Just a Royal Mess

By RanielleTJ4

9.1K 631 0

What do you think happens when 2 unlikely people meet in a situation that might seem normal to other people b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 28

194 13 0
By RanielleTJ4

Ella's POV

I kissed my way up Sofia's stomach, her breast, neck and then finally placing a soft kiss on her lip. Falling down next to her as she regained her breathing.

I got up and started wearing my clothes on top of a bikini. "Can I asked you something?" I asked as I tied my dress straps around my neck. she got up and started tying it for me. "Yes?" she said.

"Why did Jazz call you Killshot and Why was everyone so scared of you?" I asked as she went to the washroom wore a bikini and then started wearing her clothes.

"Cause I had Anger issues growing up and well being in a gang didn't really help with it. Jazz called me Killshot cause that's what people use to call me when I use to fight. I use to beat down people to death" she said looking down at her knuckles. "I'm not proud of it and I'm not like that anymore. But you got to know I have killed people. I was in a gang and we did do illegal shit. Sure everyone I killed or beat up deserved it and is better dead than on this earth but... I shouldn't have been the one to pick it for them." she said still looking down.

"When was the last time you killed someone?" I asked as I walked closer to her placing my hand under her chin and making her look up at me.

"When I was 23 after that I never killed anyone I might have injured people but never killed them. That's why when I turned 25 I told uncle I don't wanna be in the business and he agreed. So I started handling the hotels but then the Amber thing happened and I had to get back." She said looking at me as I buttoned her shirt. She had told me how Amber, Franc and her had met and everything about that situation.

"Well did you kill anyone during that Amber thing?" I asked her as I tucked her shirt in and she shook her head no.

"Then you have learned and grown from your past. You knew it was wrong and you stopped it. I'm not saying just cause you stopped makes it right but it's the past. Everyone has a past and everyone is ashamed of something they did in the past." I caressed her cheek.

"Are you afraid of me?" she asked me all of a sudden.

"No, cause I know you will never hurt me," I said with a smile and gave her a quick peck. "come on our friends are all waiting" I gave her a soft smile and she returned it and nodded. Wearing her blazer. She looked at me. "You know when we were on the boat coming here?" she asked and I nodded fixing her blazer. " you said you love me" shit I just remembered that.

I don't know how that slipped out of my mouth. Shit, I don't wanna seem "stop overthinking cause I love you too. it's might be too soon but hey that's how we roll. Doing everything backwards" she chuckled and kissed. that's when there was a knock on the door.

"Well, I don't wanna disturb you" that was Amber "But like, umm Jazz jumped off the ship." Sofia just chuckled and I shook her head.

"Let's go before the sink the yacht like Titanic," I said holding her hand and walking outside to where everyone was.

I opened the door after giving her a quick peck. "Come on it's my BIRTHDAY," I said excitedly putting my arms around ambers shoulder. We went to the upper deck to see a completely soaked Jazz. "I thought you were sinking" I said with a smirk.

"Well your majesty I was, but then I realized I left you here," she said right back.

"Touché," I said as I poured myself a glass of champagne and raised it up to her.

"I seriously don't get you both" Kat said looking at us.

"Well she tried to make me jealous by telling me she is my wife's Ex so I'm going to bite every chance I get," I said shrugging

"Hey, to make it fair you actually called your ex" woody said walking in and sitting on Jazz's lap.

"Hey I thought you were my best friend," I said acting hurt.

"I'm but you know I love me some Jazz," she said with a wink.

"Everyone wants a piece of me" Jazz chuckled and add "And there is nothing wrong with a little bite" that's when Sofia walked in. She kissed Amber and Jazz's forehead before coming and sitting next to me.

The conversation was flowing smoothly about Jazz's wedding prep. It's been a while since anyone checked up on the baby. "I will be right back," I said as I got up and walked inside. I asked chief where the toddler was and he said "the baby is with Sonny in the guest bedroom ma'am" I nodded and asked him to lead the way.

I walked in to see Sonny out of his blazer with his shirt sleeves rolled up as he laid on the floor playing with the baby. "Afternoon Ma'am," he said getting up as soon as he saw me.

"How is he?" I asked as I sat down on the floor Indian style. "how is the baby doing?" I asked in my baby voice this time it was directed to the baby as I tickled him as he let out the cutest little laugh.

"He's doing well ma'am" Sonny answered.

"You're doing great aren't you doing great" I continued talking in my baby voice to the baby. I lifted him up and made him sit on my lap as I playing with a ring like a thing with different colours of keys on it. he was entertained by it for 2 seconds before throwing it away. Now he was picking on my wedding ring.

"well you have a good eye," I said chuckling "this is a wedding ring that momma got..."I quickly got out of my baby voice mode "did I just say, momma?"

"Yes, ma'am you did" I looked up to see sonny still standing there.

"Um... I'm going to go" I said as I quickly got up and gave the baby to Sonny.

That was weird. It was weird, wasn't it? am I overreacting? No, I can't be overacting? Calling your wife momma of to a kid you just met is weird, right? Like he ain't even yours.
I walked back up to see everyone in they're swimwear.

"You ok?" Woodie asked me as I entered the deck.

"Yeah yeah just need a drink," I said quickly putting up a smile on my face. I poured myself a shot of whisky and downed it. Picking up a glass of champagne after that I walked back to the group. Where they were arguing about something. How do I know this? cause Kat, Jazz, Franc and Woodie were too into it whereas Skye, Amber and Sofia just laughed at their childishness.

"What you going talking about?" I asked as I sat down.

"ok, you should know it's your boat how long of a dive is it from here to the water?" Kat asked me excitedly.

"Looking at the structure I would say 70 or 75 ft," I said eyeballing a number.

"Ok then I'm out" Jazz to which Kat and Franc gave each other a look and said at the same time "Same"

"I'm not doing it alone," Woodie said slouching in her seat.
"Wow you guys are a bunch of pussies," I said chuckling. by looking at the conversation I think they were talking about jumping off the top deck.

"Well if you are so brave why don't you jump," Jazz said thinking I would back out too.

"Ok, but what would I get if I jump?" I asked her leaning forwards this interested everyone as the moved forwards excitedly.

"Well let's see what I have," she says and starts digging through her purse.

"I don't want something you own, ok how about if I make the jump you got to Yell out ' Princess Eleanor Tovar is my Savior' for the next 5 times we meet?" I asked her with a smirk.

"Ok I will do that but you got to do a triple flip dive after you do 3 shots of tequila within 30 seconds," Jazz said with a smirk.

Sofia's POV

I covered my face with my hand "Guys this is a bad idea" I said as we stood near the edge of the deck. As Kat poured 3 shots of tequila for Ella. As Ella stripped down to her bikini.
"Come on let the princess embarrass herself." Jazz said with a smirk as she knew doing a triple flip dive after 3 shot of tequila is hard plus the 30 second times, Jazz even went and added obstacles for Ella to jump over and then go under.

"You can back out and listen to your wife," Jazz told Ella.
"she will be fine trust me. If it was dangerous I would have never let her even say yes." Franc said as she walked stood next to me.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked still a bit worried but Franc saying that did easily me up a little.

"You will know soon," she said with a smile as she squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.

"Ok 1.." Jazz said as Ella got into a ready position "2.." Ella looked at me and gave me a soft smile "3!" Jazz yelled.

Ella quickly downed the 3 shots shaking her head at the end to get her focus back. Running to the edge of the yacht jumping over and going under every obstacle like a piece of cake as she then gets on the railing. Standing up straight like a professional diver she didn't think twice before jumping spinning and flipping her body perfectly 3 times before landing in the water gracefully.

"What the Fuck?!?" Jazz said shocked.

"How many seconds was that?" I asked looking over the railing as Ella resurfaced on the water with a smile on her face as she blew me a kiss. I made a gesture of catching it and placing it on my heart.

"20!!!" Jazz said still shocked.

"Well, that will teach you not to mess with Ella aka the national Triathlon and High dive Champion," Woodie said chuckling.

"THE WHAT?" Jazz, Kat, Amber and I looked at Woodie in shock. As Ella came walking towards us with a towel warped around her waist and drying off her hair with another.

"You're a National level Triathlon and High Dive Champ?" I asked her confused.

"I was before my mom found out and made me stop competing cause beating boys in a race was not ladylike and diving off high surface was not something a princess should be doing." She said shrugging.

"Well PRINCESS ELEANOR TOVAR IS MY SAVIOR!" Jazz yelled out as she got on her knees and bowed down.
After a few hours, everyone left, leaving Ella and me alone.

We both went to the babies room as soon as we entered Ella fell down on the bed. " Ok jumping that high is tiring," she said as she stretches her arms and legs. I was sitting on the floor playing with the baby on my lap.

"Can I ask you something?" I say looking at her as she takes the change of clothes she had asked from the servants.
"Sure" she shrugs and starts stripping to get in her PJ's.

"When was the first time you did drugs and why?" I asked her with a straight face.

"do you really wanna know?" she asked me and I nodded. She sat down in front of me leaning her back on the bed. "Well, I was a good kid you could say. Like sure I did start drinking from an early age but it was never too much. I had smoked weed with my friends and well Franc but occasional cause I had my events and we are tested before and after ever tournaments.

The day I mom prohibited me from competing was the day I had just lost it. I drank way too much and still had the anger inside me it was boiling I might have even killed someone that day.
A friend of mine had cocaine as he was a heavy user himself. I tried it for the first time and it was somehow immediately hooked on it. Franc and I partied together a lot when we were young but she never got addicted to anything. she just stopped everything all together when she was 18, on the other hand, I... just couldn't stop. I guess she had a reason to stop, her sister, her company but me I never... I shouldn't say never had a reason cause I did have my brother but he after a point he also stopped cause he got busy with his life" she shrugs as she puts her head in her hands.

"The first person I killed was a rapist," I said all of a sudden and she looked at me confused. "I thought if you shared something so important about yourself I should too." I shrugged.

"well when I looked at you confused I was asking you to elaborate"

"Elaborate like the story of why I killed him or how I killed him cause I don't think I should do the latter" I stating it as a matter of fact.

"Well elaborate the story." She said making a hand gesture for the same.

"Well I was working with dad and uncle for a while mainly into accounts and I saw one of my employee came to the office every day with a new bruise. I had told my dad about it and he said it is their family matter. I wanted to help so I even had asked her about it but she always made a new excuse about falling down the stairs or hitting the door, etc.

All of a sudden she stopped coming to work. I waited 2 days then went to her place to find out she was in the hospital in critical condition. She had a 4-year-old kid. she never left her husband cause she didn't want him to hurt the kid. That was the first time in my life I wanted to kill someone. So I did would any person would do. Call dad asked him for his gun and well kill that guy. I prefer not telling you how I did it." I said looking her straight in the eye. "you afraid of me yet?" I ask her.

"No, and I will never be" she smiles giving me a peck on the lip.

"you still think about doing drugs?" I ask her.

"if I said No I would only be lying to myself. I think about drugs at least once a day and have to control myself of my most hectic days. But it is getting better day by day. I think about it for less time and controlling myself has become more easier." She answers honestly.

"That's good and if you ever feel like you're going to slip call me, I will be there in a heartbeat to knock some sense into you," I said with a smile on her face as I leaned in to give her a peck.

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