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"Did you see Hyunsuk?" I asked Doyoung.

"No," Doyoung said. He looked at his phone. "He doesn't has any class after 12 I supposed. He probably already went back home,"

"Eh? He didn't pick up my call," I said. "You said that the report is due today, right?"

"Yeah. He probably already submitted it and went home," Doyoung said.

I tried to call him again. No answer. There's a ringing but he didn't pick up my call.

"Hey. Junkyu. Has Hyunsuk told you where he went?" Doyoung asked. I turned at Doyung who's asking Junkyu.

"Hyunsuk? Didn't he went back home?" Junkyu asked. He took out his phone. "He doesn't has any class after lunch. Didn't you took the same class as him?"

"I've spent my time in the study room to finish my report," Doyoung said.

"He didn't tell me anything about it," Junkyu said. "I wonder if he fainted in his house again,"

"Wait?! He fainted?!!" I asked.

"Yeah. Like during our first year if I not mistaken. He fainted in his house after locking himself to finish an assignment," Junkyu said.

"We nearly have to break his door back then," Doyoung said. Why are they talking about Hyunsuk fainted so leisurely?

"I can't reach him right now and I haven't seen him in the campus," I said, panicked.

"Relax. I'll try to asked around. I have an appointment after this I'll let you know if I got any update," Junkyu said before just left.

"But, he might fain-"

"Ah! I have a class. Bye. Tell me if you still can't reach him," Doyoung said and then just left. Just like Junkyu. How did they didn't feel worried of Hyunsuk when he already has a history of fainting in his house alone?

I'm still trying to call him. I even sent him messages just in case he just doesn't want to answer my call. Or he might don't want to see me anymore? What should I do?

After being worried for a while, I got a message from Junkyu.

-I still can't reach him. Can you please check him out at his house?
-I'm quite worried
-What if he fainted again? Or he's hurt that he's unconscious

My eyes widened as I saw Junkyu's messages.

-Yah! Don't make me scared

-I'm worried as well, okay

-Sent me the address

After Junkyu sent me the address of Hyunsuk's house, I went there as fast as I could. Please Hyunsuk. Don't get hurt or anything. As soon as I reached there, I knocked on his door for a few times.

"Hyunsuk-ah?" I called him. No answer. I tried to call him again. I can hear his ringtone in his house. He's in there, right? "Hyunsuk-ah. Open the door please! Don't scare me like this,"

Suddenly the door next to Hyunsuk's house opened. A girl went out from that house. She looked familiar. Ah! She's Ryujin from Business Management major. She's like the girl crush in her major. Ryujin looked at me.

"What are you trying to do?" Ryujin asked.

"I just want to meet Hyunsuk," I said.

She looked at me for quite a long time. Scanning me. Maybe he think that I'm suspicious or something.

"Ah! You're Hyunsuk's friend, right? I saw you with him a lot," Ryujin said.

"Yeah. I'm Jihoon. Park Jihoon," I said, introducing myself.

"Ryujin. Hyunsuk's neighbor. We're the same age," Ryujin said. She then stared at me for quite a while. "I'm still amazed on how Hyunsuk's friends are all so good looking,"

"Oh.. Thank you," I said.

"Ah! You want to meet Hyunsuk, right?" Ryujin asked.

"Yeah," I said. "I can't reach him. Doyoung and Junkyu told me about him fainted in his house before. I got worried and want to check on him. But he didn't answer my call. His phone is ringing inside,"

"Eh? Didn't Junkyu has Hyunsuk's house's spare keys?" Ryujin asked.

"He did?"

"Yeah. If I not mistaken, Hyunsuk gave it to Junkyu because Junkyu rarely come out from his house to trespasses Hyunsuk's house. And when Hyunsuk's fainted back then, Junkyu was the one who opened the door before they could break the door," Ryujin said.

"Eh?" What did she said?

"Hyunsuk probably just forgot to bring his phone. I saw him going out with one of the handsome sunbae who he close to when I just reached home earlier," Ryujin said.

"Ah.. I see," I just nodded. Did Junkyu just pranked me? My heart almost stopped because I am too worried about Hyunsuk's safety.

"I need to go now. If Hyunsuk went out with that handsome sunbae, they'll usually come back quite late. Just leave him a note or something. He'll reach you when he saw your note," Ryujin said.

"Ah! Okay. Thanks," I said. Ryujin excused herself before walked away. I let out a sigh. Kim Junkyu. I really should stop bothering him.

I looked into Hyunsuk's Instagram account to find out who's the handsome sunbae he's going with. That sunbae probably already updated anything about it, right? But I can't find any of it.

I squatted down in front of Hyunsuk's house's door. It's getting dark. Should I just went home? But I want to meet Hyunsuk. It has been days since I have a chat with him properly. I've been avoiding to chat with him because I don't want him to waste his energy just to talk and spend time with me since he has a complicated report to finish, according to Doyoung.

But then, Junkyu make me worried about Hyunsuk by telling me those things. I'm sure that he actually know where Hyunsuk is by now. And he's trying to prank me with. Did he realized that I have a crush on Hyunsuk? Or he just did that because he think I just care about Hyunsuk as friend? And he pranked me because I have been bothering him since forever.

I sit down while hugging my knees. It's getting cold. I should just go back home now. I looked at my watch. I'll go home if Hyunsuk didn't come back in 20 minutes. I can wait for another 20 minutes, right? I've been waiting for years for him to notice me, so this 20 minutes are nothing

"Yah. Park Jihoon," I raised up my face as I heard that soft voice calling out my name. I kind of dozed off for a while. It's Hyunsuk. Hyunsuk is right in front of me looking worried.

I want to hug him right now. I want to tell him how much I missed him. I want him to be mine. I want him. I want Choi Hyunsuk.

But I don't think I can. No. I don't think he want to be mine. He just see me as a best friend. How much should I show him that I really really like him. More than just friends?

"Oh? Hyunsuk-ie," My Hyunsuk-ie.


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