Same Same | HoonSuk [✓]

By rubon_nobur

29.6K 1.6K 127

"Even if you try to hide it, it's obvious I'm busy pretending not to notice" Jihoon noticed that Hyunsuk has... More



944 69 4
By rubon_nobur

"What are you doing here? Get up. Come in. You're freezing," Hyunsuk said looking really worried. He pulled my hands up, helping me to stand up.

"Where have you been? I can't reach you," I said. "I can hear your phone ringing in here but you didn't answer my call,"

"I forgot to take my phone with me. I was out with Seungyoon hyung. How long have you been here?" Hyunsuk asked. He opened the door. "Seungyoon hyung have told Junkyu that I left my phone at home. You didn't ask Junkyu?"

"I did ask him and he said that he can't reach you as well. He gave me your address," he said. I turned on the light.

"Come in," he said before he walked toward the room where I believe is his bedroom. I took off my shoes and walked in. Hyunsuk walked out from his bedroom with his phone.

He took a controller and turned on the heater. Hyunsuk then walked toward the kitchen.

"Is hot choco is okay for you?" Hyunsuk asked. I just nodded. He hand me a mug of hot chocolate and a blanket. "Why are you waiting outside like that?"

"I just fell asleep while waiting," I answered. So the handsome sunbae that Ryujin mentioned before is Seungyoon sunbae. I didn't know that they're close. "You said that you're out with Seungyoon sunbae? Where did you guys went?"

"He asked me to accompany him for a movie. Because Jinwoo hyung can't come with him," He said. "I'm so sorry. Junkyu pranked you,"

"Well. He always disliked me tho. So I don't really mind," I said, smiling at him. "And I'm willing to wait for you too,"

"Don't do that ever again. You don't know how scared I am seeing you like that," Hyunsuk said before let out a sigh. "Junkyu will be dead the next time I see him,"

"Don't be mad. I'm sorry that I fell asleep in front of your house. I really didn't mean to. I'm sorry, okay?" I said. I should just told him that I just arrived or something. He really looked worried. Suddenly, Hyunsuk cried. I got panicked. Now, I want Junkyu to be dead the next time I saw him. "Hey. Hey. Don't cry,"

I put the mug on the table and slowly cupped his face. Hyunsuk is seriously crying. Because of me. Because he's worry about me. 

"But I made you wait that that. You must've been out there for hours. Why did I left my phone? Why did Junkyu pranked you? Why did you waited there like that?" Hyunsuk asked. He's still crying. I wiped away his tears with my thumbs. Aww. He's so cute. I didn't expect that he'll cry because of this. "And what's so funny about it?"

"I didn't expect that you'll cry like this. Your cool image doesn't suit this you," I said. I didn't mean to laugh at him. 

"You said I'm cool?" He asked while looking at me with his twinkling eyes, because of his tears.

"Yeah. You're really looked cool and fashionista," I said. Almost stuttering because he looked freaking cute right now. I let go of his face. "But in reality you're really cute and clumsy. I can't believe this adorable creature is actually my friend,"

Hyunsuk stay silence for a while before he stopped crying.

"Oh. You've stopped crying," I said.

"I didn't cried," Hyunsuk denied.

"Sure. Sure. I didn't see any tears. I didn't wipe away any tears," I said. I suddenly remember about the report. "Ah! How about your report?"

"What report?" He asked me back.

"I heard it from Doyoung that you have to prepare a report for one of your class. And he said that you're quite struggling with it," I said.

"Ah! I just submitted it today before went out with Seungyoon hyung," he said after thinking for a while.

"So. You're free now?" I asked to make sure.

"Well I didn't have any assignments from today's class," he said.

"Can I sleepover? It has been days I didn't spend my nights chatting with you," I said, whined a little. "I really want to contact you but I afraid if I bother you doing your report,"

"You should just call me tho. Talking to you make me less stressed," he said, sighing. "I was waiting for you to contact me first,"

"Did you said anything?" I turned at him and asked. Did I hear it wrong?

"No. Nothing," Hyunsuk said. "Are you hungry? Want me to make you something?"

"Ramyeon.. Do you have any?" I asked. "I want something with soup,"

"Alright. Wait here," he said. He stood up and walked toward his kitchen to prepare the ramyeon. After he's done, both of us started to eat while chatting.

It felt like it has been so long since the last time I manage to talk comfortably with Hyunsuk. 

"I'll prepare a place for you to sleep," Hyunsuk said. Maybe he noticed that I have been yawning every 10 minutes. 

I pulled his hand, forcing him but sat back down before resting my head on Hyunsuk's laps.

"I'll just take a nap for a while. I have an assignment to be submitted tomorrow morning," I said.

"Why are you keep chatting with me when you have an assignment to do?" Hyunsuk sighed.

"I just missed talking to you. Talking to other people is no fun anymore," I said.

Hyunsuk just stay silence. Not long after that, I can feel his hand on my head. He ran his fingers gently on my hair. 

I would be lying if this doesn't give me butterfly. My heart pounds so much but at the same time, it's calming. He keeps on stroking my hairs until I fall asleep.

I slowly open my eyes after I didn't feel Hyunsuk's hands stroking my hairs anymore. But I'm still on Hyunsuk's laps. I looked up. He fall asleep while sitting.

I sit up and stares at Hyunsuk's sleeping face. This face has been filling my heart and my mind for past few years. I didn't expect that I can look at this face this close.

"Choi Hyunsuk," I called his name almost whispering. No respond. "You know what? I like you. No. I think I already fall in love with you now,"

Hyunsuk is still sleeping. I just smiled.

"Do you like? Or you not? Am I just a friend to you?" I asked. "Did you just interested in me for a while and no longer interested in me?"

Why am I asking him while he's sleeping like this? Because I'm a coward. And ego. Yes. I thought that he liked me before because he has been staring at me at the cafeteria.

Me having a crush on him for years and knowing that he suddenly looking at me make my ego big. I want him to talk to me first, tell how he fells toward me first.

No, never, I won't tell first

But being his friend now make me not sure anymore. Did he just giving me some false signs? I am really hopeless.

I walked toward Hyunsuk's bedroom. I prepared his bed before carefully carry him to his bed. Gladly he's still sleeping when I put him in his bed.

I stares at his face for a while. My eyes falls on his lips. Will I able to kiss that lips someday? Should I kiss his lips now? No. I won't do that.

I placed a long kiss on his forehead before walked out from his bedroom. I need to finish my assignment.


A/N- so yeah.. enjoy and have a nice day~~ Thank you for reading and supporting. I really appreciate it

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