Until The End (Cloud Strife L...

By princessrroxas

30.3K 669 57

The plot takes place in Final Fantasy Advent Children. A girl named Freya Spirit Hunter has been gone for 3 y... More

Freya Spirit Hunter
Chapter 1
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Ten

1.5K 39 0
By princessrroxas

"You're... Resha Valentine?" I asked. "The greatest sword women?" She nodded. "Wow, I can't believe that I'm actually meeting you." I said. "I'm guessing that you already know about me and my past." She said. I nodded. The wind was blowing lightly. "Where am I?" I asked. She shrugged. "I was going to ask you that." I raised my eyebrows. Until I realized. "Am I... dead?" "Not yet." Replied Resha. Phew. I thought. "Resha, I want to ask you

something." I said. "What is it?" She asked as she crossed her arms. "Does Sephiroth have a weakness?" I asked. She nodded. "His weakness... is me." My eyes went wide. "How?" I asked. "What do you think? He couldn't stab you, instead he just threw you across the ground." She said. "But, how am I going to defeat him?" I asked. "I need you to transform into me." She replied. My mouth opened. "If we do that, how am I going to transform back into myself?" I asked again. "Don't worry about that." I nodded. "Lets do it." Resha held out her hand and I accepted it. Then she disappeared. I felt weird and transformed into her. "Freya,

lets go." She said in my mind. I nodded.

Cloud's POV

I tried to move, I turned my head and saw Freya's body. I got so angry. I looked up and saw Sephiroth. I grabbed my sword for support. "What do you cherish most?" He asked. "Give me the pleasure to take it away." My head shot up and my mind starts to give these flashbacks. Sephiroth was about to charge at me until.... everything went white.

"Cloud, don't give up." Said a voice. "Embrace your dreams, whatever happens you must protect your honor." I know that voice. "Z-Zack?" "Need any help?" He asked. I shook my head and got up. We were back to back. "You beat him before with Freya, this should be easy for you guys." He said. "Yeah." I smiled. "Cloud, you know what I told you." "Yeah. I'm your living legacy." Then it went to reality. Sephiroth clashed our swords together until we saw something glowing. It looked like... Freya transformed into Resha.

Resha's POV

Even though I'm dead. Freya agreed to use her body. I saw Sephiroth and Cloud stopped. Cloud flew back. He freaked out and wondering where's Freya. I give him a 'Don't worry, she's safe look. "Resha?" Said Sephiroth. I turned to him and got my sword ready. "You're alive." He said. "No, I'm not... you killed me 4 years ago." I said. He was in shock. "Since when did I kill you? You know that I love you." He said. A tear came down on my cheek. "If you loved me.. then why did you kill me?" I asked. He didn't say anything. "Thought so." I said. "Resha--" I cut him off. "Sephiroth, you choose the wrong side. You've choosen the dark side instead of light. Freya and I will end this, along with Cloud." "Who's Freya?" He asked. "She's me! The girl who looked like me, idiot." I replied angrily. Cloud got ready. Sephiroth starts to attack me. But I blocked his attack. I threw him, but then he flew up. I breathe heavily and closed my eyes. Frey, give me all the strenght that you have. I said in my head. Right. She replied. I held on my sword and charged at him. Cloud came along. "I pity you, you just don't get it at all... there's nothing that I don't cherish." Said Cloud. "Lets end this." I said. Cloud nodded. They clashed their swords together, then Cloud releashed his ultimate power.

When Cloud was done, that's where I came in. I flew up and stabbed him in the chest. Like he did to me. Our eyes were locked to each other. "I'll see you later... I never stopped loving you." I whispered. I pulled out my sword and flew back down. Suddenly everything went white.

"We did it." Said Freya. I nodded. "He deserve it." "Resha, is it time for me to go back?" I asked. She nodded. "Thanks Freya, for everything." She smiled. "You must go, your lover boy must be worried about you." She replied. I nodded and we said our goodbyes.

Freya's POV

I transformed back to myself. I found myself that I was still on the ground. I tried to get up, and stood up successfully. I saw Cloud looking up at the sky. Cid's airship was there. I smiled. Cloud turned around and looked at me. He came running up to me, I also ran into him. We were in each others arms. "What happened?" I asked. "Kadaj left, he went to the lifestream." He replied. I smiled. He smiled back. BOOM!! A bullet ran through us. I started to fall, but Cloud was able to catch me, even though he also got shot.

"F-Freya, keep your eyes open... Freya... please.. please... don't ... leave... me like this." He said. I couldn't hold it much longer. I cupped Cloud's cheek. He managed to cupped my cheek too. "C-Cloud...

I-I-Love-you." I said weakly. I closed my eyes slowly.

Cloud's POV

Freya's hand slipped off my cheek and I got it. "No---No!!!" I cried. Tears starts to fall down on my cheek.

"We... will... go... together." Yazoo. "Together... we'll... play." Said Loz. I laid Freya on the ground gently. I turned and attack those two. Everything exploded.

I was floating there until I felt something on my forehead. "Mother?" "Again? Why's everyone have been calling me that lately?"

"I guess they must be fond of ya."

" This one is too big to adopt."

" Sorry mate, better luck next time."

I suddenly felt lips on my lips. "Cloud, I love you." It said. I didn't open my eyes. Until I felt hands on my chest. I got up and looked. All the children were around me.

"Its like she said, wait here and Cloud will come back." Said a girl. I looked at her. "Welcome back." Said Marlene. I turned to the others. "I'm back." I looked around and didn't see Freya. "Where's Freya?" I asked. "She said that... she'll come back in... 3 days." Replied Tifa. I look down and didn't say anything. "There's some that aren't cured from the stigma." Said Red XIII. I looked up and did a fake smile. "I know." I replied. I walked up to Denzel. "Its alright... Lets fix you up." Said Tifa. "Come on, I'm here." I said. Reno bent down. "Go on Denzel." Denzel nodded. I helped him and carried him to the lake. I poured it on his head and it was cured. Denzel looked at me and I nodded. He smiled and the other kids starts jumping in. Every kid was around me. I patted of their heads. Until I saw... Aerith and Zack. "See, everything's alright." Zack was leaning on the wall and waved. You're right, I'm not alone, not anymore. I thought.

A/N : Oops we're still not finished. Lets see what happen to Freya on the next chapter. Two more to go, guys.

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