Patrol 2: Lost & Found

Autorstwa CEBronk

1.1K 185 899

In this 2nd book in the Patrol series, Vania and her new work partner search for a serial killer. With the ca... Więcej

Settling in with a Flagon
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
One for the Road

Chapter 17

32 5 25
Autorstwa CEBronk

Vania sighed as the last customer exited, leaning on the counter heavily. I forgot how hectic this place gets in the morning... She sighed again. I also forgot how much the men leer, even when they're anxiously looking over my clothing for any hint of enforcer insignia. Or maybe they weren't looking for the wolf, but just... taking in the view. She cringed. Maybe I should get a wizard to spell my regular clothes, too.

She looked over at Cianna; "Why don't you go upstairs and check in with your father?" It's been quiet for awhile. I know we heard both babies squalling, so I assume everything's okay and they're all just resting. The girl nodded and ran. Vania looked out over the empty tables, then sighed, grabbed a rag, and began wiping fingerprints from the glass panes of the counter.

Derry came over, lines on his face; "How're things here, Vania?"

"Oh, fine, Derry. Morning rush is done." Vania smiled. "You'd better check on how I did the tarts and tassies. I know there's a special knack to them... It's been awhile, so... I may not have it anymore."

Derry smiled; "You're doing fine. We really appreciate the help."

"What's the news from upstairs? How's Licia? And the two new littles?"

"All healthy, praises to the gods. We had a bit of a scare when little Grava came out wrapped in the cord... Luckily, Eldara is well-seasoned; she knew exactly what to do. Licia, Grava, and Rantin are all sleeping, for the moment."

"Grava and Rantin? So, another girl and boy?" Derry nodded, smiling tiredly. "Congratulations!" Vania hugged him close. "I'm happy for both of you."

"Thank you." Derry looked around the counter, eyeing the high number of goods displayed. He frowned as he said quietly, "I know I shouldn't ask, but... how many did we lose today?"

Vania bit her lip. "There were a few people who walked out and said they didn't want to be served by me—they'd return once the establishment was once more staffed by 'reputable people.'"

"So, that bitch has already started."

"I—I'm sorry, Derry. Once you and Licia are back fully on your feet, I'll go."

"Nah. You're always welcome here. No matter what Nanda says. We don't need to serve her toadies, anyway."

Vania smiled sadly and whispered, "Thank you." But once you are able to run this place yourself again, I am leaving. I can't let her ruin you, just because of me.

"So," Derry leaned his back against the counter, crossing his arms as he faced her, "what's this I hear about you and Eddin kissing in the alley?"

"Wh—" Vania blushed furiously. "Who told you that? We never kissed in the alley, or anywhere. We're just work partners. That's all."

Derry smiled. "No need to be bashful, girl. It happens to the best of us. Licia, bless her, thought you and Bergin were an item. I don't think so. He strikes me more of the... brotherly... type around you. But Eddin? As soon as I saw him looking at you, I knew. He's got feelings for you."

You only just met him a few days ago, Derry. How can you know a person that quickly? Vania bit her lip, unable to look at Derry.

"Has he been behaving himself? Keeping his hands to himself?"

"Yes. O-of course."

"Good. I would expect that, given his background." Derry nodded his approval. "Now, the only question is, do you return those feelings?"

"Um. I—"

The door to the shop opened, a customer shaking the rain out of their cloak as they approached the counter.

Vania mentally sighed with relief at the distraction and quickly stepped forward; "Hello. What can we get for you today?" Behind her, Derry frowned at her back for a moment before shaking his head and returning upstairs.

The shop mercifully empty again after the lunch rush, Vania heaved a sigh of relief as she gathered the last of the dishes from the tables. Ugh. My back is killing me. And my wings are starting to get twitchy. I'll need to step away and stretch for a bit before evening. She frowned at the number of baked goods still in the case. Usually, they only have a handful left of everything... She didn't even give me a chance to go meet her tonight before she began this removal of customers. Vania scowled as Derry's words came back, Nothing Nanda's thugs do is ever clean.

She helped Cianna with the dishes, listening and nodding as the girl spoke excitedly of her new little brother and sister. Vania smiled and replied, "mm-hmm," in appropriate places while the girl chattered over the clunk of the dishes.

As the dishes dried, she sent Cianna back upstairs and, ignoring the afternoon baking, unfurled her wings. The kitchen proved to be an inadequate place for stretching, as her wing tips kept getting caught on the shelves or the handles of the drawers and cabinets. As the sharp, painful twitchy feeling was replaced by the dull ache of sore muscles, she sighed and folded her leathery wings tightly to her back once more. At least they can fold tightly, so they're usually out of the way. If they were the feathery bird kind, I'm sure I'd have a lot less flexibility with them.

"You know, if you didn't keep them so tight all the time, they wouldn't hurt so much," Derry noted from the doorway.

"Well, they're useless anyway, so why should I leave them out where they just get in the way? I'd never fit in this kitchen with anyone else again!" She gave him a look as he stepped into the newly opened space. "How is everyone, Derry?"

"Fine. Licia decided she wanted some lemon curd cake; I hope there's some left."

"There's some of everything left," Vania confessed quietly. "The afternoon rush came, but it was noticeably smaller." She bit her lip. "I'm sorry, Derry."

"You have nothing to apologize for, girl. Licia will appreciate that you saved her some goodies."

"I—I didn't—" Vania swallowed.

Derry smiled; "Don't you worry about it. Business is always up and down. It's raining today; actually, I'm surprised it's as busy as it has been, considering the size of the mud puddle in front of our door."

"Oh. I should go... do something about it."

He grabbed her arm. "You're not going. Not until after dinner, anyway. Kuran wants to play swords and arrows with you. And Licia's anxious for you to meet your new little cousins."

Vania smiled sadly; "I'd love to. It's just... I don't want to be the reason..."

"You're not." He grabbed a few mixing bowls. "Help me make the cherry pudding, would you? It's what we always serve after there's a birth in the family."

Vania nodded, taking the trip down into the cellar to the ice chest for the cream.

"Also bring up some more butter when you come!" Derry called.

She grabbed the slab of wrapped butter and returned upstairs.

"Good. Thank you." Derry nodded, hands dyed red with juice. She found a knife and joined him in hulling the cherries.

"You know," Derry cast her a sidelong glance, hands still deftly pulling stems and extracting pits, "I learned a thing or two about field medicine when I was in the force. I know how to safely get a knife blade between the bones in a joint to amputate a shattered or septic limb to save a life. If they truly are that painful for you, I'm sure the process is much the same."

She bit her lip, swallowing hard. "I... used to think about that," she admitted quietly. "It would... save a lot of trouble and pain." She smiled slightly; "And also time, since I wouldn't need to alter my shirts anymore."

"You did get quite good at sewing," Derry commented. "Licia always used to save the things she couldn't sew for you, you know. Back when you lived here."

"I still help her sometimes," Vania said with a smile. "But, not as much. She's quite good herself, you know."

Derry nodded. "She has improved, since she's had to. She can mend tears and hem rough edges and make basic pieces. But, your skill is the greater. Maybe you should think about becoming a seamstress."

Vania chuckled; "I tried that, you know. Madam Tilani didn't want me."

"That woman is a twit," Derry replied with a scowl. "You wouldn't want to work for her, anyway." He dropped the last cherry into the bowl and set his knife aside. "You could open your own shop."

"In case you've forgotten, the woman you call a twit is a close friend of Nanda; there's a reason she's the only seamstress in the area. I certainly wouldn't be avoiding problems with the gang if I exchanged my uniform for needles." Eddin's voice whispered, The notes were pinned to the victims' shoulders with a long bone needle. She swallowed loudly. "Does Tilani still boast about her antique bone needle collection she inherited from her great-great-I-don't-know-how-many-greats grandmother?"

"I imagine so," Derry replied with a shrug. "I don't spend any time with the woman. If there's a project Licia can't do, we ask you. Or we do without." He looked at her, lips pursed. "Why?"

"Nothing," Vania replied quickly. As Derry stopped beating the cream to give her a look, she added, "Just... a case my former coworkers are dealing with."

Derry sighed and fished his wooden spoon back out of the bowl. "So. Nanda's gang has been making trouble for your friends on that side of the line as well?"

"Um. Yes? Not anything to do with me. It's... more of a personal issue she has. With the nobles." Vania sighed and told Derry about the bodies in the park, and the notes found with them.

"That what Buccareth's son was talking to you about this morning?"

Vania blinked. "Eddin? Yeah. He gave me the latest information on the murder case. The park bodies were assigned to them because the... Marked parts sewn on the bodies came from the killer's victims."

"All that talk of killing and bodies. Mutilations and politics. No wonder you didn't kiss him."

Vania nearly dropped the jug of cream. "I—I wasn't going to anyway. I told you: we are—were—work partners. That's all."

Derry sighed as he slowly stirred sugar into the thickening cream. "When I was your age, I was already married for four years."

"When you were my age, you went by a different name and had a different job," Vania replied. "Besides, by then, you'd met Licia, who was the love of your life. Of course you'd marry her!" She walked back down to the cellar, returning the cream to its place.

Back in the kitchen, she grabbed a bowl and began mixing the dough to make mincemeat pies.

After the pies were in the oven, Derry spoke, "I'm not trying to pressure you. I hope you know that. Take your time; make sure you find the right person. I understand your hesitation, after—"

"Don't bring him up," Vania interrupted quickly, one hand raised to ward off Derry's voice. "I was foolish; he was an ass. Leave it at that."

"All right," Derry agreed quietly. He paused for a moment, studying Vania's scowl. "Well, if it makes you happier to stay alone, then do that. We just... want you to be happy. And seeing you go through these struggles by yourself is hard."

Vania sighed, scowl fading, and she smiled faintly. "I know, Derry."

"And, well, when you keep bringing boys around, what do you expect us to think?"

Vania sighed, scowl returning. "That I'm doing my job, maybe? Considering the 'boys' I've been bringing by are my coworkers?"

"Sorry. I forgot to mention, as your uncle, I fully intend to utilize my right to tease you."

"You and Dad weren't actually brothers, Derry."

"Brothers-in-arms is close enough." Derry smiled.

Vania smiled. "Yeah, I guess it is." She looked around the kitchen; bowls and spoons on the table, flour dusting every surface, the flickering light on the floor from the oven's flames, the scent of pies baking. Feels like home. But I can't stay here anymore. Her glance caught on a plate holding a large piece of lemon curd cake. "I thought you were bringing that to Licia?"

"Yes. I suppose she's had her rest now and is probably hungry." He picked up the plate and walked toward the door. "Well, don't forget to remove the pies. And come upstairs tonight after you lock up. Stay with us."

"I can stay for dinner, and a round of swords and arrows, and maybe hold a kid or two, but I need to go home tonight." She grinned at him, "I just can't take one more night on your couch!"

"Well, we could move Kuran and Cianna to the living room—you can have their bed."

"No," Vania shook her head. "You mean well, but, regular beds just aren't... comfortable."

Derry nodded; "I understand. At least stay for dinner."

"I will. Don't worry, Derry—it's not like I'm going to sneak out on you!"

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