Blood Trials

By TanithBot

104K 3.3K 347

DRARRY STORY! Harry gets bitten - He is hungry and horny. Very horny! He has to have a taste, and if his vi... More

1. Lust
3. Charming
4. The Wards
5. Sex In A Vial
6. Wanted
7. Jealousy
8. Confusion
9. Raspberries
10. Decided
11. Hunger
12. Greed
13. Dinner
14. The Vampire
15. Apples & Sandalwood
16. Bloody Hate
17. Safe & Strong
18. Dessert
19. Never Stop

2. Wicked Anger

6.5K 187 6
By TanithBot

Before any wicked thoughts could enter Harry's brain, he came back to himself, telling the universe that it was fucked up, because how could he be having thoughts about his friends blood and the way it sounded in his ears.  He resigned himself to the fact that it was the vampire in him, and not Harry.  

Wasn't that the same thing though?


"Blimey mate, you scared the hell out of us", said Ron while he was still wearing his Auror robes.  Harry was sorry for his friend.  They had agreed to go on the mission, but Harry being Harry, had run head first into danger, without even noticing that his friend was not by his side.  Something that he was very grateful for now, what if the vampire had bitten Ron.  

"Hey Ron", he said wincing at the fact that his straps had been placed around his wrists again.  He was going to try and take them off when he was alone, he thought wickedly.  

"How long have I been here?", he asked.

"Just under two weeks.  Hermoine and her partner have been working non stop so that Snape could at least make a potion for you.  He had to dig around old tomes to try and find a recipe for your rich blood, because vampires haven't been seen or heard from in such a long time.  But don't worry, your secret is safe.  Only those that need to know, do", he answered.

"Hermoine is an angel, you should take her out and spoil her", said Harry with a smile, realizing now the extent of what his predicament was.  

"I'm sorry for running towards the danger Ron, I saw something in the road.  It was shiny and it looked foreign, but as if it was calling me", he said trying to explain his actions.

"It's called a Shimmering Harry.  Bad guys use it to render their victims helpless and sappy, and then they strike.  Don't apologize, you couldn't have known", sighed Ron.  

Harry had never heard of it before, and just smiled, nodding his thanks.

"What is Robards saying?", he asked of his boss.

"Oh you know, the usual.  How Harry Potter runs towards the danger, how Harry Potter doesn't think of himself, how Harry Potter this and Harry Potter that", he laughed.  

"He can't wait till you're back on your feet though, wants to thank you personally when you get back".

"I can't go back Ron", he said, hating the words that left his mouth.  "In case you haven't noticed, I'm a fucking vampire", he whispered with disgust.

"Which is why Hermoine and Malfoy are working round the clock to ensure that you can go back Harry.  Robards wants you, the whole department wants you.  If we can find a way to have you only working in the evenings, then we'll be okay.  And I think with the potion, it will be possible", said his friend.

"Malfoy?", he asked with a sneer.

"He's the other healer taking care of you Harry", said Ron.

Harry wasn't so sure about going back.  He loved being an Auror, and the thought of leaving his profession so soon was disheartening, but he would have to be on his best behavior from now on.  

When Ron had said that he would work evenings, it explained why his room was so dark.  The vampire in him didn't like light apparently, and he wondered if he would ever see the sun again.

"Malfoy and Snape are also working on a potion or a charm so that you can move around in the daylight", said Ron as if he could read Harry's mind.  "I think they are trying to forge some kind of relic for you - it's been crazy.  But it's still early days", he said.

Harry was blown away by the amount of what everyone was doing and going through just so that he could have some type of normal life, and he loved them all for it.

"Snape?", he asked.  "Pretty sure he hates me, why would he help?".  

"Because Hermoine and Malfoy insisted", he said with a shrug.  

He sat down in the same chair that Malfoy had occupied on other nights, and they chatted about the case, with Ron telling him in laughter how the death eaters had begged to be taken away from Diagon Alley.

"Apparently the screams of the vampire who bit you - were so bad that they were scared for you.  Said they'd never heard that noise coming from anyone before.  Well, you know what I mean.  It was glorious the way that Dolohov was on his knees, saying that you were the man, and then he was laughing because it was the so called hero that was bitten and not them, just please take me away, I don't want to hear it anymore", he chuckled out.

Harry growled at those words.  Not even realizing that Ron had stopped talking and laughing.  It seemed that everyone was having a good laugh at Harry's expense, and he didn't like it.  His thirst was back, and that was weird because he had just had a potion.  His ears were ringing, and his fingers were tingling.  His cock was hard again, and he didn't know what to make of it.

"Harry?", asked Ron with a shaky voice.  

Harry's demeanor had changed instantly, and he wanted to know if he could help.  

He looked up at Ron from beneath his eyelashes, the glare devious and wicked.  

"Everyone having a good laugh then?", he growled out.  

"Harry Potter is a vampire, ha ha.  Bet they won't want anything to do with me anymore", he snarled out.

"Harry, you know that's not what I meant", explained Ron.

"I just meant that he was scared and it was a pleasure seeing him scared for once.  Considering he used to instill fear in others.  That's all", he breathed out, getting out of the chair.  

Harry came back to himself, and closed his eyes.

He would have to tell Hermoine about this side effect.  Apparently he had a temper, and just the slightest dent could cause him to crack.  And for once in his life, Harry welcomed it, wanting to scream out the anger that was filling him for being born in the first place.  

"I'm sorry Ron - Hermoine gave me a potion and I think...", he started to say.

"No need to explain mate, I understand.  She said that there will be things that will either be new or enhance the qualities you already have.  I really didn't mean anything by it", he said again.

"I know.  And I'm sorry for losing my temper, really", he said again.  He needed to get a grip and take note of what his changes were and how profound they were going to be.

Ron said his goodbyes and told Hermoine outside about Harry losing his temper, to which she made a note and asked an orderly to take the note to Professor Snape immediately.

Harry lay back down, and tried to concentrate on something other than his thirst.  He brought to mind the silhouette that he had seen a few nights ago, and gave a wicked smile.

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