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I stopped in front of a café. If I not mistaken, Yujin sent me a post about a cake from this café yesterday. And I've promised her that I'll treat her that specific cake someday. It doesn't look like there's so many customers in there. I walked into the café and walked straight toward the counter. I saw the cake that Yujin wanted. There's only a few slices left.

"I want that one. One slice," I ordered. The worker at the counter nodded. "Is there any more of that cake?"

"For today we only left with that. We'll bake a new one for tomorrow," the worker said. The name on the tag, Daehwi. "There's a lot of people buying that cake. Is it that good?"

"You haven't tried it?" I asked.

"No," he said. "I don't really like cake,"

"Well. I haven't tried it too. But my friend said that she wanted to eat this but it's always sold out whenever she tried to buy it," I said. Daehwi nodded.

"Anything else?" Daehwi asked.

"Your signature iced chocolate drink with whipped cream and caramel drizzle," I ordered. Actually I always asked Jeongwoo to buy me the iced choco from this café whenever he's coming here. And it's great. But this is the first time I've ever come here by myself.

"Okay. We'll buzz you up when your order is ready," Daehwi said and hand me a buzzer.

"Thank you," I said.

Before I look for a table, I took out my phone and called Yujin.

"Are you free now?" I asked as soon as Yujin picked up my call.

"I'm going to see Minju. Why?" Yujin asked.

"Remember the viral cake you sent to me yesterday? I'm near that café. If you want me to buy you that cake, come here fast," I said before quickly ended the call. I can imagine Yujin shouting while trying to get ready. It must be hilarious.

I actually already planned to treat her food because she helped me shopping some new clothes few days ago. I just realized that most of my clothes is a bit smaller since I've gained some muscles. I asked her to help me to pick some clothes together with Sungchan. I don't really confident with my taste in outfits but my two childhood friends have a quite nice sense of fashion. That's why I asked them to help me with it.

But before I could buy them lunch, Yujin got a sudden meeting and left early. So I've treated Sungchan lunch before and it's the time to treat Yujin the cake because she loves cake more than just a regular lunch.

I walked toward an empty table. Even this café is quite calm and quite, the tables in this café is almost all occupied. And most of the customers here are having discussion, doing their work or just quietly chilling. As I reached that empty table, my eyes widened as I as HIM. Choi Hyunsuk. Sitting at the table across mine.

He's wearing his headphone and looked really focused on his laptop. I can't believe this is my lucky day. Thank God I was around here and remembered that I wanted to treat Yujin. Now I can look at his face as much as I want. The customers here are busy with whatever they're doing so I won't get caught staring at Choi Hyunsuk, right?

It doesn't take too long for Hyunsuk suddenly took his eyes of his laptop screen. I quickly looked at my phone. He didn't caught me yet, right. I pretend to looked at the counter just to see if Hyunsuk noticed me already or not. Yes! He's looking at me now. Like always he's staring at me with his cute expression. Ugh! I really want to hug him, kidnap him and put him in my pocket. So cute!

The buzzer suddenly buzzed. I stood up and walked toward the counter to pick up my order. As I walked toward and from the counter, I glanced at Hyunsuk for a second. Not too long. It make my heart goes pit-a-pat whenever I know and see that he's near me. I sit down and tried to take a picture of the cake to send it to Yujin. But at the same time, I took Hyunsuk's pictures as well.

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