
بواسطة 5secsmendes

219K 6.2K 826

"you have a daughter that's in danger and you're still not willing to leave him?" "I have nothing if I don't... المزيد

twenty one
twenty two
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
fourty one
fourty two
fourty four
fourty five
fourty six
fourty seven
fourty eight
forty nine

fourty three

3.3K 97 12
بواسطة 5secsmendes

One month later

"Look at that pretty little baby" Luke smiled as we both looked to the ultrasound, the doctor smiling as she focused to it as well.

She played the heartbeat, getting an immediately approval nod from Luke.

"Sounds strong" he whispered to me, smiling the entire time.

Soon she was wiping the gel off of my stomach.
We were talking about how far along I was, which was pretty far into the pregnancy, but due to myself having periods through the beginning phase of my pregnancy, it was never a concern.

I was seven weeks pregnant and definitely having all the symptoms.

The all day sickness
The fatigue
The mood swings
The cravings

But yet, so happy.


I helped her stand from the bed, watching her fix her clothes before smiling to me.

We grabbed the ultrasound pictures before immediately bringing it to the guys, who all looked over them for several minutes.

"It's a boy," ashton spoke with confidence.

"No way- I'm shooting for another miniature Lily" Michael grinned as he stared to the pictures, making me laugh.

"Either way- we will be happy" Tate spoke, making me nod in agreement.

Lily was already more than aware of the baby and extremely excited, like talking about it everyday and telling people that we weren't exactly ready to know, but it didn't even matter anymore.

My little family.

Tate and I ended up doing a courthouse wedding just so that we could be legally married, and agreeing to host a small reception after the birth and after she was feeling better, and I couldn't have asked for more.

Soon we headed home, hanging the ultrasound on the fridge after letting Lily look at it for a while.

I held Tate from behind as Lily continued to pitch name ideas to us.

"Or if it's a boy we can do Michael Johnson!" She spoke happily, connecting her last name to the baby's.

"Well- first of all, Uncle Michael is already named Michael." Tate spoke slowly, laughing lightly.

"And second- the baby's last isn't going to be Johnson" Tate told her, making her immediately confused.

"What will it be then?" She asked.

"Well- Luke's last name is Hemmings-" "so is my last name Hemmings?" I noticed Tate immediately clearing her throat, thinking of what to say.

I didn't want to overstep in this situation, so I just continued to hold Tate.

"Not at the moment baby, but one day in the future, when you feel like you're old enough to understand and decide, if you want to change your last name and if Luke also wants you to have his last name, we can do that." Tate spoke slowly, touching me gently as if asking if it was okay for her to say that,  but it was more than okay.

She nodded slowly.

"So what is your last name?" She asked Tate slowly.

"Well" Tate spoke.

"At first, when I didn't know Luke or your dad, it was Guidry, you remember pops? I told you about him a lot when you were little?" She asked slowly, making Tate shake her head.

"Well- Pops adopted me when I was young, so he raised me and I knew him as my dad, so I had his last name," she mumbled.

"Then, when your dad and I got married, my last name because Johnson, and him and I made you, so your last name is Johnson." She continued to explain.

"And then when Luke and I brought you to the courthouse and we said a lot of words, and signed papers- that was Luke and I getting married, so now my last name is Hemmings." She finished slowly.

I watched her nod carefully.

"So I can be a Hemmings?"

A/N y'all are gonna hate me but we are going to FLY through this pregnancy because I wanna right more after birth details and I only have seven chapters to do so, so this is a fair warning, all the love <3

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