
By carolinavanity

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{Book 3} With the help of my new family and friends I knew things would be easy planning mine and Nicks weddi... More

Before you read...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 15

134 3 0
By carolinavanity

i know i know its been forever but ive been busy with work and my family was in town

hope you enjoy the chapter


Zach's POV


"Well thank you for coming" I say waving at Genesis and Joe who had decided to leave early.

I was sure Gen would have stayed longer but she really had no choice but to agree with what her boyfriend wanted to do.

Coming back to the party I find myself going outside with Taylor and Estefania who had been very to themselves all night.

"You're welcome to leave whenever you want" I tell them

"What" she laughs

"You look bored"

"We're not man, I'm just giving her a run through of my schedule the next few weeks"

"Oh, anything exciting?"

"Same old same old"

"Alright well I'll leave you guys to that"

Walking back to kitchen everyone was eating once more the cookies Laura had brought.

"Okay this party is getting boring" I hear Michael say

Everyone turns to look at him and starts eying each other.

"Beer pong!" we all yell

"Let's go" Michael said reaching for the cups

Let the games begin.


"You guys sure you won't send the night?" I asked the three half asleep girls

"No we'll be fine" Valerie says wrapping her arms around my neck "hope you had a great birthday"

"Ok" I smile "and thank you, for doing all this"

"It was nothing baby" she smiled giving me a kiss

"Go, and drive safe"

I hug her for a bit then wave as they all walk over to her car. I let out a yawn as I walked back into the house.

Tonight had really been amazing and I couldn't believe the gifts I had received from my good friends, tomorrow I would take Valerie to finally meet my whole family; my mom has been dying to meet her.

"Have fun tonight?" Cameron asked popping his neck

"Yes I did" I laughed "Congrats on the win"

"Why thank you" he bowed "I will forever be the beer pong champ"

"Sure bro" Michael says picking up some trash from the living room

"You know these things would be a lot more fun for you if your girl was here" Cameron stated

"Soon enough" Mikey replied

I was much too tired to keep listening to them so I headed straight to my room to try and get some sleep.



Ugh. It's been like twenty minute. I slide my phone to answer not even checking who the caller was.


"Hi is this Zachary Porter?"

"Yes" I then sit up a bit rubbing my eyes "who's asking?"

"This is Katie calling from USC University Hospital, a patient by the name of Valerie Pineda came in a couple of minutes ago with a few injuries along with other passengers-"

"What happened?" I said waking up

"It looks to be an accident"

"Is she okay?!"

"Not sure but other patients are in the O. R. right now"

"Oh my god"

"This was the number the patient said to call, so I urge you to inform the family members to head down here immediately"

"I'm on my way" I say hanging up

How did this happen? I ran out of my bed and kept my pajamas on; no time to change! I went to Cameron's room but he wasn't there.

"Cameron!" I yelled

"What!" I head from the living room

He and Mikey were still up and watching a movie in the living room.

"Turn that shit off, the girls for in a car accident!" I say grabbing my keys from the counter

"WHAT" they both say getting up

"C'mon, they are in the hospital right now"


I get Cameron to call Carolina so she can come down to see her friends. Sure it was late but I knew she'd be here in a heartbeat like us.

The hospital was crowded; typical. As soon as we reached the front desk and figured out where everyone was, all I wanted to do was find my girlfriend and now she was alright.

"She can't take any visitors right now" a nurse tells me

"Why not?" I almost yell at the older lady

"She's sleeping, now the doctor will be out with you in a bit dear"

Great. The guys and I turn around finding a waiting area to sit at. I took a deep breath holding back tears; I just hoped she was okay.


Michael's POV

Minutes were passing and we got no news at all of the girls' conditions. My phone began to ring and I could feel people glaring at me so I stood up an answered it quickly.


"Michael!! Oh my god. Where are you guys? I've called Zach and Cameron a million times and they don't answer"

"We're already in the hospital waiting room; those guys are so out of it right now"

"I just parked outside" she pauses "how could this happen?" I hear her sob

"Come up, we'll talk here" I say "did you call Taylor?"

"I did! He should be almost here as well. I'll be up in a second!"

Minutes pass then I see Taylor, Carolina, Genesis, Nick and even Joe walk into the waiting room with us.

"Where are they?" Taylor asks

"We don't know, we're still waiting for a fucking doctor to come out" Zach says standing up.

None of us say a thing as a frustrated Taylor goes up to a nurse's counter to ask about how his girlfriend was doing, he got the same answer as us. Looking back at Zach I see that he was on the verge of tears.

"It'll be okay" Carolina starts to say hugging Zach

"Why don't they come out and tell me what's wrong with her then?" he asks

Before she could reply suddenly we see a doctor come up to us.

"Hi i'm Dr. Mayfield." The tell man says "Are any of you family members of Valerie, Estefania, or Laura?"

"No they are all our friends. Their family lives in Texas." Genesis answered

"Oh, well one of you is Zach then?" he says looking at his clipboard "Valerie hasn't stopped asking for you"

"That's me, tell us what happened?" Zach says moving in front of all of use

"Police on the scene say they were hit by a large truck and ran into a pole, I just got out of the operating room with Laura and she's stable now."

"Operating room? What happened?" Cameron asked

"She's conscious, I'll send you to her room in a bit."

"How about Estefania?" Taylor urges

"She's asleep; broken arm."

"So everyone is alive and okay?" Carolina asks

"Yes, now you may visit the girls. Zach come with me, and I'll take you with Valerie. If anybody would like come with me I need to still check up on Laura."

A nurse then shows up next to the doctor handing him a new clip board.

"Thank you Felicia, oh yes I still need to check up on Estefania as well."

Both Joe and Nick decide to wait for everyone to go visit. I was about to sit down too when Cameron asks me to come with him to see Laura.

"You sure you don't want to see her alone?"

"No, I'm scarred I might lose it if I go alone"

"Alright, I got you. C'mon"

We all follow the doctor down several hallways. First Taylor and Genesis are taken to Estefania's room, Zach and Carolina to Valerie's room. Finally we reach Laura's room and as soon as we come in we see her sleeping; she was bruised all over with scars ran down her face.

Cameron moves close to her bed only grabbing her hand.

"See she's okay" I tell him

The doctor was still in the room with us for some reason looking over at the couple.

"Why did she have to get a surgery? She looks just fine" Cam asked

"We tried our hardest to stop the bleeding but the only solution was to take her in to stop the hemorrhaging." He paused "I'm very sorry to say we couldn't save the baby."


"Baby?" Cameron looked at him alarmed

"You didn't know?"

I found myself shaking my head along with Cameron who was speechless.

"I'm sure she didn't know either, Laura was at most two weeks along."

Cameron was almost in shock as we were being told all of this.

"Could you give us a second?" I tell the doctor.

He simply nods and exits the room. I go over to my friend, who was now starring wide eyes at his girlfriend and all I could do was put my hand on his shoulder before leaving him alone.

Out in the hallway I head up to Estefania's room. She was awake and chatting with everyone.

"Hey Michael" she smiles over at me.

"Hey gurl, nice cast"

She rolls her eyes at me and everyone laughs as I point out that her arm is all bandaged in an awkward position.

"Have you seen Laura, is she okay?" Genesis asks

"Umm yeah, I left Cameron with her"

"I'll go over there then and let Estefania asleep."

"Don't" I tell her "Cameron and her need some time alone"

She gives me a weird look but nods. We both step out of the room and head back into the waiting room where Carolina was with standing with Nick.

"I think we should head home" she says looking at her phone "it's almost three in the morning"

"Yeah we can come in the morning" Genesis says

"The guys are going to want to stay" I sigh

"We'll give you a ride back to your place" Joe offers

"That would be great. Thanks"

Truth be told I was tired. Crazy to think we were all a Zach's birthday party a few hours ago.

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