's laptop screen. Two files are opened up; a police report and an insurance claim for a motor vehicle accident. As Erica scrolled through the files something caught Karson's attention. 

"Wait...check out the dates." She muttered, pointing at the screen. 

"Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death, was 9:26 PM, June fourteenth, 1995." Erica read aloud.

"Jackson's birthday is June fifteenth..." Stiles adds, throwing his eyebrows up matter-of-factly. 

"Well, if I wasn't freaked out before..." Karson says, leaning back in her seat. She observes the group in the room, trying to give her brain a rest from investigating. Mr. Harris stands up from his seat, packing up his papers into his briefcase. The teenagers begin packing up their stuff as well and standing up from their seated positions. 

Before they could head towards the exit, Mr. Harris blocks the door and laughs to himself. throwing his hands up in defense. "Oh, no, I'm sorry. Uh, yes, I'm leaving, but none of you are. You may go when you're done with the re-shelving." 

This causes unanimous head drops and quiet groans from the group of teenagers. He pats the many stocked book carts which are towering over from being filled up past their intended occupancy. "Enjoy the rest of your evening." 


"He was born by c-section. After his mom died." Karson says, restocking books on the shelves in front of her. Scott returned from the principal's office but he didn't mention what he was doing there in the first place. Stiles and Allison were rolling the book cart in between them and Karson, while Scott was the caboose. 

"So, was it an accident, or not?" Allison asks, leaning against the book cart along with Scott and Stiles. 

"The word all over the report is "inconclusive." Karson adds, sighing in frustration. 

"Then his parents could have been murdered?" Scott states. 

"If they were, then it falls in line with the Kanima myth, you know? It seeks out and kills murderers." Stiles replies, nodding his head. 

"But, for Jackson? Or the person controlling him?" Allison asks. 

"We have to talk to him. We have to tell him." Scott says, moving around the book cart with a purpose. 

"He's not gonna lis--" Scott doesn't listen to Allison's plea. Karson throws her arms up and backs down at her side before following Scott. 

He has stopped in his tracks, looking at the ground in front of him. Karson moves to glance at what he's staring at however it is nothing but an open book laying on the ground. It wasn't alarming to Karson, but when she trekked behind Scott to see Matt face down on the library carpet, she felt panic course through her. Scott and Karson leaned down over Matt to observe a thin incision on the back of his neck, gushing blood. 

Then, a rumble erupted from above them as something leaped from shelf to shelf. The library lights shattered to the ground, dispersing in little pieces and causing many groups of books to collapse off of their respective shelves to the ground below. Karson was curled up near Scott, throwing her arm up around her head in protection. Scott's eyes glowed yellow and fangs pointed out of his mouth. 

"Erica!" Scott yelled, presumably getting her to shift and ready to fight. More movement exploded around Karson. More lights shattering, more books tumbling off of shelves onto the ground. Tables are being thrown and flipped over. A shriek came from where Erica was, panicking Karson even further. 

As Scott and she checked their surroundings, Jackson appeared in front of them. Half of his face was covered in shiny green scales and his eyes were yellow, with dark tiny fangs appearing in rows in his mouth. Scott growled at him, placing an arm in front of Karson to shield her. However, Jackson was quicker. He let out a loud hiss before tossing Scott back into a book cart. 

When Karson wasn't quick enough to hide for protection, she felt a hand wrap around her throat. Jackson tightened his grip on her, cutting off her airways. Karson begins struggling in his grasp, coughing due to lack of oxygen. She could see in her peripheral sharp claws protruding from Jackson's nails. Karson's feet rose up from the ground as Jackson lifted her up to dangle in midair and then tossed her across the room. She collided with one of the sturdy bookshelves and fell hard to the ground in pain. 

Stiles' gripped her around the torso to pull her in between bookshelves to obscure Jackson's view of them as well as their view of him. Scott groaned in pain on top of the book cart he landed on right next to where the three teenagers were. When he was sure he wasn't hurt, Scott rushed to his friends. He planted himself in front of his girlfriend, draping his arm in front of her for protection. Karson continued to hold onto Stiles for support. 

The four watched Jackson as he stood in the middle of the library. Clearly not lucid or aware of what he was doing. A blackboard was behind him conveniently. Jackson picked up a piece of white chalk, and pressing it against the blank canvas. Karson eyed him as he began writing words to form a sentence. A sentence that terrified her. 

Stay out of my way or I'll kill all of you.


Karson's neck was tight in pain from Jackson's strong grip. She was constantly rubbing it as she headed back to the railway depot in a rush. Jackson's attack on Erica caused her to have a seizure, which prompted her to need to see Derek. Allison stayed behind to make sure Matt was okay which didn't sit well with Scott. Karson knew Allison could handle herself so she wasn't too worried. Scott and Stiles helped Karson bring Erica back to the train, the blonde girl convulsing in Scott's arms. 

As they entered the depot, Derek was already rushing to their sides. Karson made sure to contact him that they were on their way and needed help. Derek grabbed Erica from Scott's arms and carried her into the train with the rest following after him. Karson placed herself down next to Derek who was crouched on the floor of the train. 

"Hold her up." Derek says, slowly setting Erica down on the floor. Stiles grabs Erica from behind her, wrapping his arms around her to hold her in place. Scott was at her side and Karson grabbed onto her shoulder for support. 

" Is she dying?" Stiles asks, panic evident in his voice. Erica's head was rested up against Stiles' chest and her breathing started to slow down. 

"She might be. I--" Derek pauses, rolling up Erica's sleeve and gripping her arm tightly. "Which is why this is gonna hurt."

Derek snaps her arm so easily, bones crunching at the mechanism, which causes a series of screams to erupt from Erica. Karson gasps in shock and fear for the girl and she notices Scott covering his mouth in horror. 

Stiles gapes. "You broke her arm!"

"It'll trigger the healing process. I still gotta get the venom out-- this is where it's really gonna hurt." Derek says, twisting Erica's now broken arm in opposite directions. Blood pools out of her arm and Erica continues to shriek in pain. 

Gradually, Erica's screams die down and she pants in exhaustion. Stiles falls back more as Erica pushes all of her body weight onto him. Sitting with his leg crossed, he hunches over her to push some hair out of her face, which makes Erica smile weakly. "Stiles... you make a good Batman..." 

Erica passes out in Stiles' arms and Karson sighs in relief, gripping Stiles' shoulder in reassurance. Scott appears distraught and Derek's face is unreadable as usual. The two werewolves exit the train after they make sure Erica is okay. Karson follows after them when Stiles agrees to watch over her.

" You know who it is." Scott says to Derek. 

Derek pauses in his footsteps to face the Beta, taking a seat on a stool near her to nod in response. "Jackson."

"You just wanted Erica to confirm it, didn't you?" Derek nods again at Scott's question, making the McCall boy sigh hard. 

"I'm gonna help you stop him... as part of your pack. If you want me in, fine. But, we'll do it on one condition-- we're gonna catch him, not kill him." Scott confesses, causing Derek to appear surprised. 

"And?" Derek shrugs his eyebrows in curiosity. 

"And we do it my way." 


Shortly after, Scott and Stiles head home. Erica was sleeping soundly for someone who just endured that much agony. Karson was glad she was alright and made sure to check on her periodically. Issac and Boyd were nowhere to be found even though Karson texted them multiple times to let them know about Erica. Hopefully, they weren't getting into any type of trouble. Karson threw herself onto the couch in exhaustion, rubbing her face with her hands. She held her head in her hands and took many deep breaths as she rested her elbows on her legs for support. 

It was evident that Jackson was being controlled today in the library. It was stressful enough that they still couldn't figure out who was controlling him, but what made it more frustrating was that Jackson didn't seem to want their help. It would be very easy for Karson to just toss him aside and not give a shit about what happens to Jackson. He isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows. However, she keeps thinking back to what Scott said when they were at the preserve with Jackson chained up. He has nobody. He deserves to be saved. 

Karson replays the terrifying nights trapped in her house with her father at his worst. Issac and she were alone. Nobody was coming to save them from that torment, not after the death of their older brother. She felt responsible to make sure Jackson didn't go through that because Karson remembers the fear and loneliness during the unending abuse from her father. 

Derek was on the other side of the room, researching something on his laptop. He was so quiet that Karson forgot he was even there. It wasn't until he took a seat on the couch next to her that Karson was knocked off of her train of thought. 

"It seems like you got a lot on your mind." Derek says, concern written across his face. "I'm here to listen if you need that." 

It was like a dam broke. Karson groaned loudly before letting herself cry for the first time in a long time. Her salty tears seeped down her face in huge chunks causing her vision to become blurry. She tried to hold it in as best as she could but the tears just kept coming. Her head found its home again in her hands, elbows resting on her legs. Karson felt embarrassed to be crying in front of Derek. She never liked to show her vulnerability around others, not even her own brother. 

Karson felt an arm wrap around her waist, pulling her closer. Derek hoisted her over to his side, tightening his hold across her shoulders. Karson nestled into his warm side, letting her head fall onto his chest. "T-t-this is too much. I don't know how to help my brother, or how to save Jackson, I-I can't do this-"

"Shhhh. Karson, breathe." Derek says, running his fingers through her hair for comfort. Karson used to always have panic attacks in her bed at night. It was her way of coping with everything going on. But, it has been a long time since she has had one. "Look at me." 

Derek gripped the sides of her face in his hands to make her look him in the eye. Tear stains were present on her cheeks and she was struggling to catch her breath. "Take a deep breath with me, okay?" 

Karson watched as Derek inhaled and exhaled very slowly, mimicking him after observing him a couple of times. Her muscles were tense with anxiety and stress, which made it hard for her to relax. Karson inhaled through her nose hard and slowly released through her mouth, repeating this about a dozen times. Eventually, she felt her heart rate start to slow down and her tight muscles relax with each breath. Karson didn't realize her eyes were squeezed shut until she opened them to see Derek still holding her face in his hands. 

He slowly released his hold on her, running his hands down her neck and shoulders. His eyebrows furrow as he examines her skin better. Red marks are present along her neck from Jackson nearly choking her to death in the library. 

"What happened??" Derek asks, clearly concerned for her. 

"Jackson didn't just attack Erica in the library." Karson voices, grabbing her neck in remembrance of what happened. She could still feel Jackson's claw squeezing her airway shut, especially if her eyes are closed. "I'm fine though." 

"I might have to rethink my promise to Scott about not killing him." Derek says. 

"Derek, stop. I promise I'm okay. The plan hasn't changed and it won't just because of what happened at the library." Karson grips his forearm in reassurance. "He still deserves our help." 

"How can you still want to help him after he almost killed you?" 

"Because he didn't ask for this. For any of it. Just like Issac and I didn't ask for the life we got. We had each other, thankfully, but Jackson isn't as lucky. He doesn't have anyone." Karson says, not realizing she is still holding tightly to Derek's arm. He doesn't seem to care though because he was still holding onto her too. "Everyone deserves redemption. Even someone like Jackson." 

"Even someone like me?" Derek asks, staring into Karson's eyes like he is searching for her soul. 

"Even someone like you." Karson mutters, giving him a soft smile. 

"If he touches you again..." Derek begins, shaking his head. He runs a finger through Karson's hair to push it off of her face, causing her skin to warm up and her heart to beat faster. 

"You'll do what?" Karson swallows hard, eager to hear his response. The proximity between them caused butterflies to form in her stomach. She felt a strong pull towards him, like a string, was attached to their chests, slowly drawing them closer to one another. Derek's face softened, his eyes flickering from her eyes to her lips. 

Their faces were inches from one another now, so much so that Karson could feel Derek's breath strike her. It was like she was frozen in place and couldn't move. All she knew at that moment..was that she really wanted to kiss him. And so she did. Derek grabbed her face in his hands and smashed his lips on hers. Karson reciprocated, placing her hands on his chest. At first, it was a soft kiss, until she felt his tongue enter her mouth. 

Derek grabbed her waist and pulled her onto his lap so she was straddling him. Karson gripped his face, running her fingers through his scruff. He kissed her hard, holding the back of her head in an attempt to push her closer to him. Karson felt his other hand on under her jacket and shirt, his fingers on her bare back. They both moaned, heat pooling between them. Karson gasped when Derek slipped his tongue back into her mouth, fighting for dominance and ultimately winning. 

They barely took breaths of air before colliding back together again. Derek cupped her ass to pull her closer to him, causing Karson to feel him. Really feel him. No matter how wrong this might be, she couldn't bring herself to pull away from him. 

"You. drive. me. crazy." Derek whispers in her ear, planting wet kisses along her jaw. Karson grips his chin in her fingers, pulling him back up to her lips. Derek takes Karson's jacket off, throwing it to the floor and she feels heat pool in between her legs. 

Karson doesn't even realize her phone is ringing until it goes off for about the fifth time. She glances at it to see Issac calling her, which sends a streak of panic to rush through her. Karson pulls away from Derek to grab her cell, placing it against her ear to answer her brother. 

"Hey, Kar. Sorry I haven't been answering. Boyd and I are playing lacrosse. How's Erica? Is she okay?" Issac asks. 

"Umm..yeah." Karson pauses, staring deep into Derek's eyes. He just sits there in silence, barely moving while listening in on the phone call. "She's sleeping right now, but healing." 

"Good. Boyd and I are on our way back. We'll see you soon."  Issac hangs up. Karson tightens her grip on her phone, feeling the tension between Derek and her. 

Karson slowly removes herself from his lap, running her fingers along her scalp. She senses Derek standing up from his spot on the couch, approaching her from behind. The girl begins pacing back and forth, her fist covering her mouth as she thinks hard, before finally turning to face Derek. 

"As far as everyone else knows, that didn't just happen. Let's just forget about it." Karson mutters, pointing in midair dramatically. 

Derek opens his mouth to respond, however, Issac and Boyd burst through the door to the railway depot. 

"Hey, sis." Issac says, walking over to plant a chaste kiss on the side of her head. He drapes his arm across her shoulder while noticing the tension in the room. "What's going on?" 

Derek eyes Karson like he's contemplating what to say. She presses her lips together and widens her eyes as a way of telling him to keep quiet about what happened between them. "Nothing. Nothing at all." 

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