
By TickleYourButt

10.9K 484 60

[Aizawa Shouta x Reader] One would think that having the word 'prison' on a resume would make the owner a wi... More

Right Where She Belonged
Crocodile Tears
A Morning with Tsubaki
The All Mighty Diet
First Day of Class
Eraserhead: the villain
The Stench of a Villain
Children's Energy is Coffee
Charming Officers
Light Snooze
Food is Vital for Survival
Extra: Single Mum
Dangerous Ice Cream Break
The Switch
Head's Up
The Exchange of Feelings
Aizawa's Sweet Curse
Your Type of Man
Sip, Drink, Chug
Fuzzy Minds
At First Light
Ride Along
Jealousy Stinks
Waterfall Encounter

Sending Lovies

274 14 4
By TickleYourButt

"(N/N), look! Mummy!"

(Y/N) hummed to the child's words, eyes glued to the phone's screen as she waited for a reply.

It was the long awaited Sports Festival and this particularly exhausted ex-hero couldn't be any happier to take a seat, don a pair of sunglasses and pretend to be engaged while her eyes took a moment of reprieve.


A child is involved in this and an offer from a babysitter right now would set her mind at ease. Even if she decided to spend this wonderful occasion on auto-pilot mode, she might still be called to action by that embodiment of sadism, Nezu.

"Hi, Mummy!" Tsubaki beamed, finally getting the attention of her guardian.

(Y/N) frowned at the waving child, thinking for a split moment the little rascal was calling her mummy. But, after a long moment of confusion, the doll looked up at the actual mummy.

Aizawa Shouta.

He stood before the two of them, his bandaged arm waving left and right to the excited, giggling child.

"Oh... oh!" (Y/N) released a light-hearted giggle of her own as everything dawned on her. "Tsu, that's not a mummy! He got hurt protecting people."

Tsubaki's big eyes shifted from the hero to the ex-hero, the latter giving her an encouraging nod. Heeding to the practiced response, the pink-haired mini-human turned to Eraser and bowed, "fank you!"

Aizawa received the gratitude of the child with a start before slightly bowing to her. His eyes languidly turned to the doll, "can't be a missing child?"

"No, not missing." Then (Y/N) saw the need to add with a cheeky smile, "not kidnapped either."

After a long silence and shifting analysing glances, the bandaged man guessed, "... yours?"

"N-" The doll started with a shake of her head but Tsubaki's tightened squeeze on her leg obliterated the denial before it was properly delivered. (Y/N) smiled apologetically to the tiny thing before she reiterated, "yes... yes, she's with me."

Having Tsubaki for company as of late repelled many troublesome, flirtatious advances. As of this very moment, however, (Y/N) didn't want any flirtatious advances to be repelled.

Not from this man.

Yet, life had funny timings.

It was either explaining her complex situation, thus exposing Pink's state, or let the only man who could make her feel anything slip away.

It seems friendship prevails over romance.

"Tsubaki, say: hi, Aizawa-sensei!"

"Hi, Aizawa-sensei~!"

Aizawa only nodded to the child before turning to her care-takers's words: "I thought you'd be snuggled in your sleeping bag by now."

"I'll be joining Mic," was Aizawa's curt reply as he walked with her through the increasing crowd.

"Aizawa Shouta? Commentating?"

"It so happens."

"Can't wait to hear it."

Aizawa maneuvered a group of overly enthusiastic individuals with a sigh of discontent, "can't wait to end it."

"Oh, lighten up! Your thoughts will make for a valuable addition. Well," (Y/N) huffed, ultimately deciding to carry her child instead of constantly worrying about her oxygen intake down there, "next to Mic's yelling, a calm voice would be nice."

"Right..." Aizawa trailed off, clearing his throat before stating the fact: "the gate to the stadium is that way."

"I know," (Y/N) mumbled, checking her phone again, "I just need to deliver this package, first."

┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)Commercial break brought to you by: Hot UPS delivery human┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)

"Thank you so much!"

"Don't mention it!"

(Y/N) clasped her hands together as she looked politely at the nice couple. It was the same teacher who had taken care of Tsubaki when the doll was hospitalised.

"You did give us tickets for the Festival after all," the teacher beamed fanning the punctured tickets and winking at her husband.

"It was either that or pay you to babysit," (Y/N) confessed, giggling innocently.

Aizawa released a very audible sigh while a split second of silent judgement over morals and the arts of bribery ensued. Before the concerned hero could step in for a fix, the couple featured in their very own sponsored laugh.

Tsubaki looked up at the three cackling adults, exchanging a wary look with Aizawa.

"Now," the doll turned to the curious child and urged, "be nice, okay?"

The pink head nodded, taking a couple of steps towards the teacher before turning back, "no lovey?"

"Oh!" (Y/N) hit her palm on her head, "how could I forget? I'm growing senile, aren't I?! Come here!"

The pink thing waddled back happily to a blushing (Y/N).

"Here's your lovey," (Y/N) smoothed the energetic child's pink bangs to the side and placed a kiss on her forehead, sending her off with an awestruck teacher.

Once the crowd drowned Tsubaki and her babysitter, (Y/N) swirled to the waiting man, "package delivered."

"Should I be calling Child Services?" Eraser deadpanned.

"You know? I wouldn't be surprised if you did."

"Guess I lost the element of surprise," the mummy lamented, relishing in his sardonic nature.

(Y/N) snorted as the two resumed their walk to the stadium.

Something shifted between the two and the doll bet it was their last session. The one where she quietly slaved away to the demands of a very stressed and injured man.

Of course there were times when (Y/N) wanted to at least shoot a snarky remark to Aizawa's pesky complaints, but she was repeatedly reminded of the mantra she mentally recited: he's injured, he's tired, he's stressed and he wanted to test your limits.

The results of patience were definitely rewarding. The doll got to see his shoulders lose their tension as the voice, she instantly fell in love with, smoothly delivered words of gratitude.

The change in his attitude was a bonus, too.

"Couldn't you have left her with her dad?" Aizawa's direct question snapped his partner to her senses. A very specific question from a hero who had no eye for details. 

Wonder what it might've been? An actual suggestion or a way to get more information about the doll's relationship status? 

Unfortunately, the asker masked his intentions, convincing himself and (Y/N) the innocence of the question. While the askee was clueless to the art of reading between the lines.

In other words, both parties, ill-versed in romance as they are, remain completely hopeless.  

"That old goof? No way, he can barely take care of himself," (Y/N) dismissed. "Why do you ask? You're going to say it's unprofessional, aren't you?"

"... I am."

(Y/N) scuffed, "ah, rude. I'm the master of professionalism. The moment I step foot on school grounds, I secure the first two buttons of my shirt."

"Tell me you tie your shoelaces, too."

"You kidding? Basic stuff."

Eraser shook his head at the antics of this woman as they closed in on the gate.

"I guess this is it," (Y/N) began, spinning to Eraser as she slipped a pair of sunglasses on, "what? It's sunny today."

With a sigh, Aizawa only envied the real purpose behind the sunglasses and grumbled, "I'll be heading that way."

The doll beamed and said before going her away: "Sending lovies, then!"

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