Blood Trials

By TanithBot

105K 3.3K 347

DRARRY STORY! Harry gets bitten - He is hungry and horny. Very horny! He has to have a taste, and if his vi... More

1. Lust
2. Wicked Anger
3. Charming
4. The Wards
6. Wanted
7. Jealousy
8. Confusion
9. Raspberries
10. Decided
11. Hunger
12. Greed
13. Dinner
14. The Vampire
15. Apples & Sandalwood
16. Bloody Hate
17. Safe & Strong
18. Dessert
19. Never Stop

5. Sex In A Vial

6.6K 213 14
By TanithBot

Harry had been told that he could go home and that he would receive a steady supply of potions via a monthly prescription.  They had experimented with blood from many people, but after the episode with Hermoine's blood, Harry had insisted that nothing sweet ever touch his lips again.  It set his teeth on edge.

Ron's blood was used and while Harry had enjoyed it, he never had the same reaction that he had the first time that blood had been added to the potion, and he was missing it.  Not that his cock wasn't heavy at the most of times, but the euphoria had been exquisite. 

The different blood mixed in with the potion had him reacting in different ways.  Some days it would look as if he was high, and not be able to perform even the simplest of duties, because he would giggle at everything.  Other blood had him hurling curse words at whoever walked past him, and some had him sad and sulky, moping about how miserable his life was.  

He was becoming antsy, and irritated, and it was starting to get on everyone's nerves.  Harry hadn't tasted 'sex in a vial' - as he called it in a while - but at least he could still enjoy the scent of Malfoy every time he walked into a room.  And he enjoyed watching the man.  What he did not enjoy though, were other people walking next to him and talking to him as if he had hang the fucking moon.

Hermoine and Draco were the only two healers that were on beck and call to the Auror department, having had their offices moved there after Harry threw a tantrum about not being able to apparate to St. Mungo's every half hour.  Robards had listened and they were moved, with a salary increase as well, much to Harry's and their delight.

Snape was called in to confer on certain matters pertaining to Harry, and when he asked Hermoine how the testing was going, she told him, "We still need to add something to calm Harry's temper, she said.  

Snape raised a brow and looked at his godson.  

"Draco, the first time we experimented with blood, we added yours", he said.  

Draco nodded and remembered the reaction of Potter.  What he wouldn't do to see that again, but there was no way that he ever wanted others to see it.

"Do you recall his reaction?", asked Snape.

"Yes, it's in my notes", came the reply.  "He would groan and he'd get this faraway look in his eyes, like he's a predator", he said.

"But did he get angry - lose his temper - or high, or did he swear, like with the other blood?", asked Hermoine with hope.

Draco shook his head no.  

"Would you be willing to give some more of your blood, so that we could see his reaction to it firsthand?", she asked.

Draco exhaled through his mouth.  "Yes of course, but I really think that he should be given it at home, and not here at the office", he said without elaborating.

She frowned at his words, but agreed.  

She called Harry in later that day, and said that when he went home to let them know, because they were going with him.  He had no idea why, maybe it was to replenish his supply of blood, so he agreed and went back to sulk in his office, because Malfoy's attention had been on his files, and not on him.

Home time came, and when he landed in his lounge the other three followed behind him.  He looked back and saw that none of them were holding any supply for him, and frowned at them.

"What's going on?", he asked with concern.

"Nothing Harry, we just have another blood sample here that we need you to try - and we thought it best to do it away from the office", said Hermoine, opening a bag that had a vial with Draco's blood in it.

Harry's shackles went up immediately.  He closed his eyes and raised his head smelling the air around him, and knew without tasting it, that this blood was what he had been craving.  The hairs on his neck rising slowly, his fangs descending into his mouth, his original thirst coming back to him tenfold.  His flesh had goosebumps, and he was trying to control his want desperately.

He took off his Auror robe and hung it up on a hook in the passage, and tried to calm his breathing.  He knew what was going to happen, and the while the vampire in him wasn't ashamed of it, the others might be.

"Harry?", said Hermoine.  "Are you all right?", she asked.

"I'm fine thank you", he said with a dry mouth trying to make this moment last longer than normal.  They all said no to the offer of something to drink, much to Harry's disgust, but also to his pleasure, wanting to taste that blood with all that was in him.  If he gave himself over to lust in front of them, he would blame them or the vampire in him.  Right?


He eyed the vial, watching it as she moved it from a bag to her hands and he felt his breathing change.  It became harsher, as if he was running a marathon and was struggling to finish first, but he waited patiently for her to hold it out to him.  He was thirsty, but there was no way he was going to grab at it like someone who was used to being gifted nothing.  

At one point he growled, while his eyes held their gaze on the glass bottle, holding what he knew to be ecstasy.  

And while he was watching the vial, Hermoine, Snape and Draco were watching Potter.  

They kept looking and watched Harry's eyes, as they flitted to wherever the vial would go.  Harry stood there, with his fists clenched by his sides, and snarled, feeling his fangs drop down at the amazing scent that was filling his nostrils.  

He watched as the vial was passed from Hermoine into Snape's hands, and when he passed it to Draco, Harry licked his lips and gave himself a mental pat on the back for being so fucking patient. 

When all he really wanted to do was reach out and suck the life out of Malfoy, and drink the blood potion as his dessert.  But he held back, and waited for the blond to offer it to him.  

Draco wondered if he should tease Potter some more, but when he heard another growl, he relented and held out his hand holding the vial.  He didn't really want to be that cruel.  Harry raised his eyes slowly looking at Draco, and with a flick of his wrist, the vial flew into his hand, and was now his to hold and to open and enjoy.  

His whole body was thrumming from the scent coming from the vial, and it was as if Harry got lost in himself.  He could feel his cock getting hard, his body vibrating, and he loved the feeling of power coming from what would soon be touching his lips.  

The cork popped open with just a thought, and he threw his head back and swallowed every last drop of the luscious liquid.  When he was done, he licked his lips again, and growled in appreciation.

Snape, Hermoine and Draco waited for something to happen, and when it did, it wasn't what they were expecting.  

Harry had moved so fast and so swiftly towards Draco, and had a hand around his throat, nuzzling his neck, trying to imprint his scent to memory.  He was so aroused, that he couldn't see straight.

Still growling and with his hand still around the beautiful throat of his healer, Harry paid the others no mind.  

Snape drew his wand to stun Potter, but the magic that was inside of Harry had him relieving Snape of his wand with a non verbal Expelliarmus, making it drop and scatter across the floor, as if he were pissed that his mating ritual was being interrupted.

Draco held up a hand to warn them that they didn't know what Harry's magic could do, and technically, Harry wasn't hurting him.  

"Talk to him Draco", whispered Hermoine.  "He usually listens to you", she said, only just realizing it.  

"Potter", said Draco, after gulping down a swallow.  

Christ, the man himself smelled musky, and he even found himself turned on at the power emanating from Harry.  

Harry lifted his head away from Draco's neck and looked into his eyes, coming back to the present.  

Why was his hand around Draco's throat? 
Why was his mouth watering? 
Why was his cock hard?



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