Blood Trials

By TanithBot

105K 3.3K 347

DRARRY STORY! Harry gets bitten - He is hungry and horny. Very horny! He has to have a taste, and if his vi... More

2. Wicked Anger
3. Charming
4. The Wards
5. Sex In A Vial
6. Wanted
7. Jealousy
8. Confusion
9. Raspberries
10. Decided
11. Hunger
12. Greed
13. Dinner
14. The Vampire
15. Apples & Sandalwood
16. Bloody Hate
17. Safe & Strong
18. Dessert
19. Never Stop

1. Lust

10.7K 223 32
By TanithBot

Harry woke up in a dark room wracked with fever, shakes, and an incredible hard on. His cock was straining against his sheets, and he had no idea what had happened, or why his dick was even aroused as it was. At least he was alone. No need for anyone to see this, he thought. Without even trying to remember what had happened, his heavy eyes fell closed again, and he welcomed the feeling of falling into obliviousness.

The next time that Harry opened his eyes, the shakes had stopped and the fever seemed to be broken. He saw that the room was still dark, but felt a presence there that he hadn't felt before. Raising his nose as if to sniff in the air, he made out that it was a male and the scent had him reeling. He could feel his cock start to stir again, which was weird. What in the blue fuck was going on?

The next thing that gained his attention was the incredible pounding in his head and an insatiable thirst in his throat. But he didn't want water, it was almost as if he wanted something else. Something rich and dark and filled with protein. He moved his tongue around inside his mouth and winced when he felt fangs where his incisors should be. 

What the fuckity fuck?

He tried to remember what had happened prior to him being tied down to a bed. He was tied down?!! 

Was he dangerous? Jesus Christ. 

He had been walking in Diagon Alley, patrolling the streets where it was said that there were still death eaters skulking amongst the usual people, using Knockturn Alley as a hideaway. And as weird as that sounds, death eaters were few and far between now, with it being two years after the war.

He recalled that he had seen something glimmering on the footpath and had bent down to pick it up to look at, but after that - nothing. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!!!! 

Had he been kidnapped by Voldemort's followers? No, that didn't make sense. He was in a clean bed, but what did the straps mean? He tried to find his voice, and realized that he couldn't.

He sniffed the air again, loving the scent that was invading his nostrils. He groaned because his nose wasn't the only thing that was enjoying the smell, it seemed that his cock was too. What the fuck was that scent, and why was his cock honed in on it? He tried to move and found that he couldn't, so he opened his eyes and turned his head to the right.

His bed was up against a wall, and when he turned to the left he saw a silhouette of a man sitting on the chair next to the door. He swallowed, but as much as he wanted to voice something, anything, his voice had left him. He kept his piercing gaze on the silhouette, waiting for the person to speak to him.

And he did.

"Finally awake Potter!", drawled the familiar voice of Draco Malfoy.

Harry just kept on looking and wished that the man would at least turn on a light, but then remembering his cock was standing at attention, and was glad that he didn't. He wanted to answer, he really did, but stayed silent, hoping that Malfoy would at least fill in the missing blanks.

Harry was feeling an enormous amount of lust and he couldn't fathom why, or why it was even happening with Malfoy in the room. His prick was betraying him in the worst way possible, and he realized he needed two things. He needed to be left alone, and he needed release. He moved his hand slowly towards his hard on, but just missed it.

Maybe he should ask Malfoy to jerk him off - maybe he should demand it, that will put the prat in his place, but Harry knew that the blond had the upper hand here. If anyone was going to win, it wasn't going to be Harry. He moved his legs and found that his ankles were also bound, and then he did a weird thing. 

He growled.

"Stop moving Potter", said Malfoy. 

Harry turned away from him and focused on the wall, hoping that his visitor would leave, but at the same time hoping that he would sit on his face in a style of '69' and suck him off, while he ate him out. Jesus, what a time to be alive. He stayed in that position for a while, and fell asleep soon after, not even hearing when Malfoy opened the door to leave.

When Malfoy entered Harry's room again, he took a cool cloth and wiped his face down, seeing that the man was engulfed in yet another fever. He would whisper in his ear "you'll be okay Harry", and continued with trying to relieve the hero of his shakes and the heat on his body. 

Harry had no recollection of him even being there. 

When it seemed that he was succeeding, Draco called a nurse to move Harry so that his sheets could be changed.

The one healer attending to Harry was one of his best friends, Hermoine Granger. She had been in to see him and every time that she had gone to his room, he had been passed out or in some sort of deliriousness. She kept hoping for him to wake up so that they could tell him what had happened, and then scold him for trying to go it alone.

On the morning of the ninth day, Harry's fever had left him, and he woke up to that terrible thirst again. With his eyes open, he saw that his hands were still bound, but his legs were not. That was a relief in itself, because now he could at least move around. Which is what he did. He tried to sit up when he heard a voice telling him not to move so fast.

"Moine", he croaked out, his voice husky from lack of use, and collapsed onto his pillow.

"Here, let me help you", she offered, and placed his pillow against the wall so that she could help him sit up against it. He saw her put a vial on his night stand and furrowed his brows. "I am going to remove your restraints, all right?", she said in a kind voice.

He nodded to her and when it was done, he started to feel like his old self. But he could feel his new senses start to come alive. There was an unfamiliar smell in his room, that hadn't been there before. It was making his whole body tingle with delight. He looked at the vial, and licked his lips, wondering why it was having this effect on him.

"What the bloody hell happened to me?", he asked with a tremor, and choosing to ignore the vial.

"You were attacked Harry", she answered. "By a vampire", she stated.

Harry didn't know if he should start laughing or crying, wanting to do both. 

"A vampire - I thought those were only myths", he said.

"That's what everyone thought", she replied. "Now, are you in any pain?", she asked in her stern healer's voice. Harry wanted to shout out yes, but it wouldn't do well to tell her about his cock that was standing at full mast - permanently. He shook his head no with a groan, and closed his eyes.

"Where is Malfoy", he asked with a dangerous growl. Hermoine looked at him and answered with a look, "He only works the evening shift Harry. Why?".

"Just asking - I think I saw him in here a couple nights ago", he replied, not wanting her to know what he was feeling, or rather what his cock was feeling.

"I need to ask you some questions Harry, all right", she said. "After that, Ron would like to come and see you".

He hummed his consent and got comfortable, waiting for her to tell him what had happened, and then to answer all of her questions that she so desperately wanted to ask.

"I'm not sure of the details, but you were on a mission in Diagon Alley. We found you the next morning, just lying there in front of Ollivander's. There was blood - a lot of it - but the weirdest thing, was that the vampire who bit you, was lying next to you. Apparently your blood is so rich and powerful, it killed him", she said with a shudder.

"My blood killed him?", asked Harry with disgust. Serves the prick right, he thought, for biting me.

"The good news is that there are no more death eaters, his screams at dying from your blood brought all of them out of hiding, and they were subsequently arrested, after begging for it to happen. The bad news though", and here Hermoine paused. 

He looked at her with worry.

"The bad news is that you are now the most powerful wizard/vampire in our world Harry, and probably the only one left. The vampire who bit you was the leader of a pack, but we have since learned that his pack had died out. He was the only remaining one, and he was probably on his own mission to recruit a new pack when he bit you", she stated with a sigh.

"I'm so sorry Harry", she said sadly.

Harry was reeling. He had no choice but to go with it, and so he asked her.

"What happens now?".

"I'm assuming you have a thirst, so I went to the liberty of asking Professor Snape to make a blood potion for you, so that you can quench it, but I have to tell you Harry, that this is a trial. You have to let me know how the blood makes you feel - good or bad. I need to know everything - all the side effects, all right?", she said, looking towards the vial.

"Okay", he said resignedly and held his hand out so that the potion could fly into his hand. When it did, he popped the cork and downed it in one go. He felt the warmth of the dark red liquid slide down his throat, and he swallowed every single drop, not wanting to waste any.  He felt his thirst take a back seat after downing it, and licked his lips. He closed his eyes again, and waited for potion to give him any kind of effect.

"Well?', she asked.

He opened his eyes and said what he was feeling. "Not so thirsty anymore, thank you, but it feels like I'm going to need more", he said with revulsion. She smiled at him and said that she would ask Snape to up the dosage for which he was thankful, and that his next dose would be later tonight.

"Any nausea, pain, shakes?", she asked with a clipboard in her hand. He shook his head, and thought again of his cock. The only thing that the blood potion hadn't done, was make him feel horny, but he wasn't going to tell her that. 

She smiled at him and told him that Ron would like to come and see him. He waited for his friend to come into his room, and was very alert when he did. He could hear Ron's heart beating super fast, as if he were afraid. He could hear his blood running through his veins, and silently hoped that Ron stayed as close to the door as he could. 

That way, they would both be safe.

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