Blood Trials

By TanithBot

118K 3.8K 404

DRARRY STORY! Harry gets bitten - He is hungry and horny. Very horny! He has to have a taste, and if his vi... More

1. Lust
2. Wicked Anger
3. Charming
4. The Wards
5. Sex In A Vial
6. Wanted
8. Confusion
9. Raspberries
10. Decided
11. Hunger
12. Greed
13. Dinner
14. The Vampire
15. Apples & Sandalwood
16. Bloody Hate
17. Safe & Strong
18. Dessert
19. Never Stop

7. Jealousy

6.4K 207 37
By TanithBot

Harry hardly slept that night and went to work the next day with the memory of Draco making an entrance into his home - in the dark.  He had drank his potion after his shower, and the taste of it had him wanting the man all over again.  Not that he had had him already, but he could always fantasize.

He was in two minds whether it was his scent, or his arse that had Harry reeling.  

Yeah, definitely his arse.  It was phenomenal.  

He was sitting in his office when there was a knock on his door.

When he waved his hand it opened to reveal his friend Hermoine.  She had a guilty look on her face, and then Harry remembered that she had stunned him last night.  

He had the good grace to look ashamed, and when she was seated opposite him, they spoke about it.  She apologized, while he said there was nothing to apologize for.

"It's me that has to say sorry - I don't know what came over me", he said knowing full well what it was, or rather who it was.  

"I think I can help you with that", she offered.  

Harry really hoped that she wasn't going to tell him that he wasn't allowed to drink Malfoy's blood anymore, and so nodded for her to go on.  

"Well, we have tried so many different blood types, but it seems that you can only digest one kind", she said.

"And what kind is that?", he asked praying to all the gods that she was going to say the blond bombshell kind.  

"Every other blood changes you Harry, the one you drank last night didn't.  It just enhanced a quality that you already have", she stated, watching his face for realization.

There was none.

"What I mean to say is that the worst thing to happen from you drinking this blood, is that you get horny - and because you already were, it's basically just enhancing that feeling", she said.  

Waiting for the penny to drop and for him to accept what she was trying to say, but there was no such luck.  She was going to have to spell it out for him.

"You've had a crush on Malfoy since fifth year Harry - and now that crush has been enhanced by drinking his blood", she said with a sigh hoping that he would get the message now.

He swallowed, and sat back in his chair.  

Before he could answer, Ron walked in.  "Hey you two, everything all right?", he asked with a frown.

"Everything is fine Ron, I'm just telling Harry here what the effect was of drinking Draco's blood.  Also, that it's okay if he wants to fuck Draco", answered Hermoine, making both men blush.

Hermoine and Ron looked at Harry, and he knew he had to say something.  

He shrugged, and said, "She's not wrong", and then dropped his head onto his table at their reactions, which were smiles and and grimaces respectively.

Hermoine left, with Ron and Harry working on paperwork  for the day, meaning that they hardly left the office.  Although there were times when Ron would look at his friend with apprehension, wondering what it was exactly that pulled him towards the blond Slytherin.

Harry couldn't wait to see Malfoy again.  He usually showed up about an hour before his shift started, and so he left the office to see if he could find him to say hello.  He could hear laughter coming from the staff room, and with a frown made his way there.

When he entered, his defenses went up immediately.  Standing next to Draco was a man by the name of David Boshoff, and Harry didn't like what he was seeing.  He had a hand on Draco's shoulder, and was telling him a joke of sorts, not that Harry was listening.  He had no interest in what the man way saying, his sole focus was on him touching Draco.

Another man's hand on his Draco.  

The whole room went silent at his sudden appearance, and that made Draco look up.  He saw that Harry looked especially delicious today, with his semi open shirt and a pair of jeans that looked like they had been sculpted to his body.  The man was breathing harshly, his chest heaving up and down, and then he followed his gaze.

Oh shit!

"Hey Harry", said David, oblivious to the fact that he was responsible for the hero's discomfort.  "I was just telling Draco something that I think you would enjoy", he said.

Harry raised his eyes, looking quite dangerous, which of course made Draco's heart and stomach flutter, and tried to keep his anger at bay.  He wasn't sure if he was succeeding.  

"Yeah?", he croaked out in a dry voice, his eyes unmoving.  Harry knew he had to keep his pose, because the slightest wrong move, could cause havoc.

David frowned and followed Harry's eyesight, only to see that it was on his hand.  Even though he knew that this was the savior who had killed Voldemort, and that he was very powerful, his so called bravery came to the forefront.  

"Is there a problem Harry?", he asked with a smirk, his hand still on the Slytherin.

Harry's magic came alive at that moment, and in a show of disgust and jealousy, there was a gush of wind and every coffee cup in the staff room burst into little shards in a mini explosion, causing everyone in the room to shout out in shock.  

The more Harry kept his eyes on David, and the longer his hand stayed where it was, the more objects would explode.

"No.  No problem", he said and stayed where he was.

Harry stood firm, waiting for someone to say something.  Harry had no words, just his glorious ridiculously strong power, and no one had any idea why he was acting this way.

Harry started walking towards them when he saw that his display of magic was not being taken seriously, and Draco knew then, that he would have to save the situation for all of them.

"David, please take your hand off my shoulder", sneered Draco at him, all the while looking at Harry who was watching David like a hawk.  

Harry kept walking and people kept shouting at David to do as he was told, but Harry heard nothing.  And just before he reached the two men, David could see the anger in Harry's eyes, and so took his hand off Draco's shoulder, and started to stutter.

"Harry......", he said.  

With his hand off and his pathetic attempt at an apology, the items that had burst, were starting to mend themselves with no cracks, as if they had never been disturbed, but Harry paid it no mind.  He was going to teach this idiot a lesson, starting with the one that nobody touches Draco without his consent.  

Not that he would ever give it.

He went to stand in front of David, with his back to Draco and just glared at him.  He could see in the man's eyes that he looked scared, and that alone made Harry feel warm inside.  He kept his look on David, and only came back to himself when Draco placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Harry, that's enough", he said sternly.  "David was only talking to me".

Harry was glowing from the touch of the blond man, and so didn't say a word.  

David had the good grace to look sorry, and moved away from Draco, giving a last look at the savior.

Harry came back to himself, and turned around to leave the staff room.  His eyes on Draco, until he heard someone clear their throat.  

When he looked up, he saw that Hermoine was standing at the door with her hands on her hips.  

Oh. Fuck.

Harry clenched his jaw, ready to face the fire, but didn't really like what he saw.  He knew she was going to scold him like a child.  Then he looked around the room, and saw that he had an audience.  

"There you are Harry, we need to talk about the Crompton case", said Hermoine trying to get everyone's attention away from what had just happened.

He nodded and licked his lips and started to move to the door, so that he could go and collect himself.  

Because, there as large as life, was his cock - that had gotten hard - again - just at the sight of Draco, and he knew - he just knew - that the only way it would go away would be to fuck him senseless.

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